How To Use Vinegar And Baking Soda For Carpet Cleaning Toronto?

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How To Use Vinegar And Baking Soda For Carpet Cleaning Toronto? It is certainly a horrible moment for you to find a wine stain or spilled chocolate blotting your lush, expensive carpet. Stains immediately take away the beauty of these rich carpets. However, instead of standing dumbstruck in such a situation the best way is to try out certain DIY methods that are highly effective in completely removing even the most stubborn stains. And for these carpet cleaning Toronto methods, all you need are a couple of ingredients from your kitchen cabinet. Vinegar and baking soda are the two ingredients that are most commonly used for removing all types of stains on fabric and carpet. These two components effectively remove the stains without affecting the richness of the color. 1. Perfect Use Of Vinegar As Carpet Cleaner Vinegar is commonly used across all the households as a fabric cleaner and deodorizer. So when it comes to removing those stubborn stains on your carpet, vinegar should be your first choice. For removing simple stains, just dilute half a cup of white vinegar by adding one cup of water. Now, pour this diluted mixture in a spray bottle and spray it on the stain. Let the mixture sit on the stain for at least 10 to 15 minutes and then blot it using a paper towel. To ensure that this vinegar mixture does not cause any discoloration, you can use it on a small portion of the carpet before starting the stain removing process. You can use white vinegar on all types of fabric and hence it is an ideal cleaning ingredient which you can use for removing stains on carpets made from both natural and artificial fibers. 2. Baking Soda Spot-Stain Removing Solution White vinegar in itself is a great cleaner. But when it is used in combination with baking soda the results are awesome as apart from removing stubborn stains, it also removes bad smell from the carpets. Take baking soda and white vinegar in equal parts to make a thick paste. Add some warm water to dilute the paste and for getting the required running, thin consistency. Use a sponge or a toothbrush to apply it to the stained area. Let it dry and clean it with a vacuum cleaner.

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