How to Make High Quality DIY Solution for Carpet Cleaning Toronto?

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How to Make High Quality DIY Solution for Carpet Cleaning Toronto? Carpets add lavishness, sophistication, and beauty to a living space. But it requires regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure that it keeps on looking fresh and new all the time. Hiring professional carpet cleaners frequently can be very expensive. Instead, you can maintain the condition of your carpet by preparing a high-quality DIY solution for carpet cleaning Toronto at home. Preparing this solution is not only cheap but it is also very easy. Making DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution For preparing this environmentally friendly carpet cleaning solution you will require: 

1 cup white vinegar

2 cups water

15 drops lavender oil

Two teaspoons salt

White vinegar and salt are easily available in the kitchen. All you have to do is purchase lavender oil to add that aroma to the DIY liquid. It can be purchased from stores that sell aromatic oil and perfumes. Lavender oil leaves a lingering fragrance after you have completely cleaned the carpet. Mix the vinegar and water in the given measure and put this mixture into a spray bottle. Now add 15 drops of lavender oil and salt to this spray and shake it thoroughly. Spray this mixture liberally on the carpet and more profusely on the stained area of the carpet. The ingredients have a tendency to settle down so you should frequently shake the bottle so that the ingredients are mixed properly. After the solution has been sprayed, let the carpet dry and after a couple of hours vacuum the carpet for removing the residue. If the stains are stubborn then you can just rub the stained area on the carpet with a soft cloth gently so that the dirt and grime loosens and can be removed when you vacuum. Since the cleaning solution is made from environmentally friendly ingredients it can be safely used in homes with children and pets.

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