How Can You Salvage The Flood Damage Toronto Wooden Furniture?

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How Can You Salvage The Flood Damage Toronto Wooden Furniture? Floods cause a huge destruction of property and lives. In the case your home has been hit by flood, then you must take quick steps to salvage your wooden furniture which has the tendency to deteriorate fast. You can save wood furniture after a flood only if it has not been trapped in the water for a long time. Furniture made from manufactured products including MDF or plywood deteriorates quickly and cannot be restored. But solid wood furniture can be cleaned and dried and if the furniture has not been exposed to water for a long time, you can restore it and use it again by re-gluing its veneers or joints. Here are a few steps for restoring and salvaging flood damage Toronto wooden furniture: 1. Clean the solid wood furniture first and then dry it so that you can evaluate the damage. Drying is an important step that you should not miss or else the moisture within the furniture can encourage the growth of mold and fungus. 2. For lightly damaged solid wood furniture, use blotting paper for wiping the wood dry and removing excess moisture. Use turpentine or a mixture of water and ammonia mixed in equal measure for cleaning white mildew spots. Wipe the area dry immediately. In the case the veneers are damaged slightly you can glue them back. Use cream wood restorers with lanolin for restoring the finished look of the wood furniture. 3. In the case of heavily damaged furniture that has been in the water for a longer duration, drying all the parts quickly is important. You can disassemble all the parts of the wood furniture including drawers, doors, and back panels. Do not use force for removing the parts if they are jam-packed due to moisture. Once the furniture has dried a bit, the wood will start shrinking and it will be much easier for you to remove the parts. Keep the furniture in direct sunlight or use a dryer to expedite the drying process.

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