Aug. 22 Letters

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For Consideration of the Conditional Rezoning of210 W. Pickard st. by the City Commission







Dear Mr. Kilmer, I am submitting this letter to you for consideration in the upcoming City Commission meeting in which the conditional rezoning of the property at 210 W. Pickard Street will be before you. My name is Heather Otterbine, I am the owner of OmBodies Yoga Studio & Boutique. By the time we are to be heard at the City Commission meeting I will have already been out of business for 2 weeks. The owner of the building in which my studio was located asked that I either sign a 5 year lease or move out of the building by August 8th • I couldn't sign a 5 year lease because we were already outgrowing the space. Truth be told, I did not want to restrict the growth of my studio and with our class sizes growing at the rate that they have been, it became very apparent that this was going to happen. This is a wonderful "problem" to have but it is a situation that needs to be addressed. I opened the studio nearly two and a half years ago and like any other small business owner I'ye worked day and night building it, making it a strong business with nearly 500 clients. These clients are a cross section of people from within the Mt. Pleasant community, CMU students and faculty;people who drive in from surrounding towns, as far away as Saginaw regularly, and people visiting from out of town for a variety of reasons. This yoga studio is strong and continues to steadily grow, but to grow we need space, and that is where 210 W. Pickard St. comes in. As you know, the property at 210 W. Pickard St. is owned by my husband Mike Otterbine, conveniently enough he owns the perfect space for my growing yoga studio. My intention is to explain to you what makes this the perfect location for my business and why the

conditional re-zoning of this property will have a positive effect on our community. Yoga is a 5,000 year old practice that promotes and supports a healthy lifestyle. It has also become quite an industry over the last several years. People in our stress filled, modern society are looking for ways to feel good thru healthy means. They are looking for healthier ways to cope with the juggling act that we call life and yoga provides us some relief. Yoga helps us to create strong bodies, clear minds, and positive attitudes. There is a preferred atmosphere for practicing yoga and I am working to provide that for my students. The space should be clean and peaceful, relaxing to be in. It should be a place where the students can let go of all of the other "stuff' that they have to deal with, a sort of peaceful refuge. I have been practicing yoga for nearly 11 years and have been certified and teaching for 6 years. I have spent the last 6 years continuing my education as a yoga teacher. I attend workshops and conferences with the best yoga teachers in the world so that I may continue to become a better teacher myself. I am presently working on becoming certified to train and certify yoga teachers. I would like to briefly explain how we would use the 5,000 square feet that the office building has to offer us. First, we will 2 rooms to practice yoga in and those 2 rooms will be separated by a moveable partition wall. This partition wall will allow us to open the two rooms up to create one big room which can accommodate larger classes and workshops. It will also allow us the flexibility to run more than one class at a time. Second, is the boutique. Our Boutique carries yoga related products and the majority of those products are made in the United States, from environmentally safe, organic, or recycled materials. I make every effort to provide product options that make sense for our community. Third, is the tea lounge. This tea lounge is meant to be another healthy option. We are hoping to


create a place to unwind a bit in a relaxed environment before class, after class, or maybe just to meet a friend and sit and talk. We want our new business venture to have a positive effect on the community that we live, work, and play in. My husband and I would like to offer another choice to people, and I believe that as I've seen with my studio, this too will bring people in from surrounding areas. Another consideration for my husband and I are the necessary renovations that would need to be made. Yoga is best practiced on hardwood floors. Concrete is to hard on the body and carpet to easy to slip on. I have already paid to renovate someone else's building once and for many reasons would prefer to renovate a building that we already own instead. This leads me into the next reason that 210 W. Pickard St. would be the perfect place for my studio, there are no tenants upstairs. I have been forced out of business once before, not quite a year after I opened. The friend of a tenant upstairs pulled a washing machine out of the wall, threw it down the flight of stairs, and the water ran into the studio for over 6 hours, destroying the costly renovations that I had made to the building. My husband bought the property at 210 W. Pickard St. from his father after the sale of Chippewa Beverage. In the transfer of the property from Mikes father to Mike the property taxes were uncapped, this caused the summer taxes on this piece of property to go up 62%. Mike also owns the first property outside of the city limits in Union Township and it only makes sense for us to use a property that we already own. It wouldn't make sense for us to buy another property or to renovate someone else's building. Our options end up being to use one of the two properties or to leave a thriving business closed. My hope is that you reach the same conclusion that we have; it is best to move a business that needs the space into a space that needs the business.


I have enclosed a copy of the petition that was signed by the surrounding business and property owners. This petition was signed in support of the conditional re-zoning of 21 0 W. Pickard St. If you have any questions or concerns that I may be able to to help you with please feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is and my phone number is 989-854-6529. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Heather Otterbine


.... OIIEIIiIte 210W. PIcIcanI St _Pies Itt Ml48858

989621路7358 Ju1y6.2011

Dear Property Owner: My wife Heather and I are going before the city planning commission to request the conditional ,rezoning of the former office building of Chippewa Beverage Company located at 210 W. Pickard St in Mt. Pleasant. Our plan calls for the conditional rezoning of the ftOnt office building from Industrial to Commercial. We are asking for your endorsement as a neighboring property owner on Pickard Street. Heather owns OmBodies Yoga Studio & Boutique OJrrently lOcated at 126 S. Main 51 in Mt. Pleasant. Her growing business needs more space and we have a lot of empty space at the Pickard Stlocation. We hope to move the yoga studio and boutique to the former Chippewa Beverage office buHding following renovations. Additionally. we want to inClude a tea lounge area. We will be periOdically bringing in renowned teachers from around the country for workshops. We believe our plan is good for business in Mt. Pleasant and pattirutarly for neighboring buSinesses on Pickard St. We appreciate your support in signing this dOOJtnent. tf you have questions feel free to contact me any time.


Mike Otterbine 989-621-7358



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July 6. 2011

approve of the conditional rezoning of the ge at 210 W. Pickard Sf. from Industrial to Commercial.


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July 6,2011

I v,.c, e.L approve of the conditional rezoning of the fonner office building of Chippewa Beverage at 210 W. Pickard SI. from Industrial to Commercial.




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JulyS. 2011



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July 6, 2011

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July 6, 2011

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July 6. 2011


1 I!. ";)r\. approve of the oondHional rezoning 01 the former office building of Chippewa Beverage at 21 0 W. Pickard St. from Industrial to CommerciaL




From: To: Subject: Yoga Studio Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 14:07:04 -0400 I am sending this in support of the continued progress of the creation of Heather's new yoga studio. This is a vital and successful business that needs to have as little down time as possible. Heather has spent a great deal of her time and energy in building up her business. To be closed for any amount of time creates a hardship for any businessperson. She will continue to be a valuable asset to the Mt. Pleasant business community in her new setting- so to support her- I would hope that you would continue to allow her to get back to work as soon as possible. I have been taking her classes regularly since last September and would like get settled back into that same routine soon. Thank you. Brenda Lipar ***************************************************************************** Hi, My name is Courtney Snody and I have lived in Mt. Pleasant for the past sixteen years, and I really like this town. I'm writing in regards to the relocation of Om Bodies. I started attending the yoga studio about nine months ago and became totally hooked! I have problems with anxiety and it has totally helped me with that as well as getting me into better shape, and giving me a more positive outlook about things. I know that might sound a bit crazy but it has really changed my life in a very positive way. Heather is one of the most amazing people I have met and I'm so thankful that she has brought vinyassa yoga to Mt. Pleasant. I am very hopeful that you approve the move of her yoga studio to the new location at the old Chippewa Beverage office building. It truly means so much to me as well as so many other people I know. Thank you for your time. :) ***************************************************************************** Dear Commissioners of Mt. Pleasant, I am writing to ask that you grant the request for the zoning status at 210 W. Pickard be changed from industrial to commercial so that OmBodies may renovate and relocate to this site. I am a client at OmBodies and cannot say enough about Heather and her yoga business. It has meant so much for my mental and physical well-being over the last two years. I recently moved to Mt. Pleasant and once I found her studio and began taking classes, I felt so lucky to live here! I have lived in Maryland, Scotland, Ohio, and New York and taken yoga classes in each of these places however, Heather's class and her business are by the far the best I have experienced. She is an excellent teacher and she provides an invaluable experience for my health. I have now budgeted and sought and secured part-time work in part so that I may take more classes per week. Her classes have helped me get back in shape, both physically and mentally, after having a baby in 2008. They have also helped me maintain my health throughout the long winter. She is a trusted, reliable and responsible yoga instructor and businessperson. It is such a cool thing to see her business grow - people from all walks of life - men and women, stay-at-home mothers, college students, professionals, and more recently, young children have found her studio and classes and now it

seems her studio is bursting. I am so excited about her new space and the opportunities it will provide more classes, unique venue for tea to meet with friends, and most importantly, the ability for me to take a yoga class while my young daughter is taking one. This new space is a wonderful opportunity for me and my family. This new space at Pickard Street is at a great location to enhance my time in Downtown Mt. Pleasant - in the spring and summer months, I will be able to take my daughter with me for a nice day outing - take a yoga class and then an easy walk to the post office, get lunch at one of the downtown restaurants, and then our prescriptions from Downtown Drugs or visit to the library. With a larger studio, Heather will be able to offer more class times and so increase the chances I will be able to take a class during the day when I can enjoy time downtown. Heather's yoga studio is a huge bonus to the Mt. Pleasant community and her new venture is an exciting and important one that I hope the Mt. Pleasant Zoning Committee heartily supports. It will be a significant boon for the financial as well as physical and mental well-being of the community. I would welcome the opportunity to speak to you more about my support for OmBodies Yoga Studio's application to re-zone 210 W. Pickard - please feel free to contact me at this email address or by phone at 989-289-0997. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Molly Ramsey ***************************************************************************** To Whom It May Concern, My name is Katrina Bell and I am a clinical psychology doctoral student at Central Michigan University. I am also a patron of OmBodies Yoga Studio. As a young professional and as a student, I have a lot of stress in my life. I struggle to balance taking classes, teaching classes, doing research, and treating clients for their mental health issues. This is not easy to balance and at times I have sacrificed sleep, healthy eating, exercise, and relationships for my schooling and my work.That was before I started practicing yoga. I started going to yoga at OmBodies in January of this year, at the urging of a friend and classmate. I had known that several clinical psychology graduate students were religiously going to the studio, but I was initially reluctant as I had not done yoga in years and I thought I had "no time" for it. I was mistaken. I was immediately enchanted by the studio's atmosphere and culture, not to mention the instructors. I was pleased to find I could make progress quickly, because Heather Frees, the owner and primary instructor, challenged and pushed me. Heather has been an inspiration to me, not only for her physical abilities, but for her gentle way of teaching and correcting us, all while pushing us to reach our full potential. Although I had liked yoga previously, my experiences with yoga at OmBodies have been fantastic. Yoga has become an important part of my life. It helps me find balance and peace in my chaotic world. It helps me manage my feelings of stress. It helps me let go of the issues that my clients lay as a burden on me. It has helped me lose weight and tone. It has helped me sleep better. It has helped me pay attention to how healthy I eat. It has helped me think more positively toward myself and others. In turn, I notice I am more generous to those around me.

The yoga community at OmBodies is strong and supportive. We have Heather to thank for this. She gets to know each of us personally. She cares about helping us become fit and strong. She teaches us to respect our bodies. She teaches us discipline, as well as fun. Mount Pleasant, Michigan is a small town with a lot to offer and OmBodies is one of its greatest treasures, promoting culture, peaceful thinking, and healthy living. Please allow for rezoning of Heather's building on Pickard Street so OmBodies can expand and the yoga community in Mount Pleasant can grow and prosper, creating more happy, healthy people with the mindset of doing positive things for our community. Please do not take away our safe place to practice yoga. It would be a great loss for many contributing members to society, such as myself. Thank you so very much for your time and consideration, Katrina Bell ***************************************************************************** Dear City Commissioners, I would like to express my support for OmBodies Yoga Studio and their proposed move to Pickard Street. I joined OmBodies in 2009 but soon was forced to take a break while I cared for my husband who had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). During that time I continued to use what I had learned from yoga to help me deal with the stress of being a full time caregiver. In May I returned to OmBodies and have found the yoga classes to be beneficial to my health and well being. It is not just the classes themselves but the restful and reflective atmosphere Heather has created in the studio and the comradery of the other members in the class. The relaxing environment of a yoga studio is different from a high energy multipurpose health club. I look forward to a larger space with opportunities for more classes and an area to linger and talk with my classmates after a yoga class. The current studio doesn't always allow for much conversation after a class as the next class is starting and our conversations would be a distraction. I understand that OmBodies is asking to set up shop in area of town that is zoned industrial. I would like to point out that this area has been vacant for some time, there are still other industrial parcels available and the nation as a whole has been trending to more service businesses. I would like to think that the zoning laws and the board's ability to issue conditional re-zoning permits are in place to protect the community and move Mt Pleasant forward to improve our quality of life. Approving a yoga studio in a vacant industrial area seems to me to accomplish that goal while moving an industry into a residential or commercial zone would not. Please consider the greater good this business can provide to the residents of Mt Pleasant as well as it's potential to attract future businesses and residents. Many cities nationwide are spending considerable money to provide opportunities to improve the health of their communities and thus their quality of life. New business and residents will certainly be looking for cities that can provide a good quality of life. Mt Pleasant has beautiful city parks and green space, sidewalks and bike friendly streets, strong recreation programs, and health clubs available. OmBodies is providing Mt Pleasant with a very popular and well respected year round form of exercise. Of course if you talk with anyone who is practicing yoga they will tell you it is much more than that.

A well run attractive yoga studio with 500 members is a valuable asset. I ask that you please approve OmBodies request and keep them in Mt Pleasant. Thank you for your time and service. Donna Barker ***************************************************************************** Hello: I am writing to support the approval of the OmBodies Yoga Studio for business on West Pickard St. I have been a customer of the Studio for a couple years and appreciate the health support and availability of a yoga studio in Mt. Pleasant as well as the knowledgeable instruction that is provided there. I used to practice yoga at the CMU SAC but OmBodies is a much improved atmosphere as well as a different style of yoga. I am looking forward to practicing at the larger facility including a tea room and easier parking. I live outside Mt. Pleasant, but work and patronize businesses in the City as Mt. Pleasant as this is my "home" City. I cannot attend the meeting on August 22 but hope that the commission votes favorably for the Yoga Studio to continue it's business as planned. Thank you, Sandra Greenwald 6378 S. Vandecar Rd Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 ***************************************************************************** Hi Mr. Pritchard, I am writing concerning the discussion on the rezoning of a building for Ombodie's Yoga Studio. I have been going to yoga at Heather's studio since this past January, and I could immediately see how wonderful a resource it was for the community. If we want Mount Pleasant to be more than just a college town, and we want to foster a community in which families can access the resources they need to remain healthy and happy, then we need to focus on the positives of approving such a business as Heather's to continue developing and expanding. Such a business is a place where men, women, and (if Heather's plans come to fruition) children, can come to relax, exercise, and socialize - all crucial components to a contentful and satisfying life. I truly believe that allowing the building to be rezoned, thus allowing the the business to expand and continue providing a wonderful service to the community, is a step in the right direction toward continuing to make Mount Pleasant and attractive place to live, work, and raise a family. Please consider these points as you contemplate this issue. Thank you for your time, Jennifer Messing *****************************************************************************

Dear Ms. Pritchard: I am writing to support Ms. Freese in her quest to create a new yoga studio on Pickard St. I understand the building she hopes to renovate is located in an area currently zoned for industrial use and that the the approval of the City Commission is required in order for it to be rezoned for commercial use. I urge the City Commission to approve her request for rezoning so that she can proceed with her plans to create a new yoga studio, boutique and tea room. It is certain to be a welcome resource to the residents of Mt. Pleasant who have an interest in health and fitness. I became a convert to yoga after attending yoga classes for one year at Ms. Freese's previous studio, OmBodies, on Main St. Prior to that, I had attended yoga classes at the SAC. Ms. Freese's studio was unique in that it offered yoga classes only. It was a beautiful, clean, peaceful setting conducive to the practice of yoga and the classes were consistently of the highest quality. In fact, I stopped going to yoga classes at the SAC after getting started at OmBodies. I have learned so much about yoga and have made significant gains in my health and well being as a result of attending Ms. Freese's classes. She is an experienced and enthusiastic yoga teacher with a large following and I am confident she will create another unique and successful yoga studio if given the opportunity. I sincerely hope the City Commission will approve the rezoning of the area where Ms. Freese is hoping to create her new yoga studio. Sincerely, Nancy Zipple 1209 Buckingham Place Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989) 772-3183 ***************************************************************************** To Whom It May Concern, I consider OmBodies a valuable asset to our community and to my personal health. Yoga is part of my new anti-­‐cancer life style. It is recommended along with eating right and staying out of the sun. No organization in our area can compete with the yoga experience that OmBodies provides. I support the initiative needed to rezone the area in question for this business to grow. Sincerely, Lisa Wilczak Sent from my iPad ***************************************************************************** To whom it may concern, I am writing to you in support of the proposition to re-zone the property at 126 Pickard here in Mt

Pleasant. There are so many personal reasons that I support this re-zoning but I am sure you will hear from so many others about how having a yoga studio in our town has benefited their physical health, stress levels, sleep, happiness, in short the quality of their lives. Although I share many those same experiences, I think it's important to look at all the aspects of why this re-zoning is important. It's important to note that creating jobs and offering job training in Michigan couldn't be a more pressing issue. Part of being able to do that, especially in Mt Pleasant, includes being able to diversify what kinds of jobs there are to do. Yoga is an untapped resource in Michigan. The ability to train and certify new teachers as well as teach new and current students is something that is not offered within 80 miles of mt. pleasant. Yoga, which is a diverse billion dollar a year global industry, is not being utilized to its full potential in Michigan. The requested rezoning would set Om Bodies on the fast track to start offering certified training. Also, the need for more certified teachers at Om Bodies is a current need and could possibly bring specially trained teachers to our town and grow our community in the direction of health and fitness. The possibility for growth at Om Bodies is undeniable. Very few new businesses that I know of have had the success in 2 years that Om Bodies has had. Om Bodies has had over 500 hundred clients ranging from locals who have become addicted to this healthy practice, to out of town visitors who were thrilled to not have to skip their yoga while visiting our town. Not only was Om Bodies offering a new concept to our town, but there were many obstacles that have arose during these first few years. The most important to note is during the first year of business, the previous location that was being rented was below apartment building. One Friday night one presumably intoxicated individual pulled a washing machine right out of the wall and tore the water hook up from the wall. Water proceeded to spill out of the open hook up and down into Om Bodies studio. When the owner showed up to teach class Saturday morning along with several eager students, they were greeted by a completely ruined studio. Floors, walls, yoga equipment, destroyed. The business proceeded to close for 3 weeks while insurance companies and landlords argued with the owner about who's responsibility it was to repair everything. And finally construction and reopening. Luckily for the owner, folks were happy to get back to their practice and hadn't lost interest in the least. Having a separate space like the one on Pickard set apart from any other building will allow for the kind of atmosphere that is conducive to the practice of yoga. I urge you to approve the re-zoning set before you. Join your community in their effort to offer healthy, fun, options that so many have found and will find improves the quality of their lives. Very Sincerely, Kathleen Bracken 107 E Broadway #1 Mt Pleasant, MI ***************************************************************************** Hello; I am writing to express my support for the proposed rezoning of property for use by Ombodies yoga studio. I regret that I will be away during the hearing on August 22. I am sure you have received other letters expounding the many benefits of yoga etc. I don't think that is at issue here. I do not fully understand the rezoning issues, but I did attend the public hearing of the city planning commission in July and felt that the concerns aired there centered on loss of business from the downtown area. My understanding is that Ombodies would leave the downtown area regardless of this decision, because there is not a space suitable there for a growing studio. The previous location of the studio was

simply too small. If the rezoning is not approved, it is possible the studio will relocate to another municipality. I estimate that I spend approx. $1500 annually at Ombodies and I would willingly spend that money in Midland (for example) if the studio relocates there. If the rezoning is approved, an empty building will be put into active use, a growing body of students would benefit while spending their money locally, and a thriving small business will have to opportunity to continue growing and contributing to the Mount Pleasant economy. It is hard to conceive of the studio interfering with industrial uses in the area. I have been very impressed with the professionalism and dedication of Heather and her instructors at Ombodies and would greatly regret the loss of this vital small business from the Mount Pleasant area. Sincerely, Janice Burke 14-year resident of Mount Pleasant 1016 South Brown Street Phone: 773-1440 E-mail: ***************************************************************************** To whom it may concern, I am writing in regards to the rezoning proposal for OmBodies yoga studio to the old Chippewa Beverage office building. I have been attending classes at OmBodies 4 -­‐ 6 times a week for 8 months now and have seen tremendous physical and mental benefits. The thought of them possibly closing the business is honestly heartbreaking. Especially because OmBodies has opened my eyes to yoga and I would like to pursue a career in the field. Yoga has something to offer to ever body and I am sure that you have read about all the health benefits involved. I think any city would be happy to host a yoga studio that is contributing to a healthy community especially when you take into consideration obesity problems and childhood obesity. I hope that you see the benefits that yoga brings to the community and vote to pass the zoning proposal. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Best Regards, Carlin Caszatt ***************************************************************************** Dear City Commissioners: I have lived in Mt Pleasant since 1978 and was excited when there was a yoga studioOmbodies. The classes offered by Heather were needed years ago. Now the studio needs to move to a new location and the city commissioners are questioning whether to change the building zoning from industrial to commercial. The new location whether it is providing products or services, both are still businesses. The creation of a larger studio with more classes only increases the pleasantness of Mt Pleasant. I urge you to change the zoning and grant Ombodies their new home. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience.


Crystal Popour Crystal Computer Support, Inc. 120 S University Ave. Mt Pleasant, Michigan 48858 989.773.9002 Bus. ************************************************************************************* I have been a customer of Heather and Ombodies Yoga Studio for the last two years. Heather has built a wonderful business and a true asset to the Mt pleasant community. They have outgrown their current location and in trying to grow their business they need to move to a larger location. The logical choice was the old office building of Chippewa beverage because of the size, location and most important - they own it. I am also a business owner in Mt Pleasant (Central Motor Sports) and understand the reasoning behind their choice to convert property they own as oppose to renting or buying a different location. In these economic times everyone is tightening their belts and making do with the resources they have. Their decision to exploit assets they already own rather than incurring additional cost is a sound business decision and should be taken into consideration when deciding on their rezoning request. Realistically this section of Pickard is more condusive to a commercial business clientelle at this point in time. Mt Pleasant has grown and changed over the decades and this is a part of that growth and change. I ask you to support the Otterbines and the business they bring to Mt Pleasant (as well as revenue and taxes) by approving their rezoning request and letting them move forward with their expansion ASAP. Sincerely, Sheila Murphy ***************************************************************************** To Whom it May Concern, I am writing in concern of the rezoning of Chippewa Beverage to OmBodies Yoga Studio. I started doing yoga last fall not thinking I would like it and it wasn't "fast pace" enough for me and my workout regimen. I was wrong. Not only did I LOVE it but my body changed. I felt more relaxed, calm, leaner, and healthier. Isn't this what we all need in our lives? Why would anyone want to say no to this kind of opportunity because it is zoned "industrial"? They are planning on putting a "business" in a vacant building that will in turn be utilized; and utilized for something healthy and positive for ALL our well beings. Would we rather have people coming into our town on a well traveled road seeing a bunch of vacant buildings? OmBodies is a GREAT asset to this community; it's not a bar, it's not liquor store; it's a healthy business that brings family and friends together to become healthier and happier mentally and physically. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Bethany Beebe, Realtor The Massaway Team Coldwell Banker MPR 304 E Broadway Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 Cell 989-506-4242 Office 989-773-5972 ex 280 ***************************************************************************** To whom it may concern: I am writing to relay my support for OmBodies Yoga Studio's efforts to re-zone their building at 210 W. Pickard in order to continue offering yoga classes in Mt. Pleasant. While at their Main Street location they offered numerous classes, clothing and accessories for those practicing yoga. There is not another company like this in Mt. Pleasant and I believe they bring a fresh and healthy option to people in the city, not to mention it is also stress relieving! My husband has been practicing yoga for over a decade and found Heather, the owner, to be very knowledgeable and helpful. If they are not able to continue their business at their new location it would be a great disservice to the community. As social worker and local craftsman in Mt. Pleasant, I would like to show my support for this re-zoning request to ensure another small business strives. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you in advance. -olive & indio ---------------------------jenelle lynch mount pleasant, mi ***************************************************************************** Hello: My name is Laura Gourlay and I live in Mt. Pleasant. I have attended yoga classes at Om Bodies Yoga Studio since it opened. I am aware that the studio is hoping to move to an area of town that has been zoned industrial and is asking that it be conditionanlly re-zoned for commercial use. I am fully supportive of this and I beleive it would benefit the entire community. Thank you for consdering this request. Laura Gourlay ***************************************************************************** To whom it may concern, I am a new member to the Mount Pleasant Community and have enjoyed finding unique aspects to this beautiful town. One wonderful place that I have found is OmBodies. So I am writing to encourage the

approval of re-zoning the property: 210 W. Pickard Street. Please continue to support the yoga studio because it adds so much to the town. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Heidi K. Mahon ***************************************************************************** To the Commissioners of the City of Mount Pleasant: You have the power to make one very large group of yoga students, members of the community all, very happy. As you know, OmBodies has been forced to close its studio on Broadway; there are no buildings on Broadway or old downtown large enough to house OmBodies, and these students are now practicing yoga in Nelson Park. There were forty participants at the session on August 10, and this will continue to grow. We will be most happy if you will grant the petition of OmBodies to conditionally re-­‐zone the building at 210 W. Picard. The purposes for which this building will be used are yoga practice rooms, a retail shop where clothing and accessories necessary to the practice of yoga will be sold, and a tea room where yoga students may meet after yoga class for healthy tea drinks. I have been practicing yoga with Heather of OmBodies as my teacher since June 1, 2009, which has greatly improved the quality of my life. I will be grateful if you will grant the petition to re-­‐zone, so that my practice can resume in a studio. I am proud to be a member of the strong local yoga community in Mt. Pleasant, and I thank you for your consideration of our plea. Sue Chrouch Murphy 300 W. Bellows #1412 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 989 774 4584 ***************************************************************************** A Pritchard: Could this please be forwarded to the City Commissioners Prior to the August 22nd Meeting? Many Thanks. Re: Support for 210 W Pickard Street-­‐ City Commission Meeting August 22nd, 2011 Dear Mount Pleasant City Commission Members, I am writing in support of the conditional re-­‐zoning request of 210 W. Pickard Street from industrial to commercial. As a newer resident of Mt. Pleasant (3 years) I was thrilled when Heather Frees opened the OmBodies Yoga Studio as this was a level and quality of yoga not offered in the city. She has expertise that far surpasses that available until the studio opened. This is evident in the growth of her yoga studio as there is a growing and vibrant community of people that currently go to the classes offered at OmBodies with over 500 individuals attending classes. This cross section of the community includes men, women, children from all walks of life which has definitely benefited the community in that Heather offers classes that range from beginner to advanced.

These classes have helped me to develop my yoga practice but also, and sometimes, more importantly friendships and a sense of community that I feel benefits the City of Mt. Pleasant. This rezoning request is an opportunity to expand the benefits within the city and with the current lease not being renewed it would be a poor decision on the city’s part because this is such a benefit to the community. I have noticed that these classes are currently becoming packed and with the numbers of the participants the current facility could not accommodate the re-­‐zoning of the 210 W. Pickard Street building would be able to best accommodate the growing yoga practice. Currently, only one class is offered at a time therefore limiting the ability to cover all levels of yoga. The new facility, from my understanding, would be able to offer that, more restrooms/change rooms, as well as a tea room for after practice which many participants and non-­‐yoga participants would find a refreshing benefit to the community. Also, this re-­‐zoning would allow for more employment/hours of instructors and increased hours. Currently, this could not happen without the rezoning so every employed Mount Pleasant citizen should be important to the city. This, in this time of economic constraint, would be a huge benefit to the current and future employees of Heather Frees. Finally, I would like you to consider the City of Mt. Pleasant Master Plan. After reading it I realized that in fact, the city would like this area of the city to progressively become more commercial (Figure 4;­‐ ) with commercial areas totally surrounding the 210 W. Pickard Street Property and encourage recreational opportunities (Point E, Page 52; Point C, Page 54; Point D, Page 58), and especially, “encourage business retention and recruitment” (page 61). You will likely note during the upcoming meeting that this rezoning has a lot of support-­‐ with that I would remind you that the City of Mt. Pleasant that you represent has a Master Plan that starts with the following sentence, “core of any community planning effort is the input of the citizenry”. Please listen objectively to your citizens about this rezoning. During the planning commission meeting, which I attended, there appeared to be a lot of subjective decision making and unwillingness to be open to new ideas that, yes, are unique but would benefit our community which has already been shown by the success of Om Bodies. I hope you consider this re-­‐zoning as an asset and benefit to the City of Mt. Pleasant and I am certain you will see the support that this re-­‐zoning has within the community. Sincerely, Daelyn Woolnough Daelyn A. Woolnough, Ph.D. 160 Brooks Hall (office) 159 Brooks Hall (lab) Biology Department Central Michigan University phone- 989-774-2985 fax- (989) 774-3462 email- or ***************************************************************************** Dear City Commissioners,

I am writing this letter in support of the bid for conditional re-­‐zoning of the property at 210 W. Pickard in order to revitalize West Pickard and allow for the continued growth and development of Ombodies Yoga Studio. In this letter I will address 1) need and precedence for such re-­‐zoning and 2) physical attributes provided by the office building at 210 W. Pickard. First, it is my understanding that neighboring West Pickard has previously been re-­‐zoned from Industrial to Commercial to support a gym and a tasting room. This is no different from this request to support a yoga studio and a tea room. Continuing to develop this flexibility in re-­‐zoning will bring life back to a sector of our City that is currently stagnant. Secondly, the physical space that supports a safe and enjoyable yoga practice has special requirements. Some of these requirements include: 1. Flooring with give 2. Lighting control 3. Temperature control 4. Ambiance Once the property is re-­‐zoned, the Studio will be able to upgrade the office building to provide these physical requirements. In closing, I would also point out that Ombodies Yoga Studio is a unique business in the Mt. Pleasant community. There is no other business in our community devoted to the practice of yoga and able to supply high quality yoga products. The rapid growth of this business and the fact that they outgrew their previous space in only 2.5 years provides sufficient evidence that Ombodies provides a service that residents of Mt. Pleasant desire. I hope that the City Commissioners will support both the residents of Mt. Pleasant and Ombodies Yoga Studio and will vote in favor of this conditional re-­‐zoning. Sincerely, Elizabeth Alm 710 Hopkins Ave. Mt. Pleasant Elizabeth Wheeler Alm, Ph.D. Microbiology Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 ***************************************************************************** To the City Commissioners of Mt. Pleasant: My name is Derrick Chan, and I am writing in support of OmBodies Yoga Studio & Boutique and conditional re-­‐zoning of 210 W. Pickard Street. While I am not from Mt. Pleasant, I visit frequently as my fiancee is a graduate student at Central Michigan University. I have seen OmBodies grow from a small startup with big aspirations and just a few students per class, to a place where the entire community,

young and old, not only comes to practice yoga but also to gather. It has been very great to see the studio, under ownership of Heather Frees, transform into such a success and an integral part of the community. People look forward to attending classes to grow both physically and spiritually. Unfortunately, OmBodies has been put into a predicament where it must be out of its current location by August 8, 2011, thus accelerating its timeline to move the new location at 210 W. Pickard Street. In the upcoming City Commission Meeting on Monday August 22nd, I am asking that the Commission re-­‐ zones the new location to Commercial so that OmBodies can continue being such a big part of the community. Not only would this demonstrate support for local business and the economy, but also the community as a whole. Thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely, Derrick ***************************************************************************** Dear City Planning Commission, My name is Cheryl Gering and I am a graduate student at Central Michigan University who has also been a student at OmBodies Yoga Studio and Boutique since it opened a few years ago. It has been a joy to see the studio grow from having only one student per class to barely having room for every student. Allowing OmBodies to grow in the proposed location on Pickard Street would provide a variety of benefits to the Mount Pleasant community as a whole, as well as to its residents. How would allowing OmBodies Yoga Studio and Boutique to expand contribute to the Mount Pleasant community? OmBodies would contribute to Mount Pleasant’s recent efforts to provide diverse and healthy lifestyle options for a growing community. As a graduate student who was born and raised in New York, I needed to adjust a great deal to living in a small town. At first, I had difficulty finding diverse options for living a healthy lifestyle, and was discouraged by the chains of fast food along Mission Street. However, I was encouraged by Mount Pleasant’s slow but steady efforts to offer a variety of options for living a healthy and diverse lifestyle (e.g., locally owned restaurants like Risk Restaurant, Tavola Gigi’s, Shin’s Korean Restaurant, The Flour Uprising, Oh My Burgers and Fries, Los Aztecas). OmBodies Yoga Studio and Boutique has been an absolutely incredible asset to the Mount Pleasant Community, also promoting and contributing to health and diversity, and building a sub-community of its own. Contrary to the trend in today’s society to hasten for quick—and often ineffective in the long-term—fixes for stress as well as for physical and psychological concerns, yoga provides a healthy lifestyle approach to rejuvenating the individual with longstanding gains. A community that turns towards yoga is a community that turns away from maladaptive coping strategies (e.g., drinking, aggression, overeating) and towards permanent ways of living that promote happiness, well-being, and spirituality. As a graduate student who lives several hundred miles from home, I have sought an outlet to relieve a variety of stressors and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular yoga practice at OmBodies has become an integral component of my weekly routine, and as a result, I am better able to focus, to maintain sleep hygiene as well as a healthy mood, to reduce physiological tension and pain, and to manage physical stressors. Several students from my graduate program also practice yoga at OmBodies and have reported similar

personal benefits. We have all agreed that a week of graduate school is more manageable when we have gone to a few yoga classes at OmBodies! The addition of an expanding yoga studio, boutique, and tea lounge would greatly enhance the revitalization of the Mount Pleasant community and encourage the growth of locally owned establishments more generally. Heather’s plans to expand the studio and boutique to include a tea lounge will offer a healthy and safe niche for students and adults to gather, socialize, and relax. This meeting place would be an alternative to less safe and less healthy socializing activities often engaged in by college students. The lounge would also introduce a trendy, urban-like atmosphere to a small town community, thereby exposing small town residents to a more urban feel and helping those who are familiar with this type of setting to feel more at home. Allowing OmBodies to grow in this new location would help stimulate this underutilized area of the community, while avoiding traffic congestion due to the ample parking space that this location provides in the contained lot. Why should OmBodies, in particular, be given the opportunity to grow? Heather Frees and her staff provide high-quality instruction that, coming from New York and having traveled across a variety of states, I have not been able to find anywhere else. Heather’s certification, education, and continued efforts to stay up-to-date on the best yoga instruction and anatomy knowledge (e.g., consistent attendance at national yoga conferences with world-renowned instructors, her library of resources for anatomy, physiology, and yoga technique) are great strengths that highly benefit her students. Such expertise ensures that her students are safe, continue to progress without injury, and can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with a variety of presenting concerns. Moreover, the range of classes the studio offers (e.g., from beginner to advanced, from Kids’ Yoga to prenatal yoga, from intense vinyasa to relaxing restorative) and Heather’s ability to provide individualized instruction makes yoga a way of life for a wide spectrum of individuals. I have witnessed how Heather’s instruction has made yoga a physically, emotionally, and spiritually accessible—as well as financially affordable—artform and physical activity for a variety of individuals. From a practical standpoint, rezoning the building would allow OmBodies to offer a wider range of classes at a variety of times and with convenient facilities (e.g., showers, parking lot) to meet the needs and fit the busy schedules of the individuals in the community. Taken together, re-zoning the building on Pickard Street will contribute to the revitalization, health, and diversity of the Mount Pleasant community. Moreover, the expansion of OmBodies will allow the establishment to continue to grow and positively affect the lives of individuals of all physical, emotional, and spiritual backgrounds in (and visiting) the Mount Pleasant community. Re-zoning the Pickard Street property as soon as possible would reduce considerable lag between the move-out date (from the current studio space) and the date in which the studio can re-open and resume offering classes to the community. I am looking forward to continuing to be a part of the continued growth of both the OmBodies and Mount Pleasant communities as they continue to facilitate the health and well-being of all of their members! Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter! Best,

Cheryl Gering *****************************************************************************

To Whom It May Concern, I would like to let you know how much Ombododies Yoga has changed my daughters life. Because of doing yoga consistently she has become more physically fit by toning her body, and her eyes are turning blue. Yoga works to detoxify the body and she is healing herself from the inside out. Yoga has also helped her to be more patient in life and have a calm perspective. I think Ombodies Yoga as a business would be a positive addition to any city. Johanna Novak 248-207-78378 ***************************************************************************** Dear City Planning Commission: As a devotee of yoga, I am submitting a written request for approval from the City Planning Commission regarding OmBodies Yoga Studio's use of the building located at 210 W. Pickard. Due to an increase in the number of students registering, Ms. Heather Frees, the proprietor of OmBodies, realizes the need to expand her studio to provide the Mt. Pleasant community with a more diverse yoga experience (e.g., offering a wider variety of yoga styles and additional class schedules). Many yogis (yoga practitioners) - whether they are residents of the community or traveling for business or pleasure - often seek a reliable studio to maintain their routines or to relieve stress from daily life. Ombodies is that reliable studio with well-trained instructors who provide their students with a safe and enjoyable experience. During my visits to Mt. Pleasant, I have participated in classes with my daughter, Cheryl Gering and have been highly satisfied with my experiences. Cheryl, a graduate student at CMU, was among Ms. Frees' first students and has seen the class size grow considerably in recent years. Therefore, the new location would not only serve the community, but would also offer a retreat for individuals who travel to the Mt. Pleasant community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. NAMASTE! Sincerely, Mrs. Ellen Gering *****************************************************************************

I support the rezoning of 210 W. Pickard for use as a Yoga Studio and Tea House. Charlotte Fokens ***************************************************************************** Dear City Planning Commissioner, Please, approve re-­‐zoning of the property at 210 W. Pickard St. to allow relocation of Ombodies Yoga Studio. The people of Mount Pleasant can only take advantage of the benefits brought to the city by the Yoga Studio. A fit and healthy community is certainly happier and more productive. Marco Fornari -­‐-­‐

 ***************************************************************************** Dear City Planning Commissioner, Please, approve re-zoning of the property at 210 W. Pickard St. to allow relocation of Ombodies Yoga Studio. Since its establishment, the studio has been an important addition to what the City of Mount Pleasant has to offer. A fit and healthy community is certainly a happier one. Claudia Pastorelli Mount Pleasant, MI ***************************************************************************** To whom it may concern, I wanted to extend my support to the proposed new location of the OmBodies yoga studio. As someone who visits several times a year, I can say that it also helps bring money to other local businesses. We always stop of for something to eat or drink afterwards. Thanks, Joe ***************************************************************************** I would like to express my support for the rezoning of the property at 210 S. Pickard to allow OmBodies to relocate and operate. I have found the studio to be extremely professional and has greatly helped my 12 year old daughter who has been recently diagnosed with scoliosis. In fact the classes that she has been taking has greatly reduced her back pain. Thank you for your consideration. Love Vavzincak Domestic Violence Case Manager 989-775-4402 ***************************************************************************** ********

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