Speaking Rubric

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Volume, rate & fluency






Practically nothing or irrelevant

Not enough content; some is irrelevant

Enough content, primarily relevant.

Variety of types of relevant content (generalizations, details, examples)


Low volume, rate too fast. Many disfluencies

Volume too low or too loud. rate too fast or too slow. Pauses are too long or at inappropriate spots. Some disfluencies

Volume not too low or too loud. Rate not too fast or too slow. Pauses are not too long or inappropriate. Few disfluencies

The volume varies to enhance the meaning of the message. Rate varies and pauses are used to add emphasis and interest. Very few or no disfluencies


So unclear that you cannot understand

The pronunciation and enunciation are unclear and you have difficulty understanding

The pronunciation and enunciation are clear.

Pronunciation and enunciation are very clear.

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The message is organized. You do not have difficulty understanding the sequence and relationships among the ideas in the message.

The message is overtly organized. Appropriate organizational aids.




So disorganized you cannot understand most of the message


Grammar Language Vocabulary

The organization appears random or rambling.. Ideas are not sequenced

The grammar is so poor that you cannot understand most of the message.

Many grammatical mistakes. Simplistic, bland language.

Few grammatical mistakes. Complex grammatical structures

Very few grammatical mistakes. Complex grammatical structure and use of metaphor, similes or exemples

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The vocabulary is so poor that you cannot understand most of the message.

The speaker uses only concrete vocabulary

The speaker uses both concrete and abstract vocabulary.

The speaker uses language in highly effective ways to emphasize or enhance the meaning of the message.

X2, 5



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