Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions???

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Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions??? Group insurance through my current job is not an option at this point. I work for a very small & fairly new company that does not offer that benefit yet. My fiance has group coverage through his job, that I think we have to actually be married for me to be eligible for coverage under his plan. At this point, I'm not ready to rush into getting married just for the health insurance... Related

Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver? Do you know any cheap car insurance providers for young driver? How much is car insurance for 17 year old? how much is car insurance for 17 year old? i want to buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and i wondering how much the insurance is. also do i have to pay the full amount of insurance upfront or is split into months for example if the insurance is 3000 am i be ale to pay 250 a month I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).? I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).? How much would auto insurance cost? I am going to be driving soon (I am 15) and I'm looking into buying a car/truck. I would like to know how much it would cost for me to get insurance so that i can drive soon. Thank you! Is there a really cheap insurance for people on a fixed income? my dad is legally blind and my mother is the only driver, they cannot afford to pay 150-200$ a month for insurance." "My father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he" my father has been here in the usa for 25 years and has diabetes, obviously he cannot get insurance because he wasnt born here on usa but he has diabetes really bad and serious, does anyine know how i can help him get medicine? some type of program maybe? or how much does the top diabetes medicines cost? i would appreciate any kind of help."

How do I get Cheap Car Insurance? I am looking at buying a car for the first time in 8 years. So the problem is that I do not have any No Claims Discount for my insurance. Even though I am 40 years old, clean driving license, no convictions etc, I am being quoted over 400 TPF&T; for a 1.4L Astra of Golf even with my retired Mum added as a named driver. I am an office worker, single, won't use it for commuting and will do less than 8000 miles a year. It will sit parked on the street for 4 or 5 days of the week. Does anyone have any top tips for reducing car insurance? It seems daft to be paying over 400 to insure a car that costs under 2000 Thanks Paul" Insurance after driving ban? Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned? How much would insurance be on a 1987 Fiero GT? I don't know much about insurance rates and all that stuff, I'm only 17 and haven't taken the time to learn it. I just need a quick estimate on how much insurance would cost for such a car as that is what I'm looking at. Details welcome. Please don't start giving me advice on cars and trying to tell me what type of car I should get for my age. I would just like to know the answer to my question. Thanks." How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance? I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit Car insurance for 5 weeks - where from at a good price? I know Google will happily direct me to tons of crappy comparison sites, but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for a cheap car insurance in the UK for around 5 weeks. 28 days offered by many temp companies is slightly too short and probably too expensive, as is a year policy!" Can i get affordable baby health insurance? ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!" How much would a new driver expect to pay for their car insurance (UK)?

I'm 16 and will soon begin driving lessons, and every company I go to online to find a quote asks for my name and address, and until I need the insurance i'm not going to enter them. Does anyone have an idea how much a 17 year old would expect to insure a first car (something small like a Vauxhall Corso, Renault Clio et al)?" Insurance companies that offer insurance to permit drivers? I just recently bought a car a few days ago and I'm in need of insurance until I get my license in October, is there any insurance company that will offer insurance until I get my license, I'm only 19 and I live in ny, I'm also aware that I will get crazy rates since I'm a teen and have a permit and will be considered a first time driver but I need insurance, don't have anyone to put me under so I have to put it under my name. Thanks in advance" I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where? I was wondering if anyone could tell me if you can get like your life insurance lisence online and where? Go doctor's without insurance? i haven't been feeling well and i think it's about time i have a check up at a interested in a walk in clinic that's not to expensive because my insurance does not work here. anyone know any good clinics around buena park, california???" Does anybody know any type of affordable car insurance (South.CA) for a teen who just got his driver license? Do you know any car insurance that is not too bad (that covers stuff) yet not too expensive (lets say somewhere less than $500 a month)? And could you also please site a reference site? Thank you. Whats a good health insurance company? One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?" Disadvantages of insurance? Can any one kindly list the disadvantages of Insurance? or give the link of website? Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car? someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand. Car insurance confusion?

Ok, I'm 17 and I just moved to Florida with my 18-year-old boyfriend. He just got his license suspended so in a few days I'm going to get my first license here in Florida because I have a job to get to. (I've had my NC learner's permit for over a year) My question is basically, what are my options for car insurance? Can I have my own policy or is my only option to be put on his insurance? Please help!" In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper? In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper? "Health insurance, to see chiropractor help!?" im trying to find health insurance because i dont qualify for medicare. im currently unemployed and looking for work, and couldnt go to fiu this semester. im 26 years old woman. i hurt my back lifting boxes a few months ago. the pain is horrible some days that i have to stay in bed all day. i need to see a doctor but i dont have money and i am living with my disabled mother. my zipcode is 33010 what is the cheapest insurance here that would let me see a chiro and get xrays done? the less i would have to pay the better since my financial situation right now is bad." How much would my property insurance go up after a large claim and non-renewal? I own a 5 unit apartment buidling and after 20 years of no claims, I filed one large $80,000 claim last year for a burst pipe and water damage. The insurance company won't renew my property insurance this year. How much do I expect my insurance cost to go up if I find another insurance company that will insure me? I was paying $3,000 per year. Would I expect the premium to double or more?" What is the best Life Insurance company? I'd like to get my mom some life insurance as she just turned 61. I'd like to know the cheapest/legit place to get life insurance for her. Any suggestions? Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions??? Group insurance through my current job is not an option at this point. I work for a very small & fairly new company that does not offer that benefit yet. My fiance has group coverage through his job, that I think we have to actually be married for me to be eligible for coverage under his plan. At this point, I'm not ready to rush into getting married just for the health insurance... Car Insurance - is it really this expensive? Hi. Ive been living in Spain for almost the last 6 years and recently came back to the UK. Im after insuring a car, but the quotes im getting are ridiculous! I've been driving for nearly 6 years, I'm 24 years of age and I'm being quoted over 2,000 for cars like a 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... I have no proof of NCB due to living abroad in Spain but surely this can't be right can it? I've been told by a friend that their daughter of 17 years of age who still has not passed her test has been quoted 1,700 on a similar car. Finding this a bit hard to believe considering the quotes I'm getting. So, is insurance really this overly priced in the UK or am I going wrong somewhere? Cheers"

"Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?" First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks" How does uninsured motorist effect me and the insurance company? if i get in a car accident with someone that dosnt have car insurance how does this effect me and the insurance company Getting insurance under my name? In NJ, it states that you need proof of insurance to transfer a title. How can i get proof of insurance if I don't have the title under my name? Can I get insurance before tranferring the title, or can i get insurance without transferring the title? Title is transferring from my dad to me." Is it really imperative to get an insurance for a second hand car I've been driving uninsured for a year now? A lot of my friends have been pushing me but I don't see the need. Low cost health insurance for people who are unemployed? Looking for an insurer for less than $300/month. Some health issues are involved. Will My Parents Insurance go up? I'm a g1 driver, got pulled over for speeding, got slapped with a few other tickets, was wondering will my parents insurance go up Does anyone know how much tax and insurance would cost for a 17 yr old learner driver? Does anyone know how much tax and insurance would cost for a 17 yr old learner driver? Can someone stay on there parents insurance until they are 26? And do they still have to be in college.

Does anyone know a reliable and affordable car moving company? I need to transport my car from Wisconsin to California. I would like it to get there safely and not have it break my bank. Has anyone else used a car shipping service that they recommend? If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost? If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost? My insurance is going WAY up ? My BCBS of AL policy was $174 per month for a $3250 Deductible. Now, its $303.40 starting in Jan for a $6350 Deductible. Oh, but I get up to 3 $35 vists per year. This is not affordable. In fact, Im considering going without again after having it for 2013 for the first time in 25 years. I expected an increase of maybe 20-25%. Not 75% and such a jacked up deductible. Im still not sure how the subsidies will work for someone like me who cannot accurately estimate their income for 2014. Honestly, it could be anywhere from $15k to $65k. I made $27k in 2011 & 2012 and will probably make $50-55k for 2013. Am I allowed to estimate my income and then the government kicks in every month for part of it and then when I do my taxes it all gets settled and I either owe them more or they owe me ? If I can keep my income below $30k, I might come out ahead with the new plan but Im not sure Im going to be able to do that. Much depends on the stock market. Heck, if I end up earning $18k, I might get my bronze plan for free. 50 year old male. Will be 51 next year. I found a cheaper plan with Humana for $250 per month but Id have to change Drs. Still have not been able to get thru to the marketplace website. But I was under the impression that Humana & BCBS were all thats available in AL. Another interesting thing, If I happen to earn below $10k one year, the government kicks in ZERO. But If I earn $18k, they pay for it all. How does that make sense ? Is there any way to just buy negotiated rates and not insurance ? I can probably handle even a heart attack if I got the negotiated rates." Insurance for a car you don't drive? I'd like to get a 79 monte carlo and I want to register it and insure it as a running car I don't drive. It's kind of like the insurance used for motorcycles when they just sit in the garage during the fall/winter months. Does anyone have any idea how much it might be. I'm a 20 yr old guy, but I would imagine it wouldn't make a difference for a car that isn't driven." Insurance on ford focus? i recently came across a cheap ford focus 2000 edition, and recently passed my test and just wondering what would the insurance be like? exspensive? i really like the car but i dont want it if the insurance will be a bomb" "OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door? I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year

"I just received a position where I am given Benefits for the first time, I have questions about Insurance?" Does what I pay for insurance come out monthly? or every check? what is coinsurance? How do deductibles work? Stupid questions I am sure, but I have never had the option to pick insurance, and I haven't been covered by my parents insurance for at least 7 years. I didn't go to the doctor much when i was covered, so I never learned what my parents had to do." Full coverage insurance for a 350z in Cali? Age: 26 Started: 16 2005 Nissan 350z 85k miles How much in general (ball park) would it be for insurance for this car in California? so many insurance places have you go through tons of crap and then get swamped with junk mail, I'd rather just get a ballpark estimate." Sued for Auto Accident Above Insurance Limit in NJ? One year ago my wife was taking our daughter to pre-school turning left out the end of our road in to traffic, this road has a speed limit of 35 mph. Traffic had to stop to let her cross the first lane since it was solid cars, vans and small trucks. As she approached half-way, before getting a good view of oncoming traffic, another car took off the front bumper. Note that the center line is interuppted at the cross-junction. The bumper was torn from the front of the car with damage more evident on the non-impact side of the car than where initially hit, hence my wife had not initiated a turn, just edging forward to see. The radiator was in-tact, but damaged, still mounted to the front of the car. I walked to the site with our other child and took my daughter home; she is fine and I took her to school but still talks of the incident today. My wife stayed at the incident, and was fine (no later issues) keeping real calm and cooperating with police. It took about 2 hrs with police debating which town the incident took place (middle of the road is the divide) and the other driver was concerned about getting home to take a pot off the stove, but seemed medically fine. The driver asked me and the police to drive them home to get the pot off the stove and used my wifes cell phone more than once. They also wanted to drive their car home and leave the scene with a flat tire at one point I presume to attend to the pot. No tickets were issued, no air bags deployed. The other car had a flat front left tire and side damage so the drivers door was stuck shut. Both cars were old, so written off. Over a year later we received a court summons from their attorney and we are being sued for $750,000. Our limit is $100,000 on insurance. The plaintiff is claiming herniated discs and loss of bowel control. We have a 2006 no money down mortgage, so total equity is very much in the red since our home value plummeted. I have no umbrella policy. I am sole income, but was owner of the car my wife was driving. My wife is stay-at-home mom. The remaining $650,000 would be a big problem. Interestingly, we heard that the other driver called our insurance and asked for a >100-fold lower amount of money to just go away! Our insurer recalls this very clearly and did not pay. Questions: Should I invest in an attorney to work with our insurers attorney to cover the $650K over our limit? Do we have any case given the car the other driver may have been in a rush (as all were aware of the pot on the stove), would have settled for far less, and in reported safety tests should avoid an obstacle at 55mph let alone at the speed limit of 35 mph? Their case, as I understand, is to actually prove my wife was negligent, she was just trying to see. Reality and the law are complicated I understand. Our insurer is looking in to the validity of their medical claims. I believe for spinal and neck injuries plaintiffs have to follow careful insurance approved treatment plans in NJ. I know that such a condition may not be permanent with curative surgery possible to release the nerves

that may be causing the bowel issue. The plaintiff has claimed the injury as permanent, do they need to prove this? Should we ask experts? The plaintiff lives in our town and their house is on my running route every other day. I have not noted anything at all and plan to stay away from all other parties. Should I change my running route? Thanks for any advice. Our 30 day clock is ticking." What is currently the cheapest car insurance in California? Its time for my car insurance renewal and I noticed that the rates have gone up by 100 dollars since last year and all the previous years. I have Access Insurance and though the fees have got up, it still seems like the cheapest one so far. Does anyone have any suggestions about other companies?" Life insurance and mortage insurance? I just bought a house and i have a new baby. Yay me! im 24 and I keep getting calls and letters about life insurance and mortgage accidental death insurance. Does mortgage insurance work like if i die will they pay my loan off so my son can keep my house? it says its 10.56 a month and will cover up to 200K my home loan is only 88k should i shop for something cheaper? and as for life insurance i have a 30k with my job but i want something private and someone told me do a term insurance. what happens after 30 year term is up? does my son not get that money anymore if im not passed on? Medical insurance? my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ?????????????? Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance? Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like? What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ? I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ? Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta? Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta? I have had my car broken into and had my pc stolen HOW DO I CLAIM INSURANCE? earlier this afternoon i had to take my desktop pc to pcworld to be fixed but came home with it straight away due to them sending an engineer out to my home to fix it, Anyhow heavy rain started upon getting home so i left the computer in the car so it wouldnt get wet, CAN I CLAIM ON MY CAR INSURANCE FOR A NEW

COMPUTER?????????" Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions??? Group insurance through my current job is not an option at this point. I work for a very small & fairly new company that does not offer that benefit yet. My fiance has group coverage through his job, that I think we have to actually be married for me to be eligible for coverage under his plan. At this point, I'm not ready to rush into getting married just for the health insurance... Cheaper without health insurance? I'm sick and got a prescription for Zithromax(zpack) Costco has it for 8.87 under the generic form. My copay for my insurance is $20. Does that mean I should get it without using my health insurance? I was born in Canada so not familiar with all those copay and drug copay stuff. Thanks Do I need car insurance If I am not a driver? I own a car. The title is in my name, but I will not be a driver of it. My boyfriend will be the driver. Do I need insurance if I'm not driving it even though it's in my name? Or would I need a special insurance, and if so, what would I need?" Allstate and state farm refused to insure me.. Who will? I have 3 accidents and a ticket in 8 years of driving (oops) and all state and state farm refused to insure me... Does anyone know who is out there who will? Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old? I am 17 and living in london. DO you guys know of any cheap insurance companies ( they do not have to be well known companies). I am willing to pay 3000 for insurance. Estimate the affordable mortgage and the affordable purchase price for the Bergholts? Please help if you can. Kim and Dan Bergholt are both government workers. They are considering purchasing a home in the Washington D.C. area for about $280,000. They estimate monthly expenses for utilities more" Will I be covered by my car insurance? I am buying a new truck, and I am getting full coverage insurance on it. If I let somebody drive my car that has no car of their own and no insurance, will they still be covered by my insurance if they get in an accident since I gave them permission to drive my truck?" What jobs in the UK offer car insurance as an extra? I'm 17 and have just passed my driving test but because of the extreme insurance prices for young drivers nowadays I can't afford to run a car. My brother once working

at a tyre fitting company and he was insured to drive any car/van worth up to 80,000. I was just wondering if any jobs would offer car insurance as an extra to a young driver?" When you buy a brand new car off the showroom do you still need insurance for uk? if you buy a brand new car and if it has gaurantee do you still need insurance? High insurance rates for old luxury cars? I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years? Do i need liabilty insurance? I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law? How does car insurance work? Ok well im 16 i just bought a car and i have a job so im going to be paying for my car insurance.... i also paid half of the car.... so anyways i want to know how it works? Does it go underneath my dads car insurance? and make his go up... ? he pays 600 for every 6 months. i think.. How much will my car insurance be around what price rang??? i have a 1996 pontiac bonneville SE. Braces without insurance? I'm trying to get braces without insurance.I live in milwaukee wisconsin. I have like 1,000 dollars saved up. Is there any way of paying a partial payment at first then pay per month? Is there any way of reducing the cost? Is 1000 not enough to start the treatment? Plz help, thanks in advance." How do insurance companies classify sports cars? I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?" Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance? im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks State farm wont stop calling me about a car insurance quote? I did this stupid offer on the web about some car insurance quotes and I didnt think that anybody would call me or anything but I was wrong. I had calls from Allstate,

State Farm, Progressive, you name it! I didnt answer them because I would have no clue what i was talking about because Im not good when it comes to car insurance knowledge or any of that stuff, Im only 16! Most of them had stopped calling me except State Farm and Allstate, mainly just to talk about the car insurance quote that I requested . Do they eventually stop calling you or will they just keep bugging you for life until you change your phone number or whatever? They are really beginning to get annoying, especially State Farm!!" Aren't you sick of people comparing health care to car insurance? 1. Mandatory Car Insurance is to cover THE OTHER PERSON if you get in an accident that is your fault. 2. Any coverage for yourself is optional, unless mandated by the bank that is loaning you the money as part of the contract for them loaning you the money to acquire the car. 3. I can choose not to drive. Liberals really are morons...." "Founders insurance refuses to pay for an accident, how do we get them to pay? my friend got rear ended and the hit was so severe they bumped into the person in front of them and the car at fault ha founders insurance wont pay they have to cover medical expenses as well as the car being totaled..they refuse to answer their phones or return any calls at all. i looked up the reviews for the company and everyone says they now my question is now how do we get them to pay for the car and medical expenses its been a week now and nothing Adding someone to insurance? If my insurance started on jan 2009-2010 and I add another person in few months will the insurance card still say form jan 2009 or will it be the date I added the person? What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ? What are the minimum legal requirements for auto insurance in california ? Is it true that you don't have to have car insurance in wisconsin? so, it`s not illegal if you don't have any kind of car insurance?" Help Choosing First Car? Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars." Do I need motorcycle insurance to ride off a bike at the dealership?

I meant proof of insurance while the bike (motorcycle) is paid in cash in the city of Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin?" How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)? How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)? What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket? I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?" What is the average first year salary for a State Farm agent? Are additional commissions paid? If so how are they structured. Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions??? Group insurance through my current job is not an option at this point. I work for a very small & fairly new company that does not offer that benefit yet. My fiance has group coverage through his job, that I think we have to actually be married for me to be eligible for coverage under his plan. At this point, I'm not ready to rush into getting married just for the health insurance... Do insurance companies consider a 1985 Monte Carlo SS a sports car. Wondering what insurance would cost.? Do insurance companies consider a 1985 Monte Carlo SS a sports car. Wondering what insurance would cost. Car insurance america? I'm thinking of going to America for six months and want to buy a car to get about, but insurance is expensive could I get a resident of America to put me on there insurance then insure themselves on the car I just bought. Is this possible? If not any suggestions would be amazing thanks I'm from UK and 22" On homeowners insurance .. What is the difference between Replacement cost and Acutal cash Value? what pays mo What pays more and what is the least expensive?? please some one explain to me in detail.. Does my home need to be insured with the market value??? Do you need car insurance to borrow someone's car?

Like if I were to borrow someone's car, would I personally need car insurance (like from my own car), or only if the owner of the car had insurance would that be okay if I drove it? I live in Illinois if that makes any difference." Do you all have health insurances? I mean what is a health insurance? more info please thanks Does anyone know of a good auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami for liability only? Need an auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami with efficient service and good rates for liability only. Thanks. How much will my insurance go up? I'm 17 years old and i was caught going twenty mph over, this is my first ticket, how much will my insurance be increased?" Does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance? does car insurance transfer to motorcycle insurance?? i got in a accident with a motorcycle and my insurance is way up that i cant afford it. if i buy a car would my insurance be up like my motorcycle since i got a accident in it? or is it two seperate insurance's Coordination of Insurance Benefits? Our health insurance company thinks we have more than one insurance and they are denying our claims. We only have insurance through my husband's company and don't understand how they thought we are trying to pull a fast one. How do we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Thanks! College Student transferring from VA to SC - do I have to get new car insurance? I am a college student in Virginia and in August I will be transferring down south to South Carolina (USC). I have a great car insurance quote at the moment. Geico would give me around $155/month just like esurance, progressive and the like. Though, the local statefarm agency said they'd give me a quote for half that much. Is there a way that I can keep my Virginia Insurance in South Carolina? I doubt that I will ever get a quote like that again in a big college town. Thanks for the advice!" I'm buying a used car from a private owner. Will I need to have insurance before I purchase the car? I've never had insurance before. Should I call insurance agencies before I get the car? Get quotes/etc? I won't know if I'm going to buy the car until I see it. What is the Best Health Insurance For Pregnant women?

My husband and I are TTC. He just got laid off and he had Amazing health insurance...We had the Blue care network which had a Zero Deductible and only a 10 co pay. Pre Natal, more" Cheap car insurance for young new driver? hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you" Can I get car insurance on my dad's policy for me for only a day or two? Okay so I live in CA, and my car is in the shop and my insurance has been stopped because my car needs a new transmission and I don't have the money to fix it yet. Anyways, what I wanted to ask was my Dad is going out of town for a few days and is leaving his car at home, I wanted to know if I could get insurance for myself on his car though his insurance company (AARP) for use of his car for only 2 days? Please get back to me, and put a source if possible, Easy 10 points." Will my car insurance go down? I've wrecked about 2 cars. and my insurance got high I would like to know if I stopped driving would my insurance go down over time?( I am currently driving a motorcycle) Is insurance higher for a Grand Prix gt coupe? In a couple of days I am going to be getting my license and on craigslist their is a Grand Prix gt coupe but my mom doesn't really want me to get it because she says the insurance is going to be high because it is considered a sports car is that true? Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance? Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase." Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance? Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and

big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?" Car Insurance If I Am Not The Car Owner? Is it possible for me to insure myself to drive my sister's car, and to add her as a named driver? Or do I have to own the car. My sister has just passed her test, and her insurance would cost 700 if she does it herself. If I insure myself to drive the car and add her as a named driver, then it would be more like 200. Does my sister have to sign over ownership of the car to me for this to work?" I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it? i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks." "Does anyone know how much Plan B costs without insurance at the Flagstaff, AZ Planned Parenthood?" Also, does anyone know, if I were to use my parents insurance, if they would find out that I got Plan B? I really can't let them know about this... please, I need helpful answers. Thanks so much." How much is the normal rate for the instant car insurance quote for drivers between 18 and 25 ? Hello i am interested to know how much the average car insurance cost would be for young drivers between 18 and 25 years. can anyone help me please? How long after passing does insurance become much cheaper? I passed my test a few months ago first time and the insurance on my car is massive, probably because i'm a boy and it's a saxo. when it comes to renewing it in september, i can't see it dropping by much. So how many years do you have to be driving for before the costs fall below 1000 per year. Also is it worth taking pass plus, as it costs about 150 and apparently saves you 200, so unless the saving carries over to future years, i can't see the point. Thoughts???" Can an insurance company raise your rates even though you've completed 12 hour traffic school? I understand that a 2nd violation within 18 months appears on your public record. I was told that even though after taking 12 hour traffic school and my violation appearing as a companies can still legally raise my rates. Then I see people refer to a CA law that states that even if a violation appears on a public record, if there is a dismissal insurance companies cannot legally raise your rates."

Auto insurance question - I hit a big pothole..? Saturday night I hit a big pothole and a few miles later my tire was completely flat and actually had holes big enough to stick a few fingers through. I took it to a tire repair shop and the rim was bent as a result of the tire going flat. They've found a replacement rim, but it doesn't match the other 3 on the car.. I would like all matching rims, but a complete set with tires is about $800. Would something like this be covered by auto insurance? The cost of the mismatched replacement rim and 2 new tires is $350, my comprehensive deductible is $500, but I would pay the $500 if insurance covered 4 MATCHING rims.. So basically I'm wondering: 1) Is this something auto insurance would cover? 2) Would they just cover any replacement rim, even if it didn't match the other 3 or 3) Would they pay for a whole new set of rims? If anyone worked for an insurance company and might know the answer that would be great.." Affordable health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions??? Group insurance through my current job is not an option at this point. I work for a very small & fairly new company that does not offer that benefit yet. My fiance has group coverage through his job, that I think we have to actually be married for me to be eligible for coverage under his plan. At this point, I'm not ready to rush into getting married just for the health insurance...

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