5 Ways to Avoid Second Marriage in Horoscope

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5 Ways To Avoid Second Marriage In Horoscope

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Remarriage is an event of life which may preferably come up either after a separation or unexpected widowhood. The probability of remarriage can contrast taking into account past relationship status, level of enthusiasm for building up another sentimental relationship, sexual orientation and race amongst different people.

Prophetic elements which are in charge of second marriage Venus Remarriage in horoscope is due to Venus when: 1. Venus is falling in Dual sign 2. Venus sets in the indication of crippling in the navmansha graph and gets conjoined by malefics in astrology diagram 3. Venus is in Cancer and the Moon is in the seventh house. Click To Know More About 5 Astrological Remedies To Mend A Mother-Son Relationship Seventh house/ruler 4. If seventh house/ruler is falling in double signs [Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces] demonstrates two relational unions.

5. 7th ruler ascendant/Moon is put in a double sign and having conjunction with Venus in astrology. 6. Two planets set in seventh house builds the likelihood of second marriage. 7. Lord of seventh house is set in fourth house or ruler of ninth house is set in seventh house. This also demonstrates the chances of second marriage. 8. Lord of seventh house is set in sixth, eighth or the twelfth house and malefic planet like Mars, Saturn or Rahu possess the seventh house. 9. Mars and Venus are put in the seventh house and the ruler of seventh house is put in eighth house. The relationship of the husband and wife is of soul more than anything else. It’s more of a mental inclination towards each other that binds them in a union. In this way, regardless of the fact that one is vexed from the other, the adoration and warmth between them never bites the dust and stays in place. Yet, here and there clashes happen in this relationship of love when the two characters contrast each other in some way. This then influences the affection they partake in their relationship. In this circumstance, they ought to utilize celestial cures that might conquer the distinctions in their relationship. Whenever they begin underestimating each another or the sweetness in their relationship is getting lessened, it might influence the satisfaction of their married life.

Solution for Prevent the Breaking up of Relationship In the event that contentions happen in between the married couple or they are isolated from one another or there is a probability of separation of marriage; in that circumstance, the individuals can utilize the solutions for saving their married life and avoiding re-marriage. Following are the solutions for preventing second marriage:

1. This cure ought to be performed on Friday in Shukla Paksha amid the favorable position of Moon in the astrology graph. The spot where you are going to perform this ought to be perfect and unadulterated. Wash it with Ganga water before you begin performing the cure. Sit on a woolen red cover facing towards the northern side. 2. After that, remember goddess Parvati and serenade the mantra. Each time you serenade the mantra, offer green lentils to the goddess. Subsequent to recitation of Mantra, petition goddess Parvati to keep up the peace and joy in your married life. 3. Take a square-formed wooden box. Fold a red colored material for four times and put it on that crate. Likewise put the photo of goddess Parvati and light a diya with ghee in it on the right hand side and put 108 green lentils in a dish. 4. Offer all the green lentils to goddess parvati and afterward spin it around yourself for seven times and then feed it to some birds. 5. Perform this cure consistently for 21 or 31 days with full confidence and virtue of sentiments. Things will soon get enhanced and settle down. For more than one marriage, the main standard to be taken after is to take note of the subruler of the seventh cusp. In the event that the seventh sub-ruler is either Mercury or any planet possessing a double sign, there will be all the more than one marriage. In the event that the sub-master of the second cusp is associated with seventh house; or even if it is joined with eleventh house; one will have an unlawful illicit relationship, as seventh house in the astrological chart demonstrates legitimate servitude while the eleventh shows connection and companionship. Also, the second cusp sub lord’s association with seventh is vital for a legitimate marriage and for the happy and healthy life of the couple.

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