Ivy Leaves Journal of Literature and Art 1998

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paper Clay Bolt, Run,1ways, conte' crayon on canson

Yesterday I saw you standing there meeting And without the exchange of words in our place of I was consumed by the memory of our love A love that was never complete meeting And without the exchange of words_in our place of sky. empty Puddles captured the reflection of an A love that was never complete echoed in the whispers of the wind that brought you closer. Puddles captured the reflection of an emptiness as that embraces yet haunts the very essence of my being and close so ever you bring wind the of rs the whispe I remembered your soft kiss, your gentleness my being, That embraced but now haunts the very essence of Yesterday I saw you standing there and I remembered your soft kiss, your gentleness as I was consumed by the memory of our love -Eric Barker

fi1'1 O.1n('f'

The Response ..

J ipl"l


\'lo 'l-'OU

,..,_o, ,., h.11 I h.ld hopt."fl l ht• lmg<.•rmH P,.lU\('

y/ Ltngu.lJ-~



lht-n ttw.• ('1.homg ..,.. t·II: ltw:• "di ol olht.·r ,.,.om<.•n m

Uk,•~ t>\l)l'fl('"lllNl

,, h

h,, \OICC

,I and -.pm me JruutXf

Ot...per,Udy tfymg 10 \IOp tht• \t'Ol<.•n((.• \lipping from h1,

I th ;,. oi thcKC \\ lh \\ horn \OU \'1,.' d.in<t"Ci ,o ffllffl<. --onh. tht- ••Oond Of ,,,ur br(".lth I~ \\ md and th<, rh'1hm ol m, ht-.,ndrum robbmg ,n my h,: Jd




•l'\t•\:t·r rrnnd •

8t't .tu¾• I ll"ll"\\

tfw mmull• "\\ h.11 do \OU lhmkt" ,1tp1X'd


th.,t I \\0tJlcln'1 w.1n1 to ht.>ar th<> l("fX">O"'-·

Co,,,uJTK."d b~ a r \1.'f -..c, roraph.1n."CJ I c.annc,« b«-: 1he ,our fOfte ~ strong mv ~m,., tl.111 .;and ..,,.,\'

k'nn1lc.'1' HrCMn

l.~ a brolt--n "1ng This n.1mt"les danu.• ( ft',"l..., 11...._,1t so s.kM ~ 1.1,t., ,t I -.o \10lent I urnor recall wh\ I .1<:ct-pet."'CI ,our n,,1.1tt0n So in lo,('\\1lh vou

I fCJfSC1 m) ne,, p,artnN: PJ\'CfflCnf-cf.1d ,mp.:1r1mrl-,

my mmr«c


to th , rnomcm th,-. hi<· YoU \le gtve-n me

A Good Life

I . '((P~-,, r•---:_1-;, A-,.,



.,net' . .urrcrwi(:r

' . ~!;1)4fQ -, ~, ,: ~ JJ1 ' ; -.; ~ & -~-- -. ; '1



wh<-n seeher , •nd I ht-ar The house, sl






wund '" the d.irl..O(_~\ 1h..J1 I



~ noh«• ,n 1he t.f.tytune flit ch1rn ol th<- d•rk houn



do nol mhm1d.u me- I am CU I





1'1: _, •



A Kansas Girl flying to Borneo On a turbulent expeditio n Disappeared near Nikumoro ro When her ground crew lost transmiss ion.

' I


On a turbulent expeditio n The airplane lost its way When her ground crew lost transmission Leaving a barren runway.


It was dea1h 1h.11 l><ought

The airplane lost its way By forgetting the line of position Leaving a barren runway For a window to other dimensions.

her nlo our homo! •nd

de th th.it lc/1 m lonely Alnrg,tit swhenlw:ch tr

Her shiny solver h• r t1ows a , 11 •s frCC' And fx.r rosy (11,\, as she g,"fltlv sm1l<"S I du am at night only I am dwake hve ,., uh

ch ~ks g

peopl., •nd has ue.1l('fJ

By forgelling the l ine of position A Kansas Girl flying to Borneo, Choosing a window to other dimensions, Disappeared near Nikumoro ro.

'""'"°'"" he

I am cur1ou1, of tht night

-Shane Bruce

-Chr y Afht-rb.nn


The S.lmoniN- Pier I-

W'I up hom 1hr


h.ul ( k,wct ii ti~ r.hlfllfflf 11n~ W.l'-f"I II\




w.n 'l-lr.1~11" 11nd \l 1 tonlt'i'>ow hos11:fol

du! hr> iJn.dd cmr1 dlr """ol MIOl'hrt d.lv Th(, t"\t mnic 1-Yn ,p1llrd CU an ~ PM' tlMf lnobd I L .i l nd ol rw-buf., 1htoutth lht· lot l.tmp, Hf' -.;,ifdM.rf 111 ,~ m,nwluw pc-r,p'4• c,my p;p\ ...,. WIS,~ U. I" ffll blffoonl .and ttuffr'd .anlm.,h, •nd c.1nd1n Th(.y 90..tld.,.,., Ill dwau&,h ffW' ~'°lnC siJu douf hu• !loot\ ht·~


A'"-" p-opfr Jn;m ,u:rl " trd him l,ut lh.,I 1.tJ><'Wd OIi ~ hit ~ r hN:•mr otfffl)1H· 1'4• "'ol\ •If \lm ,md

Wffl,.., '°""'

bonn. H A ~ \lll'N t,k,(t w:i otr, n 1h.J1 ~hrn M' ~okt' up hf•'d lool 1~1"1ck'.Mn °"''h. hur• hp,.ol (n,"1ydr1l'd blood. Al f1M a k-tf .1lonco lx,c,tu~• +I h.1d bl-en I.() hum1II.Uht- irfl rr rd lh@I t!'W Md ~ k> c.,.,.- thdr "'11h h1\ -.unh·n bodv .,nd h11)(e11"K rnou1h r w-n d ~ ncM- Ht- Ion~ Int W>ml'OOt:' to Ylk to H<- hJd


,lft ~ . , . ~ ~ l o t''J)rt"\\

1hr -.truglr hl" \\"'5 h.tvmK Al llf\l

bf-~ ID talk to dw> nunr, bt,r they had rh.;.1 p,011:-ch,,. ullow. ,tl.vt ow, d'i,r,1 f"Y" I le- fflO\I propS,, in thttr J)fofl.,.~ He couldn I bl.tmtti) pmt«1 thc-rnt(-l,.1"" TJw, p11v hr 1.1w bounctd olf d',rrn tor lh.ll prctl1CI .- ~ w.111 bt:!otf' 11 could bur~-n d~•,r 10YI~ T~ ,e,1111)' at wh.,,i, •;n NPJJ'l""•r« lf.<I\ •rJl'Clt-d ,1nd fbm"tl b.,c:k JI him m J wJy N drt,1.,mcrd him hlll hrf t,om hurNnuy 8y now h11 \<OlCe W.l\ wt",J~ lind ht- kft pr,wt'flru 10 pttk up lhf• phone ,lnd I0\<,1rk- \Om4.'00t•'~ 11ft' wilS has •tt0trl wuh tM ~ U)' thrrr o1nd Soovd ,m:,und C.,dornl,· He coufdn 1 ~ OUI Into rh«- h.111 lilt• h(,, u~ 10, II u~ to bep ,,ful ,on tA "'"Y to Jook ;,al ollW-r\ ;,nd \ly •Ar IN~ Im . "I




• But thf-n lh1nR.,. d1dn'I p:1 bcll,'f .and he ~ n IO noc IN1 bid oft ind thrn ....,flt"n rM CJppOrtumry coJme mto vtl"W, uy to J•11mw1t .Y.~I Jool .tt th.ti' fhtfr'~ iOffl«,lnt' Jboul ,H bJd 01( J~ ~ .. HP '!'t'fll fhu.1111''1 1he ck-rtrJI ,lolKt' Jnd 1hr bUl("fnt"\\ SlilJ;t- .ind Onto ol h,, nur~ c-,1m1• ,no~ J/lrrnoon Jnd ,n usu,11 1hr r ~



.,J.rd h,m l'ltNr I• '"'' Hf-'tl ,1n,o,1,ttt-d •" ,1t: ,dir .o hr could, •flc,w Ilk• twadt..ft.ak,.,l,.''- lmlc,c,,£.n~r",.... tudd111,1~ndM u.a~~ot(ooddk.-y bffJugt,11 1hr 1tUOl nt-ntu.l\v u;tt\cocj H body f ~ htm ~ ncit It> W.&\11• .I fflOl'nN'II Ht" twd I mt' H,. ju'>I he lhet'r 1n 1hf· qu11."1 .1nd bcffl btdridden for watdw-1 tNnct tic' rhtnl, ID htnw-h. The m..nr 1\ 1h.11 11', nol ·111 my lo runt" 1n I fflf'.Jn rt-•lly w,1tc.h lhlng,. hcr,1t11rl)I. dr..tthb,,d llwl I ,md h.i\<r tontt·rhm>t 1mpo,wn1 ro ,.,wnd tttm ~ d lo be:Imp.Hf Thi: ~,,11 brown "M"\ .itx.l um.ii/om ,wd d.1y ltllh d1t11 wt by ht, btd ~ , 10 tum ffiry mo11c-d 11M 1r pt-141t ,n ., dCr,\,n w.ird mo11un ,nd 9,J)Ol,· ta h m uMn8 d.,}fk brl'1Wn, dry 10.,('\ 1h.,t ,m(•J/1-d of wmr fl', o.k 1n wy p r ~ ht~ Thry w.d 10 him, ·You'rt dytn.11'. . ~ • It w,H tN/lfe th.in J body 1h,ng Htf tpml w11hf-red, klkMtn"



l..l!N m th,• t'\(•runl( lht• -.un "'ould t-KOff lht• v.•\t~ out tn rc,v.-, of 1,.,Jd1d1 lbm•.., Thi" ,1gh1 qutfll-rl 1)K, mC'l'l't, ch.11tn .I\ l'olCh ~uK"d 10 1,11h<- wJrtn rAt\ 1mpJt1 aood ..... 111 for y,h.Jt rmjllu hJ"'l' tx'('n •n oth t"M•'«' 11\hll...., d,1y lh,.,. ldl,'f.f In I~ fl-d f.JY\ n tf tfN-y \"1'fC' munort.il• 111-d hy 1h,; m .ind 1hrfl 1.1un11 tt<d b.aclt 10 rht·1t ,,.,,. Somr ot UK.- men y,ould hnd ,1 r-ubde .1\0f"I to lum b.Kk ;ind look ait.un Th,, bfd WM bu,nrd lhrouxh ro h11, hone.'\ Ht· w•nttd IO RN up JncJ 1A-,1ll our (ht dNd K,,trdtn o.f h1, ,oom Ht "-.Jnlcd 10 he.• ,1 nwn 'l'·un! He rL-mrmbcn how hi, fr<-t nc,,('t 1ouchffl th4" JVOUnd coming ou1 r,( Shotmodrr', The- okJ mt·n 1h,11 .ilw.1)"\ \,ll on 1he comer u1d, "Now then~ g~ J m,111 donl' bctn hooked by d ¾Om,1n . Yep, dal "1Jll'\ In LOV(1• Yt'1o 'fl"\. HP R.l\C lhcm ,1 wink Jnd ,l bl,; gon. Ht" w.J\ INn 1hen and full of muKle All tht• 3uy, JI 1hto prf!f lr.nt-w 1h1s w ..\ thf· b,g d•l' Mt hold 1.ilked .ibour 11 ottl."n. They ,oked thal ht\ f,~hmK CU.,-,, "'tf<' en.tr TIK.-y srmlrd ,1od p.111td him on the h.ld \\htlf' g1\.Jnl; him rht-,r condolfflC'("S Ii<' dtdn I Slop to "•tch the 1c.-d t•Y" He humtd hoow•. ,1nd ,ead,cd h1m~ll~en ,.an b.xk ms,de 10 w,nh hi\ hand, .ig.:un Tht-y "ere \11,Jlrd m•ar !he -...m,dow olod (rom whtre lhcy wt he lmlt ijllstcintng-ju~ cuuld ,w,,e the o;e111ng -.un d.:1nc1ng olf 1he wJves d1ou11ond. Ill· hdd re1ucht-d th<t small o( her b,1ck n rh,'Y \\ere !ht' Ith• It'd 1luoufth 10 their 1ahlt• I It' hJd thought Mlhing 1h,11 sh<• had qu1edy pulltd .tv.df' from h,m Ht' ...,,n sure. Thry WI •nd l.llked abou1 how lhetr dat· hold gont.·. dl("fl o1bout thc v.c.. ltM·r and othtt thm,:s l1M' the rrccnt c~nges tn hc-r fatht'f'~ oo,,nt.'(S Sh(, w,n looking 00\\n mlMdy Jt h,s h.Jnch '"W touched the (tfllU)M Jnd 1htn iurned !hem O\otr 10 lr.lCc: 1h(, bl,-,d, under hi\ ftnxmw1ls. •11 "°'fl Cotn{'OUI,• ht s.ild e)emg hn do,,ely Her (')'c'\ M·rt- a v,11,d blue.- bot hf>r checks ,...ere \lf'ry p.ile rtw:- wJ11c-, c-,.1me Jnd bttlfl,ihr 1htu food Th<' ,meU of he.tr pt'ffome mb,rd w,th lhc .ind ,oo wjnc.• \Juet'. If«- WJ~ \1111 Yt',Y Wt€'. tu, himd~ shd oO 1he



co,nn (J( /he 1.abl1• .and 1r.......-,,td IO fht"' 'Oil lllllnH ol Ii" (0,11 pock{'! He br,·.u/11: d .i deep sigh Jnd gr,1\pc-d l11t' 1mg bul btlorc ht- tould GL'I 11

.,IM1Y1" Ow, 1.1hlr- doth -.llc, 1t11npi-d h1, ()\~ h.ind .and WIUIII( oul

•c>osn • fh<- hllle c.:mdk- In thfo n11ddfe of tht- table \UCli-d .tll lhc ,1,r out of h,, lun,c~ After dk' w•~ ~ - ht- pt.,lJrd our the ,mg Jod wo1rchcid the c.;indl~ l1gh1 shct rhrou,ith 1ht- 11ny p.inn of tw,d dJ,1mond II fr.agmt'nl•

t.'tl .ind 5hlned Ht ior up and lcfl lhe ,mg re111ng proppm up ,1gJ,n\l 1h1· c•ndlc- Hrr fathN nwrn.-d the town, owntd hN, Jf'ld prob.1hly Shonnockn's lie- wJlkcd p,m the WJrlct who mqulrcd, "'Sir. your bilW 111." MV('f IOO~l'fl UfJ, ht' JU~I wh1,pt'ted ,1\ h<.' w.tlltcdhy, •Lcfr ti _ (Jfl ''"' ldblc.-' fir (IC\l('f "'''"' baclr, 10 lhe pt('r •nr,w 1h.t1 my h.1nd, are He w..,ui 10 l•ugh 1nw,udly 1f11nkmg • TM' p,un 1~ cho.lcm,c him He fttls htrnk'lf froJWfl('flllng vt'fY \011 lh.,1 rhl: v,., rtur tM-W 11 lo\'.U lxNk,ng. hit,:, 1ht- l11thl from 1ht d1.1rnood and lh.ll maybe he h.n (,11/en rnro Lh.11 Jht,11- "-f"fC' othf.r '11'.HfN from thie- fif1h fJ(.10( ..ra gull~ ffo.llt'd ctfnd/1• on 1hf• ublr and 1h.J1 the wax Is burning him Jnd hr "\Uffocar,ht~ ,ht '111n,n1 ocNn ol blxlt _.\f1h.JII ►W rNr\lrlt'f.f thdl thry could Somt·1hmg fllckNS ,Ind lhC:tL' /1 m()\('ml'f11 JOO\/(' him ·Who can HJ.IC hr,o.,t"t ,11,q,." llKh •n ~h,·n rnv,ronfflt'nf II w,H fh(' l'J\y n'IOfl(.'ls of No o~r The \101ce i~ lrn a 1unnel ond sound, low ,1nd food 1tMI atlTJ(IN1 ,u,d ftrp1 them. Ihey woold W>OKllm<'1 ptrch on 1hr wt' c•II' Hr 1hlnk-s there will br sfll'flce ,,nd peace coming if>On but ,luj,1.M1sh IU'•Yfl roof1n,c rK',lr h1f wtndow 1111 lJK' wlmJ w11s c,1lm 1M.',r Thf!y pJIChed tJw vJ>e.' o( hi~ soul ,111d her he.i,~ lht> \IOICe of h,n iomc.-1hln14 OO'Nn, and up bubh,nH hr.1d, 1ht1r wllh ft.H'lh ,1nd llM• ~Alld p.u;t! hn old sw,mm!nR COolch •Swim, lurn your hc,1d 10 lh<- \ide Jilli lilkt a P"lf'Wif:ring hk c11rurrn.1,1nu· Alttr;, pt•dod of l1tn(' thry would 1nc./ln1: 11 OOy, l;t'I 1hos(> .irms ex1elkfNI. lock,~ fL'3s That's b1ea1h. dn·p w11h., opt-n Ytould t1r•k, 1ht-1t ~nd him, ltJ r,,«-t bl.ad &fi\lf'l'ltl'lg 1ht- r •nd (o, Cod's sake b,ralhf-. btt•.11tw, bre,11he!"' W.:a!N wenl up hi, nose hiu ol • r 1h.1 '('ffl)Nj to rcho dow-n bek,.,., rh-r wotfrt m,uk of h,~ soul ,md 'ilung his eyc,s H,~ lunK,. ftll J1kt- they v.c,e- going 10 burst. All he Jhrtt "'oo:k rnw·Ht tum upw1,1d uy1ng •f1(~ fr~ lrf'f!dom • could rhmk of wai his snlrr'i ch/o,,n,11ed green hJlf •ere.11he, dJmn• Ht- Jrt '""' • .tl.1fk.,w Yah Th(: e'll<'lllnfl h.uf CCltY'lf' All he could ,W yf>II, lh<' cooch. -~l'nt('fflbet 10 bre.Jlhe1"' Hr reJCht'1 !he \Ide lxny tr.d11r lf',1111ng 1,o11I, o( tNI ,1nd wh1lcl1ghl$ O\it-r ,,rf" nt,w Tills his body inw.11d ,1nd rock\ his he.ul forwdrd 10 rt'lf on the conby 1hr ,,nit h" h 11 jins),-d "I• nlly It \f).arklnt m lht' dun hghl with I Ii• h lmf)l'mfcd 11110 such p,1fnfuJ hardm-ss. 1ft knowt ht: 1s Crl'I<' yt'llow fadt-<I .t ,nd mJny ,1IW!'r lurr4 ol 1l.1nghng be.uJ\ .ind f(•J1hn1 clulchlnR Ifft• wilh white knuckles. His eye lids ,ltf' h<•,1vy. •oh God, pnw:fant lh.jt u1d ~1 t,1u,K)11 ttv• biR OOC' ,II S..lmnnlM!' .. Thi"' h,11 w,u .. He knowi this wrth his whole lx•1ng I le• d()(;"sn'I w.1n1 11100. ~ 11 1 1' h1d1• lhfclt with,, h,r,wn w,n Ju I ltkl' hi\ ir.antH.tltv 1"1 t,W k.ltntn.1kN II lo- ('.an'I 11/t his c:yt- lids I Ir w.inis ro SLly In the- d;i,k, c1ulf'I world 1h,.1 wff f.i11h(ul IJf"f')fl(J .anythtn,J hr knf'W lu\'<' 10 look ,11 the room Jnd his i.h<•II uf a body, he docsn'I 1w whf·,t· off f1UUn!J r,u1 RO v.ookl twhow H~ rMflf'mho ,,., hf',Y r.r,u~ rhr S,1lnv,n ,~ ptf"f w11h hK hf-.1hhy frltntf,, pullfnic rnbtnl fish from 1/w m,1nJ~~ 10 opt>n 1ht>m bt"C,11.1w, thl"fe is.- n<.'W scr111 tn 1h(o room, a 1,ve IIOJhMK neJr his heold 't)jK J',Jldt-n """ wond<'1ful 'Wol\l'l"I, 111,"ly """ 14f· .1nd h11 hudd1N l.tuAhrd ,nd )okNI ilboul ·S,mt.. Sim. ; IK·r WOids tt<•1c, ,n 1he dlf hltt ,1nlfc1ut• chtna cups. rtih '"''"' .1nd tht,r wt.1tn.1n fruur.111on,. Mt~, r,l .111 they t.1lked .iboot It', face I\ shlmnK. H1• w.1n1, 10 w,pe rlw rr.1,s I h.1nd 1h,t11p('(1t1I Im on ,..,,. w.i~rx Sht· ,rr-,uty ,1 w11h rv,th1ng \IMf!I, rh11 f tw1 crHTib,"""1 .iw,1y Tht•rc.- 1, ,1 1r.m,1ull ht,IV(•n in lwr blue eyt" I Ir w,inl\ lO ,1,k Jpof fJt b,,y1,orl ,1,..1~10.,1 lrd 11,c, and \h.illow w,l'f'M of 1ht1 pk>r Th,• lonKl' I hs volct' Is a til~p; ,1 f,llnl W>U11d Ille the so you look 'What h(•r, II ~·,1 rhe ,,nd 'IN aulls l,,1rh·d ,n hlTlt• w,th •II 1h1 ,ounds ,it 1™1 m,·n (,.tvMI ~r.uchlngs uf ,1 mooSt"- ·ncvc, 5IOPJX.,J never • Tears w,1sh 1f 1h,,r,, w1 ,,. a ,w,11 tympht,ny llo;ulnK un thr• w.trm s.,11 wind pie.id, lhe morninff 1,un m<'lb u,, his bony she •oon'I/ ihouldcr his II 1t11r\Nl .ind rerl and (Jou, V)ffif'f)tlf• r-tul(ht his h.,t w11k a u,d fi"H'I tn o1 rtffl of 1t>dd1~h n,mes His hc.1,1 Is full . HI~ cyt'\ foll shur t,ot dc,wn ltJ 1hf- w,11n In .t Ou,ry of \hin1n,c rnlnr I II' h.id l)Pt>n so ,ut htl'dk.s Y,I',,(' fhf' ,1 him look 11 th.11 hNd hit oU d.mfrd Wf'n11ngly h.i<l h.il pr1•,r<J th.I h11 ~h1W 1'1 rr•-4l11r 1~,1 11 tu<l ~ l,ftf'O bv YJmrone, fmr ..nd n(JI !hf• wind Ir <f"tfflf<rl r,rld tr, tf'f•I 1n iii hol! th.ti h, Id ~ m.iny fut("<) t1nd -Sh.i,on ftldrt ht,r,ks U wJ~ btfNKhl up I ,1nd btt.amf' dw hwnl of mlJCh l.1~1rr


*"' ,~


w.., ..,



Kenl Dom, Self Porf'r.ut,Oil on canvas.

Confession As a kid, I caughl bug, Anything \.,.1th sue leg) \\.J\ g,1 me_ Usually I'd I.Ike 1hem ah>e


On hand and knees I cr,1wled inside your house Quietly listening, learning, hiding myself trom you lest you rob me of some newfound treasure, for I was constantly taking your things. Gr,mdfather, make-believe foe, I pretended to be my television hero when I drove my fist into your rib. Your frightening howl chased rne to my room where Grandmother tucked me into bed. Your heart failed that evening

and execu1e them m my frt.-cl<:r

per,od,cally opening 1he door 10 ..,., how fro.ten they \\.ere becoming. Some1,mes I'd 1ake lhem ou1 10 1h.1w, w.uchmg their revival then plunge them back in

next to the pot p,cs and ice cubes Trulh, A Performance Piece

Once I found a ra1 dead and bloa1ed ,n my backyard

This. ,s J poem abou1 lruth

11 wM a big one

not your truth or mme

bu1 lhe re,11 lfUlh ,,h,ch 1\ some where in ht.-t,,(."('n. And lh,s " a poem abou1 tearlht• ,1s::h1 ~nd. smc-11 and lt.:oel of INr

•" b,g a; a basehall glove ,md I 1hrc-,v 11 m the ro.1d waifing for a J)a\\lnR car In J blur. 11 mct ,1 Gooch1.•,u

RJ\\ fc•.,r P~ I.. ~-u ur

,ind fdl ..,u111~ rockt>ted inro ",J).l(la

Resoundin1, my gui\\ like your dca\h knell. For years, Grandfather, I thought I'd killed you -my punch some subconscious treason, your wife and mother my conspirators giving me your things: your statues, your medals; your title I already bore. Even the face I wear belonged to you some time before, Grandfather, and I live on beyond your years; those rebellious ladies having long returned to you leaving me here with these keepsakes, their stories, your love.

b.,,:., .,nd m•m'1" to lr,mc.f• tt•.1r

J'\od .... ~ \ " ' 1,-..:-\11'@, \1,.._II! • ..,..,., .un..,-.,\.

I thrC"\\ up.

lho.."t' ..~ , bl'P, ''IJIIX.-d /1\,m,,ron ¥oun-Mn

in J f1£'ld ol d,unt, 0,11\1l..._.

I \\,,nn.i pc..'1.·I orf my lrJn,1>.1rcnt pJinl

Tht....,l' cfay.,_ l'vc..• \t..·llll'tl dm,n rt•..,t:rv,ng my n1.1hce for an1h,II, -.lug, Jnd tht OCCJ,IOfl,1111,. I gut•,, I'm getlmg old t1ncf IUt'fi 01 bctng OK',Jn JU\I ,,.uung for \OOle ktd

1lnd ,1.1rt O'-'Cr from ¼rJllh.

But he m,.·\l<"r b.lked a c,1ke \.,..llhout d rt!Jdy-made ho, .1nd dirl'ct,om. and rt'IJ1t0n,h1~ 1us1 don't ,,Ofl like rh,11 Lrrt· 1u,1 ,,on·t \\orl. like th,11

So nng the chm~ ,ind hJng lhC' bt.-d ,hech oul 10 dry ·c.iu..c I'm i1 wh1rh, ind or emotion ""•rlmg through )OUr town romorrO\\'

frc-.,h out 01 med '-t.hool m J freezer wnk.•wlu:fl'

TodJ)- 11'\ mine. My truth ,\ 1)· le,1r

10 J>op me

- Shane Bruce

nll\l lO 1he pot pt~ .md 1cc culx"


poem ,s a poem JIX>UI nw,

,1 ~,rl, .1ge 23

Cl.1, Boh

w11h a lot ot po1enuc1l ..1nd 1111l1..· .1mb111on ,.lnd .1 Iii.I of 1h1n~ to do

for e,1Ch dJ\. 01 the \\(,'('I,. -J,rrnlff 8NM n


Sounder'1 Bend


\\t• C-lll"II! u1> .,mund \ound<·r'\ Ht nd

Thr It J\t" ,1hou1 u, I10.1I1np \\1.• 10,I,~ on 1h.11 d.1ppkd m,m· ol d.ul wJt(.>f

St l\\t·1 n Krt't.'1'1 il'fl'- t~ l1ntd \\o1lh e; h1ldu.-n l,1ugh1ni,t

WhirlmM ,mcl trul1c km.,; in lhc.• -.un \ht• hl,rnh, lht•lr t"'\-'l'\ ,-..,th ht.•r ((>.11 \\'htlt.• lht· ,-..innowing \\,l\t" ol ht•r Ol..lOC

RNch out ,ind rod, our bo,11 ·\Ion~


ll'rn. ,.._ lim.'d with t h,ldren l,1u~hmg ~f(.'t.~t ll\ 1n our p.w~mg

hun""' must h.>,~ 1-w ~ \\id, IN5Z bffl~ k,.., bJmed to ck>,,i-t.it,on

Tht·) r,lc.t• lo


I ,milt• knowing their dt.•liRhl 1 \\.J\ .i child once wanhng 10 m.h.'

\\ A \\

crusr ~'f!'d


Tht· .u11umn mt•r ,11 e\t•nmg 11dc--

bJfflNI 10 dt-l.'a-st.1r,on

Th.11 d.1ppled mJrc ot darl.. w,lll•r

,a, •l<n- on ,i,,. d.lrl ;,e ~ Ol ~ N l n f ! d,e, CtN'Tk'

OnJt, mnt" <'.ut bnns

Tiffany Clark •Mobdf'" llom<•, Photogr.Jph

'°"1,:1~'!'1." to ,~ ,.hMJc.n.,,


Creati o n

Come with me on a

One hell of a

Journey through my e)'e.

sort of, a55of1ed

Visualize the pam that I can inflict. Though I may be small in size my blow proves Costl y; ripping through flesh, shattering bonl's, and

sordid, 1orrid

Snatching the very es¾'nce of life away.

and aromatics

affair of the hean involving acrobatics and aphrodcsiacs made from mud

I'm a ~lider with no lim1ta11on; )cnn,fet Br°" n

A killer with no conscience because

I h~we no feelings, I have no heart, My ~ul is as t o ld as 'ilCCI. I \ pit fire .incl speak wilh thundrr

A,-. the lives of the innO(.cnt and the corrupt, The young c.1nd the old, th<' me-ck and the strong

The Pen

Arc swept away IO my nurry.

It writes the ll-'dtous t~1sl..\

And C\fen though I Jm JUCit a pawn in this

Grocery list~. chore:-,, mundane Out M:nbblcs l1ttlt• rhymes.

Game of deJth you ch()()\(_• lo play;

Unmasks stray thouNhts repressed in v,1in

You turn to

me 10 wl..,t• thl' problems that

In wme d.uk corn('r of 1he mind

Weigh hl'ilVY on your mind Don't cry,

or 1he one th.it \Vll.'ld-, the 1001

It 1,-.. 10 Ix.• in time I'll t.1ke aw,1y Your mi1,,cr1C!, and make 1h(:m mine.

Th,1t med1ocr1t\ c,mnot bind Nor 1he routine long befool

Vt<. Cnllin.,


D.)Yld Lolh-,


Timt to RtSt

belon· ,1 rt•ally b,gan.

,our hmt c .an"': ht \0 h.ud,

\'ou toug ·1 ,1rontt C'l10Ui,th

Sut 100

IU..l\\t'U-0 RN "''"

h to bt.1, being ,.,. 1th u, ,., J\n't ltlt',llll '""'

'""' hit• bdow b1~ \\',1,,mh.1,lruRRll•Rt-...tf'K>\\ 1hJt \\-t' IO'\l" you~00\\ Jnd pr.l) l'rl olrC' with thought--



Your b.ltlll• I\ 0,.,('r Rl"II now

I ud Startled to actio~ . le massive c o In a sin~ rise fro m the earth Crows - David Lollis ,, Jon M.Jrtm Tl>Hdort•, pencil • An,11n


\\ ilh,I\\ ilhoul God \\ "'-.. ht- \\...1-.r~ , tndft.....,, gu1d..1ntchte "ould bt.• .a ,,,le- Of nu"'Y\ d.t\ Jttt.'f d.l\. \\ thou« (;od, <ontmuou, It)\\'." .1nd O'H.''"-~1"""' ,,,,ufd N' no el'kfing ot lh" ro.tci. no \\J't

Pa u dos Ferros, Brasil

Barhed Wire


In .10 unnotiu'CI (,{'( hon or town,

.,, ,1nd ~w thfU\I .md ,;,lice, ,1\ though lhl.• lu,t to m1ure 1h,ll gr,md protru'ii0n 01 b.ir"- ,1nd dr,,pm>; limb-, c.tandmg ,1 .., a king lookmM over his gr.tnd dom,lm. Then the dic;covery of .in anticnl wire buril-d within lw, vcn<•r.1ble \1dc. Worker., fl't•I

The hoo-.c ,c, l•mpty now, Rl•mn.:rnts

Wht.•rc t"\'l'll ,mil~ .ue UJ>'iide d°'""• I find thi'i plJC<.' b> ch.mcl' w11h .i friend, -\nd ol'> he lt.·.id\ mt• .1round 1ht.• bend

of., hfc p.ickl-d away

hi,;, wul in p.1in, .JS -.park!io, chip<.,, .incl .,,,wdust flicker from within

in a pl.ice he Ol'Vl'r knew,

61.1t ,, •lh God I~


I ,tm .. hocked h>, the horror I \ee:

lnJt." IO\t.' .ind h.~l\t."Ot"''

O.irbl-d wire-

The house is empty now, living done

Tiny mud hou\l'\ ,incl ,1.1rk mf',('ry.

\\ lh thm then.- 1, ~.lee Jnd humhlt'f'lt"-,.,

A ,m.ill girl squa1, pl.iyin),I in 1hc red s1ree1, No clothe, on her b.Jck or \hoc-s on her feet

\\ h.u , .. there 10 f\'.".Jr

when ,uu h.we the Loni on \.our ,,de,•? h.i-.t l1n 't'OUr he.ut 10 Jt._,..u, •nd let: Him. in )'our ht-Jrt. ,1b1dC'.

A brulal slrap of pain buri<.>cl In lhc- mon.uch's 'itde. A pac,t md1scrl•tion of wme fallen 10<', no r<.•l,ef \inc.c, w11hout thinking, \Oml' farmer h,ld pierced his side. with \I.Jpll~, 10 thread th,ll

All that's left tloscd up

lingering mortal wound into the side or the King. She draws wilh .1 -.1ick in the 1hick caked clJy, Nol once looking up 10 quC'sl1on, •porquel"


big grey box.

SU'\>l·n Br,ldlt'Y

No, she doe-.n't question ror she is so sm.:i/1, A child wi1hou1 judgmcnr, lr,insparcnt to all. She ~ecs nothing or scorn in 1he people around, (a/<;(• contentment is round.

Only her world where

M..1)'lx- her clr.iwrng~ w,rh l,1rgl.', puffy lines H o \d !.\o rlec. of land<., w h l•rc h urtinR declines.


\\'s M'I Secre\

\\ hy th1:, s.ad and 10' cold

The e m pty brown e yes .,nd dirH,taincd tears, Encompassed o nly by vacant fears

th.it feeh l1k:e ,, inter?

The cold thar stands beh-...een us grips my heart J,ke wind's sharp breath.

.ind rrom


You-one of ones-will

<00n be placed lovingly with other\

Of a child whose w,1nts want to be filled And a world oi dreams she'll never build-

rrozeo deprh, dt-cl.ues.

It IS \.\ infer.

You would never guess

I long ior Spring. I h.ave nor understood the silence

oi your distant place-Hand., closed 1igh1 against me,

Sh.lnng w,lh olhers 1he Spnng foroidden me. [ye, open 10 1ha1 olher place leave me bound in winter's barrenness.

Alone she scribbles, no hopes and no place

how I ache !or

For unkept curls and a lonely face.

ju!:il a whisper of a kiss

Others pass by, of her pain unrcm,nded,

Your scent I tap on the wind

Revelalion comes sharply, and I am suddenly blinded.

transfixed I stammer and trip

falling over and over again -Y\fOnne Elrod

You glance my way

O,nching I 1hink of the possible rebuke

11 is \.Vinler.

I long for Spring.

You are already mine

I am denied 1he warmth we mighl have shared. Your willing absence blows frigid from a distant place, and though my spirit goes OUI Slil/, you've lefl me ,n a WOfld apart. II is Winier.

a perfccl fantasy seethes anointed with your image

Blindly I grasped your rose so dehca1ely viscous left a lovely b,t of red

lulia Goldie, /ene/,Oil on Wood Panel.





i ~ _,. re su r ree f ion ~~ ~ i


. .' •


lj ""



The mangled he,1p l,e~ beside Highway 247, he<ll danung on its corpse huge broken toothed mauler towers like the giant around the Lilliputians. A baleful act of lunacy caused by an impulse to be First around the curve on its way to some forbidden destination. - Death occurs here.


A memory of glaring chrome teeth and horrid sounds of impact. Awareness and time lose their meanin angels stand like Bedpo~ts with eternal vigi lance. S~asoning

spirit on a new adventure Beyond the confines of warmth fills the ne -Life occurs here. Comfort, illuminati n and love calls my soul Life-birth is not r ml'rnbered, D eath-birth is. A p ·11cely voice embracing my inner-bein g sa.ys, ''No, not yet." Ascent becomes ~seen~ Joy becomes ta-stay is muttered. sadness. My the lumens of day filters A layer of cl~ti w hile m¼ fimbs begin to move. - Death 11urts less than life.


My Nature

Spnn~. lht· furm.ih\.t• "i't.·ar.01 m,1c-,ht."d gr<"en, ,,nd b.Jbv c ,uro1..

"11h l1t11l• or


1. ~ •

t \oor-v ..uck\(' dnltc. on .\ hu.-e 7 e

1.m~u,dly .,wal..eninp_ dc-ltc.ue

no ,,,It.

nuucr-. 01 ,hrill quic-tn<',._.

Summer, growing out of mnoc..cnc<" Jnd mlo d1,obed1t·nn•

\ n cndlraf,.., p..1,1ure this lu,h grl'E'n ck-.irl lrl~ and vin~ h but one ec,t~hv l1t1Ned ,v1th

Bod•t.~ h.l\t<'d ,n bullt-r .ind b.1ll"d m the ..,un l\,ot c.1ut1ou, or c.intcr. couldn't~"-' pas1 2 1 _

.r\ liulc .1rm"' dN'OUr-.. lh<"

lhe ,1utumn,1I 't<.'Jt\


CO\l"red m '"•'"


1~I, I L


d,1nger hNt·

p.JII~ to dod~e-

,ticky bur,..-. longing to be ..,u<.I..

Pre-Lovm8, ( ,lre, PrC>--M,1mmogrJm. o,t of OIJy, le-.. lcmm~ ~ t lrit.·nd Cr,1111udt• .1ncl gr,w,ty , 1,11 in IJct

,\ clni ''"Clcorll(•, ,1 Jump


.l J>ond J J trre .1 climb

\VtnlN, lhe hrc-.t sign~ of gr.1\',

- Steveo_ Bt-tJ:dley


tht re

'"th lt.·.l\t.•, ot ,.d,,,_ ,md ~edt.•.

lhc frozen ,1.1rt~

., hull J


Prune ,lnd cr,inbt•rry fll('(Jlc-i,.· h4.:.1lt-d tor l7 \eJr-..

Fore,er tr,1pped he-rt:,

or minutNo

I blos<om.

.\n infrn11~ ot rcl1rt•men1, 111..e lht• cool before, St•f'\'ing. \\'inter. ,,ell sea\Oll('{I \:Cl

-f Th,;-re1,.t t.111.ud

Jlw.iy, longes,t.


15 ~





1997-1998 -,,·-~ V


Editorial Staff:

Sa nity · ·

1enniter Br0\\ n Shane Bruce Sharon Felder

I never said ·,~ ~ n e~ ~

ls:ellie Bate~ Cla~ Bolt Tiifany Clari.. Jon Martin Ben McDonald Amber Schiltz Jeremy Shirley Chase Stone


·• ' ~o!Mll_;;king, did • ~ot scre,,m escape?. , Lat~ theffluc offered To help ,:was it to




..-- •

• , :' .A


f ·



~~_. ~

.. ,n ~ ~ •. ·--~ ..~

Faculty Advisors:

Wii'that~ ar



-·· ·_,,. · .

The ob\;ous is ignored Hatred blossoms and . Is embraced as though Love ne\'cr \Vas

Susan Wooten Wayne Cox

. Love? There's a shout ·Or was it a whisper? Both denied respect

Cover: Photograph-Ben McDonald Design-Clay Bolt and Jeremy Shirley



; ·.

· _



4 peeing after the truth I seek ooderstanding Once my flight ends Will the destination , Be serenity or insanity?

·J .., '_•. ·.·. 1

i : f~~ ,, ~ 'r,,'·- ~ ,



lPs~a~it►m~l~d· ~

Art Staff:

, ' -. i •

..,._, I



I never said ·l\vas sane 1·do say, "I am." •

~ F. Th~n.-s., ; ill,ud

J.:i _

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