Amiga World Official AmigaDOS 2 Companion - eBook-ENG

Page 381

AmigaDOS Command Reference

MakeLink Function: Links two files, so that accessing the first actually accesses the second. Template: FROM/A,TO/A,HARD/S

FROM/A is the name of the link file.

TO/A is the name of the linked file accessed when FROM/A is accessed.

HARD/S is a link between files on the same volume, the only type allowed under the current version of the command.

Mount Function: To make a device available to AmigaDOS. Template: DEVICE/A,FROM/K

DEVICE/A is the name of a device.

FROM/K is the name of the mountlist containing information about the de vice. If not indicated, the mountlist used is Devs:mountlist.

NewCLI (see NewShell) NewShell Function: To start a new Shell process. Template: WINDOW,FROM

WINDOW indicates the console device, height, width, location, and name of the Shell window. FROM is the name of the Shell-startup file. The default is S:Shell startup.

Path Function: To view and set the AmigaDOS search path.

r^/>/^:PATH/MADD/S,SHOW/S,RESET/S,QUIET/S,REMOVE/S PATH/M are the directories added to the search path.

ADD/S adds the indicated directories to the path. It is the default.

SHOW/S displays the current search path. It is the default if the PATH/M argument isn't used.

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