Amiga World Official AmigaDOS 2 Companion - eBook-ENG

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AmigaWorld Official AmigaDOS 2 Companion

The Display Tool The Amiga is a great computer for creating pictures, whether you use a digi tizer such as Digi-View or draw them from scratch with a paint program such as DeluxePaint III. Display lets you view those picture files on your Amiga. By selecting a picture file icon, and then holding the Shift key and double-clicking on Display, the program loads and displays the picture file. If you click on the picture, the message "<- Close when title hidden, or Control-C" toggles on and off in the picture's title bar (see Figure 5-5). The message tells you that when it is not visible, you can close the picture by selecting the invisible close gadget in the upper-left corner of the screen or by pressing CTRL-C.

Figure 5-5 Closing a Picture

To close a picture you're displaying, you click in the upper-left ofthe display screen while the message is not visible. Clicking within the picture toggles the appearance of the message.

If you extend select several files, Display will cycle through them one at a time. You determine when the next picture comes up by clicking either mouse but ton or by closing the current picture with CTRL-C. The pictures continue cycling until you enter CTRLtD. You can print a picture at any time by press ing CTRL-P.

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