Speaking monologues b1

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/18gWp5f9D6v8UJlzcY_2-EpNqxJSzEpfL/view?usp=sharing So far I haven’t met anyone who dislikes listening to music. However, when the workload is so heavy that it demands to stay highly focused, music is for me a huge distraction, unlike many people who like listening to instrumental music because it highly benefits their concentration. In the past I used to attend live concerts because I thought (and in fact, I still think) it is the best way to really enjoy music…. Watching the artists play live (that’s obviously the biggest advantage of going to concerts - live music) surrounded by thousands of other people that are sharing the experience with you….How amazing!!!) However, I’ve grown older and now I’d rather not stand for hours inside a stadium. Being comfortable at home, lying on the sofa while listening to whatever kind of music compensates for / counterbalances the fact of listening to recorded, not live music. Tranquility, peace, that’s the advantage of listening to music at home, on your own. As for access to music nowadays, it is obvious that music is now everywhere, at our fingertips….Downloadable music files, online radio stations ... the music industry has undergone a tsunami. And they have to find out how to adapt to these new times.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UOSxSIgIMmRFMNEtCo-PUC2-huzKi9yz/view?usp=sharing As a newspaper enthusiast, I am happy about the success of online newspapers. However, I am terribly sad about the struggle of the print newspaper industry, with print newspapers making huge staff cuts or even ceasing publication completely. What are some of the major benefits and drawbacks of both print and online newspapers? First print newspaper pro: It’s physical. The feeling of a warm newspaper right off the press is a fantastic feeling , and the fact that a print newspaper can be physically held in your hands is a huge pro, in my opinion. Besides, a print newspaper is unchanging, whereas articles can be hidden on an online website in a few days. On the other hand, an important print newspaper con is that it’s not free. Many people don’t see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need online for free. As for online newspapers, an obvious pro is that it’s immediately accessible and convenient. If you’re running late to class or work but you want to take a look at the news, you probably aren’t going to make a trip to the store to buy the newspaper when you can look at the online edition right away. In this fast-paced world, people don’t want to spend time fumbling through a print newspaper to find an article when they can search for and find it online in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, one disadvantage of online newspapers is that they don’t include everything. If a newspaper releases a special print publication outside of its regular edition, this content often does not make it online.

As a matter of fact, sometimes online editions will even leave out content from the print newspaper’s regular edition. We are often warned that books will be replaced by e-books and print newspapers will disappear soon. I hope not, since, as I’ve already said, for me, touching the pages of a book/ newspaper is an irreplaceable feeling.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K2KAUGlWLw4yk7AkcXsTCl-mxXmeAy3v/view?usp=sharing What are the pros and cons of travelling in a group and going solo on your trip? When you’re backpacking and forever on the move, constantly having to book buses, hostels and excursions can become tiresome. Sometimes it’s nice to be chauffeured around and have everything organized for you. Even though tours have a fixed itinerary, these can often be adapted to suit the group, and if you have a great guide, they’ll go out of their way to give you a unique and adventurous experience. Of course, there are downsides. The success of a tour can often hinge on your group and your guide, and this can affect your experience. Furthermore, sometimes there is pressure to take part in activities or eat at certain restaurants so your choices are limited. As for going alone, travelling alone gives you complete control over your itinerary and the chance to be spontaneous. This is, in my opinion the biggest advantage of travelling on your own, as a backpacker. However, since I’m cowardly, easily scared, I think I’d rather travel in a group, with other people, which would make me feel safer, since I would have someone to turn to if problems arose…



In today’s world, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace… are common websites for people to meet and make acquaintances. They have become a part of our daily lives. In fact, we have come to a point where we prefer ‘liking’ photos, writing ‘comments’…to actually talking to our friends over a cup of coffee. Using the social networking sites is quite easy, moreover, it keeps us updated about what is going on in other people’s life, it reminds us of their important days ….. However, we have forgotten the real essence of a relationship. Nothing like calling a friend at midnight to congratulate them on their birthday. Meeting people over coffee and dinner sounds fun compared to liking photos and posts on a social network. In my opinion, social network is not as important as the existence of real life relationship. It is true that social networks have increased communication, brought us closer to the friends we had lost touch with, but a minute to minute update on our whereabouts is not really necessary. Love has become public and so has hatred, which is terrible (at least, as I see it) In addition, even though we may have 1,000 friends on a social network, we are barely in touch with a few. On social network, we do not portray ourselves the way we are. Therefore, in my opinion, in spite of all the pros that social networks have (I’ve given some examples- such as getting in touch with people we had lost contact with)nothing can replace in-person, face-to-face meetings.



If you asked me what kind of food I think I must eat, it is obvious that my answer should be: Everyone ought to have a balanced diet, combining several different types of food (fish, meat, fruit, vegetables, cereal, healthy fats (olive oil)…). However, it is true that, although most of us force ourselves to have this balanced diet in order to be as healthy as possible, we tend to prefer sweets, fast/junk food… Why? Because those salty, crispy, greasy flavors are practically addictive! These foods taste great. But taste is deceiving. Many of these tastes were learned in childhood and the good memories that go with them enhance our love of junk food. Therefore the advantage of sweets, fast food…. Is how wonderfully they taste, yet that’s all. Healthy food is what we should eat most of the time whether we like it or not, at least if we want to improve (not deteriorate) our physical condition.

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