Irish Hereford Breed Journal 2018

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The Irish Hereford Breed Society 2018 Yearbook

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Larry Feeney Once again another year has passed and another year in which the Hereford breed expanded and developed across both the pedigree and the commercial sector. The Society has been fortunate to attract new members and in particular very many younger enthusiasts which are and will be essential to the further development and expansion of the breed. Pedigree registrations continue to increase thankfully at a steady pace after a period of rapid expansion in 2015 and 2016. Breeders are thankfully becoming more and more aware of the importance of quality over quantity. This issue of quality is also of major importance across the commercial Hereford cross section of the industry where births of Hereford and Hereford cross have increased from 96,685 in 2013 to 157,699 in 2014 and to 205,748 in 2016. The indications are that there is a further substantial increase in 2017 which will become apparent when the figures are collated. These major increases in the Irish Hereford population are driven by a number of factors. Amongst those are changes in consumer demand based on eating quality, flavour, juiciness and indeed where steak cuts are concerned the thickness of the cut has a major influence on the eating experience. Arising from this development carcase size becomes an issue. Given that a regular steak package is 450 grams and contains 2 units, ribeye or striploin size is paramount otherwise the steak is too thin. The Hereford breed has been fortunate to team up with the Lidl Ireland supermarket chain and Slaney Foods International who with partners Linden Foods ensure a consistent supply of Certified Irish Hereford Beef in a range of cuts available on a weekly basis throughout the Lidl outlets of almost 150 stores nationwide on a daily basis. The quality of this product is and has been acknowledged through the major quality awards received and indeed copper fastened by its inclusion in the product range offered by Lidl in its latest venture in the USA. Irish Hereford Prime which is twenty years in business this current year in May has also played a significant and important role in developing a major brand name for Hereford Beef across a range of top restaurants at home and abroad and endorsed by Europe’s top Chefs. The brand is also available in a number of Irish Super Value outlets and the Carrefour chain in Italy. Irish Hereford Prime celebrated the company’s 20th year last year rather than this year in its enthusiasm and delight with the substantial success of the brand to date. I guess it is perhaps something Hereford breeders should celebrate on an annual basis. The Society’s sales went well with a very good clearance at very satisfactory prices throughout the year. Generally the sales are the headline events but given the number of breeders many of whom are in the second and third generation, a large number of bulls are sold directly from farm to farm and very often to repeat customers. Breeders are to be complimented on the way they turn out their stock at these sale events and indeed at the summer shows which once again in 2017 were very well supported. It is so important to showcase the breed and keep the docile red Hereford before the public reminding all and sundry of the classic benefits of the breed. The major shows including the National at Tullamore were very

well supported with a large number of exhibitors who put tremendous effort into presenting their animals to best effect. Given the size of some classes the showring was pretty crowded at times. Two important aspects of the national event was the number of young handlers taking part which has increased dramatically on previous years and the volume of spectators who remained on the rails to watch the judging competition intently throughout a long day. DNA and Genomic testing continues and while initially confirming parentage etc. we are informed have a major effect on future breeding decisions across the cattle producing sector. It is quite surprising given this prediction that the multi million pound horse industry has not adopted a star rating system for thoroughbreds similar to that currently available to the Irish cattle sector. Brexit is the current burning issue for the politicians and may well have some impact on our pedigree cattle trade to and from Northern Ireland and the UK. Given that customs posts on the border were not removed until January 2003, five years following the separated and unrelated “Belfast/Good Friday Agreement” signed in April 1998 it is unlikely that such posts if they return will pose major problems for us. It is likely also that Germany and France in particular will not be keen to impose tariffs on British goods given that 70,000,000 potential customers, while perhaps outside the EU, live on their doorstep. The sky may not fall and a satisfactory agreement will be reached. I take this opportunity to welcome on board Mr Enda Rabbitte who is now almost one year in the position of Breed Development and Promotions Manager. He is fast learning the ropes, getting to know breeders and is responsible for the production of this journal. I would like to commend him on his work on the project while for me it is a tremendous relief to pass on the responsibility to Enda who has the youth and enthusiasm to approach things differently. It is with sadness we note the death of a number of long time breeders who supported the breed through thick and thin, in good times and in bad. We extend our sympathies to their families who will in many instances we know continue to keep the Hereford flag flying. I would like to congratulate the new council on its election and assure them of my support and that of the staff at the Hereford office during their term in charge. On a personal note the retirement of Mr David Prothero, Secretary of the Hereford Cattle Society, UK is a significant change. He has over the years been a tremendous support and confidant to me as I hope I have been to him in dealing with the various issues that arise in cattle breeding. This change in circumstances will take some getting used to. I wish him long life to enjoy his retirement. I also wish his replacement James Sage well. James is quickly getting to grips with the job and we will expect be in regular contact on various aspects of the Hereford business. I take this opportunity to wish every success to all Hereford producers in their endeavours in the year ahead.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Society Sales 2018 Tullamore - Saturday March 31st Bandon - Wednesday April 4th Nenagh - Saturday April 14th Carrick-on-Shannon Saturday April 14th Kilmallock - Friday April 20th Nenagh - Saturday May 19th National Hereford Show, Tullamore - Sunday 12th August Tullamore - Saturday Oct 20th Kilmallock - Friday Oct 26th National Hereford Calf Show, Tullamore - Sunday 18th Nov 2018 Entry forms for Sales available from: Irish Hereford Breed Society, Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Phone: 044-9348862/934885 Fax: 044-9348949 email: website:

Entries close one month in advance of sale

List of Advertisers page

Lynch, Hugh & Philip, Kilgolagh & Carrick .............................................19

Appelbe, John & Frank, Clonakilty, Co. Cork .....................................111

Lynch, Gene & Family, Droumdaniel .....................................................15

Brennan, G. & T., Balleen........................................................................118

Murphy, Martin, Toureenbrien ................................................................23

Branagan, Willie, Clonleam .....................................................................52

Molloy, Michael, Moyclare ......................................................................11

Carroll, David, Mary & Dáithí, Udel ......................................................104

McCarthy, Pat, Bearnagaoithe .............................................................10

Canty, J & J, Portanob .............................................................................28

McGrath, Padraig & Catherine, Kye ...................................................174

Daly/Holloway, Lisa, Niall & John, Gageboro ......................................34

McKiernan, Eamon & John, Knockmountagh ...................................157

Dovea Genetics, Thurles...............................................Inside Front Cover

McKiernan, Sean, Corlismore ....................................................................7

Dudley, Trevor and Edward, Kilsunny, Thurles ..............................24 & 25

Neenan, John, Tullaha Herefords, Charleville, Co. Limerick ................61

Farm Wardrobe ..................................................180 & Inside Back Cover

North Leinster Branch ...............................................................................87

Farrell, Michael & Gráinne, Castledaly ..................................................65

O’Connor Family, Clouncagh...............................................................152

Farrell, J.J. & C., Trillick ..............................................................................16

O’Keeffe, Michael, Gurteragh Herefords .............................................47

Fitzgerald, Tom & Anslem, Grianan ........................................................37

O’Sullivan, Timmie & Sheila, Aliehs .......................................................132

Geelan, Coote, Baltymore ......................................................................96

Parr, Henry & Mervyn, Tourtane ............................................................131

Hickey, Tom & Paddy, Skehanore ........................................................113

Philpott, Liam & Pounds, Anne, Allowdale ...........................................69

Heatrick, Samual & Nigel, Glaslough Herefords .................................169

Progressive Genetics ...............................................................................79 Scott, Louise J., Artist ................................................................................27

Humphreys, Eric, Dernaroy ......................................................................84

Irish Hereford Prime .................................................................................140

Slaney Foods ..........................................................................................109

Irish Farmers Journal .................................................................Back Cover

South Leinster Branch ..............................................................................95

Jacob, Glenn, Dunsinane, Enniscorthy .................................................96

Vincent, Philip & Laura, Pulham Herefords, U.K. .................................103

Kingston, Elizabeth, Ballymartin Herefords, Lismore, Co. Waterford 132

West Cork Hereford Club .........................................................................78

Ledwith, Val, Rathregan.........................................................................124

The opinions expressed in the Irish Hereford Breed Journal are not necessarily the official views of the Breed Society’s Council or its Members of Staff. The Irish Hereford Breed Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or any of the information contained within the Journal. Sincere thanks to all who sent photographs and articles for this publication - in particular Edward Dudley. Printed by: Mulcair Print - Telephone: 087-9881945 - email:


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Clonmel Show ............................................64

Branch Officers .............................................3

Cappamore Show .....................................67

Secretary’s Review .......................................1 Council Members ........................................4

South East Clare Show ...............................66 Limerick Show .............................................68

New President ..............................................5

Dualla Show ................................................70

Around the Sales .........................................8

Bandon Show .............................................72

Hall of Fame Awards ....................................6

Tullamore March 2017 .................................8

Bandon April 2017 ......................................12

Munster Branch Dinner ..............................71

Midleton Show ...........................................73

Clonakilty Show ..........................................73

Celebrating Harry White’s 90th Birthday .12

Barryroe Show ............................................74

Kilmallock April 2017 ..................................17

Carbery Show .............................................76

Tullamore Autumn Sale .............................20

County Louth Show ...................................80

Nenagh April 2017 ......................................13

Nenagh May 2017 .....................................18

Kilmallock October 2017 ...........................26

Kilkenny March 2017 ..................................29

Carrick-on-Shannon ..................................30 Kilkenny Sale April 2017 .............................31 Ballybay April 2017 .....................................32

Tanvalla Herd Dispersal Sale .....................33

RDS Champion of Champions .................35

Dunmanway Show ....................................75

Bantry Show ................................................77

Mullingar Show ...........................................80

Oldcastle Show ..........................................81

Mount Briscoe Show ..................................82

Moate Show ...............................................83

Longford Show ...........................................85

Pedigree Showing & Grooming ...............88

Fingal Show .................................................89

Tying the knot! ............................................36

Ossory Show ................................................89

Tullamore Show ..........................................38

Tinahely Show .............................................91

Around the Shows ......................................38 Nenagh Show .............................................48

Iverk Show ...................................................90

South Leinster Branch Review ..................92

Royal Meath Show .....................................53

Tullow Show ................................................94

Cork Summer Show ...................................62

Tydavnet Show ...........................................98

Gorey Show ................................................57

Charleville Show .........................................63

Arva Show ...................................................97

Virginia Show ..............................................98

Corlismore to the fore ................................99 Mohill Show ...............................................101 Strokestown Show ....................................102

National Ploughing Championships ......105

Hereford Society Bursary Competition ..107 Stepping stone to the future ...................112

Certified Irish Hereford for Lidl U.S. .........114

Paul Flynn Recipes ...................................116 Irish Herefords head east to Russia ........119

Billion to One Quad Calves ....................122 Obituaries .................................................125

Hereford Prime News ...............................133 National Hereford Calf Show .................143

Bandon Calf Show ...................................148

Corrin Mart Calf Show .............................148

Kilmallock Calf Show ...............................149

Skibbereen Calf Show .............................150 Kanturk Calf Show ...................................150

History Section ..........................................153 Country Reports .......................................154

15th European Hereford Conference ...154 Northern Irteland ......................................155

U.K. .............................................................158

David Prothero, U.K., retirement .............168 U.S.A. .........................................................170

New Zealand ............................................171 Australia ....................................................175

Canada ....................................................179

Branch Officers - Contact Details

South Leinster Branch (Laois, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow, Kildare, Dublin) Chairman: John Murphy Phone: 087-7717515 Secretary: Niall Jones Phone: 087 613 6285

Connaught Branch (Mayo, Galway, Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon) Chairman: Padraig McGrath Phone: 087/2693201 Secretary: Anne Flynn Phone: 071-9658930 Munster Branch (Clare, Kerry, Cork, Tipperary, Limerick, Waterford.) Chairman: Tony Hartnett Phone: 087 790 4937 Secretary: Margaret Murphy O’Brien Phone: 086-8237389

North Leinster Branch (Louth, Meath, Westmeath, Longford, Offaly) Chairman: Niall Daly Phone: 087 969 4605 Secretary: Robert Jones Phone: 086 3530140

West Cork Club (West Cork) Chairman: John White Phone: 087 6789712 Secretary: Paddy Hickey Phone: 086 8779639


Cavan Monaghan Branch (Cavan, Monaghan) Chairman: Nigel Heatrick Phone: 087-9969640 Secretary: Cathal Flynn Phone: 087-2052773

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

William Branagan, Chairman.


Irish Hereford Breed Society Ltd., Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Tel. 044-9348855 or 044-9348862 Fax: 044-9348949 email:



Branagan, Mr. William, Clonleam, Delvin, Co. Westmeath.


Humphreys, Mr. Eric, Dernaroy, Newbliss, Co. Monaghan.


Geelan, Mr. Coote, Cloonagheer, Dromod, Co. Leitrim.


Jacob, Mr. Glenn, Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford


Murphy, Mr. Martin, Toureenbrien, Lackamore, Newport, Co. Tipp.


McCarthy, Mr. Pat, Parkana, Ballymore, Bandon, Co. Cork.

Neenan, Mr. John, Tullaha, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Limerick O’Sullivan, Mr. Timmie, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Tralee, Co. Kerry


086-8788762 087-2250210

Hereford Council Members 2017-2018 L/R: Pat McCarthy, Coote Geelan, Willie Branagan, John Neenan, Timmie O’Sullivan, Eric Humphreys, Martin Murphy, Larry Feeney. Inset: Glenn Jacob.


New President

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

The Irish Hereford Breed Society’s new President Mr Pat McCarthy, Ballymore, Bandon, Co Cork took up office on Saturday July 1st. In his second term as a member of the Society’s council Pat represents the members of the Munster branch with special emphasis on his local hinterland where the West Cork Hereford Club is very active. Pat brings to the position a cool, calm head with extensive experience of dealing with dairy and beef farmers and their issues as manager of Cork Marts in Skibbereen and Bandon where he spent most of his adult life. While manager at Bandon he was responsible then to the local council member Frank Appelbe in initiating the now annual and very successful Bandon Hereford bull show and sale. This outlet has expanded over the years with the quality improving year on year to become the go to venue for both local breeders and those farmers smart enough to use a Hereford bull. One of the stalwarts with his colleagues from the Club Pat has been a regular promoter at the very successful Spring Calf Promotions at Bandon, Skibbereen and Fermoy marts in

recent years. A founder member of the West Cork Club Pat has served both as its Secretary and as its Chairman during the 90’s. His son Patrick has also served as Secretary of the Club and part of the Club’s organising committee when they hosted an excellent Hereford cattle show at Clonakilty for the visit of the European Hereford Conference tour in 2005. The ‘Bearnagaoithe Herd’ is founded in 1991 on female lines from ‘Coolbueclan’, ‘Skehanore’, ‘Carrigroe’, and ‘Drisheen’. Numbers were reduced significantly following the death of his late wife Mary.

In 2003 rebuilding began with the purchase of a heifer from the ‘Lislaughtin’ herd of the late Harold Fitzell. Pat says it has been a great honour to have been elected President of the Society to represent his fellow members particularly at a time when the Hereford breed is in such demand. He says that in his own region demand was never as strong and is he believes driven initially by easy calving and thereafter by the demand and premium available on Hereford stock from the calf stage right through to slaughter. The local mart at Bandon is one of the biggest calf sales in the country and Hereford calves are always great sellers there. “Coming into office as Certified Irish Hereford beef is launched on the American market is a very proud moment and a great achievement for the breed, congratulations are due to everyone involved in the project” stated Pat as the news was released. Pat is looking forward to meeting with breeders at the shows and Hereford events during the coming year and in endeavouring in any way he can to improve the fortunes of the breed and breeder alike.

Keep up to date with all the latest news and find us on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram. IRISH HEREFORD BREED SOCIETY


Hall of Fame Award

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

William (Willie) Branagan

The Irish Hereford Breed Society is pleased to nominate its current chairman William B Branagan for the 2017 Hall of Fame award. From Clonleam, Delvin, Co Westmeath, Willie a past President of the society is now serving his fourth 3-year term as Hereford breed society chairman. Few individuals have given so freely of their time to any breed as that dedicated to the Hereford by Willie.

A committed member of the society he is currently serving his fifth term on the society’s council. He served as secretary of his local north Leinster Hereford branch for a period of twenty five years and has just stepped down as secretary of the national and internationally successful Irish Hereford Prime certified beef brand following 15 years of committed service during its development and rapid expansion. The Hereford beef brand has just been relaunched in Northern Italy by Bord Bia, ABP and Irish Hereford Prime as part of the expansion and raising of the profile of Irish beef on the Italian market.

A member of the society’s judging panel Willie has judged at many venues across the country in Northern Ireland, Denmark and the Netherlands.

In addition he has represented the Irish Hereford Society at international Hereford events in the UK, Australia, Canada, Uruguay and Denmark.

He has just returned from a visit to the southern hemisphere as part the Hereford society’s semen purchasing panel. This is the third time he has represented the society in this capacity.

The foundation of the Clonleam herd is like the Hereford breed lost in the mists of time. "My father, Harry, had a few Herefords back in the 1930's but I never knew anything much about them or what became of them ", recalled Willie. The present herd was founded just over 60 years ago. "In 1956 my mother, Aileen, got a present of a Hereford heifer calf from her brother, Paddy Barry in Dunboyne and the current herd grew from that with a number of the cows descended from that heifer. She was an ‘Adelaide’ descended from the top female line of one of the famous Irish Hereford foundation herds run by the Featherstonhaugh family who lived close by at Rockview, Delvin. The herd currently comprises of


40 cows which in addition to the foundation stock has been supplemented over the years by some bought in female lines from the Churchtown, Lugboy, Kilkea, Lisnabin and Drumakeenan herds.

Two bulls from the herd Clonleam Maestro a top performer at the Tully performance test station stood for many years at Clarecastle AI while Clonleam Rustler a reserve champion at the society’s show and sale became a successful sire at Dovea AI. Several prizewinning cattle have been exhibited at shows and sales over the years with the Clonleam Delightful cow family in particular producing many successful progeny. Progeny from the herd are rarely taken to the shows in recent years as the majority of sales are to a loyal customer base built up over the years.

The Irish Hereford Society is pleased to nominate its current Chairman Willie Branagan for the 2017 Hall of Fame.


CORLISMORE TED 894 Sire: Moyclare Mariner Dam: Corlismore Tara Overall Male Champion National Calf Show 2017.

DENDOR 1 RUBY 27th Sire: Solpoll 1 Gilbert Dam: Dendor 1 Ruby 11th First Prizewinner National Show Tullamore, Arva, Tydavnet, Virginia. Reserve Champion Arva and Oldcastle 2017.

SHILOH-FARM DYNAMITE Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Cill Cormaic Lass

First and Reserve Male Champion National Show Tullamore 2016 & 2017. Winner of numerous championships in 2016. First and Champion Arva, Virginia, Tydavnet, Trim and Moate 2017. Interbreed Champion Tydavnet and Virginia.

Sean McKiernan

CORLISMORE 1 SYDNEY 876 Sire: Corlismore 1 Veteran 786 Dam: Corlismore 1 Gem 784 Reserve Yearling Calf Champion Trim. First Arva & Virginia & Reserve Champion Virginia 2017.

CORLISMORE CRACKER Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Corlismore Pinky First Prizewinner National Calf Show 2017 at 7 months. Sold to Cathal Flynn & Family, Rossmore Herefords, Co. Monaghan.

Bulls & Heifers for Sale

Corlismore House, Co. Cavan.

Tel. 049 4337185 Mobile: 087 1245927


Visitors Always Welcome

Irish Hereford Premier Spring Show & Sale


€5,200 Tops the Hereford Premier Spring Show and Sale at Tullamore

The wintry conditions certainly didn’t help as many people who had to make the long journey woke to a blanket of snow resulting in a number of exhibitors unable to attend the event. A number of private on farm sales and those sold at the Kilkenny sale reduced the numbers present. The cold weather conditions made it a miserable day but people weren’t long getting warmed up once the show got underway. Competition was tough with animals in each class being of very good quality. Our adjudicator for the day, John Kemp of the Auckvale Herd in the UK, received many compliments from both spectators and exhibitors on his judging decisions and deserves massive thanks. The overall show Champion, Moyclare Olivier a son of herd sire Brocca Saviour sold for €4,750. Reserve senior champion at the calf show in November 2016, he is bred by Michael Molloy, Belmont, Birr, Co. Offaly. The purchaser David Lovett travelled all the way from Castlemaine to secure his new sire for his dairy herd. It was however the 1st prize-winner, Cill Cormaic Nevada who “Cilled” the competition to claim the crown for top price. The breeder, David Larkin who is also from Kilcormac, Birr, Co. Offaly beat last year’s top price when John Conlon from Co. Armagh placed a final bid of €5,200 to become the new owner. Well known Co Roscommon breeder Frank Harrington exhibited FH Unique a half-brother to FH William recently acquired by Dovea AI. A son of FH Queen

Rose and a class winner sold at €4,000 to JJ Melody, Bunratty, Co Clare. Sam and Nigel Heatrick, Glaslough Co Monaghan who have made their name known within the Hereford society for breeding excellent stock had a number of bulls on display. Glaslough Rooney a son of Glaslough Navigator born August ’15 won his class and was purchased jointly by Longford breeder JJ Farrell and Padraig McGrath, Kye, Elphin at €3,900. Mr Farrell himself later sold has entry Trillick Volvo to Denis Crowley from Tipperary. The Heatricks also exhibited Glaslough Pompeii a second prize-winner which caught the fancy of Percy Kingston, Waterford at €3,700. Tony Hartnett was in the spotlight again as his bull Riverrock Gold Star which championed the calf show in November took the title of Reserve champion this time round. Riverrock Gold Star while securing a bid of €3,400 failed to reach his reserve and remained unsold. Bulls sold prior to the sale included two sold at Kilkenny for Tom Brennan, Freshford Balleen Perfection at €3,400 and Balleen Diplomat at €3,400. Also sold prior to this sale was Trillick Emmet sired by Haven Kingpin by J.J. Farrell from Co. Longford at a substantial undisclosed sum to Eurogene A.I. Another top bull sold in advance was the junior national calf show junior champion Shiloh Farm Dynamite from the herd of Hugh and Sarah Murray, Moate, Co. Westmeath. It is reported he has sold to top Cavan Hereford breeder Sean McKiernan once again at an undisclosed but believed to be a substantial sum. The overall sale average was excellent but demand for bulls in the €2,200 to €2,800 range was not as solid as in spring 2016.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Champion at the Hereford Society Spring Show and Sale Moyclare Oliver with Michael Molloy and John Kemp, UK (Judge). Sold at €4,750.

David Larkin with his top priced bull Cill Cormaic Nevada which sold for €5,200.

Frank Harrington’s bull F.H. Unique winner of class 5 sold for €4,000 to J.J. Melody from Ennis, Co. Clare.

Glaslough Rooney, bred by Sean Heatrick in Co. Monaghan sold for €3,900 to J.J. Farrell from Co. Longford.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Aidan McCabe with his bull Drumgoon Hill Kestrel, winner of class 2 sold for €2,800 to Joseph Finn from Co. Laois.

Tony Hartnett with his nephew Gerry O’Riordan and Reserve Champion bull Riverrock Gold Star.

Bearnagaoithe Herefords Est. 1991

Young Stock Usually For Sale Pat McCarthy

Parkana, Ballymore, Bandon, Co. Cork Tel. 086 804 7701 & 023 884 9379



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


The annual Premier Pedigree Show & Sale took place on Wednesday 5th of April at Cork co-operative mart Bandon with bulls of approximately 18 months – 2 years of age on show. The sale attracted a total of 25 exhibitors of which 15 were sold resulting in a respectable 60% clearance rate with a correlating average price of €2,553.

Christopher Mullins from Bantry in Co. Cork received the champion sash for his fine looking animal Island View Alex who is a son of Droumdaniel Hector, which sold for €2,650. John Appelbe from Clonakilty Co. Cork stepped up to claim the title of Reserve Champion with his well muscled bull Appel 1 Federation a son of the UK bull Pallas 1 Jubliee. When we finally got to the sale ring, prices started at around the €2,600 mark and were in the range of €1,900 – 2,900 for the duration of the auction. John Appelbe thought he had claimed the honour of top price bull when his Reserve Champion departed the ring with a price tag of €2,900 but he was content not to have this title completely stripped away as he shared the accolade with Jerry ‘O’ Sullivan when his bull Hollycrest Nidge (a son of the well known Kilsunny Goliath) left the ring with a price to match Appelbe’s bull. Sincere thanks to IHBS President Liam Phipott who was our judge for the day, our auctioneer Hugh Mulvihill and last but not least to all the staff who organised and held the event at Bandon mart.

Champion Bandon Island View Alex owner Christy Mullins receiving the Appelbe cup from John Appelbe and Judge Liam Philpott President IHBS

Reserve Champion Bandon Apple 1 Federation with John Appelbe and Judge Liam Philpott

Celebrating Harry White’s 90th Birthday


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


A successful day was had at the Hereford Spring Show & Sale in Nenagh on Saturday the 8th of April. Home sales continue to be the farmers preferred method of doing business, leading to 21 bulls arriving on the day which was about half the amount registered in the catalogue (41 bulls2 heifers). The glorious weather brought out a big crowd and Hugh Mulvihill did the rest as his charismatic sense of humour had buyers in good form and digging deep into their pockets resulting in a average of €3,100 being achieved on the day with a price range from €2,350-3,700 along with a 95% clearance rate. Our judge for the day, Mr. Adrian Bateman from Co. Cork did an excellent job on grading the 4 classes, leaving our exhibitors happy with the results they achieved.

Padraig McGrath’s winner of class 4, Kye Harry 734 won champion bull on the day and sold for €3,600, and will now serve John Jones in Co. Wexford. Frank Harrington’s F.H. Star took the rosette for Reserve Champion, with Barney O’Sullivan from Co. Wicklow becoming the new owner when he placed his last bid at €3,400. However, it was Rory Farrell from Nenagh who gained the most interest from the crowd when his bull Ballinveney Superstar reached the €3,700 mark, with Nelson McCrabbe becoming the new owner all the way from the hills in Donegal. Working back from the remaining classes we had Philip Smyth and his bull Ardmulchan Lunar winning class 1 and selling for €3,650 to Patrick Lane from Co. Limerick.

Padraig McGrath with his Champion bull Kye Harry 734 sold at €3,600. Judge Mr. Adrian Bateman.

Reserve Champion F.H. Star by Frank Harrington sold at €3,400

John Canty won the second class with his bull Portanob Brutus selling at €3,000 with Michael Mulcahy from Nenagh becoming the new owner.

Finally, the winner of the 3rd class goes to Nigel Heatrick who can’t seem to enter a competition without winning something at the minute. His bull Glaslough Red Rum sold for €3,050 and now resides in the Garden of Ireland with James Kavanagh in Co. Wicklow.

Huge thanks to all who participated and helped out on the day.

Rory Farrell and family with their top priced bull Ballinveney Superstar who sold for €3,700


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Catherine Smyth showing her Class 1 winner Ardmulchan Lunar.

Heatrick with Glaslough Ruler who placed 3rd in Class 4 sold at €3,550 to Coolacurragh Farms in Co. Laois.

John Canty with his second class winner Portabob Brutus

2nd place in Class 2, Kilkeary Simba by Tom Fogarty sold for €3,500 to Patrick Hayes Co. Limerick.

Nigel Heatrick with Glaslough Red Rum, winner of Class 3

Kye King 733 by Padraig McGrath sold at €3,400 to Patrick McMahon from Co. Clare


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Declan Lavin’s Forestview Laurence placed 4th in Class 4 and sold for €3,400 to Henry Stanley Co. Tipperary

Rory Farrell’s Ballinveney Scholar made €3,400 who will now head to Glenaveigh Farm Co. Tipperary

Noel Allen came 3rd in the 1st Class with his bull Gurtlabawnpoll 1 Jake selling at €3,000 to Thos Casey, Co. Tipperary.

Droumdaniel Herefords Estb: 1984

Gene Lynch & Family Droumdaniel, Droumdaniel, Bantry, Bantry, Co. Co. Cork Cork 086 086 0851397 0851397 or or 027 027 56375 56375 -- Visit Visit us us on on Facebook Facebook


Trillick Herefords A Herd to take stock off!


- our latest bull to be sold into Eurogene AI Station. Sired by Haven Kingpin


One of our top bulls in 2017. Sold for €4,250. Sired by Freetown Hotspur.


Stra ws For Sale

Proven Stock Bull Has produced many top price bulls at premier sales in recent years.

Order straws from J.J. (086 8329 436)

Thank you to all our customers in 2017 Young stock always for sale - Visitors welcome

J . J . & C . Fa r r e l l

Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford. N39 F728 Tel. 043 33 41976 Mobile: 086 8329436 email: Find us on facebook “Trillick Herefords”


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Out of the 53 bulls entered in to the Kilmallock show & sale, a total of 30 arrived on the day, with only 9 being unsold resulting in a clearance rate of over 70%. The sale had a price range of €2,000 – €3,550 and working out at an average of €2,880. Retired bank manager Eamon McKiernan, who is originally from Cavan but lives in Louth received the top price on the day for his 5 star terminal bull Knockmountagh Fionn, who is from Ireland’s easiest calving Hereford sire Cill Cormaic Kasper. Mr Joe Kett put on a good show when he entered a bidding battle with a fellow spectator and came out triumphant when he placed his last offer of €3,550 to become the new owner. Declan Donnelly from Ennis and Ted O’Sullivan from Fermoy were next in line as they shared second highest price for their bull’s Clondrina 1171st and Furaleigh Kobe 1049 when they sold at €3,200 a piece. Padraig McGrath and Dermot Whelton secured the third highest price of the day when their bulls Kye Gerard 727 (1st place class 3) and Hazel Grove Braxton (2nd place class 3) made €3,000 each.

Top price bull at €3,550 Knockmountagh Fionn with owner John McKiernan and purchaser Jodie Kett

Clondrina 1171st sold at €3,200 with owner Declan Donnelly

Owners Keith and Dermot Whelton with their 5 star replacement bull Hazel Grove Braxton sold for €3,000. Furaleigh Kobe 1049 sold at €3,200 with owner Ted O’Sullivan Padraigh McGrath with his bull Kye Gererd 727 that sold for €3,000 scoring 5 stars for Terminal & 4 stars for Replacement

Mullaghdoo Arthur €2,800 with owner Basil Arnold.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


The final Hereford Spring sale went out with a bang as a 100% of animals were sold, with some impressive prices achieved on the day. The average price was just shy of €3,000 with a price range of €2,200 – €4,000. Well known Hereford breeders Tom and Anselm Fitzgerald brought home the champion sash for their bull Grianan Prince. This 4 star terminal bull is bred by Grianan Freddy who produced a number of animals that were very successful around the shows last year. Local Nenagh man Michael McLoughlin became the new owner when he placed his final bid at €3,500. Philip and Catherine Smyth took second place when their bull Ardmulchan Magic was crowned Reserve Champion. This bull is out of the well known UK bull Church Preen Galileo who has had a great deal of success across the water winning best bull under 2 years old and Reserve Champion at the National Show, Tenbury and Senior Male Champion at the National Calf Show in Bristol 2010. Roscommon man William Kennedy returned to Ballyforan with a heavy wallet as he brought home a total of €9,300 for his 3 bulls. Willie’s 16 month old bull, Feevaghmore Las Vegas was responsible for almost half the purse as he sold for €4,000 the highest price of the sale. This very stylish 16 month old sire, a son of the very successful Haven Kingpin, has a 5 star rating for both the terminal and replacement indexes’ along with an impressive calving difficulty value of 3.4%, which is lower than the breed average. James Thompson from the very successful herd of Ballyraggan Herefords, Co. Carlow received the next highest price on the day for his bull Ballyraggan Pioneer 839th selling at €3,800. Sired by Ballyaville Fine Tune who is a son of Hollow Point Broker this bull scored 5 stars for terminal, docility and carcass weight. Longford man JJ Farrell of Trillick Herefords was another exhibitor who grabbed the attention of a number of buyers when it came to selling his bull Trillick Senior. This attractive sire scored 4 and 5 stars for the termianal and replacement index. Trillick Senior certainly took after his father, Free Town Hotspur who is recognised for his easy calving at 1.9%, with Trillick Senior scoring a value of 3.5%. The society would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Matt Malone on his retirement. We would like to thank Matt for his hard work and dedication through the years, we wish him all the best.

Champion Grianan Prince sold for €3,500, bred by T & A Fitzgerald Mount Temple Moate. Breeder Anselm Fitzgerald, Moate, Liam Philpott (Hereford Society President) Mervyn Richmond, Fermanagh (Judge).

Reserve Champion Ardmulchan Magic sold for €2,500 with breeder Catherine Smyth, Navan, Mervyn Richmond, Fermanagh (Judge) and Liam Philpott (Hereford Society President).

Trillick Senior sold for €3,750 with breeder JJ Farrell, Co. Longford


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Presentation by IHBS Chairman Willie Branagan & President Liam Philpott to Matt Malone as a mark of appreciation by the society on the retirement of Matt Malone as GM.

Top price bull Feevaghmore Las Vegas sold for â‚Ź4,000 with breeder Willie Kennedy, Ballyforan, Co Roscommon

KILGOLAGH & CARRICK HEREFORDS Corlismore Trumpeter 616

Hugh & Philip Lynch

Quality Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Welcome Carrick, Finea, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Tel. 043-6681210 or 087-9582773 19

Irish Hereford Premier Autumn Show & Sale


Flight of the Phoenix at Tullamore Storm Brian made conditions miserable but that wasn’t enough to keep exhibitors from attending on the day. Weather did not deter purchasers bidding to a top price of €6,600 in the bull ring while the top priced heifer sold at €4,600. Competition was tough with many strong bulls present at the event. The interest in the Hereford breed has continued to go from strength to strength each year. This year saw the breed establish itself as one of the main breeds at many of the summer shows throughout the country with many animals who had won various rosettes and sashes throughout the year present at the sale. A large crowd was in attendance on the day for the event in Tullamore GVM Auctioneers with a number of new and potential members hoping to make a purchase and get their Hereford herd up and running. Michael Molloy’s bull ‘Phoenix’ from the Moyclare herd upon entering the ring, quickly caught the attention of a number of potential buyers who wished to add this smashing sire to their herd. Bidding quickly took flight reaching €5,000 in minutes when the bidding battle dropped to just two hopeful buyers. It was Michael Hoey of Lusk, Co. Dublin who came out victorious when his final bid of €6,600 proved enough to secure the 16 month old bull. Moyclare Phoenix is sired by the David Larkin bred bull Cill Cormaic Kasper (KZP) now standing at Dovea AI and out of the home bred Moyclare Rose

22nd herself having a had a formidable show career and out of a very successful maternal line. The Reserve Bull Champion on the day came from the Grianan herd of Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald. Grianan Ranger, born in August last is sired by Grianan Freddy. This solid and attractive looking bull sold for €4,000 with John Ryan from County Tipperary becoming the new owner. Sean & Shane Kilrane of Mohill, exhibited Drumboy Jamie who was crowned Champion bull at the event providing the first major success at a premier sale for the Co. Leitrim breeders. This bull Drumboy Jamie was on exhibition at the Irish Hereford Society’s stand at the National Ploughing Championship this year where he caught the eye of many passer-by’s. He is sired by the very successful and well know bull Kilsunny Goliath (KSG) who is well renowned for producing champions throughout the country and across water. Tom Roycroft had his eye on him since the ploughing and became the new owner when he placed his last bid at €3,650. K & M Diffley from Co. Leitrim had a smashing bull on show on the day. Duibhgiolla Grian, a 16 month old bull sired by Gageboro Morgan, a grand son to Gageboro Eugenic and a great grand son to Churchill Storm, it’s clear to see that the bloodlines don’t lie as a price of €3,800 was secured for the bull with Gerard & James Dowdall from Scrahan, Co. Waterford becoming the new owners. Michael and Sinead Conry’s bull Rathnollag Lucky 790 was purchased by long time Hereford breeder James Thompson from Ballraggan, Rathvilly for €3,200. Scoring 4 & 5 stars for both the terminal and replacement indexes along with a calving difficulty of 2.2%, this tasty looking bull should fit well in his new herd.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Demand for heifers was back a little on this event last year however the top heifers continue to make headlines with John Appelbe’s 14 month old heifer Appel 1 Joy, sired by this year’s Hereford National Champion Solpoll 1 Lawman, sold for €4,600 the highest price for a female at the event, with Fellow rebel man and new Hereford breeder Michael Dullea of Deelish Hereford’s becoming the new owner.

Trevor Dudley’s sweet looking Heifer Kilsunny Lass Nadia was awarded Reserve Female Champion and went on to sell for a very satisfactory €3,400. Cavan man Philip Lynch purchased the heifer and looks forward to incorporating some Kilsunny bloodlines in to his herd.

The Female Championship was awarded to Padraig McGrath’s Kye Sunshine 722 which is in-calf to his 5 star stock bull Knoxlustre Twilight, who has a calving difficulty of 3.5%. Kye Sunshine will remain in the west of Ireland with her new owner Cathal Dolan from Carrigallen, County Leitrim.

Other heifers to catch the eye were Riverrock Katie Bea exhibited by Tony Hartnett, Rockchapel. Sired by Grianan Justice out of Riverrock Ita, she sold to James Thompson to add to his female herd at €3, 300. T & A Fitzgerald’s Grianan Prim P 779 a daughter to Grianan Freddy out of Grianan Prim J 542 sold at €3050 to Pat Shanahan, Croagh, Co Limerick.

Shane and Sean Kilrane with their Champion bull ‘Drumboy Jamie’ that sold for €3,650 in Tullamore. IHBS President Pat McCarthy presenting them with the Bank of Ireland Cup.

Hereford breeder and friend of the Molloy family, Hugh P. Murray showing Mick’s Moyclare Phoenix at the event. Sold for €6,600.

Kevin Diffley with his 1st prizewinner ‘Duibhgiolla Grian’ sold at €3,800. Also in photo are father & son Gene & Owen Lynch, who judged the competition, and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.

Reserve Bull Champion Grianan Ranger sold for €4,000. L – R: Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Gene & Owen Lynch (Judges), Pat McCarthy IHBS President.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

IHBS President Pat McCarthy presents Padraig McGarth with the Bank Of Ireland Cup for his Champion Heifer ‘Kye Sunshine 722’ which was sold for €2,900. Judges Gene & Owen Lynch in back and wife Catherine McGrath on right.

Sinead Conry showing her bull ‘Rathnollag Lucky 790’ which was sold for €3,200.

Richard Lalor with his extremely well put together bull ‘Rathkenty Okavango’ that won the first bull class and went on to sell for €2,500. Judges Gene & Owen Lynch in center and IHBS President Pat McCarthy on right.

The heifer that attracted a lot of interest from the crowd ‘Appel 1 Joy’ bred by John Appelbe and sold for €4,600 on the day to Mr. Michael Dullea.

Judges Gene and Owen Lynch finalise their decisions in class one.

Susan Dudley with her Reserve Champion heifer Kilsunny Lass Nadia that sold for €3,400. Judges Gene & Owen Lynch in centre and IHBS President Pat McCarthy on right.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Huge attendance at the event. “You wouldn’t get turning a sweet in your mouth” – Quote of the day from our auctioneer Mr. Hugh Mulvihill

The Winning Team The next generation!


Toureenbrien, Newport, Co. Tipperary. Tel. 061-378445 086-1072847




1st National Junior Cow, National Hereford Show, Tullamore, August 2017 1st Junior Cow, Royal Meath Show, Trim, September 2017 Best Exhibitor-Bred Senior Heifer, National Hereford Show, Tullamore, August 2016 1st & Overall Senior Female Champion, National Hereford Calf Show, Tullamore, November 2015 Winner of THIRTEEN 1st prizes in 2016 Full sister to Lass Matilda, winner of TEN 1st prizes in 2017 Dam, Lass Gem won three consecutive 1st prizes at the National Hereford Show, Tullamore Her 5 star bull calf, Kilsunny Ozzy is FOR SALE Summer/Autumn 2018

Show standard heifers from our world famous LASS cow family FOR SALE Spring/Summer 2018 Selection of top quality service age 4 & 5 star KILSUNNY bulls FOR SALE Spring 2018 Keep up to date with all the latest news from Kilsunny Herefords and find us on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram.

TREVOR DUDLEY & FAMILY Visitors & Enquiries always welcome

Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Phone: 0504 23461 / 086 3916922 email:



KILSUNNY LASS MATILDA 2017 Munster Senior Female of the Year 2017 Slaney Foods International Champion Winner of TEN 1st prizes in 2017

KILSUNNY LASS NECTAR 2017 Munster Junior Female of the Year Reserve Premier Heifer Calf Champion, Nenagh 3rd Heifer Calf Champion, Gorey

KILSUNNY GOLIATH Sire of Male Champion, 2017 Autumn Premier Sale Sire of progeny group, 2017 National Hereford Show Sire of three male champions in five years at Premier Autumn Sale.

KILSUNNY NICHOLAS Res Bull Calf Champion, Gorey, June 2017 Calf Champion, Ossory, July 2017 Sold to Tullaherin Pedigree Herefords

KILSUNNY NOBLE Supreme Male Champion, Ballyforan, September 2017 1st & Overall Junior Champion, 2017 National Hereford Calf Show. FOR SALE Spring 2018.

KILSUNNY LASS NADIA 1st & Res Female Champion 2017 Autumn Premier Sale Sold for €3400 at just 12 months

TREVOR DUDLEY & FAMILY Visitors & Enquiries always welcome

Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Phone: 0504 23461 / 086 3916922 email:


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


STRONG DEMAND FOR HEREFORD CONTINUES IN KILMALLOCK Weather conditions were poor again with very heavy fog affecting many exhibitors on the morning resulting in a delayed starting time, but things weren’t long getting in to full swing once the sale started. Bulls sold to a top of €4,200 and average of €2,420 with a 93% clearance, which equates to just two bulls unsold.

The top price for a bull was paid by Mr Oliver Cullinan, Tuber Co. Clare when he purchased Padraig mcGrath’s bull at €4,200. Sired by Free Town Hotspur this bull “Kye Knight 750” had great shape and length with the figures to match scoring 5 and 4 stars on the terminal and replacement indexes. Having been entered in the Premier Sale in Tullamore and failing to meet his reserve, it’s clear that Padraig made the correct decision in holding off until Kilmallock as he made approximately a €2,000 profit from the price he refused to take the previous Saturday.

Padraig McGrath with his first prize winner of the 3rd class, Kye Knight 750, which was sold for the highest price at the sale - > €4,200

€2,850 was the next highest price at the sale, which was achieved by two Hereford members on the day. First in to the ring was Timothy Minogue with his bull Ryle Glen Deed born Jan 2016, followed shortly by Larkin’s bull Cill Cormaic Octavia, a home bred bull born April 2016 and sired by Cill Cormaic Lincoln.

Champion at the event went to Mr Tom Brennan’s 20 month old bull Balleen Merlin, but unfortunately failed to meet his reserve.

Taking home the rosette for Reserve Champion at the show was Henry Stanley’s Cullaun Popeye, sired by Kye Storm 508 and sold for €2,800. Michael O’Keeffe from Newmarket Co. Cork had his Hereford Bull Calf Champion from this year’s Nenagh Show on exhibition. With a star rating 4 and 5 stars for terminal and replacement indices and sired by Trillick Best, Michael’s bull “Gurteragh Rossa 699 ET” sold for €2,800 to Donal Curtin Temple from West Limerick.

Timothy Minogue just after making the sale of his bull Ryle Glen Deed for €2,850

Right: The Cill Cormaic Octavia bull that sold for €2,850 with owner David Larkin and Theresa Cunningham.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Ladies day in Kilmallock. Theresa Cunningham, Sinead Conry, Catherine Smyth and Susan Dudley pictured with their bulls, all of which won a rosette in their classes.

Theresa Cunningham preparing David Larkin’s bull “Cill Cormaic Osama”. 2nd prize winner in class 2 and sold for €2,700

Owner Tom Brennan in the white coat showing his Champion bull with Judge Martin Murphy and his grandson Shane, IHBS President Pat McCarthy on right.

Ladies to the fore at GVM Kilmallock. Catherine Smyth with her bull Ardmulchan Manager sold at €2,700 and Susan Dudley with Kilsunny Nixon sold at €2,400.

Artist Louise J Scott

Hereford Bull pastel painting created by Herefordshire based Artist Louise J. Scott. The painting has been exhibited at The Royal Birmingham Society of Art and also featured in the American Pastel Journal where it was awarded an Honourable mention from over 2,000 entries. The framed Original (27 x 33 inches) and Limited Edition of 50 Prints (16 x 20) are available from the Artist at a reduced cost of £60 to all Irish Hereford Members (retailing at £85 on Louise’s website). Artist Louise J Scott Bsc • • Facebook: @PetPortraitsLouiseScott Instagram: @ArtistLouiseScott



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


BALLEEN HERD CLAIMS A DOUBLE TOP PRICE OF €3,400 AT KILKENNY Tom Brennan, Balleen, Freshford, Co. Kilkenny achieved a double triumph at the multi-breed Spring bull sales at Kilkenny securing €3400 twice for two homebred bulls from the famous Balleen Herd. Balleen Diplomat, a four star terminal index bull sired by CH 3223 Visa 57X and out of the former show heifer, Balleen Polly was to first to sell at €3400. A short time later, this bull’s full brother, Balleen Perfection sold for the same money at €3400 also, rounding out a very successful day for the Kilkenny native. New breeder, Seamus Rohan, Listrolin, Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny secured the third best price of the sale, selling Listrolin Lad, a September 2015 born bull, for €3200. This five stars ICBF terminal index bull is sired by former RDS Champion of Champions recipient, Kye Rodge 553 and is out of Balleen Maeve 798. One of the oldest bulls in the sale, Ballyraggan Domino 830, exhibited by James Thompson, Ballyraggan, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow traded at €3100. This bull was born in April 2015 and is sired by the stock bull Woodview Everest and is out of Ballyraggan Whitehorn 625. The Reserve Champion bull, Chatsworth Joe, exhibited by Thomas Henessy, Chatsworth, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny sold for €3000. This bull is sired by Lakelodge Joe 3 and is out of homebred dam from the Dolly family at Chatsworth. The Supreme Championship, under joint judges Michael & Niall Jones, Knockduff, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford was awarded to regular exhibitor, Christy Finn, Bawngariff, Ballycallan, Co. Kilkenny with Bawngarriff Gigolo. This bull failed to meet his reserve in the sales ring and was unsold. Overall, trade was extremely brisk with an almost 70% clearance selling to an average of €3170. Report & Photography by Edward Dudley.

Joint top priced bull, Balleen Perfection with Tom Brennan (exhibitor) who sold for €3400.

Third highest priced bull, Listrolin Lad who sold for €3200.

Fourth highest priced bull, Ballyraggan Domino 830 with James Thompson (exhibitor) and purchaser, who sold for €3100.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Supreme Champion, Bawngarriff Gigolo with Christy Finn (exhibitor).

Reserve Champion, Chatsworth Joe with Thomas Hennessy (exhibitor) who sold for €3000.


Catherine McCarthy from Co. Clare takes home the red rosette for their smashing heifer in class 9, Hereford X Bullock/Heifer with no more than 2 permanent teeth at the Winter Fair in Carrick on Shannon for the second year in a row.

Enda Rabbitte (Irish Hereford Society) and Tennyson Egar (Irish Hereford Prime) attend to opening of Carrick on Shannon’s new Show Grounds. Michael Lynch from Ballinalee, Co. Longford with his Champion Hereford Shroidpoll 1 Connolly sold for €2,600 at the Midland & Wesern Livestock Improvement Society’s Spring sale in Carrick on Shannon, Paddy Farrell (Midland and Western), Alan Morrison (Judge).


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


More than half of the bulls sold made €3,000 or more at Kilkenny Twelve Hereford bulls were sold at the Kilkenny multi breed show and sale on Wednesday the 19th of April, with 7 of these making €3,000 or more. Local Kilkenny man and new breeder Seamus Rohan had a successful day at the previous Kilkenny sale and went on to dominate the Hereford class this time around with his bull Listrolin Lord when judge David Larkin awarded him the champion rosette. The young bull born in September 2015 sold for €4,000 has a terminal and replacement rating of 5 and 4 stars respectively. This bull is a son of Balleen Pansy 762 bred by well known Hereford breeder and Kilkenny native Tom Brennan and sired by Padraig McGraths Kye Rodge 553, a former RDS Champion of Champions. Reserve champion went to Christy Finn’s homebred bull Bawngarriff Sonic, a 4 star terminal bull born in July 2015 that sold at €3,800 the second highest price of the day. This bull is a grandson to the well know Australian bred bull Hollow Point Breaker who is famous for his depth and thickness. Third highest price for the Hereford breed was €3,300 which was shared by three Leinster men; • Knockfin Yukon by Francis Scott, Rathdowney: A 4 star terminal bull born September 2015 • Arnagross General 2 by Tomas Plunkett, Mullingar: An October calf from 2015, and son of Trillick Ranger. • Chastworth Keeper by Thomas Hennessy Castlecomer: A 2015 November calf sired by Allowdale Valour. Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture was also present on the day and made a purchase of a very stylish bull from Ballyraggan Herefords, a long established pedigree farm and one of the oldest Hereford herds in Ireland dating backing to 1938. The 21 month old bull bred by James Thompson sold for €3,000 with full marks in the terminal and replacement index’s scoring 5 stars for both.

Seamus Rohan and sons with their Champion bull Listrolin Lad

Christy Finn with his Reserve Champion Bawngarriff Sonic


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


The Hereford breed continues to be the popular choice among buyers as evident at the Pedigree Registered Bull Show & Sale in Ballybay mart. A total of 16 bulls were registered to attend the event of which only 12 arrived as a number of private sales had been agreed upon before the show. Of these 12 exhibitors, 11 were sold resulting in a 92% clearance rate, working out at an average value of €2,572. The number of Herefords bulls was strong in number on the day as they compiled a total of 3 classes, a class extra then any of the other breeds present. The winner of the first Hereford class was Derek Woods with his bull Makief Rodge. Nigel Heatrick took the limelight for the following 2 classes, and kept his winning streak going as he did the double, winning Champion and Reserve Champion for his bulls Glaslough Rumble who sold for €2,120 and Glaslough Rolo who sold for €2,100. Derek Woods stole Heatrick’s thunder when he entered the sale ring with his winner of the first Hereford class Makief Rodge as he took home the most important title for top price bull on the day when the hammer dropped at €3,000. A big thank you is in order to the judge Mr. Donald Beattie and the auctioneer Mr. Pat Crosbie for their hard work on the day. Last but not least, compliments to all the staff at Ballybay Livestock Sales for the organisation and running of the event, they did a fantastic job.

Nigel Heatrick with his Reserve Champion Bull Glaslough Rolo that sold for €2,100.

Derek Woods with his top price bull Makief Rodge that sold for €3,000. Nigel Heatrick with his Champion Bull Glaslough Rumble who sold for €2,120.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

DISPERSAL SALE OF TANVALLA HERD Liam Enright, owner of Tanavalla herd from Listowel, Co. Kerry had a Dispersal sale of his 22 Hereford animals on Thursday 28th September, making an average of €2,055 per animal. At every sale there’s always one animal that takes the spotlight and this time it was “Tanavalla Mags”. This two and a half year old is a daughter of Trillick Best, scored 4 stars on the replacement index and sold for €2,900. “Tanavallapoll 1 Amanda 2” claimed the second highest price on the day, selling for €2,850 to join the Churchcross Hereford Herd. Sired by Solpoll 1 Handsome this very stylish heifer got full marks on the replacement index. Her mother “Tanavalla Jemma” born January 2013 who sold for €2,700 was also sired by Trillick Best. Other notable prices at the sale was Tanavalla

Lena, born in April 2015 this two and half year old caught the eye of several hopeful purchasers as she bid her way up to a price of €2,700. Next was Tanavalla Celia 2 selling for €2,600 and like most of the females at the event this five year old cow was scanned in calf to Liam’s stock bull “Tanavalla Champ” who scored a replacement rating of 4 stars, sired by Trillick Best. Tanavallapoll 1 Christina, a daughter of Tanavlla Celia 2 did her mother proud as she quickly worked up way up to a price of €2,550. A very stylish young heifer sired by Dendor 1 Kohinoor and scoring full marks on the replacement index gives a clear indication that she will most likely produce great calves in the future. It was a very successful sale overall, with purchasers coming from near and far extremely happy with their purchases.

Top photo:Cows and calves at grass with stock bull Bottom Photo: In-calf heifers grazing pastures



RDS Champion of Champions

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hereford RDS Champion of Champions was awarded to 2016 National Hereford Supreme Champion & Female Champion Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 591 born in September 2013 and bred by Matthew Goulding from Tralee Co. Kerry a man who has had a great deal of success with the Hereford breed.

Duchess herself was sired by Remitall Super Duty 42S who was bred by Bryan & Annette Latimer from Alberta. Super Duty has known to be a breed Supreme and Female Champion Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 591 who also changer and is truly one of the won the Pedigree cow class with Judge Jens Michael Jensen (Denmark), most impressive bulls ever born Liam Philpott President IHBS Ltd, Owner Matthew Goulding and Minister for in the Remitall herd. He’s known Food, Forestry and Horticulture Mr Andrew Doyle TD. for his extreme thickness, very high growth, being highly maternal and has the ability to sire calves with moderate birthweights. Super Duty is the highest selling bull in Canada for 270,000 dollars and also 3 times Agribition Reserve Grand Champion. The dam Dorepoll 1 R 51 Duchess 525 has also bred very well for Matthew, having produced many show winners particularly at the National Hereford Show Tullamore 2015, with Dorepoll producing first prize winners in the Junior cow and Senior Heifer classes while also proving successful at the very first Hereford National Calf show back in 2014 with some of her progeny taking 1st prize.

Gouldingpoll Duchess 591 has only produced two calves to date with her first calf Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 742 off to a great start winning national Hereford Heifer calf champion at the National Show in Tullamore 2016. It is likely that Duches 591 will go on to breed many show winners during her lifetime giving the exceptional line of parentage, she has the potential to produce superior beef progeny in the upcoming years.

Matthew & Rita Goulding receiving their silverware from RDS Chairman Mr. Tom Kirley and Minister for Food, Foresty & Horticulture Mr. Andrew Doyle for their 2016 RDS Champion of Champions Hereford Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 591.


Michael with his Champion at the 2016 National Hereford Show in Tullamore.

Tying the Knot

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hugh P. Murray & Kerrie Larkin

Ivor Deverell & Alison Bennett

“Queen of the Plough” Cynthia Geelan & Michael Cruise

Gary McKiernan & Evelyn Smith




The Hereford society held its annual National

Championship at the AIB National Livestock Show in Tullamore on Sunday the 13th of August. Hereford breeders from all around the country made the trip for the event resulting in the largest entry of Herefords to date for the exhibition, with over 140 cattle entered. A number of familiar faces from well known Hereford breeders throughout the UK could be seen around the ring and they were not disappointed with the quality of animals on show which was to be expected, seeing as the numbers of Herefords has been high at various shows throughout the country prior to the event. Mr. Donald Robbie and his wife Marlene made the trip all the way from New Zealand to judge the event. Marlene got the ball rolling and judged the first class of the day which was the young handlers, leaving the remaining 19 classes for husband Donald. The young handlers’ class was split in two sections at this year’s event, junior and senior, with the addition of a new trophy presented in memory of the late Denis Collins of Templeglantine Herd who officiated as Chief Steward at Tullamore for 25 years. The Robbie’s are from the Otapawa Hereford herd, which consists of 220 breeding females and 1200 commercial cattle along with 1200 ewes which are farmed on medium to steep hill country that ascends to 2000ft on the foothills of the Puketoi Ranges. Their cattle are part of an extensive grass based system that is pasture run all year round. They couple were amazed with the quality and number of Herefords at the event saying “this is the best

Hereford Show they have ever been at on this side of the equator”. Donald selected John Appelbe’s bull Solpoll 1 Lawman as his Supreme Champion of the event, who also won the senior bull class followed by male champion, which he also won at last year’s Tullamore show. Born the 3rd of November 2013 and sired by Pamure 1 Henry out of Solpoll 1 Pansy. Reserve Supreme champion was awarded to Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney, who started the day of winning the cow and calf class followed by female champion. Born the 16th of January 2011 this 6 year olds’ breeding is made up of Grianan Firecracker a bull who has produced many champions at events throughout the country, with the mother being Corlismore Poll 1 Sara. Owner Gerry McNamara from Ennis, Co. Clare announced soon after that she is carrying twins and looks forward to their arrival. As his Champion heifer calf, Mr. Robbie selected Coisceim Poll 1 Jewel, born 10th of January 2017 this impressive heifer is sired by Groushall Poll 1 Premier out of Drominarigle 1 Hoodini. The Champion bull calf was exhibited by Roscommon man Padraig McGrath. This young bull born 2nd Septemeber 2016 really impressed the judge, sired by Trillick Hotsspur and out of Kye Hidi 585. A big thanks to all our sponsors for their continued support and also to all Hereford exhibitors, stewards and everybody who helped facilitate and run a smooth operation on the day.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Supreme National Hereford Champion John Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co Cork Solpoll 1 Lawman, U.K. 933001327463, 3rd Nov 2013, Sire: Pamure 1 Henry, Dam: Solpoll 1 pansy

Reserve Supreme National Hereford Champion Gerry McNamara, Cabasheeda, Ennis, Clare CorlismorePoll 1 Sydney 607, IE121285510607, 16th Jan 2011, Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Corlismorepoll 1 Sara National Hereford Female Champion Gerry McNamara, Cabasheeda, Ennis, Clare CorlismorePoll 1 Sydney 607, IE121285510607, 16th Jan 2011, Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Corlismorepoll 1 Sara

National Hereford Reserve Female Champion Niall Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Grianan Cooperobin N679, IE361055850679, 15th Sep 2013, Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Grianan Cooperobin 584 ET

National Hereford Male Champion John Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co cork Solpoll 1 Lawman, U.K. 933001327463, 3rd Nov 2013, Sire: Pamure 1 Henry, Dam: Solpoll 1 pansy

National Hereford Reserve Male Champion Seรกn McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Cavan Shiloh Farm Dynamite, IE301208240500, 6th Feb 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormac Lass National Hereford Bull Calf Champion Padraig Mc Grath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Roscommon Kye Manhatten 757, IE311412180757, 2nd Sep 2016, Sire: Free-town Hotspur, Dam: Kye Hidi 585 National Hereford Heifer Calf Champion Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Cork

CoisceimPoll 1 Jewel, 151960460010, 10th Jan 2017, Sire: Grousehall Poll1 Premier, Dam: Drominarigle 1 Hoodini Best Pedigree Hereford group of 3 Animals by the same sire

1. Curtis and Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Knockduff Poll1 Goldilocks ET, IE371317820917, 12th Aug 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll1 Daisy Knockduff Poll1 Gemma ET, IE371317860920, 14th Aug 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll1 Daisy Knockduff Poll1 Golden ET, IE371317870921, 15th Aug 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll1 Daisy

2. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Wexford Clonroe Ginger Fiona, IE371456431544, 12th Aug 2016, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 329, Dam: Clonroe Jackie Clonroe Ginger Fairy, IE371456451546, 6th Sep 2016, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 329, Dam: Clonroe Lize Clonroe Ginger Flo, IE371456461547, 1st Oct 2016, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 329, Dam: Clonroe Linda

3. Coote Geelan, Cloonagheer, Bornacoola, Dromod, Co Leitrim Balytmore Orange 449, 251141280449, 28th Sep 2014, Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Grianan Orange H 491 ET Loughrinn 1Lily 460, 251141230460, 3rd Jul 2015, Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Loughrinn 1 Lily 3rd Loughrinn 1 Lily 435, 251141220435, 15th Jun 2014, Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Loughrinn 1 Lily 3rd

Male and Supreme Champion Sollpoll 1 Lawman, owners John and Beatrice Appelbe, judge Don Robbie and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

4. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath Grianan Prim R779, IE361055860779, 30th Jul 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Prim J542 Grianan Ranger, IE361055880780, 6th Aug 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty Grianan Orange R809, IE361055820809, 4th Apr 2017, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Orange H629 5. Glenn Jacob, Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Wexford Dunsinane Brave et, ie371254470763, 21st Aug 2016, Sire: Bowmont Storm, Dam: Balleen Emma 630 Dunsinane Bertram et, ie371254490765, 27th Aug 2016, Sire: Bowmont Storm, Dam: Balleen Emma 630 Dunsinane Brax et, ie371254480772, 4th Sep 2016, Sire: Bowmont Storm, Dam: Balleen Emma 6

2. Niall Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Grianan Cooperobin N679, IE361055850679, 15th Sep 2013, Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Grianan Cooperobin 584 ET

4. John O’Connor, Ballykennedy, Limerick, County Limerick Clouncagh Joanne 4th, Ie241502331792, 12th Sep 2013, Sire: Dieulacresse Hector, Dam: Clouncagh Brege Blossom 1

5. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath Griananpoll 1 Orange M661, IE361055840661, 27th Feb 2013, Sire: Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide, Dam: Grianan Orange H494

National Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer Born on/between 01.07.2014 and 30.06.2015

3. Padraig Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone, Westmeath Cavehill Geogre 2, IeE610522-50351, 17th Apr 2016, Sire: Steil Gerard, Dam: Cave Hill Princess Aughavoneen 1 Timmy, IE3610522-60352, 1st May 2016, Sire: Cave Hill Storm, Dam: Aliehspoll 1 4. Padraig McGrath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Roscommon Kye Ger 749, 311412180749, 3rd Mar 2016, Sire: Churchhill Storm, Dam: Bowmont Storm Dendor 1 Honeysuckle, UK700495300817, 8th Apr 2016, Sire: Sollpoll 1 Gilbert, Dam: Dendor 1 Honeysucke 11th

1. Gerry McNamara, Cabasheeda, Ennis, Clare Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 607, IE121285510607, 16th Jan 2011, Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Corlismorepoll 1 Sara

3. Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny Grianan Orange K 589, IE361055860589, 3rd Mar 2011, Sire: Grianan Highflyer ET, Dam: Grianan Orange 409

Pair of Animals 1. Seán McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Cavan Dendor 1 Ruby 27th, UK700495200795, 7th Oct 2015, Sire: Solpoll1 Gilbert, Dam: Dendor 1 Ruby 11th Shiloh Farm Dynamite, IE301208240500, 6th Feb 2016, Sire: Griannan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormac Lass

2. David Larkin, The Hermitage, Kilcormac, Birr, Offaly Cill Cormaic Oscar, 301326830535, 8th Mar 2016, Sire: Cill Cormaic Lincoln, Dam: Cill Cormaic Jolie Cill Cormaic Oran, 301326850545, 3rd Apr 2016, Sire: Cill Cormaic Lincoln, Dam: Cill Cormaic Ita

National Pedigree Hereford Cow In-calf or with her own natural calf at foot. Born on/before 30.06.2014

1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Lily, IE331396521473, 18th Oct 2014, Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: KIlsunny Lass Gem 2. Adrian Bateman, Caraide House, Slieveroe, Riverstick, Co. Cork Slieveroe Ophelia, IE141643520380, 22nd Nov 2014, Sire: Woodview Sergeant, Dam: Slieveroe Elizabeth

3. Coote Geelan, Cloonagheer, Bornacoola, Dromod, Co Leitrim Baltymore Orange, 251141280449, 28th Sep 2014, Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Grianan Orange H 491 ET 4. Samuel & Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Monaghan Glaslough Pippa, IE291495171125, 3rd Jan 2015, Sire: Glaslough Levi, Dam: Glaslough Joyce


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Female Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney 607 with Ciara McNamara and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.

Champion Heifer Calf Coisceim Poll 1 Jewel with owner Timmy Breen, John Angland and IHBS President Pat McCarthy

Reserve Male Champion Shiloh Farm Dynamite with Garry McKiernan from the Corlismore herd

Champion Bull Calf Kye Manhatten 757 with owner Padraig McGrath and IHBS President Pat McCarthy

National Pedigree Hereford Cow In-calf or with her own natural calf at foot won by Corlispoll 1 Sydney 607 with Ciara McNamara and Emmet Somers of sponsors Pallas Foods.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

National Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born on/between 01.07.2015 and 31.12.2015

National Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born on/between 01.07.2016 and 31.08.2016

1. Curtis and Jones Curtis and Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford. Knockduff Poll1 Golden ET, IE371317870921, 15th Aug 2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll 1 Daisy

1. Seรกn McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Cavan Dendor 1 Ruby 27th, UK700495200795, 7th Oct 2015, Sire: Solpoll 1 Gilbert, Dam: Dendor Ruby 11th

2. Val Ledwith, Rathregan, Batterstown, Dunboyne, Batterstown, Meath Rathregan Prettymaid 667, IE281526160667, 3rd Jul 2016, Sire: Bogview Charlie, Dam: Rathregan Prettymaid 2

2. Adrian Bateman, Caraide House, Slieveroe, Riverstick, Co. Cork Slieveroe Pandora's Charm, IE141643570385, 20th Sep 2015, Sire: Trillick Hotspur, Dam: Slieveroe Elsie

3. Paul Bohan, Gortfadda, Mohill, Gortfadda, Mohill, Co Leitrim, Leitrim Clonroe Elcie, ie371456441438, 16th Sep 2015, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 379, Dam: Clonroe Lize 4. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Matilda, IE331396571536, 19th Nov 2015, Sire: Glasslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem

3. Curtis and Jones Curtis and Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Knockduff poll1 Gemma ET, IE371317860920, 14th Aug 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll1 Daisy 4. Curtis and Jones Curtis and Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Knockduff poll1 Goldilocks ET, IE371317820917, 12th Aug 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll1 Daisy

5. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath Grianan Prim R779, IE361055860779, 30th Jul 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Prim J542

5. Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny Tourtane Advent, IE211195140978, 3rd Dec 2015, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Grianan Orange K 589.

National Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born on/between 01.09.2016 and 30.11.2016

National Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born on/between 01.01.2016 and 30.06.2016

1. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Clare Clondrina 1176TH, IE131390161295, 2nd Mar 2016, Sire: Balleen Gilbert, Dam: Clondrina 557TH

1. Niall Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford Macmine Cooperobin, IE371591170003, 6th Sep 2016, Sire: Rathor Ranger, Dam: Grianan Cooperobin N679

3. Padraig Mc Grath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Roscommon Kye Ger 749, IE311412180749, 3rd May 2016, Sire: Steill Gerard, Dam: Kyesheila 590

3. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Nadia, IE331396541590, 2nd Oct 2016, Sire: Cill Cormac Marcel, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Josslyn

2. William Ryan, Woodpark, Carney, Nenagh, Co.Tipperary Gouldlingpoll1 Duchess 742, ie191198910742, 27th Jan 2016, Sire: Dendor 1 last Chance, Dam: Gouldlingpoll 1 Duchess 591

2. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Wexford Clonroe Ginger Fairy, IE371456451546, 5th Sep 2016, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 379, Dam: Clonroe Lize

4. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Melissa, IE331396571552, 13th Jan 2016, Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Fluffy

4. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Cork Springvilla Miriam Duke, 141671350659, 7th Oct 2016, Sire: Knockmountagh Duke, Dam: Springvilla Miriam

5. Philp Lynch, Carrick, Finnea, Cavan Carrick Olive, IE121385340171, 9th Apr 2016, Sire: Corlismore Trumpeter 616, Dam: Bally-Dowel Flipper

5. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Wexford Clonroe Ginger Flo, IE371456461547, 1st Oct 2016, Sire: Baltymore Ginger 379, Dam: Clonroe Linda


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Winner best Cow or Heifer Kilsunny Lass Lily with Edward Dudley and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.

Knockduffpoll 1 Golden winner of the heifer class born on/between 01.07.2016 & 31.08.2016.

Dendor 1 Ruby with Garry McKiernan and IHBS President Pat McCarthy winner of the heifer class born on/between 01.07.2015 and 31.12.2015.

Macmine Cooperobin with Fiona Jones and Mairead Curtis Jones.

Clondrina 1176th with Declan Donnelly and IHBS President Pat McCarthy winner of the heifer class born on/between 01.01.2016 and 30.06.2016.

Bull Born on between 01.07.2016 and 31.08.2016 won by Glaslough Sid with owner Nigel Heatrick.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

National Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born on/after 01.12.2016

National Pedigree Hereford Bull Born on/between 01.01.2016 and 30.06.2016

2. Veronica & Raymond Brennan Vere Hunt, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Tipperary Herberry Lucy-Lou, 90196, 12th Jan 2016, Sire: KKO, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy

2. Michael Molloy, Clonlyon Glebe, Belmont, Birr, Offaly Moyclare Phoenix, 301254960416, 26th Mar 2016, Sire: Cill Cormaic Kasper, Dam: Moyclare Rose 22nd

1. Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Cork CoisceimPoll 1 Jewel, 151960460010, 10th Jan 2017, Sire: Grousehall Poll1 Premier, Dam: Drominarigle 1 Hoodini

1. SeĂĄn McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Cavan Shiloh Farm Dynamite, IE301208240500, 6th Feb 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormac Lass

3. Tony Hartnett, Knockatoon, Rockchapel, Cork, Cork Riverrock Honey Bea, ie151956580026, 6th Feb 2017, Sire: Riverrock Tyson, Dam: Riverrock Isabelle

4. Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Kerry Racomanepoll 1 Cindy, IE191642610743, 3rd Dec 2016, Sire: Solpoll 1 Handsome, Dam: Springvillapoll 1 Alda

3. Padraig Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone, Westmeath Aughavoneen 1 Timmy, IE3610522-60352, 16th May 2016, Sire: Cave Hill Storm, Dam: Aliehspoll 1 Blossom 1

5. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Clare Clondrina 1208th, 372212552861361, 7th Jan 2017, Sire: Farney John, Dam: Clondrina 1061TH

National Hereford Heifer of the Year

1. Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Cork CoisceimPoll 1 Jewel, 151960460010, 10th Jan 2017, Sire: Grousehall Poll1 Premier, Dam: Drominarigle 1 Hoodini

2. Curtis and Jones Curtis and Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Wexford. Knockduff Poll1 Golden ET, IE371317870921, 15th Aug 2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Knockduff poll 1 Daisy

3. Veronica & Raymond Brennan Vere Hunt, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Tipperary Herberry Lucy-Lou, 90196, 12th Jan 2016, Sire: KKO, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy

4. Val Ledwith, Rathregan, Batterstown, Dunboyne, Batterstown, Meath Rathregan Prettymaid 667, IE281526160667, 3rd Jul 2016, Sire: Bogview Charlie, Dam: Rathregan Prettymaid 2 5. Tony Hartnett, Knockatoon, Rockchapel, Cork, Cork Riverrock Honey Bea, ie151956580026, 6th Feb 2017, Sire: Riverrock Tyson, Dam: Riverrock Isabelle

4. Padraig Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone, Westmeath Cavehill George 2, IE3610522-50351, 17th Apr 2016, Sire: Steil Gerard, Dam: Cave Hill princess

5. David Larkin, The Hermitage, Kilcormac, Birr, Offaly Cill Cormaic Oscar, 301326830535, 8th Mar 2016, Sire: Cill Cormaic Lincoln, Dam: Cill Cormaic Jolie

National Pedigree Hereford Bull Born on/between 01.07.2016 and 31.08.2016

1. Samuel & Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Monaghan Glaslough Sid, IE291495171208, 4th Aug 2016, Sire: Clondrina 1110th, Dam: Glaslough Dot

2. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Rambo 700 ET, IE151205850700, 10th Jul 2016, Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Queensboro Rose 1st 3. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath Grianan Ranger, IE361055880780, 6th Aug 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty

4. Michael O Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Rossa 699 ET, IE151205840699, 7th Jul 2016, Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Queensboro Rose 1st

5. Eamon & John McKieran, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Louth Knockmountagh Virgil 3, IE261029120745, 4th Aug 2016, Sire: Trillick Hotspur, Dam: Boyanna Stancey


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

National Pedigree Hereford Bull Born on/between 01.09.2016 and 30.11.2016

1. Padraig McGrath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Roscommon Kye Manhatten 757, IE311412180757, 2nd Sep 2016, Sire: Free-town Hotspur, Dam: Kye Hidi 585

2. Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Kerry Racomane Caesar, IE191642690742, 7th Sep 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Springvilla Astra

2. Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Kerry Racomane Caesar, IE191642690742, 7th Sep 2016, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Springvilla Astra 3. Veronica & Raymond Brennan Vere Hunt, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Tipperary Herberry Alfred, 40191, 1st Nov 2016, Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy

4. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Clare Clondrina 1198th, IE131390171338, 6th Oct 2016, Sire: Farney John, Dam: Clondrina 1092ND

5. John Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork Appel 1 KA BOOM, Ie141402731478, 1st Sep 2016, Sire: Solpoll 1 Lawman, Dam: Appel 1 Sally 2

National Hereford Bull Calf Born on/after 01.12.2016

3. Samuel & Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Monaghan Glaslough Sid, IE291495171208, 4th Aug 2016, Sire: Clondrina 1110th, Dam: Glaslough Dot 4. Ivor And Colin Anderson, Corran, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co Cavan CORRAN HILL DONALD, IE121007521175, 4th Dec 2016, Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant , Dam: Corran Hill Tina

5. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Rambo 700 ET, IE151205850700, 10th Jul 2016, Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Queensboro Rose 1st 6. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath Grianan Ranger, IE361055880780, 6th Aug 2016, Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty 7. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Roman 714 ET, IE151205820714, 11th Jan 2017, Sire: Gurteragh Justice ET, Dam: Gurteragh Judy

1. Ivor And Colin Anderson, Corran, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co Cavan CORRAN HILL DONALD, IE121007521175, 4th Dec 2016, Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant , Dam: Corran Hill Tina

National Senior Hereford Bull Born before 31.12.2015

3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford Trillick Improver, 372213272021814, 5th Jan 2017, Sire: Trillick Hotspur, Dam: Trillick Grace

2. Matthew Goulding, Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry Gouldingpoll 1 Robust, IE191198960722, 15th Sep 2015, Sire: Gouldingpoll 1 Superduty, Dam: Dorepoll 1 Duchess

2. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Roman 714 ET, IE151205820714, 11th Jan 2017, Sire: Gurteragh Justice ET, Dam: Gurteragh Judy

4. Matthew Goulding, Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry Gouldingpoll 1 Moonshine, IE191198990840, 21st Feb 2017, Sire: Gouldingpoll 1 Captain, Dam: Romany 1 Lucy 5. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford Trillick Legend 2, 372213272051809, 13th Dec 2016, Sire: Trillick Roy, Dam: Cloghran Sally

National Hereford Bull of the Year

1. Padraig McGrath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Roscommon Kye Manhatten 757, IE311412180757, 2nd Sep 2016, Sire: Free-town Hotspur, Dam: Kye Hidi 585

1. John Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co Cork Solpoll 1 lawman, U.K. 933001327463, 3rd Nov 2013, Sire: Pamure 1 Henry, Dam: Solpoll 1 pansy

3. Thomas Plunkett, Castletown-Finea, Mullingar, Co Westmeath Blackwater Master, UK918362215445, 7th Jun 2015, Sire: Kye sting 595, Dam: Black water crystal

4. Daithi Carroll, Coole, Campile, New ross, Wexford Udel 1 BC Fremantle, IE371040621131, 11th Sep 2012, Sire: Kidman Bluechip Y221, Dam: Udel 1 BL Bangle Tulip 5. John Neenan, Tullaha, Broadford, Charleville, Limerick Clondrina 1064th, Ie131390161064, 7th Oct 2012, Sire: Balleen Gilbert, Dam: Clondrina 934th


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hereford Young Exhibitor Handling Class

Senior section: Open to all between the ages of 16 – 21 on show day.

Junior section: Open to all between the ages of 12 15 on show day.

1. Padraig Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Wexford 2. Paula McNamara, Cabasheeda, Ennis, Clare 3. Avril Crowe, Aughakilfaughnan, Mohill, Co Leitrim, Leitrim 4. John Angland, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Cork 5. Jack O'Connor, Ballykennedy, Limerick, Limerick

Prizes: Dennis Collins Memorial Trophy & Replica, 2nd to 10th Rosette & Plaque.

1. Mark Hyland, Corrawallen, Via Cavan, Leitrim 2. Stephen Crowe, Aughakilfaughnan, Mohill, Co Leitrim, Leitrim 3. PJ Moloney, Lislevane House, Bandon, Co Cork 4. Conor Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Wexford 5. Ciara McNamara, Labasheeda, Ennis, Clare

Prizes: WJ Twomey Memorial Trophy & Replica, 2nd to 10th Rosette & Plaque.

Winner of the Junior Young Handler Padraig Jones, Gorey is presented with the Denis Collins Memorial Cup by Denice, Mary and Pamela Collins.

Young Handler Senior Section Winner Mark Hyland, judge Marlene Robbie NZ and senior Hereford steward Lesley Sandes, with the WJ Twomey Memorial Cup.

Corran Hill Donald with Ivor and Colin Anderson and IHBS President Pat McCarthy, winner of the youngest bull calf class at the event.


Gurteragh Herefords Gurteragh Justice - Semen for Sale

All Ireland Senior Bull – National Hereford Show 2015

Justice is one of the top horned bulls in the Country for Stars Replacement €91 - 5 Star Terminal €88 - 5 Star Calving difficulty 3.80%

Special Offer: 10 straws @ €250.00 Drominarigle 1 Prince – Junior Champion Hereford, Royal Ulster Agricultural Show, Balmoral. Gurteragh Superking 607 – top priced bull, Killmallock Bull Sale, Oct 2016. Gurteragh Nico – 2nd in AllIreland Intermediate Heifer 2015.

Contact: Michael O’Keeffe Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Tel. 029-60608 Mobile: 087-9253369 47

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

North Tipperary Agricultural Show Champion: T & A Fitzgerald Cow with twins Reserve Champion: John Jones heifer Clonroe Fairy

Class 49: Purebred Bull born on or after 01/07/2016 & on or before 30/09/2016. Sponsor by AIB Bank

Cork. GurteraghRebel 71 ET. Sire: Gurteragh Justice, Dam: Judy. Class 52: The €1,000 Premier Hereford Bull Calf of the Year Championship. (Confined to 1st – 4th Prize winners in Class 49 - 51) Prizes: 1st €350, 2nd €250, 3rd €150, 4th €100, 5th €75, 6th €75. Sponsored by Hereford Prime.

1. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rossa ET 07/07/2016. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Quinsbore Rose 1st. 2. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Ranger 06/08/2016. Sire: Grianan Freddie, Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty. 3. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rambo 700 ET 10/07/2016. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Quinsborne Rose 1st. 4. Noel Farrell, Brocca Joshua 11/07/2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Castledaly Sue. Class 50: Purebred Bull Calf born on or after 01/10/2016 & on or before 31/12/2016. Sponsor by AIB Bank

1. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Alfred ET 06/11/2016. Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy. 2. Ciara & Gerry McNamara, Moyfada, Labasheeda, Ennis, Co. Clare. Churchcross Buster 04/11/2016. Sire: Guteragh Justice, Dam: Corlismorepoll Sydney 607. 3. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Clare-Bear ET 20/11/2016. Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy 4. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare. Clondrina 1198th 16/10/2016. Sire Farney John, Dam: Clondrina 1092nd. Class 51: Purebred Bull Calf born on or after 01/01/2017.

1. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Romn 714 ET 11/01/2017. Sire: Gurteagh Justice, Dam: Judy 2. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare. Clondrina 1209th 08/01/2017.Sire: Baleen Gilbert, Dam: Condrina 1013th. 3. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co.

1. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rossa ET 07/07/2016. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Quinsbore Rose 1st. 2. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Alfred ET 06/11/2016. Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy. 3. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Ranger 06/08/2016. Sire: Grianan Freddie, Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty. 4. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rambo 700 ET 10/07/2016. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Quinsborne Rose 1st. Class 53: Purebred Hereford Heifer born on or after 01/07/2015 to 30/06/2016. Sponsored by Dovea Genetics

1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Matilda 19/11/2015. Sire: Lasslock Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem. 2. William Ryan, Woodpark, Carney, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 742 27/01/2016. Sire: Dendor 1 Last Chance, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 591. 3. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare. Clondrina 1176th 02/03/2016. Sire: Baleen Gilbert, Dam: Clondrina 557th. 4. John Paul Kennedy, Richmond House, Derrinduff, Birr, Co. Offaly. Roardstown Daffodil 07/03/2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Lislaughtin Jessica.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Anselm Fitzgerald with his Supreme Hereford Champion Grianan 1 Orange who also won the Cow & Calf Class. Judge Robin Irvine and IHBS President Pat McCarthy on right

Denis Jones’s heifer Clonroe Fairy caught the eye of judge Robin Irvine, when she was awarded Junior Heifer Calf Champion followed by Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion in Nenagh.

Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion went to Veronica Brennan’s Herberry Alfred who also received the Ned Gleeson Memorial cup for winning the class for a bull calf born on or after 01/10/2016 & on or before 31/12/2016.

Michael and Eileen O’Keeffe with their prize winner Gurteragh Rossa who also won Junior Bull Calf Champion.

Eileen O’Keeffe with Gurteagh Roman 714 ET, winner of the bull calf class born on or after 01/01/2017.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Class 54: Purebred Hereford Heifer born on or after 01/07/2016 to 30/09/2016.

1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Fairy 02/09/2016. Sire Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Clonroe Lize. 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar 02/07/2016. Sire: Lastlock Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Glitter. 3. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Prim 30/07/2016. Sire: Grianan Freddie, Dam Toureenbrien Fionnula 4. Timothy Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork. Coiscein Judy 16/09/2016. Sire Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Aliens Hosea Class 55: Purebred Hereford Heifer born on or after 01/10/2016 & on or before 31/12/2016.

1. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork. Springvilla Miriam 07/10/2016. Sire: Knockmoutainag Duke, Dam: Springvilla Miriam. 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nadia 02/10/2016. Sire: Cill Cormaic Marcel, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Josslyn. 3. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Ginger Flo 01/10/2016. Sire: Baltymore Gine, Dam: Clonroe Linda 4. Adrian Cronin,Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Racomanepoll 1 Cindy 03/12/2016. Sire: Solpoll 1 Handsome, Dam: Springvillapoll 1 Alda. Class 56: Purebred Hereford Heifer born on or after 01/01/2017.

1. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Orange 07/04/2017. Sire: Dorepoll , Dam:Grianan Orange. 2. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Lucy Lou 12/01/2017. Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP , Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 3. Timothy Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co. Cork. Coiscein Poll 1 Jewel 10/01/2017. Sire: EPZ ,Dam: Dromnarigle Hoodini 4. Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare. Clondrina 1208th 07/01/2017. Sire: Farney John, Dam: Clondrina 1041th. Class 57: The €1,000 Premier Hereford Heifer Calf of the Year Championship. (Confined to 1st – 4th Prize winners in Class 54 - 56) Prizes: 1st €350, 2nd €250, 3rd €150, 4th €100, 5th €75, 6th €75. Sponsored by IHBS Mullingar.

1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Fairy 02/09/2016. Sire Baltymore Ginger, Dam:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Clonroe Lize. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar 02/07/2016. Sire: Lastlock Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Glitter. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Orange 07/04/2017. Sire: Dorepoll , Dam:Grianan Orange. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Lucy Lou 12/01/2017. Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP , Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy Tom Roycroft, West Green Dunmanway, Co. Cork. Springvilla Miriam 07/10/2016. Sire: Knockmoutainag Duke, Dam: Springvilla Miriam. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nadia 02/10/2016. Sire: Cill Cormaic Marcel, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Josslyn.

Class 58: Purebred Hereford Cow with calf at foot. Sponsored by IHBS Mullingar 1. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan 1 Orange 27/02/2013. Sire: Dorepoll, Dam: Grianan 1 Orange. 2. Glenn Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Lakelodge Kathy 07/01/2012. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Lakelodge Kathy the third. 3. Davina Lewis, Glosterbeg, Brosna, Birr, Co. Offaly. Tourtanepoll 1 Sally 29/04/2013. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond. 4. Tom Hayes, Kildromin, Co. Limerick. Tori Hill. Sire: Springvilla Alex, Dam: Drumsail Hazel. Champion Female and Reserve 1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Fairy 02/09/2016. Sire Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Clonroe Lize. 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar 02/07/2016. Sire: Lastlock Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Glitter. Champion Male and Reserve 1. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rossa ET 07/07/2016. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: Quinsbore Rose 1st. 2. Veronica Brennan, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Alfred ET 06/11/2016. Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy. Supreme Hereford Champion: T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mouttemple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan 1 Orange 27/02/2013. Sire: Dorepoll, Dam: Grianan 1 Orange. Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Fairy 02/09/2016. Sire Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Clonroe Lize.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Kilsunny Lass Matilda who had a very successful successful showing season won the senior heifer class. Liam Harty presents Edward Dudley with the Dr. Michael Harty Memorial Cup.

Robert Roycroft with his heifer, Springvilla Miriam who placed first in the class for a heifer born on or after 01/10/2016 & on or before 31/12/2016. IHBS President Pat McCarthy on right.

Like father like son – Dara Fitzgerald leads his young heifer calf in to first place

Kilsunny Lass Nectar, who came 2nd in Class 54 went on to claim Reserve Heifer Calf Champion on the day.

Conor Jones winner of the U18 young handler.

Robin Irvine (Judge) beside Hereford Supremo Henry Dudley, past Chairman of the North Tipperary Agricultural Show.

Colin Bourke winner of the U12 young handler, both classes were sponsored by IHBS Vice President Mr. Martin Murphy.



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Judge: Mr. Mervyn Richmond

Supreme Hereford Champion: Shiloh Farm Dynamite, owned by Sean McKiernan who won the Ardmulchan Cup. Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Griananpoll 1 Orange M661, owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Mount Temple Moate, Co Westmeath. Champion Junior Heifer Calf: Moyclare Piscies with owner Michael Molloy. Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champ: Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 876 with Paul McKiernan. Champion Junior Bull Calf: Catherine & Philip Smyth received the Rosemary Swan Perpetual Cup for their junior bull calf champion Ardmulchan Northern. Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: Glaslough Sid 208 with Nigel Heatrick. CLASS RESULTS Main Sponsor: Val Ledwith

Class 3: Pedigree Hereford Cow. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe Hse., Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Griananpoll 1 Orange M661 DOB: 27/02/13. Sire: Dorepoll 193N Nationwide Dam: Grianan Ornage H474. Winner of the Cow class and Ballyboe Cup, Griananpoll 1 Orange M661 with Anslem Fitzgerald and son Dara with her twin calves.

Class 4: Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer born 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2015. Kindly sponsored by Seamus O'Neill. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse., Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Lily DOB: 18/10/14. Sire: Glaslough Judge Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem. Nigel Heatrick, Annareadagh Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Pippa 03/01/15. Sire: Glaslough Levi Dam: Glaslough Joyce. Kilsunny Lass Lily takes first with Edward Dudley.

Class 5: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born from 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016. Kindly sponsored by Philip Smyth. William Branagan, Clonleam, Delvin, Co. Westmeath. Clonleam Delightful 109 DOB: 01/03/16. Sire: Allowdale Ribstone 436 Dam: Clonleam Delightful 72. Nigel Heatrick, Annareadagh Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Roseanna DOB: 12/01/16. Sire: Ballyaville Ger Dam: Glaslough Natisha. Philip Lynch, Carrick, Finea, Co. Cavan. Carrick Olive DOB: 09/04/16. Sire: Corlismore Trumpeter 616 Dam: Bally-Dowel Fliper. Padraig Bohan, Gortfadda, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Clonroe Elcie DOB: 16/09/15. Sire: Baltymore Ginger 379 Dam: Clonroe Lize. IHBS Chairman Willie Branagan (on right) with his winning heifer Clonleam Delightful 109, exhibited by Christine & Elisa Drumm. Class 6: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born from 1st July 2016 to 31st October 2016. Kindly sponsored by Hugh Mulvihill. Sean McKiernan, Corlismore Hse., Corlismore, Co. Cavan. Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 876 DOB: 04/07/16. Sire: Corlismore IT Vetern Dam: Corlismore Poll 1 Gem. JJ Farrell, Trillick-A-Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Berry DOB: 03/09/16. Sire: Free Town Hotspur Dam: Trillick Betty 2. Curtis & Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. wexford. Knockduff Poll 1 Golden ET DOB: 15/08/16. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath Dam: Knockduff Poll 1 Daisy. Philip Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co. Meath. Ardmulchan Clover 736 DOB: 14/10/16. Sire: Church Preen Galileo Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 569. Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney winner of the Denis Collins Memorial Show stick being presented by Mary Collins to Garry & Evelyn McKiernan. Class 7: Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 1st November 2016. Kindly sponsored by Eamon McKiernan Michale Molloy, Clonlyon Glebe, Belmont, Birr, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Piscies DOB: 15/11/16. Sire: Brocca Saviour Dam: Cill Cormaic Laylam. Philip Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co. Meath. Ardmulchan 737 DOB: 01/11/16. Sire: Chruch Preen Galileo Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 528.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Ivor & Colin Anderson, Corran, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan.

T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe Hse., Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Orange R809 DOB: 04/04/17. Moyclare Piscies with owner Michael Molloy. Class 8: Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or before 1st January 2016 to 30th June 2016.

Sean McKiernan, Corlismore Hse., Corlismore, Co. Cavan. Shiloh Farm-Dynamite DOB: 01/02/16. Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Cill Cormaic Lass.

Michale Molloy, Clonlyon Glebe, Belmont, Birr, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Phoenix DOB: 26/03/16. Sire: Cill Cormaic Kasper Dam: Moyclare Rose 22nd.

Christine Drumm, Crowenstown, Delvin, Co. Westmeath, Crowenstown Brinsley DOB: 15/02/16. Sire: Cave Hill Storm Dam: Kilsunny Doreens Ivy. Winner Bull born Jan to June 2016 with Gary McKiernan. Class 9: Pedigree Hereford Bull born from 1st July 2016 to 30th October 2016. Kindly sponsored by Deveinish Nutrition.

Philip Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co. Meath. Ardmulchan Northern DOB: 11/07/16. Sire: Church Preen Galileo Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 609.

Nigel Heatrick, Annareadagh Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Sid 208 DOB: 04/08/16. Sire:

Clondrina 1110th Dam: Glaslough Dot.

T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe Hse., Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Ranger DOB: 06/08/16. Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirtsy. Eamon & John McKiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Knockmountagh Fionn 2 DOB: 22/08/16. Sire: Haven King Pin Dam: Knockmountagh Aoife. Ardmulchan Northern Winner July to October 2016 Bull calf class pictured with Catherine Smyth.

Class 10: Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1st November 2016. Kindly sponsored by J & J Canty.

J & J Canty, Pubblestown, Kildalkey, Co. Meath. Portanob Roy DOB: 22/02/17. Sire: Balleen Revival Dam: Ballymartin Karen.

Nigel Heatrick, Annareadagh Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Sergeant DOB: 11/01/17. Sire: Ballyaville Ger Dam: Glaslough Nelly. Ivor & Colin Anderson, Corran, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan.

Brian Clarke, Denvor, Carnaross, Co. Meath.

Class 11: Pedigree Hereofrd Bull born prior to 31st December 2015.

Thomas Plunkett, Castle Finea, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Blackwater Master DOB: 07/06/15. Sire: Kye Sting 595 Dam: Black Water Crystal.

Gary McKiernan with his overall champion, Shiloh Farm Dynamite in Trim on Sunday 3rd September who also won Reserve Interbreed Champion on the day.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Reserve Supreme Champion Griananpoll 1 Orange with her twin calves, owners the Fitzgerald Family and show judge Mervyn Richmond.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf Moyclare Piscies with owner Michael Molloy.

Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champ Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 876 with Paul McKiernan.

Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion Glaslough Sid 208 with owner Nigel Heatrick.

Champion Junior Bull Calf Ardmulchan Northern with Catherine & Philip Smyth, with exhibitor Leah Mullen on right.

Winner of the Cow class and Anne Murphy Cup Griananpoll 1 Orange M661 with Anslem Fitzgerald and son Dara with her twin calves.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Clonleam Delightful 109th with Christine & Elisa Drumm and owner Willie Branagan (IHBS Chairman), winner of the class for a heifer born from 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2016

Winner Heifer Cow or Heifer born July 14 to June 15 Kilsunny Lass Lily with Edward Dudley.

Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney winner of the Denis Collins Memorial Show stick being presented by Mary Collins also pictured Gary & Evelyn McKiernan.

Ardmulchan Northern Winner of July to October 2016 Bull calf class that went on to win Junior Champion on the day. Judge Mervyn Richmond on left, Catherine Smyth and Leah Mullen holding the the Rosemary Swan Perpetual Trophy in centre and IHBS Chairman William Branagan on right.

Mary Collins is presented with a photograph of her late husband Denis, Chief Hereford Cattle Steward for many years at Trim show by Francis Cotter Show Chairman.

Senior bull winner Blackwater Master with owner Thomas Plunkett.



This year the Gorey show held its 158th event with prize money running to an impressive €2,500 thanks to the kind sponsorship of Slaney Foods International and the Gorey Agricultural Show Society.

The quality of the Hereford animals on show seemed to attract a lot of attention from spectators, with many of them eager to take part in the Stock Judging competition.

Slaney Foods International, The Irish Hereford Society and Gorey Agricultural Show launched the 2017 Hereford Cattle Classes. Hereford cattle have a long tradition in Co Wexford and have been exhibited at the Gorey show for many, many years. Last year the Hereford classes received a major boost with significant sponsorship from the very successful Wexford Firm Slaney Foods International. This year Gorey Agricultural Show is hoping for even bigger classes.

Last year’s show saw a huge turnout in the Hereford classes, with some travelling from as far as Kerry. Gorey Agricultural Show is very grateful for the support of the Hereford Breeders and Slaney Foods International.

The expanded range of classes included classes for cows, in-calf heifers and a range of male and female calf classes. At the launch, Eamonn Moulds Procurement Manager at Slaney Foods International which currently has

major contracts for Hereford beef, stated that the company is very pleased to support this expanded local event and to be associated with the South Leinster Branch of the Irish Hereford Breed Society and the Gorey Agricultural Show Society, which holds its 158th event this year.

The Irish Hereford Society welcomed the support of Slaney Foods for this expanded event. Slaney Foods contracts are a very important outlet for Irish Hereford beef in a challenging time for beef producers. The Hereford is fortunate he said that it meets the ideal carcase specification currently required by a discerning market. Bottom Photo: Back L to R: Larry Feeney (Secretary – IHBS), Eamonn Moulds (Procurement Manager Slaney Foods), Aidan Jones (Owner of Hereford Pedigree Bull), Michael Lacey (Site Owner), David Grandy (Treasurer – Gorey Agricultural Show), Henry Parr (Hereford Breeder), Mervyn Parr (Chairman South Leinster Hereford Branch), Enda Rabbitte (IHBS), John & Norah Jones (Hereford Breeders), Willie Branagan (Chairman – IHBS) Front L to R: Stella Jones (Secretary – Gorey Agricultural Show), Padraig Jones, Conor Jones, Orlagh Hall.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018 98: COW/HEIFER IN CALF WITH NATURAL BORN CALF AT FOOT 1. Mervyn Parr Tourtane, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. Grianan Orange 589, 361055860589, 3rd Mar 2011, Grianan High Flyer ET, Grianan Orange 409 2. Niall Jones Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Grianan Cooperobin N679, IE361055850679, 15th Sep 2013, Grianan Firecracker, Grianan Cooperobin 584 ET 3. John Murphy 7 Main Street, Gorey, Co Wexford. Soltoll 1 Starlet H No 2 & Kiltennel Poll Top Gun 99: HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1/7/2015 - 31/8/2016 1. Trevor Dudley Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Matilda, IE331396571536, 19th Nov 2015, Glaslough Judge, KIlsunny Lass Gem 2. John Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonroe Elsie 2, 371456421436, 1st Jul 2015, Baltymore Ginger, Airhill Kestrel 3. Eamon McKiernan Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Louth. Knockmountagh Aster 3, IE261029140722, 1st Dec 2015, Moyclare Lieutenant, Knockmountagh Purdy 100: HEIFER CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1/7/2016 31/8/2016 1. John Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonmore Fiona, 371454431544, 12th Aug 2016, Baltymore Gerry, Clonroe Jackie 2. Trevor Dudley Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar, IE331396591579, 2nd Jul 2016, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Glitter 3. Glenn Jacob Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Dunsinane Beth, IE371254430768, 30th Aug 2016, Haven Kingpin, Dunsinane Nadine 101: HEIFER CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1/9/2016 31/10/2016 1. John Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonroe Fairy, 371456451546, 2nd Sep 2016, Baltymore Ginger, Clonroe Liza 2. John Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonroe Fiadh, IE371456471548, 3rd Oct 2016, Baltymore Ginger, Airhill Joyce Gorey Agricultural Show 3. Trevor Dudley Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nadia, IE331396541590, 2nd Oct 2016, Cill Cormac Marcel, Kilsunny Lass Josslyn

102: BULL CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1/7/2016 31/08/2016 1. Eamon McKiernan Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Louth. Knockmountagh Virgil 3, 261029120745, 4th Aug 2016, Trillick Hotspur, Boyana Stacy 2. Glenn Jacob Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Dunsinane Brave ET, 371254470763, 21st Aug 2016, Bowmount Storm, Balleen Emma 3. Curtis & Jones Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Knockduff poll 1 garry et, 371317840919, 13th Aug 2016, Kilsunny goliath, Knockduff poll 1 daisy 103: BULL CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1/9/2016 31/10/2016 1. Trevor Dudley Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Kilsunny Nicholas, IE331396521589, 21st Sep 2016, Kilsunny Kingston, Kilsunny Lass Flo 2. Glenn Jacob Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Dunsinane Brax ET, IE371254480772, 4th Sep 2016, Bowmont Storm, Balleen Emma 3. Mervyn Parr Tourtane, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. Tourtane Harry, 211195111024, 5th Sep 2016, Cave Hill Storm, Tourtane Tara 104: BULL OR HEIFER BORN AFTER 1/11/2016 1. John Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonroe Fred, 371456431552, 5th Nov 2016, Baltymore Ginger, Clonroe Caroline 2. Mervyn Parr Tourtane, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. Tourtane Storm 1035, 211195141035, 8th Dec 2016, Cave Hill Storm, Grianan Orange 589 105: YOUNG STOCKPERSONS COMPETITION 1. Conor Jones Pallas, Gorey, Co Wexford. Clonroe Fiadh, 371456471548, 3rd Oct 2016, Baltymore Ginger, Airhill Joyce 2. Anna Jacob Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. Dunsinane Beth, ie371254430768, 30th Aug 2016, haven kingpin, dunsinane Nadine


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Overall Champion Kilsunny Lass Matilda with Edward Dudley and judge Robin Irvine.

Junior Female Champion Clonroe Fairy with Denis Jones and Robin Irvine.

Reserve Champion Knockmountagh Virgil 3 and Overall Junior Bull Calf Champion with John McKiernan and Robin Irvine.

Winner of the Cow class was Grianan Orange 589 exhibited by IHBS South Leinster Chairman Mervyn Parr.

Clonmore Fiona Won Class 100 for a heifer calf born on or after 01/07/16 – 31/08/16. Eamon Moulds, Sponsors Slaney Foods International and handler Aidan Jones.

Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion Kilsunny Nicholas, owned by the Dudley family.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Conor Jones continues his success when he retained his title, winning the young stock persons competition yet again.

Photos above and below: We were privileged to have the President of the New Zealand Hereford Association, Philip Barnett attend the show. He was very impressed with the quality of the cattle on display and how the event itself was run.

IHBS Chairman Willie Branagan awards Eamon McKiernan his prize for winning the Stock Judging Competition. Eamon was the only person to correctly grade each animal in the same order as the judge.



TULLAHA AUDREY Reserve Munster Female of the Year 2017

CLONDRINA 1069th Munster Senior Bull of the Year 2017- Male and Female offspring for sale

Enquiries and visitors welcome

John Neenan Tel. 086 878 8762 Tom Cregan Tel. 087 211 1819 Tullaha, Broadford, Charleville, Co.Limerick 61

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

CORK SUMMER SHOW Judge: Mr. Tom Brennan

Female Champion: Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Miriam.

Pedigree Hereford Bull any Age born before 31st August 2016 1. John Neenan, Clondrina 1069th, 7/10/2012. Sire: Balleen Gilbert, Dam: Clondrina 934th. 2. Tom Roycroft, Corlismore Fire 606 16/01/2011. Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Corlismore Betty.

Reserve Female Champion: Tom Roycroft Springvilla, Miriam Duke. Male Champion: John Neenan, Clondrina 1069th.

Reserve Male Champion: Adrian Cronin, Racomane Caesar.

Overall Supreme Hereford Champion: Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Miriam.

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: John Neenan, Clondrina 1069th.

Pedigree Hereford Bull Calf born on or after the 1st of September 2016 1. Adrian Cronin, Racomane Caesar 07/09/2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Springvilla Astra 2. Veronica Brennan, Herebery Alfred 05/11/2016. Sire: Zul, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy 3. Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Gearoid 05/10/2016. Sire: Knockmountagh Duke Dam: Ballyaville Vivienne Pedigree Hereford Heifer calf born on or after the 1st of September 2016 1. Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Miriam Duke 07/10/2016. Sire: Knockmountagh Duke, Dam: Springvilla Miriam 2. Dermot Whelton, Hazel Grove Crystal 01/11/2016. Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant, Dam: New Star Autumn 3. Veronica Bennan, Herberry Lucy May 10/11/2016. Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll Lucy

Female Champion and Supreme Hereford Champion Springvilla Miriam and her calf Springvilla Miriam Duke, owned by the Roycroft family. Male Champion and Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion Clondrina 1069th owned by IHBS council member John Neenan.

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2016 1. Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe Pandoras Charm 20/09/2015. Sire: Trillick Hotspur, Dam: Slieveroe Elsie. 2. Dermot Whelton, Hazel Grove Bella 27/10/2015. Sire: Trillick Best, Dam: New Star Libra. 3. Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Margherita 15/11/2014. Sire: Springvilla Rolan, Dam: Springvilla Rita.

Pedigree Hereford Cow in milk or in calf with or without calf at foot 1. Tom Roycroft, Springvilla Miriam 02/09/2010. Sire: Springvilla Rolan, Dam: Ballyaville Alberta. 2. Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe Elsie 04/09/2006. Sire: Kilronan Leader, Dam: Brooklodge Cathy.

Judging in progress in the September Heifer Calf Born on or after the 1st of September 2016.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Judge: Mr. William Branagan, Owner of the Clonleam Herd and IHBS Chairman. Male Champion: Clondrina 1069th Reserve Male Champion: Racomane Caesar Female Champion: Baltymore Orange 449 Reserve Female Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda

Class 160 Hereford bull born on/before 30th Jun 2015 1. John Neenan, Clondrina 1069th. DOB: 07/10/2012. Sire: Balleen Gilbert, Dam: Clondrina 934th.

Class 161 Hereford female born on/before 30th Jun 2015 1. Coote Geelan, Baltymore Orange 449. DOB: 28/09/2014. Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Grianan Orange 491. 2. John Hayes, Tory Hill Lily. DOB: Not specified. Sire: Springvilla Alex, Dam: Druimasail Hazel. 3. Timothy Breen, Tullaha Raindrop. DOB: 03/11/2012. Sire: Knockmountagh Pirate, Dam: Tullaha Deliah. 4. Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe Elsie, DOB: 04/09/2006. Sire: Kilronan Leader, Dam: Brooklodge Kathy 6th.

Class 167 Hereford female born on/after 1st Jan 2017 1. Timothy Breen, Coisceim Jewel. DOB: 10/01/2017. Sire: GPZ, Dam: Dromimargie Hoodini. 2. Tony Hartnett, Riverrock Honey Bea. DOB: 06/02/2017. Sire: Riverrock Tyson, Dam: Riverrock Isabelle 3. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Doreens Nena. DOB: 06/02/2017. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Doreens Jasmin.

Class 162 Hereford female born 1st Jul 2015 to 30th Jun 2016 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Lass Matilda. DOB: 09/11/2015. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem. 2. Jerry & Ciara McNamara, Allowdale Serena. DOB: 30/08/2015. Sire: Haven Kingpin, Dam: Allowdale Sauanna. 3. Jerry & Ciara McNamara, Solpoll 1. Starlet N.3. DOB: 15/09/2015. Sire: Panmure 1. Henry, Dam: Sollpoll 1. Starlet J16.

Clondrina 1069th Male Champion at Charleville Show. Owner John Neenan.

Class 163 Hereford female born on/after 1st July 2016. 1. John Neenan, Tullaha Audrey. DOB: 24/07/2016/ Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Tullaha Aoibhinn. 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Lass Nectar. DOB: 02/07/2016. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Glitter.

Class 164 Hereford male born on/after 1st July 2016. 1. Adrian Cronin, Racomane Caesar. DOB: 07/09/2016. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Spring Villa Astra. 2. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh Rambo 700. DOB: 10/07/2016. Sire: Border General, Dam: Quinsboro Rose 1st. 3. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh Rossa 699. DOB 07/07/2016. Sire: Border General, Dam: Quinsboro Rose 1st. 4. Shane Stokes, Astellas Cowboy 2. DOB: 23/07/2016. Sire: Astellas Boy, Dam: Allowdale Pansy 135.

Female Champion Baltymore Orange 449 with owner Coote Geelan.

Class 165 Hereford female born 1st July 2014 to 30th Jun 2015. 1. Coote Geelan, Baltymore Orange 449. DOB: 28/09/2014. Sire: Kye Rodge 553, Dam: Grianan Orange 491. 2. John Hayes, Tory Hill Lily. DOB: Not Specified. Sire: Springvilla Alex, Dam: Druimasail Hazel.

Class 166 Hereford male born on/after 1st Jan 2017. 1. Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh Roman 714. DOB: 11/01/2017. Sire: Gurteragh Justice, Dam: Gurteragh Judy. 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Noble. DOB:20/01/2017. Sire Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Fluffy.


Tullaha Audrey first prize winner of July 16 class, owned by John Neenan.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

RECORD ENTRIES AT CLONMEL SUMMER SHOW Judge: Mr. Dan Melody, Bunratty, Co. Clare

2nd Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Roman 714. DOB: 11.01.17. Sire: Gurteragh Justice / Dam: Gurteragh Judy 3rd Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Noble. DOB: 20.01.17. Sire: Glaslough Judge / Dam: Kilsunny Lass Fluffy

Report: Edward Dudley Photos: Edward Dudley & Mervyn Parr

Supreme Hereford Champion: Grianan Orange 589, Henry & Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Senior Heifer born after 01.09.2014 and before 31.08.2016 1st Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Matilda. DOB: 19.11.15. Sire: Glaslough Judge / Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem 2nd Henry & Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tourtane Advent. DOB: 08.12.15. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath / Dam: Grianan Orange 589 3rd Gerry & Ciara McNamara, Labasheeda, Co. Clare. Allowdale Serena. DOB:30.08.15. Sire: Haven Kingpin / Dam: Allowdale Serena

Overall Calf Champion: Kilsunny Lass Nectar, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Calf Champion: Racomane Caesar, Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Class Results

Bull calf between 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Rathcomane Caesar. DOB: 07.09.16. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, / Dam Springvilla Astra 2nd Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Alfred. DOB: November 2016. Sire: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy / Dam: not listed. 3rd Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork. Gurteragh Rambo 700. DOB: not listed. Sire: Balleen Bonus / Dam Oldcastletown Red Robin

Cow, in calf or in milk, any age 1st Henry & Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Grianan Orange 589. DOB: 03.03.11. Sire: Grianan Highflyer / Dam: Grianan Orange 2nd Glenn Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Lakelodge Kathy 5. DOB: 07.01.12. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath / Dam: Lakelodge Kathy 3 3rd: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Doreen’s Jasmin. DOB: 14.08.12. Sire: Ballyaville Caradoc / Dam: Kilsunny Doreen’s Fairy

Heifer calf born after 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar. DOB: 02.07.16,. Sire: Glaslough Judge / Dam: Kilsunny Lass Primrose 2nd John Neenan, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Limerick. Tullaha Audrey. DOB: 24.07.16. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath / Dam: Tullaha Aoibhinn 3rd Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nadia. DOB: 02.10.16. Sire: Cill Cormaic Marcel /Dam: Kilsunny Lass Josslyn Junior calf, male or female, born in 2017 1st Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary. Herberry Lucy Lou. DOB: 12.01.17. Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP / Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy

Supreme Hereford Champion Grianan Orange 589 owned by Henry & Mervyn Parr from Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Overall Calf Champion: Kilsunny Lass Nectar, owned by the Dudley family, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda, owned by the Dudley family, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Calf Champion: Racomane Caesar, Adrian Cronin, Killarney, Co. Kerry.

Castledaly Herefords

Castledaly Rio – 1st in class, young bull of the year, and overall Hereford champion at Longford Show. Sired by Steil Gerard and dam Castledaly Faith. We would like to wish David Wilson the best of luck with the purchase of Castledaly Rio.

We want to thank our customers and wish them the best with their purchases Visitors always welcome – young stock usually for sale

Michael and Gráinne Farrell

Kilcleagh, Castledaly, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Tel.: 090-6430376 Mobile: 087-3189793 Email:


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Judge: Mr. Martin Murphy, Newport, Co. Tipperary

- Report & Photos: Susan Dudley

Supreme Hereford Champion: Lakelodge Kathy 5, Glenn Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Tory Hill Lily, John Hayes, Darren Hse, Kildimo, Co. Limerick Class Results

Bull calf between 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st: Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare 2nd: Tony Hartnett, Knockatoon, Rockchapel, Co. Cork 3rd: Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Gurteragh Rambo 700, Balleen Bonus, Oldcastletown Red Robin

Heifer calf born after 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar, 02.07.16, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Primrose 2nd: John Neenan, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Limerick Tullaha Audrey, 24.07.16, Kilsunny Goliath, Tullaha Aoibhinn 3rd: Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork Senior Heifer born before 01.07.2016 1st: John Hayes, Darren Hse, Kildimo, Co. Limerick Tory Hill Lily, Springvilla Alex, Drumasail Hazel 2nd: Gerry & Ciara McNamara, Labasheeda, Co. Clare 3rd: Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare

Supreme Hereford Champion: Lakelodge Kathy 5, owned by Glenn Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Tory Hill Lily with Ms Hayes (exhibitor), Madeline Quinn (breeder) and Martin Murphy (judge). Kilsunny Lass Nectar winner of the heifer calf class, owned by Trevor Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Cow, in milk or in-calf or in-calf heifer 1st: Glenn Dudley, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Lakelodge Kathy 5, 07.01.12, Kilsunny Goliath, Lakelodge Kathy 3 2nd: John Hayes, Darren Hse, Kildimo, Co. Limerick Tory Hill Lily, Springvilla Alex, Drumasail Hazel 3rd: John Hayes, Darren Hse, Kildimo, Co. Limerick

Clondrina 1069th, owned by Gerard & Declan Donnelly and winner of the bull calf class.

Bull, any age 1st: John Neenan, Tullaha, Broadford, Co. Limerick Clondrina 1069, 07.10.12, Balleen Gilbert, Clondrina 934 2nd: Declan Donnelly, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


The Munster Branch of the Irish Hereford Breed Society held the finals of their hotly contested bull and female of the year competitions the weekend of the Cappamore Show. One of the best-known and most prestigious regional finals in the country, this year’s competition proved to be just as fiercely supported as ever with huge numbers forward at each of the qualifying shows. Points were accumulated at Charleville, Clonmel, Bridgetown, Nenagh and Cappamore shows with animals who accrued the most points, across each section, being awarded prizes at the finals.

MUNSTER SENIOR FEMALE OF THE YEAR Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda, Trevor Dudley Reserve: Lake Lodge Kathy 5th, Glenn Dudley 3rd: GouldingPoll 1 Duchess 742, Kevin & William Ryan

2017 Munster Junior Female of the Year, Kilsunny Lass Nectar with Susan Dudley and IHBS President Patrick McCarthy & Declan Donnelly, Chairman of the Munster Branch.

MUNSTER JUNIOR FEMALE OF THE YEAR Champion: Kilsunny Lass Nectar, Trevor Dudley Reserve: Dualla Audrey, John Neenan 3rd: Herberry Lucy Lou, Veronica Brennan & Raymond Vere Hunt MUNSTER SENIOR BULL OF THE YEAR Champion: Clondrina 1064th John Neenan

MUNSTER JUNIOR BULL OF THE YEAR Champion: Gurteragh Rambo 700 Michael O’Keffe Reserve: Raconmoar Caesar Adrian Cronin 3rd: Gurteragh Rossa 699 Michael O’Keffe

2017 Munster Senior Female of the Year, Kilsunny Lass Matilda with Susan Dudley, IHBS Vice-President Martin Murphy & IHBS President Pat McCarthy.

2017 Munster Junior Bull of the Year, Gurteragh Rambo 700 with owner Michael O'Keeffe and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.


Reserve Munster Junior Bull of the Year, Rathcomane Ceasar, with Adrian Cronin and IHBS President Pat McCarthy.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Margaret Murphy O’Brien (Secretary), John Ludgate (Treasurer), Timmie O’Sullivan, Adrian Cronin, Pat McCarthy (IHBS President), John Neenan, Henry Dudley, Declan Donnely (Chairman) and Tony Hartnett.

At the Munster AGM are its Secretary Mrs. Margaret Murphy O’Brien, Chairman Mr. Declan Donnelly and Treasurer Mr. John Ludgate.


Reserve Champion: Sollpoll 1 Starlet N3 exhibited by Paula McNamara with Pat Byrnes from Bank of Ireland of right.

Overall Champion: Corlissmore Poll 1 Sydney 607 exhibited by Ciara McNamara with Pat Byrne from Bank of Ireland on right.



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

DUALLA SHOW 27.08.2017

Judge: Mr. Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan Report & Photos: Edward Dudley Supreme Hereford Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.


Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion: Grianan Orange 589, H&M Parr, Clogh, Castelcomer, Co. Kilkenny.


Class Results: Bull calf born in 2017 Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. 1st: Tipperary Kilsunny Noble, 21.01.17, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Fluffy 2nd: Pat Murray, Clonakenny, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Heifer calf born in 2017 1st: Herberry Herefords, c/o Veronica Brennan & Ray Hut, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Herberry 1 Lucy Lou, 12.01.17, Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP, Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641 2nd: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Doreen’s Nina, 06.02.17, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Doreen’s Jasmin

Best All-Traditional Breeds Breeding Heifer Championship (open to pedigree heifers from the Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford & Shorthorn breeds) 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Matilda, 19.11.15, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Gem

Bull calf between 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Nicholas, 21.09.16, Kilsunny Kingston, Kilsunny Lass Flo 2nd: Herberry Herefords, c/o Veronica Brennan & Ray Hut, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Herberry 1 Alfred, 01.11.16, Zulu, Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641 3rd: Herberry Herefords, c/o Veronica Brennan & Ray Hut, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Herberry 1 Care Bear, 04.11.16, Zulu, Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641

Best Pair 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Nectar & Kilsunny Lass Nadia 2nd: Herberry Herefords, c/o Veronica Brennan & Ray Hut, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Herberry 1 Alfred & Herberry 1 Care Bear 3rd: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Noble & Kilsunny Doreen’s Nina

Heifer calf born after 01.07.2016 – 31.12.2016 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nectar, 02.07.16, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Primrose 2nd: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Nadia, 02.10.16, Cill Cormaic Marcel, Kilsunny Lass Josslyn

Overall Supreme Hereford Champion, Kilsunny Lass Matilda owned by the Dudley family, Co. Tipperary.

Senior heifer born between 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2016 1st: Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Matilda, 19.11.15, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Gem 2nd: H&M Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Tourtane Advent, 08.12.15, Kilsunny Goliath, Grianan Orange 589 3rd: H&M Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Cow, in milk or in-calf or in-calf heifer 1st: H&M Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny Grianan Orange 589, 03.03.11, Grianan Highflyer, Grianan Orange

Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Lily, 18.10.14, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Gem Davina Lewis, Brosna, Birr, Co. Offaly Tourtanepoll 1 Sally, 29.03.14, Kilsunny Goliath, Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond

Reserve Hereford Champion: Grianan Orange 589 with Mervyn Parr, Co. Kilkenny.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Munster Branch Dinner (14/01/2018)

John & Bernadet Dunnigan, Mary Kelleher, Sheila O’Sullivan, Buddy Kelleher, John & Helen Neenan and Patricia McAuliffe.

Mary Ludgate, Mary McNamara, Mary Philpott, Alias O’Keeffe and Tony Hartnett.

Catherine Quinn and granddaughter Hannah Quinn Mulligan with Anne Pounds and Liam Philpott.

John Neenan, Pat McCarthy (IHBS President), Gerry McNamara and John Ludgate.

Gerry O’Connor & John Collins. Margaret Curtin, Eileen Doody, Neily Moylan and Patrick Curtin.

Willie & Helen Daly with Eileen O’Connor on right.

Missing from pictures are Michael O’Keeffe, Ciaran Noonan, John O’Connell, Paddy O’Connor and Timmie O’Sullivan.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018




Judge: Mr. Pat Sheedy, Clonakenny, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Supreme Hereford Champion & Overall Male Champion: Solpoll 1 Lawman, John & Frank Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

2. 3.

Reserve Supreme Breed Champion & Overall Female Champion: Kilsunny Lass Matilda, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Male Champion: SMG Euro 30E, Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt c/o Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary Reserve Female Champion: Springvilla Miriam, Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork.

Senior Bull born before 01.09.2016 1. John & Frank Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork Solpoll 1 Lawman, 03.11.13, Panmure 1 Henry, Solpoll 1 Pansy 2. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt c/o Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary SMH Euro 30E, 08.05.09, SMH Casanova, Abelone Plum 3. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork Corlismore Fire 606, Grianan Firecracker, Corlismore Betty

Bull calf born after 01.09.2016 1. John & Frank Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork Apple 1 Kaboom, 01.09.16, Solpoll 1 Lawman, Appel 1 2. Adrian Cronin, Rathcomane, Ballyhar, Killarney, Co. Kerry Rathcomane Caesar, 07.09.16, Kilsunny Goliath, Springvilla Astra 3. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, c/o Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary

Heifer calf born after 01.09.2016 1. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork Sprinvilla Miriam Duke, Oct 16, Knockmountagh Duke, Springvilla Miriam 2. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Nadia, 02.10.16, Cill Cormaic Marcel, Kilsunny Lass Josslyn 3. Anthony McCarthy, Gurrane, Banteer, Co. Cork Report & Photos: Edward Dudley

Cow, in calf or in milk, any age 1. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork Springvilla Miriam, Springvilla Roller, Ballyaville Alberta 2. Mary Pat Dineen, Lislevane House, Bandon, Co. Cork Dunworley Goldie, 28.11.11, Bowmount Storm, Hazelfield Eileen 3. Tim Sheehy, Kilnahone, Ballygarvan, Co. Cork Leamlara Jane 4, 22.11.14, Trillick Best, Leamlara Jane 2 Senior Heifer born after 01.09.2014 and before 31.08.2016

Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Kilsunny Lass Matilda, 19.11.15, Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Lass Gem Adrian Bateman, Caraide House, Slieveroe, Riverstick, Co. Cork Slieveroe Pandora’s Charm, 20.09.15, Trillick Best, Slieveroe Elsie Dermot Whelton, Cullane West, Leap, Co. Cork Hazel Grove Bella, 27.10.15

Supreme Hereford Champion & Overall Male Champion was awarded to John & Frank Applebe’s Solpoll 1 Lawman.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Reserve Supreme Breed Champion was awarded to the Overall Female champion of the event, Kilsunny Lass Matilda. Owned by Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Midleton Show

Allowdale Serena, sired by Haven Kingpin, won first prize in the senior heifer class and went on to win Supreme Hereford Breed Champion with owner Ciara McNamara, Ennis, Co. Clare.

Clonakilty Show 2017 Judge: Shane Murphy, Banteer, Co. Cork

Champion: J. & F. Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty. Solpoll 1 Lawman

Reserve Champion: J. & F. Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty. Appel 1 Ka Boom

Pedigree Hereford Bull Calf born after Sep 1st 2016 1. J. & F. Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty. Appel 1 Ka Boom. DOB Sep 16. Sire: Solpoll 1 Lawman Dam: Appel 1 Sally. 2. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway. Springvilla Geoiroid. DOB Oct 16. Sire: Knockmountagh Duke Dam: Ballyville Vivienne. Pedigree Hereford Heifer Calf born after Sep 1st 2016 1. Dermot Whelton, Cullane West, Leap. Hazel Grove Crystal. DOB Nov 16. Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant Dam: Newstar Autumn. 2. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway. Springvilla Miriam Duke. DOB Oct 16. Sire: Knockmountagh Duke Dam: Springvilla Miriam. 3. Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam. Coiscéim Judy. DOB Sep 16. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath Dam: Aliehs Hosea

Maiden/Incalf Heifer born between Jan 1st 2015 & Aug 31st 2016 1. Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe, Riverstick. Slieveroe Pandora Charity. DOB Sep 15. Sire: Trillick Hotspur Dam: Sileveroe Elsie. 2. Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam. Coiscéim Imogen. DOB Feb 16. Sire: Kilsunny Goliath Dam: Gurteragh Disney. 3. Dermot Whelton, Cullane West, Leap. Hazel Grove Bella. DOB Oct 15. Sire: Trillick Best. Dam: Newstar Libra

Pedigree Hereford Cowor uncalved heifer born before 31st Dec 2014 1. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway. Springvilla Miriam. DOB Sep 10. Sire: Springvilla Rolan Dam: Ballyaville Alberta. 2. Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe, Riverstick. Slieveroe Ophelia. DOB Nov 14. Sire: Woodview Sergeant Dam: Slieveroe Elizabeth. 3. Anthony McCarthy, Gurrane, Banteer. Udel 1 Dawn Plum. DOB Jan 10. Sire: Kidman Bluechip Dam:Udel 1 R51 Yalta Plum. Pedigree Hereford Bull born before Aug 31st 2016 1. J. & F. Appelbe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty. Solpoll 1 Lawman. DOB Nov 13. Sire: Panmur 1 Henry Dam: Solpoll 1 Pansy. 2. Tom Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway. Corlismore Fire 606. DOB Jan 11. Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Corlismore Betty. Pair of Herefords 1. Adrian Bateman 2. Tom Roycroft


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Barryroe Show

Judge: Mr David Larkin. The Hermitage Kilcormac Co. Offaly. Champion Hereford: Gurteragh Lynsey. Tim Breen Knockeenadiliane, Kiskeam. Reserve Champion Hereford: Kilsunny Lass Milly Shane O’Driscoll , Butlerstown, Bandon.

Solpoll 1 Lawman winner of the senior bull class and overall Champion at the event, owned by John & Frank Appelbe.

Pedigree Hereford Cow: Gurteragh Lynsey. Tim Breen Knockeenadiliane, Kiskeam.

Pedigree Hereford Heifer: Kilsunny Lass Milly Shane O’Driscoll , Butlerstown, Bandon.

Pedigree Calf: Male born after 1st Sept 2016: Droumdaniel Rambler Eugene Lynch, Droumdaniel, Bantry.

Pedigree Calf: Female born after 1st Sept 2016: Hazel Grove Crystal Dermot Whelton, Cullane West, Leap. “Susan Finnerty in conjunction with the Irish Farmer’s Journal named Barryroe Show, Best Show of 2017”

The Appel doesn’t fall far from the tree. John & Franks young bull Appel 1 Ka Boom, a son of Solpoll 1 Lawman won Reserve Champion and the young bull calf class at the show. Pat McCarthy IHBS President, Michael Creed Minister for Agriculture who formally opened the Show and Shane O’Driscoll with his Reserve Champion Hereford Heifer Kilsunny Lass Millie at Barryroe Show. On right are Show Judge David Larkin & Barryroe Show Chairman Jim Maloney. Hazel Grove Crystal born November 2016 and owned by Dermot Whelton won the September class.

Hazelgrove Crystal, sired by Moyclare Lieutenant was 1st in her class in Clonakilty. Shown and owned by Dermot Whelton.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Dunmanway Show Judge: Derek Lovell, Bandon, Co. Cork

Champion J&F Appelbe, Clonakilty, Solpoll 1 Law Man

Reserve Champion Tom Roycroft, Dunmanway, Springvillia Miriam

Pedigree Hereford calf, female born on or after Sept 1st 2016 1. Tom Roycroft, Dunmanway . Springvilla Miriam Duke Sire Knockmountagh Duke. Dam Sringvilla Miriam 2. Dermot Whelton Leap. Hazel Grove Crystal Sire Moyclare Lieutenant. Dam Newstar Autumn 3. Tim Breen Kiskeam. Coisceim Judy Sire Kilsunny Goliath. Dam Aliehs Hosea

Dunmanway Hereford Champion and winner of the bull class was awarded to Solpoll 1 Lawman owned by John & Frank Appelbe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

Pedigree Hereford Calf male born on or after Sept 1st 2016 1. Gene Lynch Bantry Droumdaniel Rambler Sire Allowdale Exceller. Dam Kingsgrove Star Terry 2. Tom Roycroft Dunmanway Springvilla Gearoid Sire Knockmountagh Duke. Dam Ballyaville Vivenne

Pedigree Hereford Heifer 1. Dermot Whelton Leap Hazel Grove Bella Sire Trillick Best. Dam Newstar Libra 2. Gene Lynch Bantry Droumdaniel Nan 19th Sire Freetown Fortune. D Droumdaniel Nan 9th 3. Ronan McCarthy Gloun Dunmanway. Glouncross Heather Sire Carhue Free Prince. Dam Droumdaniel Mel Ella 9th

Robert Roycroft with his Champion of the Cow class, Springvilla Miriam.

Pedigree Hereford Cow 1. Tom Roycroft Dunmanway Springvilla Miriam Sire Springvilla Rohan. Dam Ballyaville Alberta 2. Anthony Mc Carthy Banteer Udel 1 BC Dawn Plum Sire Kidman Blue Chip. Dam Udel 1 R51 Yaltra Plum 3. Mary Pat Dineen Bandon Dunworley Goldie Sire Bowmont Storm. Dam Hazelfield Eileen

Pedigree Hereford Bull 1. J&F Appelbe Clonakilty Solpoll 1 Law Man Sire Panmure 1 Henry. Dam Solpoll 1 Pansy 2. Tom Roycroft Dunmanway Corlismore Fire 606 Sire Grianan Firecracker. Dam Corlismore Betty


Hazel Grove Bella winner of the heifer class was shown by Dermot Whelton and son with judge Derek Lovell.

CARBERY SHOW Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Judge: Mr. Shane Murphy, Woodlands Glen South , Banteer, Co. Cork Report and photos Yvonne Roycroft

Overall Supreme Hereford Champion& Female Champion: Springvilla Miriam

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion & Reserve Female Champion: Springvilla Miriam Duke

Pedigree Hereford calf Male or Female born on or after the 1st of September 2016 1. Springvilla Miriam Duke 07/10/2016 Sire Knockmountagh Duke Dam Springvilla Miriam – Owner Mr. Tom Roycroft 2. Droumdaniel Rambler 04/09/2016 Sire Allowdale Exceller Dam Kingsgrove Star Cherry – Owner Mr. Eugene Lynch 3. Hazel Grove Crystal 01/11/2016 Sire Moyclare Lieutenant Dam Newstar Autumn – Owner Mr. Dermot Whelton

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion & Reserve Female Champion: Springvilla Miriam Duke, pictured with exhibitor Niall Roycroft and Cornelius McCarthy.

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1st of September 2015 and 31st of August 2016 1. Dunworley Hazel 06/01/2016 Sire Freetown Fortune Dam Dunworley Goldie – Owner Ms Mary Pat Dineen 2. Hazel Grove Bella 27/10/2015 Sire Trillick Best Dam Newstar Libra – Owner Mr. Dermot Whelton 3. Droumdaniel Nan 17 02/09/2015 Sire Freetown Fortune Dam Droumdaniel Nan 17 – Owner Mr. Eugene Lynch

Pedigree Hereford Cow in calf or in milk 1. Springvilla Miriam 02/09/2010 Sire Springvilla Rolan Dam Ballyaville Alberta – Owner Mr. Tom Roycroft 2. Skehanore Dancer V761 23/03/2013 Sire Balleen Plomber Dam Skehanore Peach – Owner Tom & Paddy Hickey 3. Dunworley Krystal 10/01/2010 Sire Bowmont Storm Dam Hazelfield Eileen – Owner Mary Pat Dineen

Dunworley Hazel Winner of the Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born between 1st of Septmeber 2015 to the 31st August 2016 Pictured with P.J and Jack Moloney.

Pedigree Hereford Bull Any Age 1. Corlismore Fire 606 21/01/2011 Sire Grianan Firecracker Dam Corlismore Betty – Owner Mr. Tom Roycroft

Overall Supreme Hereford Champion& Female Champion: Springvilla Miriam, shown by Niall Roycroft


Corlismore Fire 606 Winner of the Pedigree Hereford Bull Any Age Pictured with Niall Roycroft.

Bantry Show Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Judge: Pat & Patrick McCarthy

Champion: Hazel Grove Bella DOB 27/10/15. Sire. Trillick Best Owner: Dermot Whelton

Reserve Champion: Appel 1 Joy DOB 02/09/17. S. Solpoll 1 Lawman Owner: John Appelbe

Pedigree male calf born on or after the 01/01/17 1. Droumdaniel Marciano DOB 10/01/17. Sire. Allowdale Exceller Owner: Gene Lynch 2. Gurtaleen Plump DOB 30/01/17. Owner: JJ & Michael Barrett 3. Skehanore Celtic DOB 18/02/17. Sire. Allowdale Exceller Owner:Tom & Paddy Hickey

Hereford Champion at Bantry Show was awarded to Hazel Grove Bella with Owner Dermot Whelton receiving the cup from Jim & Denise Barrett, owners of Barretts Agri who sponsored the class. Second from left is IHBS President Pat McCarthy. Appel 1 Joy won Reserve Champion at the event, owned by John Appelbe from Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

Pedigree male calf born on or after the 01/09/16 1. Racomane Caesar DOB 07/09/16. Sire. Kilsunny Goliath Owner: Adrian Cronin 2. Droumdaniel Rambler DOB 04/09/17. Sire. Allowdale Exceller Owner: Gene Lynch 3. Droumdaniel Heisenberg DOB 14/09/17. Sire. Brocca Kieran Owner: Gene Lynch 4. Dunworleypoll 1 Rock DOB 22/12/17. Sire. Solpoll Handsome Owner: Mary Pat Dineen

Pedigree Female calf born on or after 01/01/17 1. Skehanore Audrey C892 DOB 12/02/17. Sire. Allowdale Exceller Owner:Tom & Paddy Hickey 2. Skehanore Caitlin C897 DOB 25/02/17. Sire. Allowdale Exceller Owner: Tom & Paddy Hickey

Pedigree Female calf born on or after 01/09/16 1. Appel 1 Joy DOB 02/09/17. Sire. Solpoll 1 Lawman Owner: John Appelbe 2. Hazel Grove Crystal DOB 01/11/2016. Sire. Moyclare Lieutenant Owner Mr. Dermot Whelton 3. Racomanepoll 1 Cindy DOB 03/12/2016. Sire. Solpoll 1 Handsome Owner: Adrian Cronin

Pedigree Maiden or In-calf heifer born on or before 31/08/16 1. Hazel Grove Bella DOB 27/10/15. Sire. Trillick Best Owner: Dermot Whelton 2. Kilsunny Lass Millie DOB 08/07/15. Sire. KZP Owner: Shane O' Driscoll 3. Droumdaniel Nan 19th DOB 02/09/15. Sire. Freetown Fortune Owner: Gene Lynch


Pedigree cow any age 1. Skehanore Thelma DOB 18/02/12. Sire. Moyclare Courallie Owner: Tom & Paddy Hickey 2. Dunworley Goldie DOB 28/11/11. Sire. Bowmont Storm Owner: Mary Pat Dineen Pedigree Bull Born on or before 31/08/16 1. JJ & Michael Barrett

Winner of the pedigree bull calf class went Droumdani el Marciano, shown by John Lynch.

BALLYGARVAN HEREFORD CHAMPION - Dunworley Hazel with handlers Jack & PJ Maloney.




Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


County Louth Show MULLINGAR SHOW

Class 170. Best Pedigree Hereford Bull born prior to 1st July 2016. 1. George Stanley, Porterstown Lane, Ratoath, Co. Meath. 2. George Stanley, Porterstown Lane, Ratoath, Co. Meath. Class 171. Best Pedigree Hereford Cow/Heifer born prior to 1st July 2016. 1. Eamon & John Mc Kiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth.

Class 172. Best Pedigree Hereford Bull/Heifer born on or after 1st July 2016. 1. Eamon & John McKiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth. 2. Norbert Briody. 3. Frances McKernan, Drumleck, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth. Champion Hereford. Eamon & John Mc Kiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Reserve Champion. Eamon & John McKiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth.

Champion Hereford at Louth Show went to Eamon McKiernan’s heifer Knockmountagh Aster 3. Judge Nigel Matchett on right.

Judge: Mr. Eric Humphreys from Co. Monaghan Champion Hereford: Moyclare Phoenix - owner Michael Molloy.

Reserve Champion Hereford: Clonleam Delightful 109 - owner William Branagan. Pedigre HE Heifer born on/between 1st Jan 2015 & 30th Jun 2015. 1. William Branagan, Clonleam, Delvin, Co. Westmeath – Clonleam Delightful 109 DOB 01/03/2016. Sire: Allowdale Ribstone Dam: Clonleam Delightful 72.

Pedigree HE Bull born on/between 1st Jan 2016 & 30th Jun 2016. 1. Michael Molloy ,Glebe, Belmont, Co. Offaly – Moyclare Phoenix DOB 26/03/2016. Sire Cill Cormaic Kasper Dam: Moyclare Rose 22. 2. Padraig Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone, Co. Westmeath – Cave Hill George 2 DOB 17/04/2016. Sire: Steil Gerard Dam: Cave Hill Princess. 3. Christine Drumm, Crowenstown, Delvin, Co. Westmeath –Crowenstown Brinsley DOB 15/02/2016. Sire: Cave Hill Storm Dam: Kilsunny Doreens Ivy. 4. J & J Canty, Pubblestown, Kildalkey, Co. Westmeath- Portanob Ryan DOB 01/02/2016. Sire: Balleen Revival Dam: Ballymartin Handy. Pedigree HE Heifer born between 1st Jul 2016 & 30th Oct 2016. 1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford – Clonroe FairyDOB 06/09/2016. Sire: Baltymore Ginger Dam: Clonroe Lize. 2. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westemeat – Grianan Prim R779 DOB 30/07/2016. Sire:Grianan Freddy Dam: Grianan Prim J542. 3. Michael Molloy, Glebe, Belmont, Co. Offaly – MoyclareUrsula 16th DOB 16/08/16. Sire:Moyclare Lucky Dam: Moyclare Ursula 4th. 4. Stephen Crowe, Mohill, Co. Leitrim – Aughakil 1 Adeje DOB 25/07/16. Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant Dam: Cloncahirpoll 1 Hanna


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Class 96 Pedigree HE Bull born between 1st Jul 2016 & 30th Oct 2016. 1. Paula Briody, Turbid, Oldcastle, Co. Meath – Ballymacad Brian DOB 02/08/2016. Sire: GPZ Dam: Ballymacad Becky. 2. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westemeath – Grianan Ranger DOB 06/08/2016. Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Cill Cormaic Kirsty. 3. Philip Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co. MeathArdmulchan Northern DOB 11/07/16. Sire: Church Preen Galileo Dam: Arhmulchan Clover 609. 4. Aidan Farrell, Williamstown, Moate, Co. Westmeath.

Pedigree HE Heifer born on or after 1st Nov 2016. 1. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford, Co. Longford – Trillick Gracefull DOB 09/11/2016. Sire: Castle Daly Messi Dam: Trillick Rose 2. Ivor & Colin Anderson, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan – Corran Hill Destiny DOB 02/12/2016. Sire: Glaslough Levi Dam: Corran Hill Carole 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford, Co. Longford – Trillick Duchess DOB 03/01/2017. Sire Steil Gerard Dam: Killoe Sandra 4. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westemeath – Grianan Orange R809 DOB 04/04/2017. Sire Grianan Freddy Dam: Grianan Orange H629

Pedigree HE Bull born on or after 1st Nov 2016. 1. Ivor & Colin Anderson, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan – Corran Hill Donald DOB 04/12/2016. Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant Dam: Corran Hill Tina. 2. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford, Co. Longford – Trillick Improver DOB 05/01/2017. Sire: Trillick Hotspur Dam: Trillick Grace 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Longford, Co. Longford – Trillick Landmark DOB 06/01/2017. Sire: Freetown Hotspur Dam: Trillick Della 4. Stephen Crowe, Mohill, Co. Leitrim – Aughakil 1 Olaf DOB 02/03/2017. Sire: Ardmulchan Legend Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 651.

Michael Molloy’s Moylcare Phoenix bull claims the award of Champion Hereford a yet another event. Left to Right: Owner, Michael Molloy, Representative from Zurich Insurance Barry Clarke and Mr. Eric Humphreys who judged the event.

Christine and Tara Drumm with the Reserve Champion, Clonleam Delightful 109, owned by IHBS Chairman William Branagan.


Champion: Griananpoll 1 Orange M 661 with her twin calves shown by Anselm Fitzgerald and family. Reserve Champion: Dendor 1 Ruby 27th with Gary McKiernan.

Pedigree Hereford Cow in Calf or Calf at Foot or Senior Heifer Born before 31.12.15 1. Griananpoll 1 Orange M 661 – DOB 27/2/13 S. Dorepoll 1 93N Nationwide D. Grianan Orange H 494 ET Owner: T & A Fitzgerald, Mt Temple, Moate 2. Dendor 1 Ruby 27th – DOB 7/10/15 S. Solpoll 1 Gilbert TF D. Dendor 1 Ruby 11th Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co Cavan 3. Baltymore Orange 449 – DOB 28/9/14 S. Kye Rodge 553 D. Grianan Orange H 491 Owner: Coote Geelan, Dromod, Co Leitrim 4. Dernaroy 1 Georgina – DOB 13/3/10 S. Lowesmoor 1 Entertainer D. Dernaroy 1 Waterworld Owner: Coote Geelan, Dromod, Co Leitrim Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1.1.16 and 31.8.16 1. Clonleam Delightful 109 – DOB 1/3/16 S. Allowdale Ribstone 436 D. Clonleam Delightful 72 Owner: William Branagan, Delvin, Co Westmeath 2. Corlismorepoll 1 Lady 853 – DOB 4/3/16 S. Grianan Firecracker D. Corlismorepoll 1 Unwed 576 Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co Cavan 3. Corlismore Betty 843 – DOB 2/1/16 S. Grianan Firecracker D. Corlismore Betty Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co Cavan 4. Hillockpoll 1 Michaela – DOB 11/1/16 S. Solpoll 1 Handsome D. Hillockpoll 1 Ann Owner: Mark Hyland, Corrawallen, via Cavan, Co Leitrim


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1.9.16 1. Church Hill Phoenix – DOB 26/10/16 S. Kilsunny Goliath D. Church Hill Helen Owner: Brian Clarke, Carnaross, Co Meath 2. Church Hill Pearse – DOB 4/11/16 S. Cill Cormaic Kasper D. Church Hill Megan Owner: Brian Clarke, Carnaross, Co Meath 3. Baltymore Morgan 497 – DOB 2/11/16 S. Smithston Darby D. Baltymore Alexandrea 412 Owner: Coote Geelan, Dromod, Co Leitrim 4. Ardmulchan Nijinsky – DOB 20/11/16 S. Church Preen Galileo D. Ardmulchan Clover 460 Owner: Phil Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co Meath

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 1.9.16 1. Ardmulchan Clover 736 – DOB 14/10/16 S. Church Preen Galileo D. Ardmulchan Clover 569 Owner: Phil Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co Meath 2. Grianan Orange R 809 – DOB 4/4/17 S. Grianan Freddy D. Grianan Orange H 629 Owner: T & A Fitzgerald, Mt Temple, Moate 3. Ardmulchan Clover 737 – DOB 1/11/16 S. Church Preen Galileo D. Ardmulchan Clover 528 Owner: Phil Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co Meath

Champion Hereford in Oldcastle went to Griananpoll 1 Orange M 661 and her twins who also won the Cow and calf class. Shown by the Fitzgerald family, Moate, Co. Westmeath.

Dendor 1 Ruby 27th shown by Gary McKiernan was awarded Reserve Champion on the day.


Champion: Grianan Orange K 589

Reserve Champion: Clonleam Delightful 109

Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer Born on or before 31.12.14 in Calf or Calf at Foot 1. Grianan Orange K 589 – DOB 3/3/11 Sire: Grianan Highflyer Dam: Grianan Orange 409. Owner: Mervyn & Henry Parr, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. Pedigree Hereford Heifer born in 2015 1. Tourtane Advent – DOB 3/12/15 Sire: Kilsunny Goliath Dam: Grianan Orange K 589. Owner: Mervyn & Henry Parr, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. 2. Allowdale Pretty Maid 557 – DOB 24/6/15 Sire: Border Rory D35 Dam: Allowdale Pretty Maid 275. Owner: Christine Drumm, Delvin, Co Westmeath. 3. Crowenstown Arrabella Ivy – DOB 27/2/15 Sire: Yarram Star General Dam: Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy. Owner: Christine Drumm, Delvin, Co Westmeath. Pedigree Hereford Heifer born in 2016 1. Clonleam Delightful 109 – DOB 1/3/16 Sire: Allowdale Ribstone 436 Dam: Clonleam Delightful 72. Owner: William Branagan, Delvin, Co Westmeath. 2. Tourtane Princess 1000 – DOB 11/3/16 Sire: Glaslough Napoleon Dam: Tourtane Ivy. Owner: Mervyn & Henry Parr, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny. 3. Moyclare Pisces – DOB 15/11/16 Sire: Brocca Saviour Dam: Cill Cormaic Pisces. Owner: Michael Molloy, Belmont, Co Offaly. Pedigree Hereford Heifer or Bull born on or after 1.1.17 1. Newland Kiwi – DOB 16/1/17 Sire: Trillick Hotspur Dam: Newland Clover Owner: Hugh P Murry, Moate, Co Westmeath.

Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1.1.16 1. Brocca Major – DOB 23/12/16 Sire: Cill Cormaic Kasper Dam: Brocca Amelia. Owner: Noel Farrell, Castledaly, Co Westmeath. 2. Castledaly King – DOB 17/11/16 Sire: Cill Cormaic Kasper Dam: Castledaly Sophie. Owner: Michael Farrell, Castledaly, Co Westmeath. 3. Tourtane Storm 1035 – DOB 8/12/16 Sire: Cave Hill Storm Dam: Grianan Orange K 589. Owner: Mervyn Parr, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Champion & Reserve Interbreed Champion: Shiloh Farm Dynamite Reserve Champion: Rorardstown Daffodil

Mervyn & Henry Parr with their Champion of the Mount Briscoe Show “Grianan Orange K 589” along with Judge Percy Chadwick (second from the right). Also in the picture is their 3rd prize winner “Tourtane Storm 1035” of the bull class born on or after 1.1.16, exhibited by Elisa Drum.

Clonleam Delightful 109 won Reserve Champion, owned by IHBS Chairman William Branagan and exhibited by Christine Drumm and her two daughters Elisa & Tara. Judge Percy Chadwick on right.

Hugh P. Murray & wife Kerrie with their first prize winner ‘Newland Kiwi’ in the class for a Bull/Heifer born on or after 01./01/2017 with Judge Percy Chadwick on right.

Pedigree Hereford Bull Born on or after 1.11.2016 1. Gageboro Rover: DOB 18/11/16 Sire: Free Town Baron Dam: Gageboro Naomi Owner: Niall & Lisa Daly, Gageboro, Horseleap, Moate, Co.Westmeath. 2. Trillick Master: DOB 12/12/16 Sire: Trillick Hotspur Dam: Trillick Emer 2 Owner: JJ Farrell, Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford. 3. Castledaly King: DOB 17/11/16 Sire: Cill Cormaic Kasper Dam: Castledaly Sophie Owner: Michael & Grainne Farrell, Castledaly, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Pedigree Hereford Heifer calf born on or after 1.11.2016 1. Cave Hill Helen 2 ET: DOB 17/11/16 Sire: Bowmont Storm Dam: Fancroft Primrose. Owner: Padraig Farrell, Fardrum, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. 2. Trillick Dutchess: DOB 2/1/17 Sire: Steil Gerard Dam: Killoe Sandra. Owner: JJ Farrell, Trillick-ATemple, Longford, Co. Longford. 3. Rorardstown Princess: DOB 1/11/16 Sire: Black Water Lad Dam: Gurteragh Jane 612. Owner: J P Kennedy, Derrinduff, Birr, Co. Offaly.

Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or between 1.7.2016 and 31.10.2016 1. Trillick Rob: DOB 2/7/16 Sire: Free Town Hotspur Dam: Killoe Pam. Owner: JJ Farrell, Trillick-ATemple, Longford, Co. Longford. 2. Gageboro Rustler: DOB 26/7/16 Sire: Smithston Something Special Dam: Gageboro Nirvana. Owner: Niall & Lisa Daly, Gageboro, Horseleap, Moate, Co. Dublin. 3. Gageboro Rumpus: DOB 18/8/16 Sire: Haven Kingpin Dam: Boyanna Oyster. Owner: Niall & Lisa Daly, Gageboro, Horseleap, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or between 1.7.2016 and 31.10.2016 1. Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney 876: DOB 4/7/16 Sire: Corlismorepoll1 T Veteran 786 Dam: Corlismorepoll 1S Gem 784 Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co. Cavan. 2. Trillick Berry: DOB 3/9/16 Sire: Free Town Hotspur Dam: Trillick Betty 2. Owner: JJ Farrell, Trillick-ATemple, Longford, Co. Longford.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or between 1.7.2015 and 30.6.2016 1. Rorardstown Daffodil: DOB 7/3/16 Sire: Kilsunny Goliath Dam: Lislaughtin Jessica 16. Owner: J P Kennedy, Derrinduff, Birr, Co. Offaly. 2. Dendor 1 Ruby 27th: DOB 7/10/15 Sire: Solpoll 1 Gilbert TF Dam: Dendor 1 Ruby 11th. Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co. Cavan. 3. Clonleam Delightful 109: DOB 1/3/16 S. Allowdale Ribstone 436 ET D. Clonleam Delightful 72. Owner: William Branagan, Delvin, Co. Westmeath.

Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or between 1.1.2016 and 30.6.2016 1. Shiloh-Farm Dynamite: DOB 6/2/16 Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Cill Cormaic Lass. Owner: Sean McKiernan, Corlismore, Co. Cavan. 2. Cave Hill George 2: DOB 17/4/16 Sire: Steil Gerard Dam: Cave Hill Princess. Owner: Padraig Farrell, Fardrum, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Reserve Hereford Champion and winner of the heifer class for a female born between 01/07/2015 and 30/06/2016, Rorardstown Daffodil with owner JP Kennedy.

Champion Hereford & Reserve Interbreed Champion Shiloh Farm Dynamite with Gary McKiernan from Corlismore Herefords Co. Cavan.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Judges: Ben Lewis (Haven Herefords) and Andrew Whitlow (High House Herefords)

Hereford Supreme Champion: Michael Farrell, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Castledaly Rio. DOB: 11/08/16. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Castledaly Faith. Hereford Supreme Reserve Champion: Michael Molloy, Belmount, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Phoenix. DOB: 26/03/16. Sire Cill Cormaic Kasper / Dam Moyclare Rose 22nd.

Hereford Cow or Heifer in-calf or in milk 1. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Baltymore Orange. DOB: 28/09/14. Sire Kye Rodge / Dam Grianan Orange 491. 2. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Derhandy Georgina. DOB: 13/03/10. 3. Basil Arnold, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Mullaghadoo Rosetta. DOB: 05/05/11. Sire GSQ / Dam Senechals Unknown. Hereford Heifer born between 01/07/15 & 30/06/16 1. Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Kye Ger 749.DOB: 03/05/2016. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Kye Sheila 590. 2. Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Dendori 1 Honeysuckle 871. DOB: 08/04/16. Sire Sollpoll Gilbert / Dam Dendore Honeysuckle 11th. 3. Nigel Heatrick, Glaslough, Monaghan. Glaslough Roseanna. DOB: 12/01/16. Sire Ballyaville Ger / Dam Glaslough Natasha. 4. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Loughrinn Lily 460. DOB: 03/07/15. Sire Kye Rodge / Dam Loughrin Lily. Hereford Heifer born between 01/07/16 & 30/09/16 1. Michael Molloy, Belmount, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Ursula 16th. DOB: 10/08/16. Sire Moyclare Lucky / Dam Moyclare Ursula 4th. 2. Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Prim R779. DOB: 30/07/16. Sire Grianan Freddy / Dam Grianan Prim J542. 3. Basil Arnold, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Mullaghadoo Poll 1. DOB: 04/09/16. Sire Goulding Poll 1 / Dam Mullaghdoo Rosetta. 4. Stephen & Avril Crowe, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Aughakil 1 Adeje.DOB: (not listed) Sire Moyclare Lieutenant / Dam Cloncahir Poll 1 Hanna. Hereford Heifer born between 01/10/16 & 31/12/16 1. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Graceful. DOB: 09/11/16. Sire Castledaly Messi / Dam Trillick Rose. 2. Basil Arnold, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Mullaghadoo Noelle.DOB: 25/12/16. Sire Turlough Graceful / Dam Mullaghdoo Rosetta 2.

3. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Baltymore Kora 449. DOB: 09/11/16. Sire Morgon / Dam Baltymore 418. 4. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Baltymore Kora 496. DOB:15/10/16. Sire Kye Rodge / Dam Baltymore Kora

Hereford Heifer Calf born on or after 01/01/17 1. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Duchess. DOB: 02/01/17. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Killoe Sandra. 2. Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Orange R809. DOB: (not listed) Sire Grianan Freddy / Dam Grianan Orange 629. 3. Hugh P. Murray, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Keenagh Nuala. DOB: 03/04/17. Sire Trillick Hotspur / Dam Newland Clover. Paul & Vincent All Ireland Hereford Heifer Calf Champion Prizes: 1st €350, 2nd €250, 3rd €150, 4th €100, 5th €80, 6th €60.(Confined to classes 48 – 50) 1. Michael Molloy, Belmount, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Ursula 16th. DOB: 10/08/16. Sire Moyclare Lucky / Dam Moyclare Ursula 4th. 2. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Graceful. DOB: 09/11/16. Sire Castledaly Messi / Dam Trillick Rose. 3. Basil Arnold, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan. Mullaghadoo Noelle.DOB: 25/12/16. Sire Turlough Graceful / Dam Mullaghdoo Rosetta 2. 4. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Duchess. DOB: 02/01/17. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Killoe Sandra. 5. Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Orange R809. DOB: (not listed) Sire Grianan Freddy / Dam Grianan Orange 629. 6. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Baltymore Kora 449. DOB: 09/11/16. Sire Morgon / Dam Baltymore 418.

Hereford Bull born between 01/01/15 & 30/06/16 1. Michael Molloy, Belmount, Co. Offaly. Moyclare Phoenix. DOB: 26/03/16. Sire Cill Cormaic Kasper / Dam Moyclare Rose 22nd. 2. Padraig Farrell, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Aughavoneen 1 Timmy. DOB: 01/05/16. Sire Cavehill Storm / Dam Alieshpoll 1 Blossom. 3. Sinead Conry, Castlrea, Co. Roscommon. Rathnollag Lucas 791. DOB 08/06/16. Sire Prizon Henry / Dam Castleroberts Stephanie. 4. Padraig Farrell, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Cavehill George 2. DOB: 17/04/16. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Cavehill Princess. Hereford Bull born between 01/07/16 & 30/09/16 1. Michael Farrell, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Castledaly Rio. DOB: 11/08/16. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Castledaly Faith. 2. Eamon & John McKiernan, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Knockmountagh Virgil 3. DOB: 04/08/16. Sire Trillick Hotspur / Dam Boyanna Stacey.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

3. Nigel Heatrick, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Sid. DOB: 04/08/16. Sire Clondrinagh 110 / Dam Glaslough Dot. 4. Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Grianan Ranger. DOB: 06/08/16. Sire Grianan Freddy / Dam Cill Cormaic Kristy.

Hereford Bull born between 01/10/16 & 31/12/16 1. Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Kye King 762. DOB: 01/10/16. Sire Haven Kingpin / Kye Holly 636. 2. Coote Geelan, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Baltymore Derby. DOB: 09/12/16. Sire Sandtown Dervy / Dam Baltymore Alex 412. 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Legend. DOB: 12/12/16. Sire Trillick Hotspur / Dam Cloghan Sally.

Hotspur / Dam Boyanna Stacey. 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Improver. DOB: 05/01/17. Sire Trillick Hotspur / Dam Trillick Grace 4. Nigel Heatrick, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Glaslough Sid. DOB: 04/08/16. Sire Clondrinagh 110 / Dam Glaslough Dot. 5. Stephen & Avril Crowe, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Aughakill 1 Olaf. DOB: 02/03/17. Sire Ardmulchan Legend / Dam Ardmulchan Clover. 6. Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Kye King 762. DOB: 01/10/16. Sire Haven Kingpin / Kye Holly 636.

Hereford Bull calf born on or after the 01/01/17 1. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Improver. DOB: 05/01/17. Sire Trillick Hotspur / Dam Trillick Grace 2. Stephen & Avril Crowe, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Aughakill 1 Olaf. DOB: 02/03/17. Sire Ardmulchan Legend / Dam Ardmulchan Clover. 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Rich. DOB: 10/04/17. Sire Clipston Squire / Dam Trillick Kitty 2. 4. JJ Farrell, Trillick A Temple, Co. Longford. Trillick Landmark. DOB: 06/01/17. Sire Freetown Hotspur / Dam Trillick Della.

Paul & Vincent All Ireland Hereford Bull Calf Champion Prizes: 1st €350, 2nd €250, 3rd €150, 4th €100, 5th €80, 6th €60.(Confined to classes 48 – 50) 1. Michael Farrell, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Castledaly Rio. DOB: 11/08/16. Sire Steil Gerard / Dam Castledaly Faith. 2. Eamon & John McKiernan, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Knockmountagh Virgil 3. DOB: 04/08/16. Sire Trillick

Hereford Bull Calf Champion and Supreme Hereford Champion at the event, Castledaly Rio with owner Michael Farrell from Moate, Co. Westmeath on right. Starting from the left are John Cahill (CEO Paul & Vincents: Main sponsor of the Hereford classes) Judges Ben Lewis & Andrew Whitlow, Sean McGarry Sales Rep with Paul & Vincent.

Main Sponsors for Longford Show 2018 - Paul & Vincent’s Animal Feeds - Flynn & Lynch Financial Services

Moyclare Phoenix, winner of class 52 and Reserve Bull Calf Champion at the event. Judges Ben Lewis and Andrew Whitlow, owner Michael Molloy on right. Moyclare Ursula 16th claimed first place in class 48, and Hereford Heifer Calf Champion. Michael Molloy (owner) and John Cahill CEO of Paul & Vincents.

Hereford breeder JJ Farrell, owner of Trillick Herefords who was heavily involved with the organisation of the show makes a presentation to the two judges from the UK, Ben Lewis & Andrew Whitlow as a token of appreciation for their service at the event.


North Leinster Branch Chairperson: Mr. Niall Daly Tel.: 087 969 4605 Secretary: Mr. Robert Jones Tel.: 086 353 0140 Vice Chairperson: John Canty Tel.: 086 831 2817

CO. LONGFORD Creagh & Creaghpoll Herds W.A. & I.H. Jones, Creagh House, Keenagh. 043 332 2290 Keenagh & Keenaghpoll Herds E. & R. Jones, Riverside, Keenagh. Mob: 086 834 6520 & 086 353 0140 Trillick Herd J.J. Farrell, Trillick-a-Temple, Longford. 043 334 1976 & Mob. 086 832 9436 Lisameen (P)/Moylong Herd James McKeon, Lisameen, Ballinalee, Tel. 087 822 8364 CO. MEATH Ardmulchan Herd P. Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan. 046 902 1435 Church Hill Herd B. & R. Clarke, Carnaross, Kells. 046 924 5256 Mob. 087 238 6339 Portanob Herd Jack Canty, Moyrath, Kildalkey, 046 943 5147 Mob. 086 831 2817 Curraghliffe Herd John A. Hayes, Tankardstown, Ratoath. 01 825 6230 Mob. 087 289 6149 Rathregan Herd V. Ledwith, Rathregan, Dunboyne. Tel. 01 8259270, 086-2556618 Ballaghboy Herd Robert Clarke, Fordstown, Navan. 046 943 4120

Ballyboe Herd Anne Murphy, 26 Bridge View, Kilmessan, Navan. Tel. 086 382 5225, 046 902 5737 Fairyhouse Herd George Stanley, Porterstown Lane, Ratoath. Tel. 01 825 6330, 086 256 5577 Baytown Herd Tom Barry, Baytown Park, Dunboyne. Tel. 086 856 0978 Burrawaddy Herd Percy & Marion Jordan, Proudstown, Navan. Tel. 046 902 6261, 087 950 6148. Dunlever Herd Michael Bird, Dunlever House, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel. 086 996 5239 CO. OFFALY Ballyaville Herd J. & I. Deverell, Ballyaville, Geashill. 057 934 3728 & 087 931 2628, 087 270 2271 Cill Cormaic Herd D. Larkin, Kilcormac, Birr. 05791 35368 Mob. 086 339 7810 Moyclare Herd Ml. Molloy, The Glebe, Belmont. Tel. 090 645 4640, 086 816 8924 Boveen Herd J. O’Connor, Sharavogue, Birr. Tel. 087 908 7460 Dungar Herd Lester Roe, Parkview, Ballybrit, Roscrea 087 411 8242


CO. WESTMEATH Clonleam Herd W. Branagan, Clonleam, Delvin. 087 233 8053 Gageboro Herd L. Holloway & N. Daly, Horseleap, Moate. 057 933 5987, 087 969 4605 Glenree Herd L. & F. Glennon, Glenree, Dysart, Mullingar. 044 922 6121, 087 612 2141 Grianan & Caulry Herd T. & A. Fitzgerald, Mount Temple, Moate. Tel. 086 609 8051 Kilgolagh Herd Hugh Lynch, Kilgolagh, Finea, Mullingar. 043 668 1210 Mob. 087 958 2773 Carrick Herd Philip Lynch, Carrick Finea, Mullingar. 043 668 1218, 087 958 2773 Castledaly Herd Michael Farrell, Kilcleagh, Castledaly. Tel. 090 643 0376 Mob. 087 318 9793 Cave Hill Herd Pauric Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone. Tel. 087 293 9133 Mount Williams Herd Mr Aidan Farrell, Williamstown, Moate, Co Westmeath. Tel.: 086 313 1812 Newland Herd Hugh P Murray, Main Street, Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath. 085 789 6199

CO. LOUTH Knockmountagh Herd Eamon McKiernan, Monasterboice, Drogheda. 041 982 6362, 087 221 7201

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Pedigree Showing & Grooming Spectacular in Tullamore

The highly anticipated workshop took place on Saturday June 3rd with visitors from all corners of the country making the journey. Various aspects of pedigree breeding were covered on the day including animal selection, animal health, feeding, halter m a k i n g / b r e a k i n g , clipping/grooming, showing, health & safety plus much more. All societies had animals present on the day, typically one male and one female from each allowing spectators to focus on whatever breed they were interested in, making it the biggest all-breed workshop in the country. Thanks to generosity of show sponsors Gain Feed Animal Nutrition, Merial, Alltech and the Irish Farmers Journal information booklets were created with an outline of the days proceedings. The day begin with talks and tutorial on traits you might look out for when judging cattle, the making of a show halter along with some tips on pedigree nutrition and animal health. After lunch the workshop broke up in to groups for each breed. Representing the Hereford society was long time Hereford breeder Anselm Fitzgerald who owns the long established Grianan Herd in partnership with his father Tom. Anselm brought one of his heifers on the day with fellow Hereford titan Michael Molloy exhibiting Moyclare Phoenix, a very attractive looking bull that later toped the Autumn Premier Sale this year. Helping Anselm through the demonstration was Catherine Smyth from the Ardmulchan herd in Navan, Co. Meath and Jack

from Dunworley Maloney Herefords in Bandon, Co. Cork, both of whom did a fantastic job. On behalf of the IHBS we would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Anselm, Catherin and Jack for their hard work on the day, everything from the basics to the advanced was covered in great detail. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels in 2018 as we hope to run a number of youth programmes throughout the year.

Pic 1 & 2: Anselm Fitzgerald explaining the steps involved in getting the hair of a Hereford ready for cutting and what type of head to use for the clipping process.

Pic 3: It’s important to evaluate your animal and identify it’s strong and weak points according to Anselm, while clipping to make the weak points look as good as possible and accentuate the strong points.

Pic 4: Catherine and Jack briefly explain their choice of hair tools, soaps and colorants they use for the red and white of a Hereford when preparing for a show.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018



Herberry 1 Claire Bear, 04/11/2016, Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641. 3. Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tourtane Storm 1035, 08/12/15, Sire: Cave Hill Storm, Dam: Grianan Orange 589.

Heifer calf born between 01.07.2016 – 30.09.2016 1. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Fiona, 03/08/16, Sire: Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Clonroe Jackie. 2. Tadgh Fogarty, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary

Champion Hereford at Fingal County Show, Knockmountagh Virgil 3, sired by Trillick Hotspur and shown by Thomas McKiernan.

Ossory Show

Judge: Mr. David Larkin, The Hermitage, Kilcormac, Co. Offaly

Supreme Hereford Champion: Kilsunny Lass Melissa, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Supreme Hereford Champion & Overall Junior Champion: Kilsunny Nicholas, Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Reserve Junior Champion: Herberry Lucy-Lou, Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, c/o Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary

Bull calf between 01.07.2016 – 30.09.2016 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Nicholas, DOB 21/09/2016, Sire: Kilsunny Kingston, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Flo. Bull calf born between 01.10.2016 – 31.12.2016 1. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary. Herberry 1 Alfred, DOB 01/11/2016, Sire: Zulu, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641. 2. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary.

Heifer calf born between 01.10.2016 – 31.12.2016 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Nadia, 02/10/16, Sire: Cill Cormaic Marcel, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Josslyn. 2. John Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Clonroe Ginger Fiadh, 03/10/16, Sire: Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Airhill Joyce. 3. Peader Kennedy, Birr, Co. Offaly.

Junior calf, male or female, born in 2017 1. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary. Herberry 1 Lucy Lou, 12/01/17, Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641. 2. Davina Lewis, Brosna, Birr, Co. Offaly. 3. Pat Murray, Clonakenny, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.

Senior Heifer born after 01.07.2015 and before 31.06.2016 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Lass Melissa, 13/01/16, Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Fluffy. 2. Henry & Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tourtane Advent, 08/12/15, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Grianan Orange 589. 3. Peadar Kennedy, Birr, Co. Offaly.

Cow, in calf or in milk, any age 1. Henry & Mervyn Parr, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Grianan Orange 589, 03/03/11, Sire: Grianan Highflyer, Dam: Grianan Orange. 2. Davina Lewis, Brosna, Birr, Co. Offaly. Tourtanepoll 1 Sally, 29/03/14, Sire: Kilsunny Goliath, Dam: Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond.

Best Pair of Herefords 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. Kilsunny Nicholas & Kilsunny Lass Nadia. 2. Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary. Herberry 1 Alfred & Herberry 1 Claire Bear.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Young Handlers Class, open to boys and girls under the age of 18 1. Conor Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. 2. Glenn Lewis, Brosna, Birr, Co. Offaly. 3. Colin Bourke, Dualla, Cashel, Co. Tipperary.

Reserve Junior Champion went to Herberry LucyLou, owned by Veronica Brennan & Ray Hunt, of Herberry Herefords, Ballyherberry, Dualla, Co. Tipperary.

Supreme Hereford Champion awarded to Trevor Dudley’s Kilsunny Lass Melissa.

Iverk Show Judge: Mr. Martin Murphy

Champion Hereford: Lakelodge Kathy 5 owned by Glenn Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tiperrary

Reserve Champion Hereford: Grianan Orange 58 owned by Henry & Mervyn Parr Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer born before 01/07/15 1. Glenn Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Mervyn Parr, Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 01/07/15 to 30/06/16 1. Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Mervyn Parr, Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny 3. John Jones, Gorey,Co. Wexford A very colorful day for the Dudley family as their smashing bull Kilsunny Nicholas was awarded Reserve Supreme Champion & Overall Junior Champion.

Young handlers winners Left to Right Conor Jones, Glenn Lewis & Colin Bourke.

Bull/Heifer born 01/12/16 to 31/03/17 1. Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Mervyn Parr, Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny 3. Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Pedigree Hereford Bull Calf born on or between 01/07/16 to 31/03/17 1. Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Eamon McKiernan, Drogheda, Co. Louth 3. Trevor Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Pedigree Hereford Heifer Calf born on or between 01/07/16 to 31/03/17 1. John Jones, Gorey,Co. Wexford 2. John Jones, Gorey,Co. Wexford Young Handler Competition 1. Darran Prendergast 2. Conor Jones 3. Padraig Jones


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Champion Hereford at Tinahely Show went to Grianan Orange 589 owned by Henry & Mervyn Parr which also won the cow class on the day.

Champion Hereford: Lakelodge Kathy 5 owned by Glenn Dudley, Thurles, Co. Tiperrary.

Winner of the Senior Heifer class was awarded to Clonroe Elsie 2, owned by the Jones and bred by one of their stock bulls Baltymore Ginger 379. Aidan Jones (exhibitor) and Michael Fox (Judge) above.

Reserve Champion Hereford: Grianan Orange 58 owned by Henry & Mervyn Parr.

Knockduffpoll 1 Golden won the young heifer class, led by owner Michael Jones. Clonroe Fairy won the heifer class with young handler Conor Jones and Judge Martin Murphy. Winner of the young handlers was Padraig Jones.

Tinahely Show

Judge: Mr. Michael Fox, Tullamore, Co. Offaly


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

South Leinster Branch - Review 2017

The South Leinster Branch had another successful year in 2017. The AGM for the branch was held in the Talbot Hotel Carlow on 31st January. Mervyn Parr and John Murphy were re-elected as Chairman and Secretary respectively. Calf Promotions

For the last number of years the branch has held calf promotions in a number of livestock marts across the South East. It was decided at our meeting in January to discontinue the promotions for 2017. Shows

The show season commenced with a bang in South Leinster with Gorey Show in mid-June. Forty top quality Herefords turned up from all corners of the country to exhibit in the event. The judge for the day was Mr. Robin Irvine (Northern Ireland). Over ₏2500 in prize money was competed for across ten classes. On behalf of the branch, I would like to gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship from Slaney Meats for the event, and we look forward to the event being even bigger and better in 2018. Shows in Ossory, TInahely, Tullow and Iverk were reasonably well attended. However, a challenge that these shows, as well as many more around the country face is the same select number of exhibitors are representing the Hereford breed week in and week out. Show representatives have stressed that a number of Hereford classes are not sustainable unless there are sufficient exhibits and exhibitors entering. Shows not only provide an excellent opportunity for breeders to showcase their stock, but are also of critical importance in terms of keeping the Hereford breed in the mind’s eye of the farming public. Tour

The branch had a successful day trip on 1st August. A total of twenty two breeders and enthusiasts boarded the bus for a visit to the Trillick and Corlismore herds. The quality of stock on display in both herds was exceptional. On behalf of the branch members, I would like to thank both the Farrell and McKiernan families for facilitating us and also for the very nice refreshments they provided for us. Photos of the tour are available on our Facebook page. Field Meetings

The branch is continuing to hold the majority of meetings on-farm. The first meeting of the year took place on the Knockfin herd of Mr. Francis Scott, Knockfin, Rathdowney, Co. Laois. The visiting group

was given a brief history of the Knockfin herd before viewing the impressive 80-cow strong herd in the flesh. As darkness fell the event closed after a brief meeting. The second field meeting took place on the Clonbrook herd of Richard Wallace and Tourtane Herd of H & M. Parr. The afternoon commenced with a brief walk through the Tourtane herd. This was followed by a visit to the fantastic household and agricultural museum in Clonbrook. After rolling back the years in the museum, the attendees were treated to refreshments and a short meeting. On behalf of the branch members I would like to thank Mr. Pat McCarthy (IHBS President) for making the long trip up from Cork to attend the meeting. Also a presentation was made to William and Ena Wallace to mark their 50th wedding anniversary. Both field meetings were well attended by long existing branch members, as well as new members to the society. A note of appreciation is also given to those who provided and prepared the refreshments at both of the field meetings. On-farm meetings have proven to be an excellent success for the branch over the last number of years. However, their future success depends on participation from as many breeders as possible across the region. Any South Leinster Hereford breeder who wishes to host a field meeting in 2018, please contact the chairman as soon as possible.

High Replacement Index Commercial Hereford heifer Show and Sale The branch took on a new initiative this year to host a high replacement index sale for commercial Hereford heifers. The event took place on 10th October in Cillin Hill, Kilkenny. There is no way of putting a positive spin on the event as the number of buyers were not present on the day to reward the vendors for turning out thirty eight quality Hereford heifers (all either 4 or 5 stars for the replacement index). A good number of heifers were sold, but not at the premium that most would have expected. I would like to acknowledge the sponsorship from Hereford Prime and the Hereford Society for the event. It’s back to the drawing board on this one for 2018.

Looking forward The AGM for the branch will take place in January 2018. If there are Hereford breeders or enthusiasts in the South East who wish to become income involved in any way in the activities of the branch please contact the chairman or secretary. Mervyn Parr (Branch Chairman)


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

South Leinster Branch members on tour at the farm of Trillick Herefords owned by JJ Farrell.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Presentation of flowers to Ena and William Wallace to mark their 50th Wedding anniversary. Photo taken at the Clonbrook museum which hosted our meeting in September.

Tullow Show

South Leinster Branch members on the second part of their tour at Corlismore Herefords Owned by Sean McKiernan.

Supreme Hereford Champion at Tullow Show, Grianan Orange 589 an animal that has had very successful showing season for the father & son duo, owned by Henry & Mervyn Parr from Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.



SOUTH LEINSTER BRANCH Chairman: Mr. John Murphy Tel. 087 771 7515 Secretary: Mr. Niall Jones Tel. 087 817 3450 l21

15l l17



19 l

1. Dunsinane Herd Glen Jacob, Dunsinane Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Tel: 05392 33208 or 087 6786895

9. Bawngarrif Herd Christy Finn, Bawngarrif, Ballcallan, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 7762156

3. Clonroe Herd John & Norah Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford Tel: 053 942 8283 or 087 6922551

11. Coolnacritta Herd Sean Shiel, Coolnacritta, Rathdowney, Co. Laois. Tel: 087 2687142

2. Udel Polled Herefords David & Daithi Carroll, Coole Campile, New Ross, Co. Wexford Tel: 087 2495762 or 087 2346310

4. Knockduff Herd Curtis & Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Tel: 05392 47762 or 087 8173450 5. Air Hill Herefords J. W. & D. J. Johnson, Tomagaddy, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Tel: 086 2326151

6. Ballydowell Herd Joe Maher, Ballydowell Rathmoyle, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 056 7767844 or 087 2731021


10. Knockfin Herd Francis Scott, Knockfinn, Rathdowney, Co. Laois. Tel: 0505 4623 or 086 8302911

12. Ballyraggan Herd James Thompson, Ballyraggan, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow. Tel: 059 9161132 or 086 3629202

13. St. Mullins Herd Tom Murphy, Ballynock, St. Mullins, via Carlow Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 051 424840 or 087 9413680 15. Chatsworth Herd Tom Hennessy, Chatsworth, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tel. 086 1505574 or 056 4442192

8. Tourtane/Tourtane Poll Herd 16. Kiltennel Polled Herefords Henry Parr, Tourtane, Castlecomer, Mr. John Murphy Co. Kilkenny. 7 Main St., Gorey, Co. Wexford. Tel: 056 42158 or 087 7583820 087 7717515


17. Darver Herd Mrs. Eva Holmes Darver House, Suttonsrath, Jenkinstown, Co. Kilkenny. Tel. 086 8072040

18. Macmine Herefords Mr. Niall Jones Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford 087 - 8173450

19 Muileann Polled Herefords Eamonn & Margot Delahunty, Portascully Mills, Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny. 087 - 1250138 or 051 - 895004 20 Clonbrook Herd Richard Wallace, Clonbrook, Crettyard, Co. Laois. Tel. 056 444 2137

21 Morell Herd Frank Daly, Blessington Road, Naas, Co. Kildare. Tel. 086 856 8266

Estd. 1973

Baltymore Orange 449, winner of the cow class with owner Coote Geelan at Balmoral Show 2017. Sired by former Balmoral Supreme Champion & RDS Champions of Champions, Kye Rodge 553

- Young Stock usually for sale in November Contact: Coote Geelan

Tel. 071 9638102 Mobile: 086 8249810

Kye Rodge 553 Semen Available

Dunsinane Herefords and Dunsinane Polled Herefords Est. 1960

Glenn Jacob

Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel. 087 6786895 or 053 9233208 email:

Herd run on commercial lines of production - Top bloodlines used Many thanks to all our customers in 2017 Visitors always welcome - Young stock usually for sale


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Arva Agricultural Show

Sunday 30th July

Judge: Mr David Larkin, Kilcormac, Birr Co. Offaly

Best Hereford Cow in calf or milk 1. Ivor & Colin Anderson, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co Cavan 2. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy, Mohill, Co Leitrim 3. Coote Geelan, Cloonagher, Bornacoola, Co Leitrim

Best Hereford Heifer, born before 01-09-2015 1. Coote Geelan, Cloonagher, Bornacoola, Co Leitrim. 2. Ivor & Colin Anderson, Derrylane, Killeshandra, Co Cavan 3. Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Co Monaghan.

Best Hereford Bull, born before 01-07-2016 1. Sean McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Co Cavan 2. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy, Mohill, Co Leitrim 3. Thomas Plunkett, Castletown Finea, , Co Westmeat

Best Hereford Heifer, born before 01-07-2016 1. Sean McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Co Cavan 2. Brian & Eamon Duignan, Shancor, Cornafean, Co Cavan 3. Coote Geelan, Cloonagher, Bornacoola, Co Leitrim

Judge David Larkin presents Cup to Gary McKiernan for his Hereford Champion Shiloh Farm Dynamite.

Best Hereford Bull, born after 01-07-2016 1. Brian & Eamon Duignan, Shancor, Cornafean, Co Cavan 2. Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Co Monaghan 3. Aidan McCabe, Lisaderg, Cootehill, Co Cavan

Best Hereford Heifer born after 01-07-2016 1. Sean McKiernan, Corlismore House, Corlismore, Co Cavan 2. Basil Arnold, Mullaghdoo, Killeshandra, Co Cavan 3. Aidan McCabe, Lisaderg, Cootehill, Co Cavan Best Herefor Male, born after 01-01-2017 1. David Faughnan, Kilnagross, Carrick on Shannon, Co Leitrim 2. Stephen Crowe, Curraun, Mohill, Co Leitrim

Best Hereford Female, born after 01-01-2017 1. Basil Arnold, Mullaghdoo, Killeshandra, Co Cavan 2. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy, Mohill, Co Leitrim 3. Nigel Heatrick, Annareagh, Glaslough, Co Monaghan.


Reserve Champion was awarded to Dendor 1 Ruby 27th, exhibited by Gary & Evelyn McKiernan with Judge David Larkin also in photo.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Tydavnet Show

Virginia Show

Shiloh Farm Dynamite Champion & Interbreed Champion at Tydavnet Show. Owned by Sean McKiernan from Corlismore Herefords, with son Gary and his wife Evelyn holding the cup above.

Hereford Champion & Interbreed Champion awarded to Shiloh Farm Dynamite. (Picture from Tullamore National Show) owned by the McKiernan family, Corlismore, Cornafean, Co. Cavan.

Dendor 1 Ruby 27th continues her winning streak, when she was crowned Reserve Champion at Tydavnet Show having previously won the same acceloade at both the Oldcastle and Arva Show while also coming 1st in her class at the Hereford National Show in Tullamore.

Reserve Champion went Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 876 who also won 1st in the July 2016 onwards class (Picture from Trim Show with handler Paul McKiernan).


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Corlismore to the Fore Courtesy of the Irish Farmers Journal

Shane Murphy spoke with Gary McKiernan about the Corlismore Hereford herd.

Synonymous with breeding pedigree cattle, Sean McKiernan and his son Gary have developed the Corlismore herd prefix established by Sean’s father John Philip in 1939. Farmed on the banks of the River Erne in Co Cavan, the herd has enjoyed unrivalled success recently, claiming top spots across a number of sales and shows. “In 1939, John Philip purchased a pedigree Hereford heifer from Mrs Hamilton of Castlehamilton, Killeshandra, Co Cavan, for £17. The herd has consistently grown since then,” Gary said. The herd now includes more than 40 Hereford cows, with pedigree Angus, Simmental and one Charolais added over the years. When choosing all cattle, the herd has been based on type backed with strong family lines and good bulls. Bull power has contributed greatly throughout the years, with the first bull purchased at the RDS getting the herd off to a great start. “The first stock bull was bought in 1969, KYE Playboy. He was the RDS champion and was purchased for 1,100gns. Playboy would serve up to 180 cows per year from breeders all over the country. His highlight came in 1973 when he sired six first-prizewinners at the RDS.” Since then, Corlismore has ensured that only the best of bulls take up residence on the Cavan-based farm to maximise the impact they have on the herd. “When choosing stock, we look for shape, style, colour and the pedigree has a big impact. We place great emphasis on cow families and bloodlines. “We also look at the animal that is standing in front of us. We use stars as a tool or a guide, but it’s the animal first. We have had a few influential sires throughout the years thankfully. “Knockmountagh Caesar, bred by Sean’s brother Eamonn, was purchased in 2000. He was the champion at Roscommon premier sale and secured by Progressive Genetics, but his semen was not good enough so we took him. He was the start of the cow makers. “Corlismore Pompeii by the Australian sire Yaramm Pompeii Vo55 made a massive impact. His first son sold for €4,200 and he bred numerous other sale toppers throughout the years. We exported two heifers to Scotland by him in 2008. One of his best sons, Corlismore Poll 1 Lad 530, was the national Hereford champion in 2012 and is the sire to most of the best cows in the herd today.”

However, it was one bull that set the Corlismore name apart and who Gary calls the herd maker. That was Grianan Firecracker (pictured above), who was purchased from the Fitzgerald family in Moate in October 2007 for a private deal worth €10,000. “Firecracker was only nine months at the time and we were after seeing him at summer shows with his mother Dominique. He won the Beef Expo in 2008 and the National Hereford Show in 2011; he won everything there was to win. The year he won the national championship, his first two daughters also won their class at the show and we sold them privately for €4,000 each.” Firecracker went on to breed a number of highpriced animals and show champions and although gone, he continues to leave his impact on the breed, siring the female champion and reserve at the 2017 National Hereford Show. “We continue to use his semen, but he will be nearly impossible to replace. “Some of the newer bulls introduced in more recent years were Solpoll 1 Cruiser, Cill Cormaic Leo and Moyclare Mariner. Cruiser was purchased at eight years and has since bred two calf show champions. Leo’s first-born son, we exported to the well-known Haven herd in England. Mariner was purchased at the premier sale in 2015 for the top price of €6,100 and he was the sire of the male champion at the 2017 calf show.” The latest sire to join the Corlismore herd was Shiloh Farm Dynamite from the Murray family in Moate early last year. This bull has already produced the goods on the show circuit for the McKiernans, claiming eight breed championships and four interbreeds in 2017. While a strong bull is half the battle, these need to be crossed with exceptional cow families to be able to produce show success year on year. The Corlismore herd has these lines in abundance.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

“In 2001, three poll Hereford female heifers were purchased from the Udel herd of David Carroll and family, Campile, Co Wexford. These were Udel 1 R51 Sydney Gem, Udel 1 Unwed Lady and Udel 1 Spotlit Gem. These were all sired by Doonbiddie Hustler and all have bred a national champion. So far, we have retained all daughters from these lines. “Other notable lines are the Milletts, Oysters and Taras, which have all produced sale toppers and show champions.” Showing cattle has become a big part of the herd’s success, with Gary Gary McKiernan at his farm in Corlismore, Co. Cavan. and his wife Evelyn seen at most major Hereford or rent land, but hopefully that will change. events. “However, this increase in dairy herds has led to an “We show our cattle to show people the type of increase in demand for traditional bulls. I think the cattle we breed and to advertise what our cattle is about. The herd actually started showing in the 1970s Hereford breed has made huge strides in the last 15 years and they have become very popular in the and have continued ever since. It’s a way to dairy industry. advertise and promote while also being very “I think the breed needs to continue to push for easyenjoyable at the same time.” fleshed, well-shaped, easy-calving, soft-haired cattle This has led to Corlismore-bred animals winning all with all the popular traits you need. the major accolades, from RDS and Beef Expo “One of the main challenges facing the breed shortchampionships to premier show and sale term is to get a good Hereford stock bull with championships. different genetics, particularly due to the BDGP “Some of the highlights include RDS champion in scheme, which is getting breeders to use only proven 2002 and a number of overall and reserve national lines to assure stars. Hereford titles as well. “I don’t think the BDGP scheme is doing a lot for the “The national calf show has been particularly good different breeds, as I don’t think it’s accurate enough since it started up. We claimed both male and and there isn’t enough information yet. There is a lot female overall championships in 2015, junior female of the better cattle being left behind. No matter how in 2016 and male champion in 2017. good a bull is, if he isn’t a four- or five-star bull, a man “The sales have also been very good to us, with a who is in the BDGP scheme can’t buy him or he number of topping bulls. We also hold the record for won’t qualify. The ICBF is forcing his hand and I think the highest-priced Hereford bull at a society sale with this is wrong.” Corlismore Tauras selling for €8,150.” Future outlook “I think the major challenge facing farming is the weather and the ever increasing costs, such as meal and fodder bills. The weather puts major pressure on us when we can put cattle out to grass, getting out fertiliser, slurry and making fodder. It’s a major concern in our part of the country. “The farm currently consists of 170 acres, 50 of which are rented. Expansion to deal with weather in this part of the country is very difficult because of the major expansion of dairy farms and the price to buy


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Mohill Show

Hereford Calf Male or Female after 1st April 2017 1. Michael Lynch, Ballinalee, Longford 2. Michael Lynch, Ballinalee, Longford 3. Mark Hyland, Corawallen, Leitrim “Hillockpoll 1 Dora” 28-1-2017

Judge: Anselm Fitzgerald

Champion: Sean Kilrane, Drumboy,Mohill,Co.Leitrim “Drumboy Jamie” 17-4-2016

Reserve Champion: Mark Hyland, Corawallen,Leitrim “Hillockpoll 1 Michaela” 11-1-2016 Calf Champion: David Faughnan, Lisdadnan, Mohill

Hereford Bull born prior to 1st January 2017 1. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy,Mohill,Co.Leitrim “Drumboy Jamie” 17-4-2016 2. Sinead Conry, Ballinagare,Castlerea,Roscommon 3. Mattie Moran, Creggs Road, Ballina “Lisaneanpoll 1 Frank” 30-3-2013 Hereford Cow in calf or in milk 1. Coote Geelan, Cloonageeher, Dromod “Dernaroy 1 Georgina” 13-3-10 2. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy,Mohill,Co.Leitrim “Drumboy Rachel” 18-3-2011 3. Mattie Moran, Creggs Road, Ballina “Dunavereen Pringe” 08-4-2013

Champion Hereford Drumboy Jamie with owner Shane Kilrane from Mohill, Co. Leitrim.

Hereford Heifer born prior to 1st September 2015 1. Coote Geelan, Cloonageeher, Dromod “Baltymore Orange” 28-09-2014 2. Coote Geelan, Cloonageeher, Dromod “Loughrinn 1 Lily” 03-07-2015

Hereford Heifer born between 1st Sept.15 and 31st Dec.2016 1. Mark Hyland, Corawallen,Leitrim “Hillockpoll 1 Michaela” 11-1-2016 2. Basil Arnold,Mullaghadoo,Killeshandra 3. Paul Bohan,Gortfada,Mohill “Clonroe Elcie” 1609-2015

Hereford Bull Calf 1st January-31st March 2017 1. David Faughnan, Lisdadnan, Mohill 2. Eoin Reilly,Drumgowla,Cloone,Leitrim “Bridge House Mal 24-3-2017 3. Mattie Moran, Ballina,Mayo “Stonekey 1 King” 1502-2017

Hereford Heifer Calf born 1st Jan-31st March 2017 1. Basil Arnold,Mullaghadoo,Killeshandra 2. Mark Hyland, Corawallen,Leitrim “Hillockpoll 1 Dorothy” 28-1-2017 3. Sean Kilrane, Drumboy, Mohill “Drumboy Matilda” 01-02-2017


Reserve Champion went to Mark Hyland’s Hillockpoll 1 Michaela (Picture from Tullamore Show – Mark won the Senior section of the young handlers class). Calf Champion at the event went to David Faughnan, Lisdadnan, Mohill.

Strokestown Show Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

4. Michael Conroy, Hillcrest, Cloncullane, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

Bull born between 1st July 2016 and 31st December 2016. 1. Trillick Rob. Sire: Free Town Hotspur Dam: Killoe Pam. JJ Farrell, Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford.

Judge: Martin Murphy

Champion Hereford: Kilsunny Lass Matilda. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Bull calf born on or after 1st January 2017. 1. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse., Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. John Mullooly, Lavally, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon 3. JJ Farrell, Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford

Reserve Champion Hereford: Coote Geelan, Cloonagheer, Dromod, Co. Leitrim. Female Classes

Cow in milk or in calf 1. Johnny Dolan, Cloonslanor, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon 2. John Mullooly, Lavally, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

Heifer born prior to 1st July 2016. 1. Kilsunny Lass Matilda. Sire: Glaslough Judge Dam: Kilsunny Lass Gem. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny House, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Coote Geelan, Cloonagheer, Dromod, Co. Leitrim 3. Clonroe Elcie. Sire: Baltymore Ginger 379 Dam: Clonroe Lize. Paul Bohan, Gortfadda, Mohill, Co. Leitrim 4. Kye Ger 749. Sire: Steil Gerard Dam: Kye Sheila 590. Padraig McGrath, Cloonshanagh, Elphin, Co. Roscommon

Heifer born between 1st July 2016 and 31st December 2016. 1. Kilsunny Lass Nectar. Sire: Glaslough Judge Dam: Kilsunny Lass Glitter. Trevor Dudley, Kilsunny Hse., Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary 2. Johnny Dolan, Cloonslanor, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon 3. Padraig Farrell, Aughavoneen, Fardrumm, Athlone, Co. Westmeath

₏50 for best pair of Hereford’s, Male or Female, exhibited by the same owner. 1. Michael Conroy, Hillcrest, Cloncullane, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon

Edward Dudley with his overall Champion Kilsunny Lass Matilda and judge Martin Murphy on right.

Heifer calf born on or after 1st January 2017. 1. Mark Hyland, Corrawallen via Cavan, Co. Leitrim 2. Grianan Orange R809. Sire: Grianan Freddy Dam: Grianan Orange H629. T & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount Temple, Moate, Co. Westmeath 3. Trillick Dutches. Sire: Steil Gerard Dam: Killoe Sandra. JJ Farrell, Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford Bull born prior to 1st July 2016. 1. Michael Conroy, Hillcrest, Cloncullane, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon 2. Sinead Conroy, Rathnollag, Ballinagare, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon 3. Sinead Conroy, Rathnollag, Ballinagare, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon

Coote Geelan with his Reserve Champion and judge Martin Murphy on right.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018 Kilsunny Lass Nectar, owned by Trevor Dudley and exhibited by Patrick Farrell.

Trillick Rob, winner of the bull class where the animal was born prior to 1st July 2016, with handler Ciaran Farrell in picture.

Mark Hyland with his first prize winner of the heifer class - born on or after 1st January 2017.

Trevor Dudley finished up the show by taking home the red rosette for the young bull class.



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hereford Stand at the N.P.C.

Hereford stand attracts large crowds throughout the 3 day Championship.

Right: Minister Heather Humphreys launches the National Hereford Calf Show at 2017 NPA with IHBS President Pat McCarthy and members of the organising committee.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

IHBS President Pat McCarthy and IHBS Field Officer Leslie Sandes promoting the wide selection of Hereford merchandise.

Breeders Tom Brennan and Sean Kilrane alongside IHBS Chairman Willie Branagan.

Paul Flynn and Dáithí Ó Sé cook up a Storm with Certified Hereford Irish Beef on the LIDL stand.

Erecting the Hereford Stand for the Ploughing Championships.



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

The Irish Hereford Breed Society, in collaboration with Slaney Foods International and Lidl Ireland are awarding 5 bursaries of €1,000 each to 5 successful applicants at the 86th National Ploughing Championships which will take place in Screggan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly from Sept 19th – 21st 2017. “Given the outstanding success of last years competition (2016), which was the first year of the programme, all the supporters are keen to further build on that this year and into the future” stated Willie Branagan, Irish Hereford Chairman at the launch of the 2017 competition. Mr. Branagan also added “With agricultural students now focusing their attention to the academic year ahead it would be great timing for 5 young people to get a financial boost to help with fees or expenses” The five winners from last year have been enjoying their time at college while furthering their agricultural education. It is expected that this year’s competition will once again create wide interest from prospective and aspiring agricultural students wishing to go to Agricultural College or study Agriculture at 3rd level in the Republic of Ireland this coming autumn. Such students may have completed the Leaving Certificate, could currently be actively farming or may be actively involved in their local Macra club or other agricultural activity. A growing population across the world will require into the future

sustenance provided by the agricultural community, creating increasing demands on land and water resources. A highly educated new generation of producers and agricultural graduates will be required to ensure such demands are met in a sustainable way. To be in with a chance of winning one of these bursaries, candidates were asked to submit an assignment entitled: Ireland’s Green Grass – Our Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow. Ten qualifiers were contacted by phone on Monday 11th

September and were required to attend the National Ploughing Championships in Tullamore on Wednesday 20th September and be available to be interviewed by a well-known figure in Irish agriculture who would select the winners. Speaking about the initiative Rory Fanning from Slaney Foods International says: “Given the recent demand for the Hereford breed and the success of the multi award winning Certified Irish Hereford Beef, we are delighted to come on board and support the Society who have initiated the project.”

Left to right: Larry Feeney – IHBS Secretary, Rory Fanning – Slaney Foods Managing Director, Liam Casey – Lidl Commercial Director, Enda Rabbitte – IHBS & William Branagan – IHBS Chairman


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Commercial Director for Lidl Liam Casey says: “Hereford has quite quickly become a huge point of differentiation for Lidl and customers have responded exceptionally well to this premium product. We are delighted to support the Irish Hereford Breed Society and our supplier Slaney Foods International in offering financial assistance to aspiring agricultural students.” The Irish Hereford Society are extremely pleased to have run the competition for two years in a row now and hope that the competition will attract even more interest from aspiring agri students who hope to pursue a career in agriculture. Further details of our 2018 bursary competition will be available on: In case of queries, students may contact the Irish Hereford Breed society by telephone: 044-934885 email: Bursary Winners The Irish Hereford Breed Society, in collaboration with Slaney Foods International & LIDL Ireland have awarded 6 bursaries of €1,000 each to 6 successful candidates at the 86th National Ploughing Championships which took place in Screggan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly today. The programme, which was launched earlier in the spring, created wide interest from prospective and aspiring agricultural students wishing to go to Agricultural College or study Agriculture at 3rd level in the Republic of Ireland this year. The three collaborating organisations had originally agreed to award five bursary prizes, however given the high calibre of finalists, interviews were of such a high standard on the day that it was agreed to add another bursary to

the mix. Participants had to submit an assignment entitled: Ireland’s Green Grass – Our Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow (maximum 2,000 words). A team of adjudicators selected ten qualifiers to attend for interview at the Irish Hereford Breed Society Stand during this year’s National Ploughing Championships. Interviews and the selection of the final six winners were carried out by Dr. Stephen Conroy (Manager of the Tully Progeny Test Centre, ICBF). Dr. Conroy oversees the evaluations carried out at the test centre to collect information on progeny from AI sires with the data gathered allowing farmers to identify the best performing bulls. Announcement of the six winners (in no particular order) was made by Andrew Doyle, Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture. 1. Catherine Smyth, Navan, Co. Meath 2. Lesley Lewis, Birr, Co. Offaly 3. Lorraine Delaney, Cullohill, Co. Laois 4. Noel Bardon, Mullingar, Co.


Westmeath 5. Andrew Hanbidge, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow 6. John Mahon, Birr, Co. Offaly “Together with our partners we are very pleased with the response to the competition and with the efforts of the young aspiring agricultural enthusiasts who participated. We wish the six winners and the four runners up all of whom reached a very high standard every success in their chosen career path.” commented Larry Feeney – IHBS Secretary. The challenges arising for agriculture into the future will require increased education particularly in Agricultural Science. The environmental challenges facing the industry are many and varied depending on where in the world food is produced and where the world’s population is concentrated. We are confident that this competition has succeeded in highlighting the great need for further education in agriculture to meet the needs of a growing population.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018 Six Bursary winners L/R: Maeve McCleane – Lidl Ireland Director of Human Resources, Dr Stephen Conroy – Manager of the Progeny Test Centre (ICBF), Andrew Doyle – Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Winners: Lorraine Delaney, Andrew Hanbidge, Catherine Smyth, Lesley Lewis, John Mahon & Noel Bardon, Rory Fanning – Slaney Foods Managing Director & Pat McCarthy – IHBS President.

The 10 finalists of the competition

Left – Right: Andrew Hanbidge, Tadhg Fogarty, Lesley Lewis, Andrew Mansfield, Lorraine Delaney, John Mahon, Catherine Smyth, Padraig Blake, Rosemary Brennan and Noel Bardon.

IHBS Secretary Larry Feeney and Slaney Foods Director Rory Fanning talking to Irish TV Presenter Dáithí Ó Sé on the Lidl main stage about the success of the competition.


Carrigroe & Appel Herds Angus, Polled Herefords

Easy calving, power and performance

Stra ws f or with sale Dun (Con masc G enet ta c t on 0 Seamus ics 86 3 22 7 Nagle 046)

Bulls and Heifers for sale

Solpoll 1 Lawman

- Tullamore National Champion 2017 and Overall Male Champion 2016 - Lawman has exceptional topline, conformation and quality - Short gestation and easy calved on both dairy and suckler cows - His sire Panmure 1 Henry was UK Sire of the year 2014 - Dam Solpoll 1 Pansy is full sister to Solpoll 1 Gilbert, Supreme Champion Royal Welsh 2012. - Stock bull at the renowned Dendor Hereford herd. - 5 Star Maternal €131 and 5 Star Terminal €99 - Lawman breeding exceptional quality and stylish calves with good colour markings

Appel 1 Ka Boom son of Lawman sold to top UK Hereford herd Pulham Herefords UK after Tullamore show, now property of Philip Vincent, Norfolk

Appel 1 Joy daughter of Lawman sold for €4,600 to Deelish Herefords (highest priced heifer at the Hereford Premier Autumn Sale 2017)

Follow us on Facebook @JohnAppelbe or email us


Stepping Stone to the Future

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hannah Quinn-Mulligan reflects on her journey since winning one of the first Hereford Society Educational Bursaries.

One of my earliest memories is being carried down the fields to check the cows with my grandmother, Catherine Quinn. From day one, we’ve had a strong connection and she is largely responsible for cultivating my passion for Hereford cattle. However, growing up on a farm and learning how to farm profitably are often two different things. I might have been reared knowing how to get a calf to suck, but my knowledge of nitrates and types of fertiliser were sketchy at best. In 2016, I was still working full-time in Belfast and commuting back to the farm in Limerick on weekends. It was becoming fairly obvious to the family that I was a farm girl at heart, and we decided that doing the Level 6 in Agriculture (the Green Cert) in Pallaskenry Agricultural College, would go a long way to ensuring the future of the farm. It was at this time that I noticed a post on the Irish Hereford Society’s Facebook page promoting the bursary and offering agricultural students €1,000 to go towards their college fees. If I’m honest, I reckoned the money would go some of the way towards a nice pedigree heifer as well! But I thought I had nothing to lose by giving the essay competition a go, and the question in 2016 appealed to me. That year, we were asked to write 2,000 words on ‘Environmental Sustainability – the challenges for the Irish Beef Sector’. I had been working in London and then Belfast for a number of years, and friends that I’d made in both cities had shocked me, as they associated farming with animal cruelty. There also seemed to be a growing number of people who were becoming vegans based on a belief that farming was

Hannah Quinn-Mulligan from Tory Hill Herefords, Co. Limerick out checking their herd.

destructive to the environment. I am not a climate change sceptic, but as a farmer I felt I needed to be able to defend the sector from misinformation. I also felt that with the popularity of continental suckler cattle in Ireland, that the Hereford should be promoted in its own right as a beef breed. A large part of the essay I wrote that year referenced a case study carried out by the UK Hereford Society on an organic farm that bred and butchered their own meat from pure-bred Hereford cattle. The study reaffirmed my belief in the Hereford as a beef breed and highlighted the huge importance of grassland management in an environmentally sustainable farm system. Based on the case study I wrote: “There have been examples of Hereford commercial steers averaging a weight of 550kg live-weight at 24 months on a pure forage diet, made up of organically farm grown crops such as clover, lucerne, forage peas and vetches.” Matt Dempsey, is the chairman of the Agricultural Trust and former editor of the Irish Farmers Journal, and he questioned me quite closely on the viability of growing vetches in Ireland during my interview for the bursary at the National Ploughing


Championships. Mr Dempsey seemed satisfied with my reply that if you could grow vetches in the UK you could grow them in Ireland, given the similar climate. However, to this day the word ‘vetches’, still gives me a nervous flashback every time I come across it! It was not an easy thing to go in front of industry leaders and my peers in the Hereford society and be questioned about an essay I’d written, but I’d encourage any agriculture student to enter the competition. The entire process is incredibly rewarding and the experience you get is fantastic. I was thrilled to win a bursary, but more importantly for me was the work and study I put into the essay. It proved to me a passion and capability that I had for agriculture, and cemented my decision to come home to Limerick and become more involved in the farm. I had worked in journalism for a number of years with the BBC but in 2017 I jumped at the chance to work for the Irish Farmers Journal. My background winning the bursary and completing my level 6 in Agriculture held me in good stead during the interview process, and it gave me the opportunity to be closer to the farm in Limerick. I currently run Tory Hill Herefords with my grandmother Catherine Quinn. She had spent over 30 years working in London, but had always wanted to come home to Limerick and have her own farm with Hereford cattle. In 1987 she bought Tory Hill House, just outside Croom and set up her own farm. The Herefords we have in our herd can trace their bloodlines back to the Guillamore herd, which were here on the farm when it was rented out before my grandmother bought it.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Hannah with their maiden heifers, scanned in-calf to Haven Kingpin.

I’m incredibly proud of the work she’s done in single-handedly getting the herd to the standard it’s at. The Hereford Society has been very helpful, but it can be difficult for any new breeder to pick and choose bloodlines and decide which sires to use on cows. She’s always prioritised docility, milking ability and ease of calving, and bred cattle to suit our farm. I might have grown up biased in favour of Herefords, but the more

Recently purchased new stock bull Ballyaville Kester from the Deverell family.

farm systems I see in place, the more I’ve come to appreciate the breed. The bulk of the herd calves outside in the spring without any issues and their docility means we can manage all the dosing and testing ourselves. A regular complaint I hear about Herefords is their apparent lack of milk, but I feel that what you breed is what you get. Last year we weighed our calves for the first time before weaning with Hereford Prime, and


they averaged 1.2kg/day, proving that thirty years of selective breeding delivers milky cows.

As a breed I believe in them, and I feel it’s a good time to be a Hereford breeder. People are beginning to realise their worth and potential, with the demand for pedigree bulls from the expanding national dairy herd and Hereford Prime and Slaney providing a great market outlet for Hereford beef.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Slaney Foods International, based in Bunclody Co. Wexford, is celebrating after landing a deal to supply premium speciality Certified Irish Hereford Beef to stores in the United States. The deal, facilitated due to their relationship with Lidl Ireland, was actively supported by Bord Bia and the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine. In the wake of Brexit, and a challenging beef export market, this is welcome news for the Irish beef industry. Rory Fanning, Managing Director for Slaney Foods International adds: “Our partnership with Lidl Ireland is very special in terms of the leverage to develop new markets for our product. On a weekly basis we export to Lidl Denmark and we will have lines on the shelves of Lidl in Sweden, Belgium, Slovenia, Romania Cyprus, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic this summer. Our relationship grew from humble beginnings, but Lidl was quick to spot the potential to further develop one of Ireland’s premium food products, grass fed Irish beef. We’ve been very grateful for the support from Lidl, Bord Bia and the Department of Agriculture in helping open up the U.S. market to us and we look forward to the American consumer getting a taste of premium grass fed Irish beef.” Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD, commented; “This is an exciting

time in the journey of Irish beef in the USA from initial access for primal cuts in 2015, to access for manufacturing beef in 2016 and the commencement of trade in manufacturing beef earlier this year. As Lidl starts the process of opening stores in the USA, today’s launch of Irish Beef to the retail market marks another key step in this journey. I would also like to pay testament to the great work being done by Slaney meats and their focus and commitment to quality, sustainability and producing premium grass fed Irish beef.” Bord Bia CEO Tara Mc Carthy

congratulated Lidl on its confidence to bring the new taste of sustainably produced Irish beef from Slaney meats to U.S. customers. “ I am delighted that Lidl is illustrating its confidence in sustainably produced Quality Assured Irish beef in this most tangible way. Lidl Ireland as a verified member of Origin Green and as a significant exporter of Irish food and drink is a committed stakeholder of the Irish food industry. The Slaney US announcement is an exciting new chapter in our relationship with the group.”

Pictured at a recent meeting at Lidl Irelands very impressive new headquarters at Tallagh are sitting Willie Branagan, Chairman Irish Hereford Soc., Liam Casey, Comercial Director Lidl Irl, with standing L to R Rory Fanning, Managing Director Slaney Foods Int., Larry Feeney IHBS and Enda Rabbit, IHBS.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Certified Irish Hereford Beef – Natural Cattle for Natural Beef The Irish Hereford Society congratulates Minister Michael Creed, Bord Bia, Lidl, Slaney Foods and all involved in this exciting new venture and wishes every success to Lidl on its entry to the US market and on its massive new headquarters in Arlington. Recently German supermarket brand ‘Lidl’ opened their first 7 stores in the Carolinas, including in North Carolina’s Kinston, Greenville, Sanford, Rocky Mount and Winston-Salem, and South Carolina’s Spartanburg and Greenville. Lidl now has several new stores under construction around the Charlotte area, including in South End, Rock Hill, and Mooresville. In total, the company plans to open at least 100 stores across the East Coast by the end of 2018, creating over 5,000 new jobs. A key component of the success of Certified Irish Beef in addition to those mentioned is the commitment and integrity of its farmer producers and also the dedication of Irish Hereford Breed Society members and cattle breeders who supply the genetics which ultimately contain the magic formula to produce great tasting beef that satisfies the taste buds.

Managing Director Rory Fanning celebrating the achievement of Slaney Foods landing a deal to Supply Irish Hereford Beef to US Lidl supermarkets with Bord Bia CEO Tara McCarthy and Minister for Agriculture Micahel Creed.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Recipes Paul Flynn's Irish gingered beef, carrot Fillet Steak with Roasted Garlicky and spinach casserole Beans and Baby Plum Tomatoes

Description: A hearty meal that the whole family will love. Ingredients: 2 packets of Inisvale Irish Hereford Diced Steak 6 carrots, topped, tailed and peeled A large piece of ginger peeled and shredded into thin matchsticks 30g of sultanas 1 packet of Meadow Fresh Baby Leaf Spinach 1 beef stockpot A sprig of thyme or sage 500mls of water 1 tbsp Belbake flour 2 tbsp Vita D'or Sunflower Oil Kania salt & pepper Serves: 4 - Cooking Time: 115 minutes

Ingredients for 2 persons 200 g Green Beans top and tailed 350 g Hereford Fillet Steaks 82 g Baby Plum Tomatoes 19 g Garlic peeled and sliced 1 splash Extra Virgin Olive Oil 20 g DAIRY MANOR Butter 50 ml Water KANIA Salt & Pepper

Method: Set your oven to 160°C. Put your steak in a bowl, add the flour, season and mix together. Chop your carrots into smallish chunks. Heat the oil in a casserole pot until gently smoking, then carefully add the meat. Brown the meat for 5 minutes over a high heat. Then add the carrots, ginger, sultanas, water, stockpot and thyme. Stir everything together and bring to a simmer. Cover and put in the overn for 1 hour and 45 minutes until the meat is tender. Remove from the oven when you're ready to serve, fold in the spinach and allow it to cook for 1 minute. Then season and serve. Boiled potatoes, mash or even rice would be lovely with this dish.

Cooking Instructions Cooking time: 25 Min. Season your steaks on either side then put in a large frying pan or a cast iron grill on to heat, (you will need very little oil if using a cast iron grill). When gently smoking carefully add the steaks. I cook mine for 4 minutes on each side then turn the steaks round on their sides to colour the edges. This is for a medium rare steak, cook for a minute more on each side for a medium. Or pop it in the oven for a while if you like them more done. Rest your steak between 2 plates in a warm place while you cook the vegetables. Put your sliced garlic in a frying pan with the olive oil and heat up gently till it starts to turn golden add the butter an take off the heat for a minute while the butter melts. Put back on the heat and add the beans to the pan with the water.. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat up full and cook for 2-3 minutes before adding the tomatoes, cook for 1 more minute and serve with the steak along with the buttery garlicky juices.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Craig and Mairead - Craig's Steak with Peppercorn Sauce

Ingredients for 2 persons 400 g Hereford Fillet Steaks 1 handful Black Peppercorn 20 ml Brandy 1 piece Beef Stock Cube 50 ml Cream 20 ml Mustards


Ingredients: 4 Irish Hereford Rib Eye Steaks 4 Ramiro peppers 1 packet of Rocket 1 large extra ripe Avocado 1 tbsp Acentino Balsamic Vinegar 1 tbsp Dairy Manor Garlic Spread 2 tbsp Primadonna Extra Virgin Olive Oil ChanteSel Salt and Kania Pepper

Cooking Instructions Cooking time: 10 Min. Coarsely crush the peppercorns and tip them into a sieve with a bowl underneath. Shake out the powdered pepper. Place the frying pan on a high heat, allow to get very hot. While the pan is heating, mix the larger pieces of pepper with 1 tsp sea salt, spread the mix out on a plate and dip each steak into it so that the meat is completely coated in salt and pepper. The pan should be very hot by now, so pour in 2 tbsp olive oil. Add the steaks and cook each side, depending how rare or well done you like them. With the pan still on a high heat, pour in the brandy (taking care as you pour it in, as it may flame!!!), boil for a few seconds, and then add the stock, cream and mustard. Whisk to combine and boil until it thickens slightly. Taste the sauce for seasoning then spoon over the steaks and serve immediately. Serve with honey roasted carrots, parsley, baby potatoes and Lidl steak cut chips. Yum! For more Lidl Trolleycam recipe favourites, browse our website today!

Method: Put the steaks onto a medium high barbecue, right in the centre. Place the peppers around the edge on a gentler part of the barbecue. Meanwhile crush the avocado with a fork and add the salt and pepper. Turn the peppers often but only turn the steak after five minutes. Once turned, three minutes will give you a nice medium (pink) steak. For more well done, leave on for a couple more minutes. Remove to a plate, spread the garlic butter paste on top, season and cover with clingfilm, leave in a warm place to rest. Whisk the olive oil and balsamic vinegar together along with the steak juices. Place the steaks on warm plates with a little of the crushed avocado on top, along with a pepper. Add as much rocket as you like and divide the dressing on top.



Irish Herefords Head East to Russia

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

The first consignment of pedigree in-calf Hereford heifers destined for Russia departed Irish shores at the end of April 2017. A specially selected group of incalf heifers of diverse pedigree from herds across the country including eight eighteen to twenty month old bulls brought together by Hubert Maxwell, Livestock exporters have been in quarantine for the past month. All health requirements being fully completed to the satisfaction of the importers the signal to move was received. The luxury transport for the Hereford consignment to their new home is provided by a Lithuanian company with extensive experience of cattle transport across Europe. The journey takes one week including rest breaks on the route through France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Belarus to the final destination just 180km west of Moscow. The Russian Hereford breeders who have purchased the cattle

Pedigree Hereford bulls ready for loading with exporter Michael Maxwell

Hubert Maxwell and Family loading pedigree Hereford heifers for Russian export.

In-calf pedigree Hereford heifers being loaded for Russian export

came to Ireland in January last to visit a number of farms and see the quality of animal available and were extremely satisfied with the standard. Svetlana Koss who hails from Moscow has co-ordinated the project on this occasion said she was extremely pleased with both the quality of the cattle and with how the current project has worked out. A further consignment this time of over 100 in-calf Hereford heifers arrived almost immediately at the quarantine facility replacing those heading for Rosslare.


The testing at quarantine is quite extensive but Svetlana is with Michael Maxwell confident that this further consignment will again go through without any major hitch. Irish Hereford Society chairman Willie Branagan was very pleased with the progress to date on this export order and is confident of further similar orders including maiden heifers later this spring. The Hereford cattle exported will allow the expansion and rebuilding of the beef cattle population in Russia which has huge possibilities for development into the future he said.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Another group of six for apartment four on the luxury transport truck.

Luxury travel for Hereford heifers across Europe to Russia

Lithuanian Transport company ready to set out for Rosslare Ferry to France.

Some of the heifers that relocated to Russia.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Another batch of pedigree in-calf Hereford heifers depart for Russia

Another consignment of pedigree in-calf Irish Hereford heifers departed for Shulgino, Volokolamskiy, Moscow, Russian Federation just a month after the first livestock shipment. This group will travel a half-hour further east and closer to Moscow that the group which travelled in April. Once again these were shipped through Hubert Maxwell and Co, Co Roscommon. Son Michael said he was more than pleased with how the heifers had performed in quarantine over the past number of weeks and paid tribute to the Roscommon Department of Agriculture officials who oversaw the arrangements, carried out all of the relevant inspections ensuring that all requirements were met. The heifers of diverse pedigree from a wide selection of herds ensuring the inclusion of several differing bloodlines were chosen from herds right across the country. On this occasion there are one hundred heifers and one bull travelling. The journey will take eight days with several rest stops in their journey across Europe to ensure that the animals arrive in top condition. Given the comfort of the trucks and the cattle handling knowledge and expertise of the drivers (two to each truck) there is no doubt but that these heifers will arrive in comfortable good health as did the most recent consignment which departed these shores on April 25th last. The transport company on this occasion is ‘Elspeda’ the same company as previously and is based out of Vievis, Lithuania. Chairman of the Society Mr Willie Branagan who was on hand to see the heifers before departure and assist with the loading stated that he was very pleased with the quality of the group and that those breeders who had made

heifers available from right across the country were to be commended. He was he said aware that a number of breeders had provided heifers of particular bloodlines that they might well have preferred to keep within their own herds but had made them available to ensure the success of the project. Having met with the Russian buyers when they were in Ireland with Mr Maxwell in January last Mr Branagan said he was confident they would be pleased with the heifers on arrival. Given the success of the partnership to date expectations are that a further larger consignment will travel in mid to late summer. The logistics of summer travel are currently being worked out as well as the necessary travel permits etc.

Michael Maxwell raises the final ramp assisted by the Lithuanian drivers and cattle handlers.

IHBS Chairman Willie Branagan assists Michael Maxwell with loading the stock. Quality in-calf pedigree Hereford stock heading for Russia.

До свидания Ирландия, Привет, Россия → Goodbye Ireland, Hello Russia.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Billion to One – Quad Calves

Yet again Hereford demonstrates why they’re the number one maternal breed after a 9 year old Hereford cross cow called Bawny owned by Tom Clair gave birth to 4 Charolais heifer calves unassisted. “It is like winning the Lotto, but you know what, I wouldn’t swap these calves for anything you could win in the Lotto,” he said.

The birth of the four healthy identical heifer’s calves was the only recorded case in history. Only two other cases of quad calves were recorded in Texas and Norfolk, but neither of these was by natural service. The odds of quad calves born alive are one in 180 million with the likelihood of four identical heifer quads is believed to be one in a billion.

“This is incredible,” said Tom. “It was like scenes from an All-Ireland win with the amount of cars coming up to the farm full of people looking to see the calves. It didn’t stop until nine o’clock last night and there is no sign of it ending today either”. The reaction and effect it has had on Tom, his family, the community and wider farming world is testimony to just how rare the calves are. “I went down to check on the cow on Sunday morning, around 7am or 7.30am. I was expecting her to have twins. When I went down to check on her I was walking down the feeding passage and I could see her lying inside the gate”.

“There was two calves standing up in front of her and I thought by God you’re grand now, you’ve all the work done”. “It was only then I spotted the third calf lying down by her side; I started to get excited at that stage,” he said. The Co. Clare farmer stood the three calves up together before hearing another calf moo close by. It was only then that he realised that another calf had escaped out through the feeding barrier and was standing outside the shed. “I couldn’t believe it, it’s very rare. You would see or hear of the odd set of triplets. I have been farming since I was six years old and I never saw anything like it. What has happened is desperately unusual. This week has been one of the best weeks in my 70 years — there are enough down days on the farm.”

“Everyone is as excited as myself to see them. The best thing is she managed it all herself and there was no sign in the world of her the night before. You could have problems with one, never mind four,” he added.

Clair has been inundated with calls from well-wishers since word of his new arrivals spread. “I called Enda, he wasn’t up and I said come in here now and you will see something you will never see again in your life,” Clair recalls. If the event was out of the ordinary, the reaction has been equally so. Tom’s son Enda said that life has been changed since the miracle. “It is crazy. Sure we didn’t realise how they were until the following days. We would have up on 4,000 or 5,000 calls. In week two, we had a book with about 3,500 names in it”.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

"All the papers were on to it. We had callers 24/7, we are still getting them. For the first three weeks it was non-stop from nine in the morning until nine at night. It came at the right time”. Enda also went on to mention "The cow calved a month before the rest of them” explaining “we were lucky that we weren’t under pressure them days’’.

“This is bigger than the lotto to my father,” he said. Tom and Enda said that the calves will never be sold and are priceless to the family. “The calves are doing mighty,” he reported. “They are the four loveliest little calves you’d ever lay an eye on. I’ve never seen four calves as healthy. “We named them Rosie, Mia, Jenny and Fluffy. Any pair of them is big enough to be twins”. When asked about his future plans, the farmer remarked: “Oh, of course I’ll keep them. They’re going to get plenty of special treatment and down the road I’ll retain them for breeding.

A cow with a colourful history

Tom said he is delighted the mother is doing fine after giving birth to the four without any help, adding: “She is incredible” and that the four calves who are named Mia, Rosie, Fluffy and Jenny “will have a long life here in Maghera, they will be retained for breeding and will be here long after I am gone.”

The mother of the quadruplets is a descendent of probably the ‘luckiest cow to come inside the gate’ of Clair’s farm. The farmer told Clare FM how he once sold a springer heifer at the mart, while a number of weeks later a dispute arose over the sale of the heifer. After a ‘number of ups and downs’ Clair ended up buying the heifer and her calf back a few months after he had sold her for close to £1,000. “She became known as the £1,000 cow on our farm, she was the luckiest cow to come inside the farm gate,” he said.


Kings in Grass


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Mr. Denis Collins


Chief Cattle Steward IHBS

Members of IHBS were surprised and indeed shocked to learn that Denis Collins, Raheen, Limerick and late of Tullig South, Templeglantine had passed away at the weekend following a brief illness bravely borne. For over 20 years he was the automatic choice to carry out the onerous task of Chief Steward at the Society’s National Hereford Show at Tullamore, a task which gave him much enjoyment and satisfaction. He was meticulous with the records ensuring the multiplicity of classes ran smoothly throughout. International judges presiding at the event have all been high in their praise for his help, assistance and efficiency. His preparation for the event knew no bounds. Whatever the weather rain or shine Denis was prepared. He missed the Tullamore show once only over that period and that was to welcome the birth of his first born daughter on show day. He also acted as Chief Steward at other major Hereford Shows including Nenagh, Trim and Beef Expo. A man of extraordinary hospitality, loyalty, honesty and integrity he was possessed of a tremendous work ethic and those old

fashioned values learned on his mother’s knee, growing up in his youth with his brothers at Tullig South, Templeglantine. His Templeglantine herd was developed through the careful use of top AI bulls used on selected females. He produced Templeglantine Monarch Champion at Bandon in 1996 which sold at the then very satisfactory 2,020 gns. Perhaps the best known bull bred in the herd is Templeglantine Boxer (TGB) the very successful Sligo AI bull by SJ43G Domino 36N noted for ease of calving and the quality of his progeny. Six of the ten heifers offered at the Society’s premier sale in May ‘96 alone were by Boxer while at the same sale a son to Boxer, Kiltubrid Denis sold as herd sire to the Kilsunny herd. A past President of the Irish Hereford Society Denis was first elected to council in 1988. He represented the Munster Region on the Society’s Council for six consecutive terms (18 years), including two as Chairman of its Finance committee. As President he represented Irish Herefords at the European Hereford Conference in Finland/Estonia in 1997. A founder member and director for several years of the fledgling


Hereford Prime Ireland he was very influential in the formation of the company which has now grown to be a prestigious brand name and a most important aspect of Hereford breed promotion which in 2018 celebrates its twentieth year. Denis was a key member of the Society’s planning committee for the very successful European Hereford Conference held in Ireland in 2005, the largest ever held in Europe. His catering skill developed at Aer Rianta, Shannon looking after the needs of international travelers was honed to perfection and an important element of that success. His attention to detail was most impressive, nothing was left to chance. His colleague Buddy McMahon at Air Rianta described Denis as an excellent colleague, a perfectionist who seldom if ever made a mistake. He was he said meticulous in everything he did. He never let him down, was available above and beyond the call of duty, a great friend and a joy to work with. Another side to Denis was his wit and drole sense of humour which lightened the atmosphere and made work easier on all.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

For his honesty, integrity and longtime commitment and dedication to the breed the Irish Hereford Society had no hesitation in nominating him for the Hall of Fame Award in 2012. He was equally highly respected by Hereford breeders and the IHBS staff. As a tribute to his dedication as Chief Cattle Stewart the Society’s Council provided in 2017 a Perpetual Memorial Trophy in his name to be presented to the

Robert H Armstrong

25th October 1923 - 1st August 2017

Cornafean lost one of its oldest residents in August with the death of Robert Armstrong Gartinardress aged 93 years. Born in 1923 he was one of a family of seven. Robert’s grandfather, James Armstrong, established the herd many years prior to 1950 but didn’t register the progeny with the Herd Book. The first registrations came in 1950. James Armstrong, Robert’s father, was the registered owner of Ardkill Lioness a cow born 28th Nov 1936 (Bred by HJ Potterton, Ardkill, Co Kildare) as the dam of Tirquillan Defiance a bull born 10th Jan 1950 and sired by Drumnacross Defiance. His animals were tattooed with VYA. Robert took over the herd from his father in 1962 under the Gartinardress prefix. The original herd letters VYA went to Robert’s brother Jervis, while the herd name Gartinardress went to

winning Young Handler in the 12 to 15 years old group at the National Hereford Show. His wife and daughters very kindly presented the trophy to the winner at the 2017 event. Initially upset as one would expect at the diagnosis in early December, his stoicism and calm acceptance within a few days was extraordinary. “Sure tomorrow is promised to none of us” he said as he came to terms with the reality that things were not going

to improve. His thoughts were on completing plans to ensure life on his departure would flow as smoothly as possible for those he left behind. He is survived by his wife Mary and daughters Pamela and Denise also his brother Larry and a host of friends to whom sincere sympathy is extended. The lives he touched were enriched. We thank you Denis for your friendship, your loyalty and your dedication. RIP

Robert. Robert started on his own with Gartinardress Maid and Corles Aster a cow he bought from J. Patrick McKiernan of Corlismore P.O. Co.Cavan. All animals were tattooed with the prefix BLK. He was passionate about his cattle and over the years he showed his pedigree stock at shows all over the midlands. Robert was a regular prize winner at shows collecting many red rosettes. He was a lifelong member of the RDS where he regularly showed his best Hereford and Shorthorn cattle. Robert had a keen eye for fine cattle and was a renowned judge at many shows. He sold bulls at the leading Hereford sales including the RDS, Moate, Roscommon and Carrick on Shannon. The herd was dispersed in 2000. It was recently reestablished following Robert’s death by his son Austin.

Robert featured in the Irish Farmers Journal Farm Home Page 28th Oct 1967 “Described by his neighbours as a worker with as cool a head as you’ll find”, Robert prepared young stock and a bull for which he collected a rosette at Arva Show. “It’s a good job there isn’t a show everyday” he laughed. For though he prefers Arva with its fine dry field to most other show grounds, being so near home, it’s hard to resist neighbourly hospitality especially when those same neighbours are the first to share his triumph when he has a big win; this year the Reserve Champion at the Bull Sale in Ballsbridge. It was slow work reaching this target though he and his late father, who was among the pioneers of the Shorthorn breeding in Ireland, have had several successes at provincial shows ’.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

This small extract summed up Robert perfectly. Robert was a very pleasant and likable person who loved the ordinary things in life. He was a good neighbour and community person. He loved card playing especially the game of whist. He was one of the founding members of the Cornafean Bowling Club and for many years was one of its leading players.

Owen (Oweny) O’Neill

One of Cork’s best known Hereford breeders Owen (Oweny) O’Neill, Ballincollig, Co Cork has passed away during the year. Though having reached an advanced age Owen was still active though less able to look after his stock. He loved to show his Hereford cattle particularly at the local shows in the Munster region. The herd was small but select and more a hobby and a way of life with the Hereford such a docile and easy to handle breed. His head steward, stockman and showman was the ever reliable Andy O’Callaghan. A tough enough seller he had tremendous pride in his cattle and felt if he had the best he should not be disappointed in the price.

Robert was still a very active driving force of the farm and he regularly checked the daily going’s on. He always had advice when it came to using bulls and his passion for cattle, shows and genetics undoubtedly wore off on his granddaughters Sarah, Jacqueline and Amy who established a Pedigree Limousin and Charolais Herd a few years ago.

He is predeceased by his wife Kathleen. He will be sadly missed by his family, daughter Jacqueline, sons Derek, Neville and Austin, son-in-law, daughtersin-law and grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother Alfie, sisters Anna and Rubie.

Perhaps his most outstanding success was his winning the Female and Reserve Championship at the National Hereford Show Tullamore in 2006 with his homebred cow Currabeg Cloe. With Gageboro blood on both sides of the pedigree given the sire was the successful Carhuefree Prince a son to Gageboro Suave and her dam Hazelfield Lilac was by Gageboro Jura there was little surprise. Oweny was so delighted and proud to have won against some formidable opposition and well known herds from across the country. He dined out on his win for several years. Interestingly the Supreme Champion, Male Champion and Bull Calf Champion on the day in 2006 was Gageboro Esquire from the herd of John Holloway.

Oweny was himself unmarried and had been pre-deceased by his sister Margaret and brothers Danny, Jimmy and John-Joe. He is sadly missed by his sister Maureen, nephews, nieces, brother-in-law, relatives and friends. The Currabeg herd was following his death dispersed at Kilmallock in late October with stock selling to various locations both as foundation females and additions to existing herds. His easy smile and sharp wit will be missed at the southern shows.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Robert (Bobby) Powell

In May last the sad news spread through the Hereford and wider community that Robert (Bobby) Powell, Blean, Toomevara, Co Tipperary had passed away peacefully after a long illness, at home surrounded by his family. In his final years he was troubled by Parkinson’s which he bore with patience and resolve. For an individual who was so accustomed to a busy farming life tending to his Herefords and his dairy herd it was difficult to no longer be able to be involved. His interest in cattle and in Herefords never waned with his daughter Claire taking him to the bull sales in Nenagh shortly before his passing.

The Blean herd now reduced somewhat was one of the best Hereford cow herds in Munster and possibly in the country at large. An outstanding stockman Bobby was a regular exhibitor at sales in Tipperary, at Fitt’s in

Limerick and at Nenagh and more often than not claimed a championship and or the top price.

The Blean herd registered its first Herefords two heifers and a bull calf in 1956. Blean Dora a daughter to Sea Magnificent and out of a foundation female Belfield Dora by Kilcleagh Magnificence purchased from Mrs M Willington, Befield, Shinrone. Delightful Floss was purchased from JB Hayes, Ballingrawn, Cloughjordan and produced a heifer Blean Floss. The third calf registered that year was a bull Blean Lieutenant again by the stockbull Sea Lieutenant and out of Rosalind a cow by Ballyraggan 59th and purchased from her breeder P McMahon of Foynes, Co Limerick.

From these small beginnings the herd slowly expanded retaining only the best of the homebred heifers. Possibly the first very important sire at the herd was a Drewton Captain son Moatfarrell Crusader bred by M Lynch, Longford and purchased at 350 Gns by the Department of Agriculture at the 1964 RDS bull show as part of the Leased bull program. The average price at that sale was 175 Gns while the top price of 1,800 Gns was paid for a bull Kilternan Prince. Crusader had a profound influence on the herd siring a string of quality progeny and leaving some outstanding females to further expand the herd. The sire following was Crown Lusty bred by HT Tooby, Crown East, Worcestershire, UK and again purchased by the DOA as a leased bull for 540 Gns. Whilst Lusty was not as successful as his predecessor his follower Killyfargy Hero a


Clonwhelan Don son by the great Trewarren Goldfinch bred by Patrick Clerkin, Scotshouse, Co Monaghan did the business through most of the 1970’s. The quality Ballingrawn herd of the late George Hodgins which Bobby inherited was assimilated into the Grawn herd in the 80’s. This concrete foundation continued to be the basis of the herd’s success throughout the next forty years.

A recognised judge of the breed Bobby was a regular choice at various shows and sales and at summer events. Hospitality at the Powell home knows no bounds. A long-time member of the Munster Branch Bobby and his family placed the herd at the disposal of the branch on several occasions for field evening events and equally welcomed visitors and groups from across Ireland, the UK and beyond. A man of quiet disposition but sharp wit he will be fondly remembered by all who knew him but especially his friends in the Hereford fraternity and his family. His son Robert has in more recent years been taking on responsibility for the herd. To his wife Maud who selflessly devoted her full time and attention to him in his final illness, to his daughter Claire and sons Billy, Robbie and Trevor sincere sympathy is offered on behalf of all those who were privileged to know him.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

C K (Kevin) Farrell Seneschals Herd

The Society lost in 2017 one of the stalwarts of the breed when Kevin Farrell, Seneschalstown House, Beauparc, Navan, Co Meath passed on. The last surviving member of the founding fathers of the Irish Hereford Breed Society Ltd. Kevin’s passing in his 96th year was a historic moment in time. The initial meeting on June 4th 1971 of the special members of the IHBS included Kevin Farrell with six others. It was resolved at that meeting that those former members of the committee of the Irish Hereford Breeders’ Association “be and are hereby appointed members of Council of the IHBS Ltd”. This body was responsible for the running of the Society until the first Council elections were held in autumn 1972. The only surviving member of that first democratically

James Dukelow 1927 – 2017

It was with sadness we learned of the death of James Dukelow, Coomkeen, Durrus, Bantry, Co. Cork who passed away on the 2nd

elected council which took up office in November 1972 and served with Kevin is Tom Ludgate, Kilgubban, Mallow, Co Cork who said he was very saddened to hear of Kevin’s death and that Kevin had contributed greatly in the expansion of the Society in its formative years. President of the Society in 1977/78 Kevin served on the Society’s council from its foundation in 1971 until November 1981. The last Seneschals bred bull was sold just six months ago. A recognised judge of the breed he officiated at many of the major shows across the country both pedigree and commercial. The Seneschals Herd was founded in 1953 and in its heyday during the 1960’s and 1970’s. A regular exhibitor at shows across Leinster and in particular the RDS Spring Show the Seneschals herd was a force to be reckoned with. The herd secured the RDS Supreme Championship in 1960, 1963 and 1968 the Reserve Champion group at the RDS Bull Show in 1970, Female Champion at the RDS Spring Show 1972, Champion group of three by Seneschals Dandy Spring Show 1973. Seneschals Dandy was RDS Champion in May 1968. He was by Haven Winston a three-quarter brother to Garballagh Boxer bred by one of his great friends Jimmy Murray which was Champion at

the RDS Bull Show in 1968 and sold to the Department of Agriculture for the princely sum of £2,800. Seneschals Dana sold at £800 at the RDS Spring Show in 1973 when the sale average was £372. A keen supporter of Commercial Cattle Showing Kevin regularly exhibited at many of the local Fat Stock Shows winning the Champion carcass sponsored by CBF (Bord Bia) with a Hereford cross Shorthorn at the RDS Spring Show 1973 against all breeds. Kevin was fortunate to farm not alone some of the best land in Co Meath but possibly the best land in Ireland. A great GAA supporter all his life the family provided a field for the local GAA to play its matches as far back as 1932. A keen player himself (at No3) he won a minor title with Del La Salle and lined out with the Meath minors. When he hung up his boots he continued his support for club and county seldom if ever missing a game and taking great delight in Meath’s all Ireland glory days. A keen sportsman Kevin was also a keen cricketer and played with Deanhill and Bellew in his younger days while in winter he enjoyed many a day out following the Meath Hunt. Predeceased by his wife Aurelita Kevin is survived by his daughter Bernadette, son-in- law Sean and his wider family to whom sincere sympathy is extended at this time.

October 2017 in his 91st year.

Cork Breeders Club and held some officer positions. He also enjoyed travelling on the outings arranged by the club. His character was such that he brought a smile to those around him wherever he went.

Having enjoyed good health for all his life, James or Jim as he was affectionately known, was a staunch supporter of the “Hereford Breed” for over 50 years. He had a keen interest in the breed from his early farming days and always kept a small number of Pedigree Herefords since the early 1970’s. He believed the Hereford to be a well built quality animal. Jim was a regular attendee at the society’s annual general meetings. He always enjoyed meeting other breeders and quiet often had some sage words of advice and counsel for those attending. He was also a member of the West


In true solidarity with Jim, members of the West Cork Breeders Club attended his funeral and formed a Gaurd of Honour. This was very much appreciated by his family. James was a man with a heart of gold and is survived by his sons Robert, Ben, James (Junior), daughter Mary, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, and his beloved grandchildren. May he rest in peace.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Thomas Barry

Thomas (Tom) Barry, Baytown Park, Dunboyne passed away in November 2017 aged 85, RIP. Born in Rathgar, Dublin, his mother and family moved to Delvin on the death of his father. Thomas attended school there and then went to Baytown to farm with his Uncle Paddy Barry and his wife Phyllis. Paddy founded the Baytown herd in 1949 with purchases at the RDS Spring Show as well as buying females privately from other top herds. Among the well known Herds providing foundation stock to Baytown were Bellair (Lord Powerscourt), Clonmore (P. Roche), Curraghroe (P.J. Gunn), Forbes (Countess of Granard), Kilcleagh (Lt. Col. Odell), and Cloncroff (J. Kealy). Tom took over the herd on the death of his Uncle and Aunt. Very

Harold Fitzell

(6th March 1933 - 3rd June 2017) We note with great regret the passing of Harold Fitzell, Lislaughtin, Ballylongford, Co Kerry The first calf registered in the herd Tarbert Boy born 30th July 1946, a son of Castlenode Valour, was out of Lassie of Dunloe by Allenstown Recruiter bred by Vice- Admiral A. Craig Waller, Allenstown, Kells, Co Meath. In 1949 Boeshill Beau bred by GW O’Malley, Boeshill, Mohill, born Feb 1946 whose dam was by Vulture of Coolamber and in calf to one of Vern Quicksilver’s most famous Irish sons Lisnabin Octavius

little showing was done with most of the cattle being sold on farm. An unusual aspect of the trade at Baytown was that young bull calves were sold and raised for Show and Sale by other breeders. Many females from Baytown went on to form new herds. Benny Mulrennan recalls buying a bull calf called Baytown Guitar by Ennereilly Conqueror in 1972. He saw him soon after he was born in wet conditions and went back a week or so later to buy him. He went on the following year to be the first bull to break the 1000 Guineas barrier at the Carrick on Shannon Show and Sale where he was Reserve Champion and sold at 1050 Guineas. At the time 1050 Guineas was enough to buy a new car, tax and insure it and have petrol money left over. Benny also recalls an adventure when he bought a calf in Baytown on the way home from the RDS Spring Show. The calf was in the boot of the car, the lid opened, and the calf jumped out and was apprehended successfully on the road! The Sire of Baytown Guitar, Ennereilly Conqueror, Stock Bull at

Baytown, was bought from Fr. Toby Kinsella for 750 Guineas at the RDS Bull Show and Sale in 1967. He had been bred by Dr E. T. Freeman and was sired by Drewton Fairfax, a bull bought in the UK by the Department of Agriculture for a record 4400 Guineas. As well as buying Stock Bulls in Ireland some were imported, Freetown Lewis, from T. F. Bradstock and Merryhill Taurus from W.I. Thomas and Sons were successful UK bulls used at Baytown. On the occasion of the Irish Hereford Breed Society centenary in 2009, Tom was a recipient of a Roll of Honour Award. His interests were not confined to farming – he also held a Bookmaker’s License and was involved in Greyhound breeding and racing. He was pre-deceased by his wife Angela and is survived by his sons, Bernard and Tom, and daughters Mary, Phyllis, Yvonne, Geraldine and Gemma and extended family to whom sympathy is extended. We shall all miss this quiet, honourable and pleasant man RIP.

bred by SF Purdon was added to the herd. These two females given their outstanding pedigree background from the foundation herds of the breed in Ireland heavily influenced the herd down the years. An outstanding stockman Harold ensured he got the best out of his herd and together with his late wife Eva always presented the cattle extremely well. The herd built up a reputation second to none in the south west with repeat customers coming back again and again for stock. Cattle from the herd were exhibited most often at Fitt’s Limerick and at Bandon but also at society shows and sales at Nenagh and Kilmallock regularly featuring amongst the prizewinners including several championships and top prices. A

number of bulls were put through the Tully Performance Test Centre and were purchased by AI. Heifers not meeting his expectations went to the butcher for slaughter and in more recent years to Hereford Prime. He enjoyed the opportunity to judge cattle and officiated together with his wife Eva at the premier sale at Roscommon. Very selective in his sires if he saw what he liked and the bloodlines fitted the herd’s requirements he was difficult to stop paying top dollar for his choice. When the Canadian bull CH 3223 Visa 57X came available for purchase following a very successful stint at Enfield AI he purchased him in co with Stanley Heaslip, Carrickaboy, Co Cavan. The partnership worked extremely well with the bull spending half the year at each farm and breeding exceptionally well.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

With his wife Eva he was a regular participant with both the North Leinster and Munster branches on their annual tours throughout Ireland or to the UK enjoying the opportunity to meet and relax with other breeders without the pressures experienced at show/sale events when exhibiting. Always one to drive a hard bargain he could be very firm in his approach demanding no more from those around him than he was prepared to do himself. To paraphrase Oliver Goldsmith’s

“village schoolmaster “, “full well the busy whisper circling round conveyed the dismal tidings when he frowned, yet he was kind or if severe and aught the love he bore to Herefords was at fault”. Failing mobility with a hip joint and the advent of the farm retirement scheme saw the greater involvement of son Charles. For various reasons a decision was made to hold a dispersal sale in 2003 which was a very successful event with female lines from the herd seldom ever for sale previously coming on the market. These females have enhanced many of the herds into which they went and formed the foundation of several other new herds set up at the time. The dam of Cill Cormaic Kasper (KSP) one of the more successful bulls to stand at Dovea AI in recent times is Lislaughtin Piscies 34th while his sire’s dam Lislaughtin Playgirl 28th

were bred at Lislaughtin and sold to rebuild the Cill Cormaic herd at the 2003 sale. With a number of females purchased back into the herd by Harold’s wife Eva the herd was rebuilt with Harold’s assistance having by now been revitalised with a most successful hip operation which left him fit as a fiddle. Following the premature loss of his wife Eva the family once again placed the herd on the market in 2014 and while a very successful sale given the superior quality of the cattle on offer it was a very sad occasion. The loss of his treasures Eva and the Herefords affected him greatly in his final years. To his sons, his daughters and to the wider family we offer sincere sympathy on behalf of his fellow breeders. Harold and Eva Fitzell – A formidable partnership.

Tourtane Herefords Est. 1994

Star performer: Grianan Orange 589. Overall Champion Hereford at Clonmel, Mount Briscoe, Tinahely and Tullow Shows in 2017.

One for the future: Tourtane Princess 1000 sired by our stock bull Glaslough Napoleon and out of one of our best breeding cows - Tourtane Ivy.

Henry & Mervyn Parr

Celebrating over 20 years breeding top quality pedigree and commercial Hereford cattle

Quality Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Always Welcome

Tourtane, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tel. 087 758 3820 & 087 663 6665 131

BALLYMARTIN HEREFORDS 110 top breeding females all out wintered and calving outside.

Gageboro Opinion (Sire: Allowdale Rambo 396)

Drumkeelwich George 2 (Sire: Kye Rodge 553)

“MY stars” 50 bulls sold all over Ireland from Ballymartin every year.

Thank you to all our new and repeat customers who came to Ballymartin from all over Ireland

Elizabeth Kingston

Ballymartin, Glencairn, Lismore, Co. Waterford. Tel. 058-56227 Mobile: 087-7764780

ALIEHS HEREFORDS Brosna, Co. Kerry - Estd. 1994

Kye Harry 697

€4,500 Supreme Champion, Kilmallock 5 Star Maternal €121 5 Star Terminal €94 Easy calving 3.7% 5 Star Carcass Conformation 5 Star Carcass Weight We would like to thank all our customers over the years and wish them every success. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME

Timmie & Sheila O’Sullivan

Ahane Cross, Brosna, Tralee, C. Kerry. Phone/Fax: 068 44125 Mobile: 087 225 0210 email:


Irish Hereford Prime News

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

20 year celebrations

The Certified Irish Hereford Prime producer group reached a landmark anniversary in 2017, having been in action now for 20 years. The brand was formed in 1997 through the establishment of a Hereford beef producer group, which was supported by the Irish Hereford Breed Society, with cattle processed at the ABP factory in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Irish Hereford Prime has since become recognised as a “premium product”, and is now popular among many of Europe’s top retailers, food-service providers and Michelin-star restaurants. A night of celebration took place at Ashley Park House outside Neangh, Co. Tipperary on the 9th of June to mark the anniversary with many current and past board members, Hereford Council breeders, farmers and loyal customers in attendance. Jean Denaux from France was the guest of honour and main speaker with Helen Carroll from RTE’s Ear to the Ground being the MC on the night. Niall O’Mahony – Chairman of Irish

Rugby Legend and Irish Hereford Prime Farmer & Ambassador John “The Bull” Hayes alongside wife Fiona, Helen Carroll Presenter on RTE’s Ear to the Ground, Jean Denaux with his wife who own Denaux Meats in France. Hereford Prime – commented on Irish Hereford Prime has won the night about the progress of numerous awards for excellence the brand, stating: “We are proud over the years including the of how Certified Irish Hereford prestigious award of “Best Steak in Prime has evolved to be one of the World” in 2009 from German Europe’s leading beef brands and food magazine ‘Beef!‘. are grateful for the long-term The Irish brand beat competition collaboration and support from from eight major beef-producing ABP on that journey. countries to win the award, such The preference for our beef at as New Zealand Wagyu, both restaurant and retail level is Argentinian Angus, American testament to the high standards Bison, Italian Florentine, German operated by our producers and Simmental and French Charolais. the unique grass-based Since its establishment, the Irish production system here in Ireland. Hereford Prime beef producer “I would also like to acknowledge group has grown to more than the commitment and support of 3,500 members nationwide – with our farmer suppliers who have their produce now processed in all played an instrumental role in of ABP Food Groups six sites and making Irish Hereford Prime the also the Kepak Groups four sites brand it is today,” he added. throughout Ireland. Martin Kane, Managing Director, ABP Ireland, also commented on the anniversary. He said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in Irish Hereford Prime on their success in developing a sought-after brand that enjoys a premium market position at home and in export markets. We look forward to building on this partnership and working together Irish Hereford Prime Board to develop more opportunities in Member and Pedigree breeder the future. Nigel Heatrick with his wife Theola.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Long time pedigree breeders Tom Brennan from Balleen Herefords and JJ Farrell from Trillick Herefords enjoying a glass of bubbly at the event!

Niall O’Mahony, Chairperson of Irish Hereford Prime makes presentation to Margaret Deverell.

Niall makes his second presentation to Jean Denaux, owner of Denaux Meats in France.

Helen Carroll from RTE’s Ear to the Ground is pictured with Niall O’Mahony, John Hayes, ABP Nenagh General Manager Don O'Brien and the €7,000 raised for the Embrace Farm charity at the 20th Anniversary event.

Hereford Prime Board Members, left to right: Eamon Fahy, Lester Roe (Secretary), Martin Murphy, Michael Cleary (Procurement Manager), Glenn Jacob, John Hayes (Ambassador), Niall O’Mahony (Chairperson), Helen Carroll (Ear to the Ground), Nigel Heatrick, Ivor Deverell, James Powell

Irish Hereford Society Council Members, left to right: Eric Humphreys, Glenn Jacob, Pat McCarthy (President), Enda Rabbitte (Breed Development Officer), William Branagan (Chairman), John Neenan, Larry Feeney (Secretary) and Martin Murphy


Bord Bia invite Chefs from the Irish Beef Club in France

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Prime Farmer of the Year 2017

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

To mark the celebration of 20 years in operation, Irish Hereford Prime initiated its first ever Farmer of the Year award. Over twenty finalists were nominated from throughout Ireland with Vincent Foley from Innishannon, Co. Cork being the eventual winner. A drystock farmer and lifelong advocate of the Hereford breed, Vincent retired from dairy farming in 2002 but decided to continue his tradition of keeping Hereford cattle by buying Hereford cross stores to finish on his farm.

Grass based system Vincent puts huge emphasis on his grassland management which is reflected in the great quality and quantity of grass grown on his farm. The operation of a paddock system sees impressive weight gains at grass from his Hereford steers. Trying to achieve at least 10% reseeding every year, Vincent is keen to maintain both sward

Irish Hereford Prime brand ambassador John Hayes presenting Vincent Foley with his award.

and silage quality. He says that aiming for 74 DMD silage is key to keeping his wintering costs down. There has been no meal fed on Vincent’s farm for a number of years at this stage and all steers are finished off grass only.

Docility Ease of management and docility

Hereford steers grazing midsummer on Vincent Foley’s farm.

are important factors in Vincents choice of breed and he believes that the Hereford animal is a very good fit for his farm. A supplier of ABP Bandon “since it opened”, together with a positive outlook on farming and a strong interest in the progress of Irish Hereford Prime since its inception, the beef producer group is delighted to award Vincent Foley the Irish Hereford Prime farmer of the year award for 2017.

ABP ‘relaunches’ Certified Irish Hereford Prime in Italy

The ABP Food Group has recently announced that it has relaunched its products in Italian retailer Carrefour Italia. The company had been part of an Irish delegation that was promoting Certified Hereford Irish beef in Italy as part of a European-wide St Patrick’s Day promotion. The ABP Food Group was joined by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, and members of Bord Bia as they visited Carrefour Italia recently, a retailer it has supplied premium beef to since 2014. Certified Irish Hereford Prime

plays an integral part of ABP’s export strategy and has delivered the highest quality beef to the company’s European customers for over 20 years, Sales and Marketing Manager for ABP Ireland, Eoin Ryan, said. This quality, coupled with innovative product development, has seen us grow our range throughout the Carrefour estate in Italy. “I would also like to acknowledge the support we have received from Bord Bia across Europe in helping us to market our products to retailers and food-service providers,” he


said. Italy is the largest importer of beef in Europe and also has the second highest consumption levels in Europe, according to ABP. Whilst Ireland is the fifth largest supplier of beef to Italy in terms of volume, it is the main supplier of premium beef to the country, it added. While CEO of Bord Bia, Cotter led many trade missions to various export markets around the world. He also has extensive contacts internationally, within all the European markets that Bord Bia operates in.

Irish Hereford Prime Grassland Management event

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

A members only grassland management & stock selection event was held on Monday 11th September on the farm of John Darcy near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. John Darcy is a longterm supplier of ABP Nenagh and is a loyal Irish Hereford Prime member for over 10 years. Two “grass experts” Micheal O’Leary and Nicky Byrne from Teagasc Moorepark were tasked with the job of transferring their knowledge to the farmers present. A key objective of this event was to inform members of the best ways to increase their farms grass output and utilisation and consequently their profit margins. Grass wedges; grass measuring; plate-meters; quadrants; spring rotation planners; grass deficits; grass surpluses; autumn closing; paddock size; stocking rates and grass varieties were all topics discussed and practically demonstrated in the paddocks on Darcys farm in the morning session. Naturally after an Irish Hereford Prime steak for lunch everybody was rearing to go again. A stock selection demonstration took place using the Hereford cross heifers on the farm. Tips on what to look out for when selecting cattle that are fit for slaughter were discussed by Don O'Brien of ABP Nenagh and Michael Cleary of Irish Hereford Prime. An outline of the type of stock that are most suitable for the processors to sell was provided and the ideal weights, conformation and fat score discussed. Individual animals were visually analysed and indications were given as to the ideal slaughter date. Irish Hereford Prime provided various types of equipment at discounted rates on the day to all attendees. Grass measuring equipment (a quadrat, a battery

grass shears, and a hand held scales) was available for €50, cattle anti-backing bars for €100 and remote electric fence switches at €20. These offers can still be availed by members by contacting Tennyson on 0838168824. A big thank you to John Darcy for his hospitality and help in facilitating the event.

Grass roots and tillers disccused.

Cattle selection

Grass measuring demonstration.


Michael O'Leary Teagasc discussing Grass 10.

Cattle selection

Hereford Prime Awards

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Now in its 10th year, Blas na hEireann is the biggest competition for quality Irish produce on the island of Ireland. This year more than 400 finalists competed across 130 categories with Best Rib-Eye (Bronze) going to SuperValu Signature Taste Hereford Ribeye Steaks and best Beef Other category (Bronze award going to – SuperValu Hereford Chuck & Brisket 100% Meat Burger). The image (right) is of Kepaks Meave Dunne, Artie Clifford (Chairperson of Irish Food Awards), David Donnellan (Kepak) and Marion O’Sullivan (Kepak) accepting the Blas awards this year. 2017 also saw Hereford Fillet win at the great taste awards.

In 2016 we won the following awards:

Product SuperValu Signature Tastes Hereford Rib Eye Steak SuperValu Signature Tastes Hereford Striploin Steak SuperValu Signature Tastes Hereford Fillet Steak SuperValu Signature Tastes Rib Eye Steak Signature Tastes Hereford Beef Gourmet Burgers with a Pulled Pork SuperValu Signature Tastes Irish Hereford Fillet Steak SuperValu Signature Tastes Striploin Steak

Supplier / Retailer 3 star – Great Tastes Awards 1 star – Great Tastes Awards 1 sta – Great Tastes Awards COMMENDED - IQFA Gold – Blas na hEireann Gold – Blas na hEireann Bronze – World Steak Challenge

When Won July ‘16 July ‘16 July ‘16 September ‘16 October ‘16 October ‘16

Hereford Dry Aged Rib Eye Steak wins a three gold star award at the International Taste & Quality Institute awards. Based in Brussels, the International Taste & Quality Institute is the world's leading organisation dedicated to certifying the TASTE of food and drink products. With judges selected from the 15 most prestigious European culinary and sommeliers associations it is a great honour to get recognition for Irish Hereford Prime product. Our Irish Hereford Prime Dry Aged Striploin Steak also received a two gold star award.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018





National Hereford Calf Show 2017

Minister for Heritage and Culture Ms Heather Humphreys, attended the Irish Hereford livestock stand to launch the National Hereford Calf Show at this year’s National Ploughing Championships. This is the 4th consecutive year this competition has been run since it was first created back in 2014. The event has attracted visitors from Northern Ireland, Finland, the UK and Denmark in the past. Since it first started the competition has had a huge amount of success, with top Hereford breeders from around the country competing at the event. The show has attracted more and more interest each year, with approximately 90 calves entered for this year’s event making it an excellent opportunity to see some top quality Herefords. Judging the proceedings was Cork man Albert de Cogan, owner of Imokilly Herefords. Four classes were created for both heifers and bulls where a junior and senior champion was selected at the end. The Commercial class took place in the middle which was judged by John Holloway of Gageboro Herefords who also judged the young handler classes. Starting with the males, Albert selected Sean McKiernan’s young bull “Corlismore Ted 894” as his Supreme Male Champion. Having won Senior Male Champion earlier that day, this calf of exceptional qualities is sired by Moyclare Mariner a bull who has bloodlines from Brocca Saviour and Bowmount Storm. This really put the icing on the cake for the McKiernan’s as they also secured another first prize winner for their bull Corlismore Cracker in one of the younger bull classes. Long time Hereford breeder Edward Dudley from the very successful Kilsunny herd was next best in

the bull ring with his young calf Kilsunny Noble who had just won Junior Male Champion, going on to win Reserve Supreme Male Champion. This January born calf is bred by one of Trevor’s stockbulls, Glaslough Judge, a sire which has provided him with many show winners. Moving on to the female section, it was Veronica Brennan’s Herberry 1 Lucy Lou that was crowned Supreme Female Champion, after already winning Junior Female Champion a few moments earlier. This smashing heifer born the 12th of January 2017 is a mixture of Canadian and Cavan bloodlines with the sire “Tleel 8n Red Zulu 1Z” being a Canuck and the Dam bred by Sean McKiernan from Corlismore Herefords. Taking the Reserve Supreme Female Champion at the event was Senior Female Champion, Moyclare Piscies owned by Michael Molloy, a breeder who is no stranger to the show ring having just topped the Autumn Premier Show & Sale a few weeks earlier with his bull Moyclare Phoenix that sold for €6,600. Piscies is sired by Michaels Stock bull Brocca Saviour, a bull which has done extremely well for the Moyclare herd. Piscies is well used to the show circuit having won Champion Junior Heifer Calf earlier this year at the Royal Meath Show. A huge thanks to everyone from the North Leinster Branch who was involved in the running of the show, which we at IHBS are delighted to announce was yet another very successful event.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Judge: Mr. Albert de Cogan, ‘Imokily Herefords’ Killamuckey, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork Supreme Male Champion: Corlismore Ted 894 – Owner: Sean McKiernan

Supreme Female Champion: Herberry 1 Lucy Lou – Owner: Veronica Brennan Reserve Supreme Male Champion: Kilsunny Noble – Owner: Trevor Dudley

Reserve Supreme Female Champion: Moyclare Piscies – Owner: Michael Molloy

Supreme & Junior Female Champion ‘Herberry 1 Lucy Lou’ exhibited by owner Veronica Brennan

Senior Male Champion: Corlismore Ted 894 – Owner: Sean McKiernan. Reserve Senior Male Champion: Cill Cormaic Prince 2 – Owner: David Larkin Senior Female Champion: Moyclare Piscies – Owner: Michael Molloy

Reserve Senior Female Champion: Hazelgrove Crystal – Owner: Dermot Whelton Junior Male Champion: Kilsunny Noble – Owner: Trevor Dudley

Reserve Junior Male Champion: Gouldingpoll 1 Gold Spice – Owner: Matthew Goulding

Junior Female Champion: Herberry 1 Lucy Lou – Owner: Veronica Bennan Reserve Junior Female Champion: Coisceim Poll 1 Jewel – Owner: Timothy Breen

Reserve Supreme & Junior Male Champion ‘Kilsunny Noble’ shown by Susan Dudley

Supreme & Senior Male Champion ‘Corlismore Ted 894’ owned by Sean McKiernan and shown by the newly wedded couple Gary & Evelyn McKiernan


Reserve Supreme & Senior Female Champion ‘Moyclare Piscies’ with owner Michael Molloy.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Class 1: Young Handler – U14 on day of show 1. Emma Hynes 2. Padraig Jones 3. John Hyland 4. Colin Bourke

Class 2: Young Handler – U21 & over 14 on day of show 1. Mark Hyland 2. Ciara McNamara 3. Ciaran Kinahan 4. Sarah Murray

Class 3: Heifer Calf born in September & October 2016 1. ‘Clonroe Ginger Fairy’ DOB – 05/09/16. Sire: Baltymore Ginger, Dam: Clonroe Lize. Owned by John Jones. 2. ‘Gouldingpoll 1 Fanny’ DOB – 16/09/17. Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor PP, Dam: Gouldinpoll 1 Fanny 621. Owned by Kevin & William Ryan. 3. ‘Riverrock Katie Bea’ DOB –03/10/16. Sire: Gurteragh Justice ET, Dam: Riverrock Ita. Owned by James Thompson. 4. ‘Grianan Orange R786’ DOB – 05/09/16. Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Orange M660. Owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald. Class 4: Heifer Calf born in November & December 2016 1. ‘Moyclare Piscies’ DOB – 15/11/16. Sire: Brocca Saviour, Dam: Cill Cormaic Laylatt. Owned by Michael Molloy. 2. ‘Hazelgrove Crystal’ DOB – 01/11/16. Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant, Dam: Newstar Autumn. Owned by Dermot Whelton 3. ‘Herberry 1 Lucy May’ DOB – 04/11/16. Sire: Tlell 8N Red Zulu 1Z, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641. Owned by Raymond Brennan & Victoria Brennan. 4. ‘Ardmulchan Clover 741’ DOB – 12/12/16. Sire: Church Preen Galileo, Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 578. Owned by Philip Smyth.

Class 5: Heifer Calf born in January & February 2017 1. ‘Herberry 1 Lucy Lou’ DOB – 12/06/17. Sire: Dendor 1 Kohinoor, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641. Owned by Raymond Brennan & Victoria Brennan. 2. ‘Coisceim Poll 1 Jewel’ DOB – 10/01/17. Sire: Grousehallpoll 1 Premier, Dam: Drominargile Hoodini. Owned by Timoth Breen. 3. ‘Kilsunny Doreens Nina’ DOB – 06/02/17. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Doreens Jasmine. Owned by Trevor Dudley 4. ‘Riverrock Honey Bea’ DOB – 06/02/17. Sire: Riverrock Tyson, Dam: Riverrock Isabella. Owned by Tony Hartnett.

Class 6: Heifer Calf born on or after 1st March 2017. 1. ‘Gouldingpoll 1 Ravette 857’ DOB – 22/03/17. Sire: Panmure 1 Henry, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Ravette 495. Owned by Kevin & William Ryan. 2. ‘Grianan Orange R809’ DOB – 04/04/17. Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Orange H629. Owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald. 3. ‘Keenagh Nala’ DOB – 03/04/17. Sire: Steil Gerard, Dam: Cill Cormaic Lacey. 4. ‘Moyclare Rose’ DOB – 27/03/17. Sire: Ballinalick Ledger, Dam: Moyclare Rose 10th. Class 7:Commerical Hereford sired calf, Male or Female not weighing over 450kg. 1. ‘Joxer’ DOB – 23/02/17. Sire: Mr. Ever Ready. Owned by Louis Feeney 2. ‘Lenny’ DOB – 01/05/17. Owned by Hugh P Murray. 3. ‘Ted’ DOB 06/03/17. Owned by Hugh P Murray. 4. ‘Performance’ DOB – 20/02/17. Owned by Louis Feeney. Class 8: Bull Calf born in September & October 2016 1. ‘Cill Cormaic Prince 2’ DOB – 23/10/16. Sire: Blackwater Lad, Dam: Cill Cormaic Lavinia. Owned by David Larkin. 2. ‘Grianan Rex’ DOB – 03/09/16. Sire: Grianan Freddy, Dam: Grianan Agnes L617. Owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald. 3. ‘Kye King 762’ DOB – 01/10/16. Sire: Haven Kingpin, Dam: Kye Holly 636. 4. ‘Como Patriarch’ DOB –20/09/16. Sire: Mara Kestrel, Dam: Badlingham Blossom. Owned by Cathal McGrath. Class 9: Bull Calf born in November & December 2016 1. ‘Corlismore Ted’ DOB – 10/12/16. Sire: Moyclare Mariner, Corlismore Tara 618. Owned by Sean McKiernan. 2. ‘Ardmulchan Napeleon’ DOB – 16/12/16. Sire: Church Preen Galileo, Dam: Ardmulchan Clover 421. Owned by Philip Smyth 3. ‘Riverock Classic’ DOB – 02/11/16. Sire: Riverock Tyson, Dam: Lisnalurg Princess Bea. Owned by Tony Hartnett. 4. ‘Herberry 1 Alfred ET’ DOB – 01/11/16. Sire: Tlell 8N Red Zulu 1Z, Dam: Gouldingpoll 1 Lucy 641.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Class 10: Bull Calf born in January & February 2017 1. ‘Kilsunny Noble’ DOB – 20/01/17. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Lass Fluffy. Owned by Trevor Dudley. 2. ‘Gouldingpol 1 Gold Spice’ DOB – 15/01/17. Sire: Panmure 1 Henry, Dam: Barwise 1 Rambling Rosie. Owned by Matthew Goulding. 3. ‘Ballyraggan Seventeen’ DOB – 17/01/17. Sire: Corlismorepoll 1 Diplomat 608, Ballyraggan Twilight 701st. Owned by James Thompson. 4. ‘Portanob Roy’ DOB – 22/02/17. Sire: Ballen Revival, Dam: Ballymartin Karen. Owned by John Canty.

Reserve Junior Male Champion Gouldingpol 1 Gold Spice’ Owned by Matthew Goulding

Class 11: Bull Calf born on or after 1st March 2017 1. ‘Corlismore Cracker 911’ DOB – 12/04/17. Sire: Grianan Firecracker, Dam: Corlismore Pinky. Owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald. 2. ‘Rossmore Nelson Mandela’ DOB – 28/03/17. Sire: Grianan King Kong, Dam: Rossmore Blossom. Owned by Cathal McGrath. 3. ‘Kilsunny Nelson’ DOB – 31/03/17. Sire: Glaslough Judge, Dam: Kilsunny Doreens Ebony. Owned by Trevor Dudley. 4. ‘Gurteragh Robin 721’ DOB – 10/04/17. Sire: Gurteragh Oakley, Dam: Gurteragh Midnight. Owned by Michael O’Keeffe.

Reserve Junior Female Champion ‘Coisceim Poll 1 Jewel’ Owned by Timothy Breen, John Angland and IHBS President Pat McCarthy (Picture from Tullamore Show).

Reserve Senior Male Champion ‘Cill Cormaic Prince 2’ shown by owner David Larkin

Reserve Senior Female Champion ‘Hazelgrove Crystal’ shown by Dermot Whelton with Judge Albert de Cogan on right.

Emma Hynes U14 young handler winner


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Mark Hyland U21 young handler winner

Commercial class winner Joxer sired by Mr. Ever Ready owned by Louis Feeney

Winning heifer born in Sep & Oct 2016: Clonroe Ginger Fairy with Conor Jones Winning Bull born on or after 1st of March 2017: Corlismore Cracker 911 owned by Sean McKiernan

Winning Heifer born on or after 1st of March 2017: Gouldingpoll 1 Ravette 857 owned by Kevin & William Ryan Chairman of the North Leinster Branch, Niall Daly makes a presentation to Show Judge Albert de Cogan for his service at the event.

2nd prize winner Grianan Rex in the bull class born in Sep & Oct 2016: owned by Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Corrin Mart Calf Promotion (Cork)

The annual Calf Promotion event, held by the West Cork Hereford Club at Bandon mart turned out to be another very successful competition. Calves of the highest quality were exhibited at the event making the whole selection process a difficult task for the judges when it came to identifying a winner. Hereford calves continue to remain superior to other breeds as the consistently obtain higher prices. Champion Hereford Bull calf at Bandon Mart, owned by Donal Murray, Thoames, Macroom, sold for 405 euro, pictured with JJ Barrett, treas. West Cork Hereford Club and Pat McCarthy, Irish Hereford Society. Photo; George Maguire Champion Hereford Heifer calf at Bandon Mart, owned by Dan Kelleher, Belgooly, Kinsale, sold for 295 euro, pictured with Richard Forbes, West Cork Hereford Club and Pat McCarthy, Irish Hereford Society. Photo; George Maguire.

Champion bull calf pictured below at the Hereford Calf Promotion in Corrin Mart, which sold for €265 with Michael Morrisson, Ted Sullivan & Pat McCarthy, Hereford Society, owner Matthew Hurley, Youghal & Billy Lane, Hereford Society. Photo O’Gorman Photography.

Champion heifer calf pictured above at the Hereford Calf Promotion in Corrin Mart, which sold for €245 with buyer David Meade, Nohoval, Pat McCarthy, Hereford Council, owner Tony Beecher, Ballyhooly & Billy Lane, Hereford Society. Photo O’Gorman Photography.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Calf Promotion Kilmallock

The sun shone brightly on the sky as Hereford breeders John Neenan and John McAuliffe attended the Hereford calf show at Kilmallock mart. There was a plentiful supply of Hereford calves as judges Donie Mullins and David Geary selected their champions under the watch of Hereford auctioneer Hugh Mulvihill. They selected John McCarthy's heifer calf as female champion sired by a Kilcormac bull. The Shandrum Man also won this prize last year and was sold for €320. The male champion was property of Micheal D Murphy Newmarket and sold for €400. This calf was one of a lot of 8 bulls and they went on to make €395 each. These calves were all sired by a bull purchased from Tom Roycroft Dunmanway Co.Cork.

Donie Mullins, judge, Mary Gavey, G.V. M. representing winners Liam Murphy, Newmarket owner of the winning bull calf and John McCarthy,Newtownshandrum, owner of the winning heifer calf, John Neenan, Irish Hereford Society and John McAuliffe, Palatine Herefords, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick

Jerry Daly, Bruree and Sandra Murphy from Newtowns handrum, Charleville , Co. Cork at the event.

Patricia Hayes, Roisín & Fiona Hickey take a look at the winning calf in the Irish Hereford Society Calf Show and Sale. Roisín and Fiona Hickey, Doon, Co. Tipperary with one of the calves entered in the Irish Hereford Society Calf Show and Sale in Golden Vale Mart, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick.

Sandra Murphy, Newtownshandrum, Co. Cork with the winning heifer and bull calf at the show.


Robert and Rory Troy, Charleville, Co. Cork enjoying the Calf Show and Sale in Golden Vale Mart, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Calf Promotion at Skibbereen Mart

Kanturk Calf Promotion

The Hereford Society recently held another calf promotion in the South West of Cork, at Skibbereen Mart, with a good turn out on the day. Demand for Hereford calves remain strong with prices continuing to grow. William Forde sold his champion bull for €350, which is €80 more in comparison to 2014 when William took the champion rosette with one of his calves, which sold for €270 at the same event. Champion Hereford Bull calf owned by William Forde, Drimoleague, (centre) sold for €350, receiving his prize from Paddy Hickey. West Cork Hereford Club and Christy Mullins, West Cork Hereford Club.

Champion Hereford Heifer calf owned by Sylvister Cotter, Caheragh, sold for €275. Paddy Hickey, West Cork Hereford Club, presenting the prize to Gene Lynch, who received it on the owners behalf.

Liam, Jack, David, and Val Kelleher, Donoughmore, who were the winners in the Male Calf Class at Kanturk Mart Hereford Promotion, pictured with Joe Noonan (Vice Chairman Kanturk Mart), Liam Philpott (Hereford Society), John Ludgate and Neily Moylan.

The winning heifer calf that sold for €435, with owners Killian & Conor Scanlon receiving their prize from IHBS Council Member Timmie O’Sullivan, Abbeyfeale mart manager Denis Lane on left.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018 IHBS Council Member Timmie O’Sullivan makes a double presentation. Winning bull on left with John Costello that sold for €370. Trevor Cahill accepts cheque on behalf of Patrick Fitzgerald for his heifer calf.

The winning bull calf that secured €430 with owner Patsie MyLoughlin receiving his cheque from IHBS council member Timmie O’Sullivan. Wife Margaret McLoughlin on left with buyer Declan Carroll in centre. Castleisland Mart (24/04/17)

Mart Manager David White holding the heifer calf with owner Jim Breen who secured €390 for his animal, Buddy Kelleher (Judge) & IHBS member Timmie O’Sullivan presenting the prize winnings.

David White (Mart Manager), winner John O’Keeffe receiving his winnings from Timmie O’Sullivan IHBS Council Member for his bull calf that sold for €495 and Judge Buddy Kelleher (Second from right). Listowl Mart (26/04/17)

Gortacla Mart (04/05/17) Winning heifer that secured €504 with William O’Connell, Buddy Kelleher (Judge) and John McMann with the winning buld calf that sold for €385.


Clouncagh Herefords Estd. 1996

Our current stock bull, Moyclare Orion (Sire: Brocca Saviour Dam: Boveen Pansy 8th) which has bred extremely well for us as you can see from some of his offspring below

Moyclare Orion offspring & Jack at Tenbury Show

Young Bulls and Heifers usually for sale - Visitors always Welcome

O’Connor Family Ballingarry, Co. Limerick.


Tel. 087-6481432

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Over 60 years on and Herefords are still going strong

Major Mitchell exhibiting his first prize winner back in 1957. A total of 361 Herefords were sold at this sale resulting in a sale average ÂŁ128.

1963 saw a huge turnout of White Head admirers resulting in 514 Hereford bulls sold with a sale average of ÂŁ166. Myles Lambert from Enniscorthy in photo.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Country Reports This is an informal gathering of Hereford breeders and associates from Europe and across the world which is hosted by a different European country every four years. In 2014 the event was hosted by the Swiss Hereford Association. The event in 2018 will be hosted by our friends in the Hungarian Hereford Association which looks after the fast growing population of pedigree Herefords in Hungary and its members. At the closing ceremony in Switzerland 2014 Dr Istvan Marton accepted the continuity baton from Swiss Hereford chairman Hans Baumann. The conference will take place from 15th of September to 21st of September, 2018. The Conference website is available at: Hereford in Hungary The Hungarian Hereford Angus Galloway Association was found on the 1st of July 1988 and been carrying on its work ever since, for the benefit of the Hereford breed and breeders. The association has been the member of the World Hereford Council since 1990 and a full member since 1992. In 1995 we have organized the 8th European Hereford Conference in Hungary. Our professional

goal is to preserve the profitability and competitiveness of the beef cattle rearing of our members. Hereford beef cattle were brought to Hungary by British import in 1970, establishing pure blood Hereford breeding in Hungary. After this, 4000 Hereford breeding cattle were imported from the USA and Canada. To preserve the great genetic abilities of the breed, we continue to import adulterant and embryos from world class suckling cows and bulls for service. We use mostly British, Australian, New Zealander, Irish and South-American bloodlines. 90% of the Hungarian Hereford stock is homozygote polled. Our association registers 4000 pure blood and 4000 crossbreed Hereford suckler cows in the stock farms of 80 breeders.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Northern Ireland

Southern bred Herefords feature at RUAS Balmoral

Once again it was Coote Geelan of Cloonagheer, Dromod Co Leitrim who represented IHBS breeders in prize-winners enclosure in the Hereford section at the RUAS Balmoral. The judge in the Hereford section Mr Andrew Hughes, UK had no hesitation in awarding first place in the cow class to Baltymore Orange 449 out of Grianan Orange 491 ET and sired by former Balmoral Supreme Champion Kye Rodge 553. This fine cow and her sire are both owned by Mr Geelan. The sire Rodge 553 has been consistently producing progeny that are selling very well and in addition performing very well in the show-ring and in commercial conditions. Later Mr Geelan’s Baltymore Rodge 470 a halfbrother to Orange 449 and son to Rodge came fifth in a very strong class of two year old bulls. Later still Mr Geelan went on to take third place in the group of three. The winning group included the two prize-winners above plus Loughrinn 1 Lily 460 also a daughter to Rodge 553. Overall it was a very successful day for Mr Geelan winning a place with each of his three entries. Mr Kieran Kerr of Lurgan achieved third place in the same class with Mullaghdoopoll 1 Elite a Gouldingpoll 1 Superduty son out of Mullaghdoo Rosetta bred by Basil Arnold, Killeshandra, Co Cavan.

Mr David Wilson Drumady, Magheraveely, Fermanagh claimed a second placing for his bull Lisrace Lumberjack 18th by Knockmountagh Master and was successful with a place for his Lisrace Prettymaid 24th sired by the Deverell family bred Ballyaville Lifeliner. Mr Wilson also exhibited two heifers by Knockmountagh Master bred by Co Louth breeder Eamonn McKiernan. J & K Taggart secured a fourth place with Carneyhill Magnum by Trillick Hotspur out of Knockmountagh Olga and also exhibited Carney Hill 1 Tara out of the McKiernan bred Knockmountagh Tara. Mr Trevor Andrews had a third placing with his Mountview Enzo by Trillick Hotspur available through Eurogene and the Moore Family of Aughnacloy exhibited Annabeg Decimus by Kilsunny Goliath to claim a further third for southern Hereford genetics. Congratulations to all Hereford exhibitors who displayed their animals to advantage and in very significant numbers. Congratulations also to Championship winners JE, RI & W Haire, Crumlin and J&W McMordie, Newtownards on their display of cattle including their championship winners. The expansion of the Hereford breed in Northern Ireland is currently being driven by ease of management and cost of production while the successful Hereford beef marketing initiative through Dunbia and the Co Op supermarket outlets is also having a major influence.

Baltymore Orange 449, winner of the cow class with owner Coote Geelan.


TOP HEREFORDS HONOURED Northern Ireland top Hereford Breeders were honoured at the N I Hereford Breeders Association annual dinner. The winners of the prestigious Hereford of the Year competitions based on points earned from the summer show season were presented with their awards. Top headlines went to Ciaran Kerr’s Kinnego herd that made it two in a row by again winning the Bull of the Year award with his 3 year old sire, Mullaghdoopoll 1 Elite. He dominated the Hereford classes at the local shows carrying off 6 Supreme Hereford Championships but also had a remarkable run of success in the interbreed championships – taking reserve overall interbreed titles in

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Armagh, Saintfield and Castlewellan before securing the Overall Beef Interbreed Championship in a very strong entry at the Clogher Valley show. His current dominance in the breed was emphasised when he was also awarded Best Stock Bull in the 2017 Herds competition. It was a big night for the newest and youngest competitor on the show circuit - new breeder Courtney Halliday overcame the established herds to bring home the awards for the Hereford Female of the Year and the Supreme Champion at the National Show; A remarkable achievement for a young lady who just recently established her herd with the purchase of a heifer from Mervyn and Henry Richmond’s Corraback herd in County Fermanagh. This is a herd noted for the strength of its female lines and Courtney’s selection of Corraback Joan 15th by Mara Flook and out of Corraback Joan 5th – herself Female of the Year in 2013 proved to be an inspired one. As Courtney made her debut on the show circuit she was quickly recognised as a force to be reckoned with and success followed success. Competing in the yearling heifer class, which is always the largest and most competitive section in the Hereford schedule, Joan was awarded the red rosette at Lurgan, Armagh and Saintfield before going one better by taking the Reserve breed Championship at both Castlewellan and Clogher Valley. The best was still to come however - at the National Hereford Show at Antrim and the largest turnout of Herefords of the season, Joan took the eye of Judge Robert Thomas winning the yearling heifer class, the female championship and finally the Supreme Hereford Championship. Mark and Laurence Moore had a season to remember, taking the Horned Bull of the year and reserve overall Bull of the Year awards with Annaghbeg Domino who had won Supreme Championships at Omagh and Enniskillen shows. This promising young sire will be offered for sale at the Elite Breeders sale in Dungannon on 13th February. They also registered significant success at the National Show taking the award for the breeder winning most points having won best home bred heifer and the best group of 3. NIHBA chairman W J Gill won the H W Coates cup for the poll female of the year with Lusky 1 Honour following reserve championship wins at Lurgan and Armagh shows. The Corraback herd of Mervyn and Henry Richmond have always been strong competitors for the rose bowl awarded to the exhibitor of the most successful pair of Herefords by the same sire and 2017 has been no exception. Again it was a pair by Mara Flook who took the honours and the winning combination of yearling bull and heifer were undefeated in this class throughout the season.

Ciaran Kerr with his Bull of the Year Mullaghdoopoll 1 Elite.

Courtney & Corraback Joan who won Female of the Year.


Courtney with her silverware.

Horned Bull of the Year with owner Mark Moore.

Winners of Hereford of the year awards


Knockmountagh Virgil 3: Sire: Trillick Hotspur. Gorey Reserve Champion and Bull Calf Champion, sold to Tom Barry Baytown Herd.

Knockmountagh Astor 3: Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant. Champion Louth County Show.

Knockmountagh Fiddler at 12 months, Sire: Moyclare Lieutenant. 1st Prize winner at Trim Show 2016, sold to Thomas Donohue Assan Herd.

Some of our Autumn 2017 calves

Congratulations also to Wilson Family, Lisrace Herefords with Lisrace Finola Dell 4th, sired by Knockmountagh Master, Reserve Junior Champion at N. Ireland Calf Show 2017. We are very thankful to all our valued customers at home and abroad and wish them every success.

Eamon & John McKiernan Young Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Welcome Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Tel. 041 98 26362 Mobile: 087 2217201 / 087 9666189


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018



Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Farewell to David Prothero, Secretary Hereford Cattle Society, UK

This past autumn saw the departure of David Co-Op and more recently Lidl has been an Prothero long time secretary of the Hereford Cattle important part of the Hereford breed recovery. The Society UK. There have been just eight breed society breed has not been as well placed within the secretaries since the beginning of the Hereford industry for many, many years. register in the UK and David was the second longest On the international front David Prothero has serving of those. represented the Hereford Cattle Society, UK and the David assumed the position on the departure of the Hereford breed with distinction. Highly esteemed larger than life Tony Morrison Secretary of the breed and respected by his international colleagues and Secretary General of the World Hereford wherever he has represented the Hereford breed at Council who presided over the organisation at a European or World Hereford events he was listened time when it employed close on forty staff. The new to and valued for his common sense approach and challenge of the continental breeds in the mid sheer knowledge of the breed. 1970’s to the mid 80’s which gained momentum with Ireland has many times over the years had issues with the adoption of the French meat grading system by Welshmen whether that be with the Welsh rugby the EU put extreme pressure on the Hereford breed team or David Lloyd George. Though this David was resulting in falling popularity of the breed and severe born and remains a Welshman in his dealings with reduction in registrations and income to the breed. Ireland he was always a good friend providing a Market trends prior to then called for a shorter welcome for the many Irish Hereford breeders who legged animal, fed to a greater fat level. As much would visit the UK from time to time either as beef imported into the UK at the time was sourced in individuals or as a group. He was always available to Argentina it came in carcase form in refrigerated arrange herd visits or provide information on which ships. The deck height meant that a shorter carcase events were of interest or to facilitate the export of was also a better fit. Some Hereford and Angus animals. On a personal basis I was pleased to count breeders were a little slow in accepting the new him as a good friend and confidant always available demands for leaner and larger carcases and paid at the end of the phone to discuss any issue of the price in loss of demand. burning importance which might come up. Equally David embraced the huge challenge in his own there was always that mischievous smile when you quiet diplomatic way negotiating through the were aware a leg pull was in the process. disparate opinions on breeding “we need to get The Irish Hereford Society marked the occasion of his them bigger”, “we need to keep the conformation”, retirement with a gift presented to him at a farewell “ we need to take in new bloodlines from Canada dinner at Hereford which was held in his honour. This and elsewhere”, “we need to stick with our own tried Society wishes him well in his retirement. and tested bloodlines”. Debate on size was continuous and long term, the question of how to get Herefords bigger and leaner, to retain fleshing ability and early maturity while improving milking ability raged on. Through all of this while steadily improving the finances of the organisation David worked diligently with his various Chairmen and Council through the years. On his leaving the organisation the Hereford breed has regained much of its recognition and prestige with commercial cattle producers while pedigree registrations have been steadily growing for the past ten to twelve years. David Prothero receiving a gift presented on behalf of the Irish Hereford Breed Society Ltd. Also pictured are Willie Branagan, As in Ireland visibility on the Chairman IHBS Ltd and Larry Feeney, Secretary IHBS Ltd. supermarket shelves of Waitrose,



Glaslough Sid

Glaslough Pompeii

Glaslough Rooney

Wishing Every Success To Our Customers Who Purchased Glaslough Cattle In 2017

Young Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Always Welcome

Samuel & Nigel Heatrick Annareagh, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Tel. 047 88119

Mobile: 087 996 9640 email:


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

MILE HIGH NIGHT NATIONAL HEREFORD SALE GROSSES $1,063,500 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Hereford breed garnered attention this year at the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) in Denver at the Mile High Night National Hereford Sale. An estimated 5,000 attended the sale Jan. 12 on the stadium floor. “The Mile High Night and Mile High Eve sales both showed a strong demand for Hereford genetics this year at the National Western Stock Show,” said Joe Rickabaugh, American Hereford Association (AHA) director of seedstock marketing. “Both were solid sales for the Hereford breed, which again presented a stellar set of cattle both on the hill and in the yards in Denver.” The elite 36-lot Hereford offering brought forth prominent genetics from established operations across the country. When auctioneer Joe Goggins lowered the gavel for the final time, the auction grossed $1,063,500. Nine bull lots grossed $575,000 and averaged $63,889. Twenty-two female lots grossed $402,000 and averaged $18,273. Four pregnancies grossed $38,000 and averaged $9,500, and one pick-of-the-herd grossed $10,500. The high-selling Lot 16C, a pick of the 2018 NWSS Champion Hereford Pen-of-Three Bulls, commanded $120,000. The lot was consigned by Sage Krebs, Gordon, Neb., and sold to Kolt Cattle Co., Garland, Neb.; McDonald Farms, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Lowderman Cattle Company, Macomb, Ill.; DelHawk Cattle, Earlville, Ill.; and Foggy Bottom Farms. The second high-seller was Lot 11, BOYD 31Z Blueprint 6153, a bull lot consigned by Boyd Beef Cattle, Mays Lick, Ky.; Mohican West,

U.S.A. Laurel, Mont.; and Mohican Polled Herefords, Glenmont, Ohio. The lot was purchased for $105,000 by Phantom Creek Livestock, Swift Current, Sask.; Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, Idaho; Daniels Hereford Ranch, Malad City, Idaho; White Hawk Inc., Marietta, Ga.; Journegan Ranch/Missouri State University, Mountain Grove, Mo.; Hidden Oaks Ranch, Hamilton, Texas; Bobby Wells, Corbin, Ky.; Bonebrake Hereford Farm, Springfield, Mo.; MDF Polled Herefords, Northwood, Iowa; Jackson Hereford Farms, Mechanicsville, Iowa; Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla.; Topp Herefords, Grace City, N.D.; 6 Mile Creek Cattle Company, Yukon, Okla.; GKB Cattle Co., Waxahachie, Texas; Ehlke Herefords, Townsend, Mont.; Mead Cattle Co., Meadville, Ga.; NJW Polled Herefords, Sheridan, Wyo.; Pelton Polled Herefords, Halliday, N.D.; Ochsner Herefords, Torrington, Wyo.; Hula Herefords, Weston, Neb.; Buck Cattle Co., Madill, Okla.; Barber Ranch, Channing, Texas; Flat Stone Lick, Marianna, Penn.; Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, Ree Heights, S.D.; Kester Herefords, Clearwater, Neb.; Split Butte Cattle Co. LLC, Almo, Idaho; Genex, Shawano, Wis.; Cache Cattle Company, Wellsville, Utah; and Snowshoe Cattle, Pompeys Pillar, Mont. The sale remained strong with the third high-selling lot, Lot 21, Churchill Rough Rider 719E, a bull consigned by Churchill Cattle Co., Manhattan, Mont. Three Hills Ranch, Bernard, Iowa; Bonebrake Hereford Farm, Springfield, Mo.; Sommers Herefords LLC, Pinedale, Wyo.; Kaczmarek Herefords, Salem, Mo.; J/E Ranch, Plentywood, Mont.; and Providence Ranch, Rib Lake, Wis., paid $70,000 for the opportunity. The fourth high-selling lot, Lot 4 from Jensen Bros. of Courtland,


Kan., commanded $67,500. Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tenn., and Southern Star Polled Herefords, Riceville, Tenn., purchased KJBJ Contender, the reserve national champion polled bull at the 2018 NWSS National Hereford Bull Show. The high-selling lots were rounded out by Lot 16A, the second pick of the 2018 NWSS Champion Hereford Pen-of-Three Bulls, consigned by Sage Krebs, Gordon, Neb. Lot 16B sold for $62,500 to Drum Land and Cattle, Harrisonburg, Ark.; Double H Ranch, Braeside, Ont.; Abby Hill Farm, Richmond, Ont.; and Arthur Polled Herefords, Alida, Sask.

Grand Champion Horned Bull: BR Belle Air 6011

Grand Champion Polled Bull: C 1311 5280 Lad 6077 ET.

Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Bulls.

Champion Horned Senior Bull: C Bailees Miles 4312 ET

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018


NZ Herefords The Whiteface Advantage

Registered Hereford cattle in New Zealand have had a very strong year and staff and board members are busy providing support to breeders, marketing the successes and determining the future path for the Association.

The Association was fortunate to co-host, with Beef + Lamb New Zealand, the annual “Power of the Beef Cow Field Day” at an outstanding high-country station, Alpha Burn, overlooking Lake Wanaka in the South Island. The McRae family buys registered Hereford genetics to put over the cow herd with a key focus on heifer mating. As opposed to many NZ hill country farms, where cattle are managed around sheep, the McRae family place more importance on cattle management. The introduction of fodder beet and increased winter crop yields has enabled them to winter more heifers and reach

Hereford Youth at Magills

their 15-month mating target weights of 300kg LW, which was a critical factor for herd expansion. With 3165 ha of well farmed hill country, stunning views, knowledgeable speakers and great Herefords, the day proved to be a success and fulfilled its aim of marketing registered Herefords to commercial hill farmers. This year the Annual Hereford Herd Tour was hosted by Taranaki, on the West Coast of the North Island. It was clear to any members who attended that,

Alpha Burn Station


despite the club’s remoteness, they have some top genetics and young and enthusiastic breeders who are farming well and bringing great ideas to the Association. During the Herd Tour, the Hereford Youth held their annual auction when two heifers were sold from Lance and Janelle Downs’s Stud, Tawanui, for $6,500 and $7, 500, which proved to be the top heifer prices for the year. The youth appreciated the support and used the funds to organise a fantastic three-day Technical Tour. On the tour they attended a processing plant that specialised in processing Hereford Prime products, visited Livestock Improvement Corporation for education around semen collection and AI, and viewed some local herds, discussing selection and breeding objectives.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Wool Cup Winner - Foulden Hill Mustang 16381


The Governor General of NZ, Dame Patsy Reddy presents Laurie Paterson, of Gore, ONZM, for services to NZ Hereford Prime and the NZ beef industry.

National Sale Bulls at Grazing Unit

Irish Crew with Barrie Wills.

Irish Crew at Waikaka Stud NZ with Laurie Patterson.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

New Zealand Order of Merit Awarded to Hereford Breeder Laurie Paterson

2017 got off to an exciting start for Hereford Prime with the announcement of Chairman Laurie Paterson’s New Year’s Honour for his services to the New Zealand beef industry.


Laurie was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

His contribution to the beef sector is second to none but of particular significance are his contributions to the establishment of the Hereford Prime branded beef programme, the introduction of Breedplan and the contribution he has made on the board of NZ Herefords.

Hereford Prime brand manager Natalie Campbell said Laurie can only be described as a pioneer and innovator of the industry and his dedication to the Hereford breed and the beef sector has been entirely voluntary and often at his own expense.

“We are extremely proud of Laurie’s contribution to the industry and as a brand and breed are very privileged to have him in our corner,” she said.

Humbled by the New Year’s Honour Laurie is quick to point to the influence of the late Don Goodall who worked alongside him on the implementation and development of Hereford Prime and also the introduction of Breedplan.

Laurie said Don Goodall had quite an influence on him as a “young bloke” and passing his inspiration on for all things NZ beef and Herefords. “He had an unwavering, lets go forward no matter what attitude,” recalls Laurie.

He recalls Don, or DG, buying his own scanning machine and travelling up and down NZ scanning all breeds of cattle to allow Hereford Prime to get a better understanding of the meat and fat colour and marbling traits that already existed in the Hereford breed. “It was all done at his own expense.”

His extensive contribution has been made often at his own cost and often it has meant leaving his family and own farm business for days at a time attending meetings and negotiation contracts.

She went onto say that while Laurie is a Hereford man he is dedicated to the improvement of the beef industry as a whole.

Laurie admits to being wary of the envelop that contained the news of his honour.

“Because of this Laurie commands a great deal of respect and admiration from breeders across all breeds – what he’s contributed is not solely for the benefit of the Herefords,” she explained.

Hereford Prime was the pioneering branded beef programme in NZ and was established even before the quality mark – some consider the conception of Hereford Prime the catalyst for quality table beef in NZ and this is reinforced by the raft of other branded beef programmes that have been developed since. Laurie has been a director of the brand since its inception in 1992 and has been chairman since 2000.

Laurie also played a pivotal role in the introduction of Breedplan into NZ, a software programme that is now used by all the main beef breeds to calculate estimated breeding values (EBVs). He has also served tirelessly on the board of the NZHA. He was a councillor from 1991 to 2010 and was president from 1997 -1999. In 2016 he was co-opted back to join the NZHA board. While on the board of the NZHA in the early 1990s he was a vocal supporter of the establishment of Performance Beef Breeders – the business developed by Angus and Hereford in combining resources to provide streamlined administration

“It turned up looking very official and I thought it was a speed infringement notice, so it sat on the bench for a while before Sharon opened it.”

In receiving his New Year’s Honour Laurie said he was very humbled and acknowledged the support of his wife Sharon who ran the farm “in all weathers” when “I was often away”. “She juggled a farm and young family. When you have snow up to your elbows it isn’t easy. But she was more than capable. My family is great,” he said. He also added that honours like this are “seldom achieved on one’s own so thanks to the members of the all the councils and boards from back then to now that engaged in the discussions to make for better results.”

Laurie attended the investiture ceremony to officially receive his Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit from the Governor General, Dame Patsy Reddy on 26th May 2017.. He is also the second director of Hereford Prime to receive an ONZM and he joins Jan Wills who received the same honour in 2015.





Bull Calf Champion Kye Manhatten 757 at National Hereford Show in Tullamore 2017.

1st in his class at Kilmallock Autumn Show making the highest price at the sale - €4,200.



1st place in her class at Longford Show.

Champion Female Kye Sunshine 722 and winner of the Bank of Ireland Cup at the Autumn Premier Sale selling for €2,900.

Many thanks to all our valued Customers Visitors always welcome

Padraig & Catherine McGrath Kye, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Tel 087 2693201 or 071 9635008 email:


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018



A commercially underpinned sale sent the average to a record high at the Herefords Australia National Sale at Wodonga. The sale was without the intense top prices witnessed at last year’s event, but the clearance and average increase told the story. Out of the 168 integrated horned and polled bulls offered, 153 sold resulting in a 94% clearance rate and averaging $10,124 – nearly $300 above last year’s figure. At the 2016 sale 144 bulls sold from the 169 offered – an 85% clearance – for an average of $9837. This year, a top price of $32,000 was settled three times. Burrawong Laconic (AI) (H) from Burrawong Hereford stud, Forbes, offered in the junior bulls, was knocked down for $32,000 to Tony and Barbara Holliss, Lotus Herefords, Glenn Innes. Laconic, a rising two-year-old, weighed 978 kilograms, measured an eye muscle area (EMA) of 125 square centimetres and had a scrotal circumference of 42 centimetres. In the senior bulls section, the grand champion bull of the Wodonga Herefords Show the day prior also made the $32,000 price tag. Lassoo L137 (H) was offered by Alvio Trovatello and family, Glendan Park Herefords, Kyneton, Victoria, and purchased by Tom Nixon of Devon Court stud at Drillham, Queensland. Mr Nixon was the purchaser of last year’s $95,000 top priced bull, Minlicowie Jubilant J123. Two-year-old Lassoo, described by judge Steve Crowley, Tycolah Poll Herefords, Cobbadah, as a bull that will put carcase in your cattle herd, weighed 1000 kilograms, had an EMA of 133sq cm and a scrotal circumference of 45cm. Also making $32,000 in the senior section was Mawarra Evolution (H) from Peter and Deanne Sykes, Mawarra stud at Longford, Victoria, purchased by Jason Graham of Graham Herefords, Cootamundra. Evolution, a 26-month-old bull weighing 1042kg, had a 138sq cm EMA, and 43cm scrotal circumference. Although the three highest prices were paid by fellow Hereford studs, this year saw a swing of commercial buyers paying upwards of $10,000 for a quality herd bull. Sale chairman, Bill Kee, Warringa Hereford stud, Yarram Vic, was happy to see the increase of commercial interest at this year’s event.“We didn’t have the outstanding prices that we saw last year, but the clearance and average increase was fantastic,” he said. “There was tremendous commercial interest, and it is

great to see people paying higher prices for the bulls. “I suspect this is a result of the current market forces. They can afford to pay more money for better bulls and they are out there doing it. “In my view, what this will do, as time goes on, will produce better cattle because they are paying higher prices for better bulls to take back to their herds to breed. The flow-on effect of this will be they will start producing better cattle, which will return more for them in the long-term.” He said as a breed and as a beef industry a result like this is what they want. “We want the commercial buyers to come and have the confidence to spend the good money on good bulls,” he said. In the breakdown, 102 junior bulls sold to a high of $32,000, averaging $9696 and 52 senior bulls also sold to a high of $32,000 but averaged slightly higher at $10,846. The sale grossed $1,553,000.

Vendors John and Nana Peters, Forbes, NSW, sold lot 114 for $32,000 at Wodonga 2017, purchaser Tony Holliss, Lotus stud, Glen Innes, NSW and handler Ross Lees, Forbes, NSW

Jason Graham, Cootamundra, NSW, purchased lot 149 for equal top price of $32,000, at Wodonga 2017, with vendors Peter, Brandon, Taylah and Deanne Sykes, Mawarra, Longford, Vic


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Creek Herefords, Towong, Vic, with Sugarloaf Licorice L155 (H). Mr Crowley praised the young bull for his overall style and balance. “He has terrific length of neck and spine, a Hereford that could go anywhere in Australia and do a great job,” Mr Crowley said. Licorice, a 21-month-old bull, weighed 832kg and measured an EMA of 120sq cm. Ivy Bank Lux L54 (P), exhibited by Ivybank Partnership, Walcha, was sashed reserve junior champion bull. Most successful exhibitor went to Pam Shelley of Kaludah Herefords, Cooma. This was the first year that Wodonga integrated Hereford and Poll Hereford judging.

Tom Nixon, Devon Court , Drillham, Qld, paid $32,000 for lot 120 at Wodonga 2017. Vendor Alvio Trovatello, Glendan Park, Kyneton, Vic, handler, Daniel Porter, Dromana, Vic.


Glendan Park Lassoo L137 (H) won the grand champion bull exhibit at the 52nd Herefords Australia National Show and Sale at Wodonga. Exhibited by Alvio Trovatello, Glendan Park Herefords, Kyneton, Victoria, Lassoo first won intermediate champion before he was sashed grand champion. A son of Warringa Google G23 (H), the sire of last year’s grand champion Glendan Park bull that sold for $52,000, the 24 month-old horned sire weighed 1000 kilograms, recorded an eye muscle area (EMA) of 133 square centimetres, a scrotal circumference of 45cm and a rib fat measurement of nine millimetres. Judge Steve Crowley, Tycolah Poll Herefords, Cobbadah, said Lassoo was a standout bull with an excellent length of spine, length of body and was beautifully laid in the shoulder. “This is the type of bull that will put carcase in your cattle herd,” Mr Crowley said. Reserve intermediate champion bull went to S and K Lewington Pastoral, Kymarney stud, Uranquinty, with Kymarney Tornado L001 (AI) (S). Glendan Park’s winning style at Wodonga continued when they were awarded the senior champion title, this time with a son of Glendan Park Federation F026 (AI) (ET) (H), Glendan Park Limited Edition L025 (AI) (H). The 26-month-old Limited Edition weighed 1024kg, measured an EMA of 139sq cm and a scrotal circumference of 43cm. Mr Crowley said the bull had a massive EMA and terrific fat cover. “I liked his front, I like his spine and he’s got the EMA to go with it,” he said. Reserve senior champion bull was exhibited by Allendale stud, Bordertown, with Allendale Chisel L8 (ET) (S). Junior champion bull was won by Sugarloaf

Judge at Wodonga National 2017, Steve Crowley, Barraba, NSW, sashed the grand champion bull Wodonga 2017, with, Anne Starr, Guyra, NSW, handler Daniel Porter, Dromana, Vic, exhibitors Alvio and Alisha Trevatello, Kyneton


BULLS were bought at the 56th Dubbo Poll Hereford National by stud and commercial herds in four states with commercial cattle breeders picking up the majority of the offering. $65,000 sale-topper bull heads to Victoria’s Gippsland region, with 90% auction clearance meaning 80 bulls sold from 91 to average $9288. Forty junior bulls topped at $20,000 to average $8025 while 40 senior bulls averaged $10,550.


Chris Lisle, Tummel Herefords, Walcha, paid $20,000 third top money for the junior and grand champion Grathlyn Landmark L048 (P) held by exhibitor Andrew Rayner.

Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Among the highlights however, were the higherpriced potential sires earmarked by studmasters to improve the carcase qualities within their herds.

Ben and Leanne Rumbel, Supple Whiteface, “Millbrook”, Guyra, paid $16,000 for the third-placed Kerlson Pines Explosion L150 (P) from Kerlson Pines stud, after selling five bulls at the sale for a $7600 average and top at $14,000 for Supple Loose Goose (P) selling to Lochness Pastoral Company, Crookwell. Mr Rumbel said he bought the Kerlson Pines bull for its carcase and weight for age. “He’s an early maturing type so will put meat and thickness into our herd of some 300 breeders,” he said. Another Kerlson Pines bull selling at $17,000 was Logan L86 (P), bought by Keith Dobson for the Wararba Park Poll Hereford herd at “Sandalwood, Meandarra. A very successful sale for Grant Keech and family’s Kenevel stud, Rylstone, which sold three bulls for a $11,333 average and top of $14,000 for their senior champion, Kevenel FJ L358 (P), bought by the Lethbridge family’s Warren Point stud, Mitchell, Queensland, who also paid $14,000 Grathlyn Lifetime L018. Scott Bredhauer, Lambert Herefords, paid $11,000 for Kenevel Maverick L362 (P) for the family breeding establishment at Charleville, Qld. Kenevel Thunderbird L370 (P) a class third place was purchased for $9000 by the Sheaffe family, Quirindi.

Keech family, Rylstone, with $14,000 senior champion Kenevel FJ held by James; $9000 Kenevel Thunderbird with Grant, and $11,000 Kenevel Maverick with Emma.

Mark Wilson and Stuart Adlington, Kerlson Pines stud, Keith, SA, with their $40,000 intermediate champion purchase Allendale Gambler L143 (P) held by Alastair Day. Chris Lisle of Tummel Herefords, Walcha, paid the $20,000 for junior and grand champion Grathlyn Landmark L048 for his carcase, which Mr Lisle said would improve the size within his stud and commercial herd of some 800 head. “He’ll do well with the carcase he’s got, plus that natural thickness, beautiful skin and hair type,” he said. Mark Wilson of the Kerlson Pines stud, Keith, South Australia, said Allendale Gambler, the intermediate champion and supermarket index performance class winner, was the most complete bull of the fixture and paid $40,000. “His carcase and do-ability is impressive,” he said. “There’s a lot of power behind this bull, but still smooth enough up front. He’ll have a fair run of cows at home as he’ll fit within our program very well.”

Reserve senior champion Hunter Lakes Lion Heart L110 sold for top money at $65,000 at the 56th Dubbo National Poll Hereford show and sale. Pictured is breeder Steve Wile, Jessmond, with buyer Glenn Bowman, Ridgeview Poll Herefords, Rosedale, Victoria; Mark Newell holds the bull with Elders' Brian Kennedy, Tamworth. The sale-topper, Hunter Lakes Lion Heart L110, was the reserve senior champion in pre-sale judging for the Wile family, Hunter Lakes stud, Jessmond, in the Hunter Valley, which sold to Glenn Bowman, Ridgeview stud, Rosedale. The bull weighed 916 kilograms at 26 months, had an eye muscle area of 126 square centimetres and was sired by Days Robin Hood H38 and from a South Bukalong Wallace sired Hunter Lakes dam.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

Second top price at $40,000 was the Interbreed Champion and supermarket index class winner, Allendale Gambler L143 by Allendale Chinchilla J23, bred by the Day family’s Allendale stud, Bordertown, South Australia and purchased by Mark Wilson and Stuart Adlington for their Kerlson Pines stud herd based at Keith, SA. Mark Wilson said Gambler had everything he required, weight for age, performance and carcase traits. Fulfilling the “pinnacle” of the family’s Poll Hereford history, Grathlyn Landmark L048 took out the junior and grand championships, Grathlyn co-principal, Max Rayner, Hargraves, said the award was “humbling” as some of the best of the breed were exhibited by all breeders at this event. “This award is the pinnacle of anything to do with Poll Herefords,” he said. The stud was established in 1972 with the purchase of an unjoined heifer from Bundemar stud under the direction of the late John McDonald of McDonald Stockmasters. “He said to buy a heifer by Burragorang Bartholomew and she was a “Chance” heifer from a Herbert Park cow by Vern Verecker,” Mr Rayner said. “85% of the cows in the Grathlyn herd are “Chance” related.” Landmark L048 is by Yavenvale Humdinger H472 and from Grathlyn Chance H32 (TW) (P) by Valma Odyssey weighed 922 kilograms at rising 21 months with an eye muscle area (EMA) of 129 square centimetres and 40cm scrotal circumference. Judge, Roger Evans, Tamworth, said he began scanning bulls at the Dubbo fixture in 1997 and if there was a bull with an EMA of 110cm it was very good. “Now there are 900-plus kilogram young bulls with 120s to 130s and still have good fat coverage, so there has been a vast improvement,” he said.

Judge, Roger Evans, Tamworth; Ben Kidd, Virbac Animal Health, Dubbo; junior and grand champion Grathlyn Landmark L048 held by Andrew Rayner; associate judge James Forsyth, Calrossy College, Tamworth; Max Rayner and grandson, Hudson, Grathlyn stud, Hargraves.

SA’s whiteface breeders have again shone on the national stage, producing many of the high priced bulls when three SA vendors averaged $15,800 for their 10 bulls – well above the overall sale average of $9423. They also collected 16 ribbons during judging, including winning both the European Union and supermarket performance classes. Alastair and Jayne Day, Allendale stud, Bordertown, snared the $40,000 second-highest price for Allendale Gambler L143 who was bought by Mark Wilson and Stuart Adlington, Kerlson Pines Pastoral, Keith, with their 4 bulls making an average of $20,250. Mr Wilson hoped the 992-kilogram bull would be a “game-changer” for their stud with its weight for age, performance and carcase traits. “I think its got a lot of power behind it, but still smooth up front,” he said. “It is not a complete outcross for us, but is just a bull that will fit with most of our females.” The 23-month-old was the intermediate champion and also won the supermarket performance class the previous day. It had the highest eye muscle area in the catalogue at 138 square centimetres.

UK Hereford Cattle Society Appoints New CEO

Mr James Sage has been appointed by the Hereford Cattle Society UK to replace David Prothero who has decided it is time to call it a day and as he says move quietly on. We welcome James to his new post and wish him well as he gets to grips with the intricacies of taking the helm of a busy cattle breed society. James is from a mixed beef and sheep farming background and has worked with Defra for 20 years where he was part of the Horticulture Marketing Inspectorate. There he was a senior inspector manager with wide responsibilities at home and overseas. He has wide experience in the industry which will stand to him in good stead in the years ahead. Irish breeders will no doubt get to know James on their many visits to UK shows and events over the coming years.


Irish Hereford Yearbook 2018

New trade centre bolsters action at 2017 Agribition


The cattle trailers and trucks rolled out of Regina as the Canadian Western Agribition wrapped up for the 47th year. With about 120,000 visitors through the doors of the new International Trade Centre at Evarz Place, Grand Champion Bull organizers are calling Canada’s 1st RSK E DIGBY ET 20C DOB: 2015-01-26. Sire: OTAPAWA SKYMATE biggest livestock show a success. 2046 ET Dam: HARVIE MISS FIREFLY 51F. Exhibited By: RSK Farms Agribition CEO Chris Lane said the Brandon, MB. new building made a big difference 51F. Exhibited By: RSK Farms Brandon, MB. to the way people could enjoy the show. “What we (Congratulations to the Robbie family! 2017 Grand were able to do is really bring two sides of the show together and make it a lot easier for people from the Champion of the Canadian Western Agribition RSK E Digby ET 20C is sired by Otopawa Skymate 2046 bred livestock side to see more of the tradeshow, and by the Robbie family who also judged the National people from the education and the tradeshow side Show Tullamore 2017. He now becomes the to come and see some animals” Lane said. qualifying North American bull for the Champions of He noted in previous years having the show spread the World competition. out over different buildings created a challenge for people trying to see everything, and it was easy to miss certain events. Lane said there was a lot of positive feedback from international delegates Horned Hereford commenting on the facility, so it seemed to make a big impression. Grand Champion Bull 1st H WR SUSTAINABLE 5511ET DOB: 2015-03-03. Sire: CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 Dam: H JOSLYN 820 ET. Exhibited By: Rocking G Land & Cattle Co. Gull Lake, Herefords light up Agribition in Day 4 SK.


The high selling Hereford at the Canadian Western Agribition sale came from the consignment of Haroldson's Polled Herefords of Wawota, Sask. It sold for $70,000 to Medonte Highland Polled Herefords of Ontario and NCX Polled Herefords of Westlock, Alta. The sale for the bull calf offered full possession and two-thirds interest. A flush was also sold on the bull's mother for $2,000. The sale was competitive online, on the phone and from the stands.

Polled Hereford

Grand Champion Bull 1st RSK E DIGBY ET 20C DOB: 2015-01-26. Sire: OTAPAWA SKYMATE 2046 ET Dam: HARVIE MISS FIREFLY

Grand Champion Bull 1st H WR SUSTAINABLE 5511ET DOB: 2015-03-03. Sire: CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 Dam: H JOSLYN 820 ET. Exhibited By: Rocking G Land & Cattle Co. Gull Lake, SK.


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