2 minute read


Dear Colleagues

Welcome to the summer issue of the Podiatry Review. Where to start - so far what a busy year this has been for myself from opening my third clinic to getting elected as the new IoCP President 2022 - 2024!


On the 11th May, myself and our Leeds & North East Branch Chair Anne Mcintosh attended the Primary Care Show event at the NEC Birmingham. The Primary Care Show is made up of trade stands, lectures and speakers plus offers valuable networking opportunities and is a fantastic way to refresh and update your knowledge and skills!

Martin Harvey, our IoCP Chair, did a fabulous lecture at the Primary Care Show on ‘Trigger Points in the Lower Limb, Myofacial Pain and Dysfunction’ which was a full house!

The Institute’s 67th Annual General Meeting was held on the evening of Wednesday 12th May at the Arden Hotel Birmingham. Voting for the position of President had been carried out by a postal ballot on a one member one vote basis. My branch had nominated myself as the potential new President so I was completely overwhelmed when I was declared by Martin as now holding the elected position! My thanks to all members who voted for myself and to Bill Liggins and of course Linda Pearson who has served as President from 2014 - 2022 for their kind words of support. The AGM evening ended with drinks and food it was great to catch up and socialise with peers and head office staff after having only seen virtually over the last few years.

Our WhatsApp group, which I formed for our Leeds & North East Branch during the first lockdown, is still used on a daily basis by 32 members and has proved invaluable in building up relationships and interactions as well as some much needed friendly banter!

Our Leeds & NE Branch have held a number of meetings so far this year at St Mary’s Social Club in Batley, Leeds including a talk on Wounds, Wound Healing and Dressings given by our member Helen Beaumont-Waters.

In March myself along with Kirsty Warne and Afni Shah-Hamilton created the Institute’s first ever business club… aptly named ‘Step Ahead Business Club’. We will be running a quarterly interactive webinar event so members have the chance to ask and discuss the topic of the night. We had some very positive feedback from our first meeting and welcome any suggestions for future meetings.

And lastly Kirsty and I are currently organising a CPD day event in Leeds in October which we will be sending out information about shortly!

I’m looking forward to the rest of the year ahead and hope together we can grow an even better future for the IoCP and College of Foot Health.

Caroline McCartney, President & England North Regional Director

Guidelines for new and established authors

Content of your article should be Podiatry or foot health-related. Podiatry Review is mostly in easy-to-read format, and articles for submission should reflect this. CPD Certificates are issued for Case Studies and Articles. Please ensure that your name and title (ie - FHP, Podiatrist, or other) are included with your article. Please proof-read and spell-check your article before submission. It would be helpful to the Editorial Committee if you could reference any books or Papers mentioned in your article. If you are not sure how to do this we are happy to assist.