2 minute read

Obituary: Mary Marsh

Mary Marsh Reg. CH18682

Mary trained as a Chiropodist in a class of six at the Scholl School of Chiropody in Islington, London in 1998. After qualifying she worked in the Milton Keynes area and later set up her own clinic in Harold, Bedfordshire.


When the HCPC was introduced, Mary applied and was accepted. She gained an excellent reputation both professionally and in the community. For example, she helped in raising money for Alzheimer’s by abseiling down the inside of the Northampton Lift tower.

She joined the Leicestershire Branch of the IoCP where she was a very valuable and popular member. She regularly attended meetings and also supported the AGM and Annual Dinner and Dance with colleagues around the country. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2020 but carried on until it was no longer feasible. Sadly, having been given the all clear and planning a return to work, the cancer returned and she lost her battle with it and died in April this year. She will be sorely missed by her family, all those who knew her, and is a great loss to the Institute.

David Ayres and the Leicester & Northants Branch Members

A Little note about Mary…

I met Mary in 1998 at Scholl School in Islington, we were both looking forward to starting a new career and adventure. We were a class of six but I guess because Mary and I lived fairly close we kept in touch and met regularly in Milton Keynes for shopping and lunch, obviously we talked feet but lots of other topics as well and always took our diaries to make the next meeting date. Mary introduced me to our local goup “Leicester and Northants” and they met mostly in Kilsby, these meetings helped us make new friends and encouraged us to start our own clinics. Over the years we both attended meetings at Kettering Foothealth Conference and Lutterworth AGMs. We also travelled to Southport together to attend the annual AGM and Dinner Dance which was a very sociable weekend. Mary was always good company and had a chat and a smile for everyone. Life can throw up obstacles but Mary always stayed positive and smiled through the good and the difficult. During lock-down we met outside at Emberton Park and had our usual walk and chat, by this time Mary’s hair was growing back and again she was positive about the future and with Sue Forster giving her help and advice on the stages of recovery she stayed focused. In May we were due to meet again and I was going to provide the lunch at her house as she was feeling tired but unfortunately this wasn’t to be, as she was taken ill and had to give up the fight!

I will miss her dearly as everyone who knew her will - Keep smiling Mary we will think of you often with love.

Ruth Rose