Dental mentor passport

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Mentor Support Passport

Dental Nursing



This passport will allow you to support the traineeship learner within your setting on their work placement. It will give you information about what to expect and the kinds of things you will need to provide for the learner to allow them to progress and develop. The Traineeship Framework 2014 states: A traineeship is an education and training programme which is available for young people aged 16-24 inclusive qualified below Level 3, including young people with Learning Difficulty Assessments or Education, Health and Care plans.

Activities of Support

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Provide the learner with a copy of policies and procedures and support them to review the text to find out the key points and phrases within them. Provide further detail about any ‘challenging’ or ‘sector specific’ words and phrases. Encourage the learner to create a glossary of words they are not sure about Support the trainee to carry out their tasks either in practice or simulation within the workplace environment. Support the learner in identifying activities that require a procedure to follow and which policy it links to. Functional skills in English and Mathematics are embedded throughout all tasks. Mentor to support reading, writing and mathematical skills as necessary and ensure learner is provided with additional support if required. Encourage the learner to reflect on practices they have observed or undertaken themselves to promote learning. Mentor to liaise with Assessor to ensure appropriate work experience is taking place and ensure that the workplace is supported by the Assessor, as appropriate.


The following criteria shows how you can support the trainees Functional Skills developm ent and give you an understanding of the outcom es: The learner is required to: • Participate in and understand the m ain points of sim ple discussions/exchanges about fam iliar topics w ith another person in a fam iliar situation. Learners m ust; • M ake relevant contributions to discussions, responding appropriately to others • Prepare for and contribute to form al discussion of ideas and opinions • Be flexible in discussion, m aki ng different kinds of contributions • Present inform ation/points of view clearly and in appropriate language in form al and inform al discussions. The learner is required: •

To interpret diagram s, illustrations and features of layout, that together w ith the w ritten elem ent, contribute to the m eaning of text.

In a range of texts including reports, instructional, explanatory and persuasive texts, on paper and on screen: • Identify the m ain points and ideas and how they are presented in different texts • U nderstand texts in detail • Read and understand texts and take appropriate action

The learner is required: • To write documents to communicate information, ideas and opinions using formats and styles suitable for their purpose and audience; • Write clearly and coherently including an appropriate level of detail • Present information in a logical sequence • Use language, format and structure suitable for purpose and audience • Use correct grammar including subject/verb agreement and correct and consistent use of tense • Ensure written work includes accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling and that meaning is clear in a range of documents on paper and on screen. The learner is required to: • Understand practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations, some of which are non- routine • Identify and obtain necessary information to tackle the problem • Select and apply mathematics in an organised way to find solutions to practical problems for different purposes • Use appropriate checking procedures at each stage • Interpret and communicate solutions to practical problems, drawing simple conclusions and giving explanations You need to support the learner to have a discussion about a fam iliar and unfam iliar topic. You need to support the learner to create a presentation about their experience on their w ork placem ent.

Please identify if you feel the learner has:

Essential Skills

Understanding the setting’s own policies and procedures

Follows safe practices

Uses initiative to meet the needs of the organisation Has demonstrated good communication skills Worked well with other members of staff in the organisation


Not Achieved

Any other comments

If the trainee has gained any other skills or experience during their placement, add these below:

Essential Skills


Not Achieved

Any other comments

Evaluation of learner Please comment on the progress of the learner and any additional areas the learner may still need to develop after completing all the tasks.

O n the final day of the placem ent, please carry out an exit interview w ith the trainee and give form al feedback on their progress and developm ent.

Additional Notes

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