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Inspirer Magazine

contents Album Reviews


All AMerican Rejects Evolution of the Heel

Pussy Riot Kyle Perez

The Starting Line The Dangerous Summer

The Glorious Age UP Next Sunglasses

Interviews do’s and dont’s

16 fall must haves Apple’s Ios 6

Heels are all the rage for women all ove continue to vamp each generation to come such pleasure into the fashion world an for its victorious elegance into modern day royalty in high courts to the runways of NY these stilts have made a dent into history o ent, and so

er the world and e. Who invented nd made history y society? From YC and London, of the past, presoon to be future.


here have been high heels prancing up and down crackled torn streets and pebbled-stone curbs since mankind had knowledge that fashion overcame nudity. From kitten heels to the very sexy hooker heel women have been mesmerized by the glamour and elegance heels bring to their closets. Labels are always the rage to a fashionista that hungers for Chanel, Vera Wang, and the ever so popular Red Bottoms. From Marie Antoinette (Queen of France) to Rihanna (the Illuminati Princess), heels have always been a woman’s best friend. Heels have made an impact to the fashion industry making its consumer thirsty for the next creation. With colors that make little to no sense at all, to the very simple sleek black stiletto we can’t seem to get enough of them. We can say that heels were intended for the more feminine state of mind amongst us human creatures. Viewing such flair and girly appearance this leads to reasons why men get so aroused when seeing a female in a pair of fierce nude Jimmy Choo’s. Nevertheless a women is even more intimidated to the slightest sight of a new pair of pumps having almost the same arousal feeling as a man does when seeing a naked women. The human hand tends to recreate almost everything we come across and the heel falls into the same category. When viewing some remaining pieces of clothing from Marie Antoinette’s personal closet, researchers can say that during her time the heel was nothing more then a tiny stub to give women a more elegant demeanor. Since then we have added platform, length, and bulk to these stubs creating a new monster that seems to grow as years pass. Labels like Jefferey Campbell and Jimmy Choo achieve more then making a new member to a closet. They achieve a structure that builds on a woman’s foot to look as if she were wearing art, a One of a kind piece that tells a story in it’s own sense. We get our drive from the power of fashion to become individuals in life and happen to bring a higher approach to this term with heels.

Indie fashion has hit the streets with platform trends that make you cringe with just the thought of standing in these high heeled art sculptures. A wooden bass with a leather finish standing a little over five inches tall is just about the only thing a hipster girl needs in her life. Patterns of all kinds mixed with different color schemes can make a statement of a lifetime to mark your very existence. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood have worshiped the heel gods giving them praise, and even blaming them for making them the “it girl”. Marilyn Monroe said “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!” I guess she was amongst the many who were infatuated with the femininity a heel brings to a woman’s composure. Though uncomfortable at times we all know beauty is pain. Any designer can tell you that the heels their models are wearing are just as important as the garments. We see models walking in these platformed bottoms since the catwalk was invented. What we begin to see is the height raise even higher then normal. What is to come in the near future of heels? As we still dream of the thought who knows what the next big designer will create... maybe some will make us hover around. We may never know the answers to the questions that linger around about heels, but one factor lies heels are here to stay and transforming even more as the future plays before our eyes. Strap, slip or slide into your most outrageous heel and make a fashion statement. Turn heads with eye catching colors and patterns that make your adrenalin burst with excitement. No matter what make your heel actually count in numbers. Some rules you must know before you take the night with your antics. Always wear your most painful shoe. only wear heels if you know how to walk in them. When walking in heels act like your on a Coco Chanel runway. If your drunk never blame your heel for making you fall blame the alcohol. Last rule and the most important rule of all, never ever under any circumstances take off your heels even if your in pain that is unbearable stay classy and elegant your toes will survive.


y Riot

The Russian 12 piece feminist collective made history on February 21 of this year, performing at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, protesting the reign of Vladimir Putin, and three of the members were arrested and charged with 'hooliganism' for their performance. Their sentence, revealed on August 17, is two years in one of the most disgusting prison systems in the world. All for one performance of one song, the world of music has changed.

Music is something we take for granted. It’s something we can always count on to be there, but it’s not something we always realize is always there. We are blessed with the free speech we have; the ability to perform music, listen to music, express opinions on music, and most importantly, express opinions through music, are blessings. Music is a collective force, effectively uniting individuals through an incomprehensible power, and when our brothers and sisters are oppressed, our family of music is oppressed as a whole. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of Pussy Riot, stated “Our imprisonment serves as a clear and unambiguous sign that freedom is being taken away from the entire country.” However, though the oppression is only evident in this case in Russia, this is a blow to every individual involved in music, because it threatens the meaning of music itself. It’s almost as if the punk mentality is an illusion, because music itself is all bred from the punk ideals of expression and fearlessness. That too is something taken for granted, and that is something Pussy Riot has brought into the limelight of our culture. This realization brings the reality crushing upon us that the sentence of Pussy Riot is our sentence as well. It is an extreme threat, and it is proof that the governments of the world do not need to be overthrown. No, they are the ones who feel the need to overthrow us, because through a simple song, we have all the power in the world. Pussy Riot’s sentence has been appealed, and with support from many international influences, including Russia’s own Prime Minister, maybe things will change for the better for themselves and music itself.

kyle perez written by kara nixon I will never forget the day I met Kyle Perez. It was just another day working at In N Out Burger for me. He pulled up in the drive through with his mom, feet on the dashboard. I noticed his Toms, which were designed radically, so I made sure to comment about them before I walked away. Next thing I know, his mom is handing me a business card and the rest is history.

Kyle was inspired to become an artist by his uncle, who would show Kyle his pieces from school. According to Kyle, “Art was a getaway for [my uncle], from his everyday life and that’s another reason I love art and do it every chance I get. I like to see variety and different forms of art. You can make anything into art and I think that’s what caught my eye- how beautiful it can be and how relaxing it really is.” Kyle would draw constantly in class and people would ask him to draw on their binders. In high school he was asked to do a TOMs event at the Irvine Spectrum. “There’s around a thousand people there with about 30 different artist, all different types of art, and people would come to your booth and get custom TOMS done by different artist. It was just a really fun event and a really good way to market yourself and show them what you got.” Kyle’s main focus right now is spray painting. When he went to Venice, it just caught his eye and he went out, bought some spray paint and canvases, and in his own words, “went to town.” He also loves to draw on anything from hats to phone cases to shoes to just about any object you could name. He is self-taught, but he has friends who are also artists, so he learns from them as well. When he started drawing, he thought it would simply be a hobby and now he is drawing and doing spray paintings for friends, family, even random strangers (like I once was). He never saw himself where he is today, but do any of us really? When it comes to inspiration, Kyle gets a little weird. Kaskade inspires him. He goes on to say, “Right, its random, but I feel when I listen to his music and watch him perform he is just so stoked on life and loves what he does and is always trying to find new ways to make and change his music. I feel I’m the same way when it comes to my art and trying out new styles and ways of learning art. For me, art is a getaway and it is something that makes me happy and something I enjoy doing. It’s like you feel free and a way to show how you feel. It’s relaxing.” When he is getting inspiration for a new project, he visualizes it in his head and tries to create something better than the last painting. He is constantly trying to improve and do something different to make it stand out. In his free time, you can always find Kyle at the beach— typical California dude. He loves surfing as much, maybe even more than drawing (but don’t quote me on that). “If I have to open and there are waves, I just head down when I’m off and surf until sundown.” He also enjoys playing guitar, drums, going to Angels’ games, hanging out with friends, just living life [YOLO]. Kyle is an inspiring person all around— through art, his personality, his love of life, his simplistic way of living. Kyle’s final words of advice, “Be YOU. Do your thing and never give up. People out there will like your art no matter what. Learn different mediums of art, have an open mind about it, and just market yourself. People will recognize you… Art lets you express your feelings and what goes through your head. Art tells a story.”

UP NEXT SUGLASSES Patrizia Bagnolini is the founder of UP NEXT sunglasses. She lives in Bologna and since February has started to customize sunglasses finishing to create a real brand, UP NEXT. In few months her pretty sunnies are appreciated by a lot of people and during. All her sunnies are an unique piece, a basic piece that Patrizia turn into a perfect fashion accessory.

by Giulia Brandimarti

How did this business start? My first collection was born in February 2012, during three days of snow; I started to decorate my sunglasses with elements I usually use for my clothing collection and accessories. I gave them a new light using pearls, crystals, swarovsky studs, lace and feathers. When you know that your passion could be turned into something important? In June I attended the fashion camp, an exhibition located in Milan where all young designers can shows their works. Bloggers, journalist and other people suggested I create a real line and a brand for those creations. The idea was explosive, really cool and I seized the moment

Where you find all glasses that after you customize? I try to find sunglasses everywhere but the best place in the word to produce and decorated sunglasses is Cadore, in northern Italy. Is that a work you make alone or there someone helps you? I work alone, in my studio, in the heart of Bologna with my Ipad, music and tons of materials that I get during my crazy and not conventional researches Any projects for the future? Hope to go on with my project and hope to spread my brand and my ideas more and more Where people can buy your amazing sunglasses? For now you can contact me on my Facebook Profile “ D’Eusebio boutique”

Let’s Get Professional Interview Do’s & Don’ts Last month, INSPIRER shared great tips for cleaning up your online image and finding the internship of your dreams. However, we did not share what to do when you are called in for that nerve-wracking interview! Keep calm and carry on, and simply follow our tips below!

DO Dress professionally. What this entails heavily depends upon both the type of position and the company in which you have applied. However, both ladies and gentlemen can not go wrong with a simple two piece suit. The best colors to wear on an interview are black, navy, or charcoal. A simple white oxford is the perfect complement. Finally, neutral colored dress shoes of an appropriate height, less than three inches, are a must. DON’T Wear perfume or cologne. This may sound like a strange interview don’t; however, it is one of the most important. Not only do many people have allergies to perfumes and colognes, but sometimes unnatural scents can be downright distracting, even when properly applied. Also, please do note that one of the strongest links to a person’s memory is by scent. Your perfume or cologne could be the signature fragrance of your interviewer’s ex-husband or wife. DO Wear a dress watch. Keep jewelry to an absolute minimum. For ladies, a pair of stud earrings and a dress watch are the essentials. For gentlemen, simply wear a watch. An interviewer need not be distracted by your gorgeous, dangling chandelier earrings. Keep it simple to ensure that they will be paying attention to what you say, not what you’re wearing!

DON’T Be unprepared. Prior to your interview, it is a very smart idea to go through a list of commonly asked interview questions. Glassdoor. com even provides commonly asked questions at a specific company by previous employees or interviewees. Having quick, smart answers to the questions that your interviewer may ask will ease your nerves tremendously. DO Bring an extra resume. Even though you sent your resume when you applied for the job, many times the interviewer won’t have a copy on hand. Many interviewers take notes directly on your resume so that they remember you. Being prepared with an extra resume proves both that you are considerate and that you are organized. DON’T Be late. Arrive at 10-15 minutes prior to your interview. This allows you time to find out where you need to go and to do any last minute touch-ups on your appearance. Being late for an interview not only is disrespectful of the interviewer’s time but almost automatically weeds you out as a possible candidate. DO Be yourself. It is a lot easier to be yourself than to put on an act of how you think an ideal candidate should act. You will both maintain your cool and feel better about your interview if you’re simply you. So, Inspirers, be confident in yourself, and go nail that interview!


Must Haves

Fall has just begun; that means it’s time to bring out the over-sized sweaters, the beloved classic riding boot, warm cable sweaters, and your favorite petticoat that you have been dying to wear all summer long

Black riding boots You gotta have a nice pair of black riding boots. Like brown boots they practically go with everything and anything you can imagine. I for one favor brown boots over black, but black boots are still perfect to complete a Fall outfit.

Knitted Caps Make sure to stock up on every color you can imagine. The great thing about knitted caps is they help keep your head warm, they look stylish and they’re always trendy. ALSO, they are great if you are having a bad hair day.

Boot Socks, Knitted Hosieries, Leggings The same rule for knitted caps go for boot socks, tights, leggings and knitted hosieries. Except with tights and hosieries you can try out patterns too. It is a great way to wear your summer clothes in the Fall

Button Down Shirt The best outfit to wear with a plaid button down is skinnies and combat boots. I know it’s very 90ish but it SO comfortable and the outfit always looks great. You can have that, “I feel relax and I don’t care kind of day but I have style” look. Try wearing button down shirts under a cable sweater, then roll up the sleeves. This gives you a relaxed preppy look while not trying too hard.

Oversize Sweater

Only three words needed: Warm, Comfy and Stylish!

Dark skinny jeans The great thing about dark jeans it that everyone looks good in them. For one thing dark jean look slimming on any body type. They look classic, chic and simple.

cable sweater Just like the oversized sweater, cable sweater are also warm and always in style. For cable sweaters try finding one that has a snug, not tight fit. The sweater will show off your curves in a subtle way.

Oxford flats

Warm Fall Jacket Probably get a light peat coat, even though it is Fall the weather can occasional be too warm for one. To test one before you buy it put it on and move around a little in the dressing room or store to see if you get too hot quickly. Also try on coats before you buy them, I’ve been working in retail long enough to know that you have to try on coats because the fit can be perfect on the bottom and very loose on the top.

Who doesn’t love oxford flats? Oxfords can go both ways. If you want a girly vibe, wear them with a dress, tights and a skirt, boot socks, etc. To give off a boyish/preppy vide, wear them with a fitted blazer, button down shirt, and dark skinnies. To go the extra mile roll up the blazers sleeves to show off the pattern lining and roll up the skinnies just above the ankle to show the lighter side of the pants. Then the cherry on top would be a messengers bag.

Fitted blazer You can wear fitted blazers as a piece to complete your outfit or you can bring it along as a Fall jacket. So you might not need to by a Fall jacket unless you want to get one before the prices are raised on them.

Cardigan Whether it is a boyfriend sweater, and fitted cardigan or cropped sweater, you can never go wrong with having a ton of cardigan sweaters. Cardigans can go with any bottom and top.

Flowy dress

You can wear summer pieces in the Fall, you just need to know how to wear them. For example, you might have a cream, pleated, lightweight, spaghettistrappe dress. since the dress is cream and pleated find a pair of neutral colored (browns, tans, creams) tights. Then throw on a tan/ brown cardigan.

Messenger Bag I have tons of purses but I always seem to gravitate towards my messenger bags. Messenger bags carry everything you need without looking over stuffed. Also, depending on the messenger bag the strap can be super comfy and you wouldn’t feel the weight on your shoulder.

Thermal Long Sleeve Shirt Puffy vest are VERY warm in the Fall and Winter weather. I know when I bought mine I was a little skeptical about it because of the sleeveless part. But if you wear a thermal and a tank under it you’ll feel like you were right by the fireplace at home.

Thermal Long Sleeve Shirt I you might be think Long John’s but in recent years, clothing companies have realized the true potential of a fashionable thermal. Try to get ones with patterns (owls, flowers, stripes), but don’t forget about the solids too, you can never forget the basics.

Hoodies Hoodies are the go to item when it’s cold outside and you are in a rush. Many might think that hoodies can be unglamorous but they are wrong. If you have a zipped up hoodie, layer it. Wear it with a neutral thermal and colored tank under it. Depending on the color scheme you are going for match it with a pair of boots and a knitted cap.

Apple’s the slice iOS6 by Sandra Kasper

Millions of people around the world have been awaiting the release of both Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 6, and, of course, the iPhone 5. iOS 6 became available on September 19, 2012, just two days before the release of the iPhone 5. Many users, including myself, are hesitant to take the plunge and upgrade to iOS 6. So, you want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly before you click “Install Now”? INSPIRER will break it down for you!

The bad

The Good

1) Apple’s Maps App Facebook and Twitter have been flooded with negative comments regarding the new app. Users have reported missing businesses, flawed transit directions, broken roads, misplaced national monuments, and incorrect distances. If you rely heavily on the Google Maps app, like myself, you may definitely want to postpone upgrading until the issues and mishaps are resolved. 2) Cramped App Store The new App Store limits search results to one at a time via the iPhone, which means a lot more scrolling for its users. If you simply enjoy browsing the seemingly limitless amount of apps, you are going to have to be very patient with the new layout. 3) Facebook Overload While the integration of the social media giant, Facebook, allows users to swiftly update their statuses and share photos without a login, the new feature can be somewhat overwhelming. Facebook contacts and calendar are automatically merged. So, this may mean a lot of unwanted contacts and events making their way into your address book and calendar. 4) Too Many Alerts While forgetful and busy individuals love to set alerts and reminders for appointments, birthdays, and events, iOS 6 does not simply alert you once about an important time or date. Users are bombarded with constant alerts, which can be somewhat frustrating.

1) 3G FaceTime FaceTime is the equivalent to Skype for iPhone users. It enables users to video chat with their loved ones on the go. However, Apple’s previous mobile operating systems required 4) Panorama a Wi-Fi network to use the feature. iOS 6 enables users The new panorama feature allows you to shoot up to 240 degrees, with merely a 3G mobile connection to use FaceTime. even vertically. This feature ensures that no one will ever be cut out of a photo again, unless you want them to be, of course. 2) VIP Email And, the beautiful landscapes, that cause you to kick yourself for If your inbox is flooded with junk mail, this new feature is forgetting your digital camera, will no longer go uncaptured. simply bliss. Users can set up a VIP list so that emails from 5) Do Not Disturb the members of this list will never go unnoticed. Do Not Disturb allows you set up a time, like the duration of an important meeting or a nap, that incoming calls will be silenced. The Siri no longer simply answers your questions. Siri on iOS 6 feature allows you to create a list, however, that will enable provides recommendations of movies and restaurants, sends the people of your choice to reach you at any time. tweets and Facebook updates, and even provides sports 6) PassBook scores. The best part of the new Siri is that she is much more forgiving of how you speak. PassBook turns your iPhone into a digital wallet of sorts. Users can store tickets, loyalty cards, and gift cards. The PassBook does not yet handle mobile payments, but that is an upgrade that I foresee in the near future. 3) Smarter Siri

So Inspirers, now that you know the good and the bad of iOS 6, are you going to tap “Install Now”?

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