IN New York - May 2014

Page 11

10. I must, must, must have my picture taken in front of The Eloise Portrait SVVW LW¡V WKH WK DQQLYHUVDU\

9. Collect all 6 limited edition signed Eloise drawings by my mostly companion, artist Hilary Knight 7KHUH DUH RI WKHP EHFDXVH , DP \HDUV ROG RI FRXUVH 8. Skidder through The Plaza Food Hall and eat as many treats as I can. 7. Order room service in The Eloise Suite FKDUJH LW SOHDVH Thank you very much. 6. Visit The Plaza Boutique to see all of the mahvelous doggie gifts, :HHQLH ORYHV WKHP 5. Host my very own birthday party in The Eloise Shop, JHWWLQJ ERUHG LV QRW DOORZHG 4. Attend Oh so fabulous Teas )ULGD\V SP Rawther Fancy Teas 3. Write letters to all my fans, #letterstoeloise. 2. Have a tea party with Nanny, Skipperdee and Weenie with my new tea set available in The Eloise Shop 1. 2RRRR , DEVROXWHO\ ORYH 7KH 3OD]D

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