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the end

fashion and performance across the globe. On top of his

too committed suicide. Her death impacted McQueen

virtuosic technical skill, he always shocked audiences

painfully. During the media coverage that followed he

with an imaginative flair. His shocking designs have only

was put on the spotlight for under-appreciating her,

been topped by his tragic death.

to which he replied “They don't know my relationship

26 years ago McQueen, young and full of energy, devel-

with Isabella. It's complete bullshit...What I had with

oped his fashion credibility through a Masters program

Isabella was completely dissociated from fashion,

at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design into

beyond fashion.”

which he was accepted on the strength of his portfolio

These last words ring especially true for Alexander

without any other formal education. It was here that he

McQueen. There was always much more to him beneath

cultivated his talents that would later evolve into his

the clothes—truly beyond fashion. It is a shame that in

innovative and abrasive style that has earned him inter-

the aesthetic field of fashion it can come as a shock that

national fame. After sending models down a runway in

someone be so profoundly human. His death was pre-

finely tailored pieces that were symbolically representa-

ceded not only by his close friend's suicide three years

tive of violence against women, putting models in cages,

ago, but by his mother's nine days earlier. In fact he

and dressing them in alien sci-fi androgyny, the man has

passed the day before her funeral. The most popular be-

penetrated contemporary culture with his work. He was

lief about McQueen's motive circulating the blogosphere

accepted into the musically independent scene, in which

appears to be his insufferable distress over his mother.

he designed the cover of Bjork's Homogenic, and directed

No matter the talk about creative and professional pres-

the music video for her song. But his dark aesthetic also

sure, or the rumors of a bad break-up with a porn star,

has won over the many devout-diva-lovers of Lady Gaga

the answer is much more clear.

Romance music video (the shoes!).

McQueen's February 25th funeral marked the loss of a fashion icon and the departure of an exceptional man.

The unique range and style of his entire career rep-

As for why he did it will remain a mystery. No matter our

resents an immediate and accessible body of work that

analysis on the man by his body of work, McQueen was a

taps into the darker corners of our minds. This idiosyn-

man who was bereaved of his closest loved ones, a man

cratic talent to create matched by his technical skill has

who was haunted by break-ups and drug use. And he

made him a huge cross-culture success. His dark ten-

was a man who hated the superficiality of Hollywood. To

dencies and his dedication to his work as a serious art

think of it as losing someone we knew, to think we know

form made him like none other—a true tortured artist.

what he felt because we liked his clothes is a difficult

He detested the superficial face of Hollywood and fash-

leap to make. His death most simply and sadly seems

ion media in which he was destined to thrive. It creat-

to be a bitter reminder of how susceptible everyone is to

ed a disconnect for him with his friends and his iden-

humanness. His rise to prominence from such a normal

tity. Three years ago a particular incident tore McQueen

life does not immunize him from human tragedy. But the


beauty of McQueen was that his tragic emotion fueled

His fashion career took off at the approval of famed

him. His work always transcended an emotional thresh-

style icon Isabella Blow, who bought his entire thesis

old that will make his death so truly sad. Even with the

collection upon finishing his masters. The two became

purity that always manifest itself in his work, it was not

close. It was she who allegedly persuaded him to go by

enough to satisfy his beautiful raw genius.

Alexander at the start of his career. In 2007 Isabella Blow

| spring 2010

for contributing all sorts of ethereal clothes to her Bad


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