On line bundel burning blood part 1 & 2

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b u r n i n g b l o o d

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Carola Eijsenring

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in honor of my grandmother Moeri

coverphoto ‘Red Landscape’ by Simon Brushfield

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ISBN 978-90-816-612-02 Š Indigo-Wereld 2014






LYING DOWN, SHE IS, in silence full of thoughts gently her arms next to her body


embraced by water plants, she ponders over her dreams behind closed eyes she sees images, she doesn’t want to look at

! unable to ease her mind, she lingers and listens !

there is weeping in her womb, sobs she doesn’t want to hear and she can’t figure out how to get rid of her silent tears


they are streaming over her cheeks in the rhythm of the rolling river under her Gght back


she is stretched out peacefully, but in her body she is struggling without a break


in the flow of the flood, she allows herself to let go anchored by stems of tough leaves, she is breathing the damp of the dark river, whispering olden tales, floaGng between the hanging roots of bushy plants on the shore

! soI flushing ! one movement and she would fall down, right to the boJom ! sGll, she lies, without a move her arms next to her body thinking dreams listening to soundless tears sharing the wary world of long past souls around her


TRYING HARD TO CLING to what has become familiar to her, she doesn’t seem to be able to break free from the warmth of her nest

! She just doesn’t seem to be capable !

With every step to her independence, she drags herself closer to the appealing home sweet home, puts her nose in the familiar fur of daily rouGne, which all of a sudden appears to be undeniably pleasant, reassuring like a fluffy jumper that fits as a house, into every fold


Trying so hard to drive herself away from all that finally has become familiar to her, she doesn’t seem to be able to keep herself aJached to the anchors of her soul

! She just doesn’t seem to be capable !

With every aJempt to seJle down, she pushes herself away to the salty space of the world outside, which aJracts her magneGcally, tempGng like the widespread wings of the condor over the blue mountains of Bandung


Lost and lonely all over the place, she couldn’t think of anything else than walk away without a step, restless vicGm, pacing along with her Gger


UnGl in her heart the understanding has matured that there is no need to choose for one opGon only, and she becomes able to escape without losing her essence


IN THE SHADOW OF long gone memories, she is seeking


for sheltered protecGon. In the darkest corners of her mind, she shuts off the light. Yet, sharp bits of regret are shooGng out like bats out of their hiding places and show her untouchable thoughts like ‘I wish, I had’


No maJer how hard she tries to shrink, old chalky griefs are breaking down one by one and pierce fierce fully into her shoulders like stalacGtes


Unwillingly, she steps out of the shade. The pinches between her shoulder blades keep hurGng her on her survey


Hesitant, she pushes herself forward, and then as if the sun is rising, a shimmer of sweet discoveries glooms gently in the deep caverns of her whimsical brain

! Warm blokes, late nights, eager bodies, untamed freedom !

In the swamps of her capricious past, she firmly puts down her feet and holds in one hand the bird of significance, seriousness and the truth and in the other the bird of light, freshness and the truth


She is balancing for a bit unGl she finds solid soil and then she knows that the weight of loss is squeaking by shame, but will, in the end, gain by geWng discharged


THE MOMENT THE GLASS IS CRACKING to bits, I am smelling a slight perfume of a lost past


Years of survival are blowing themselves free, blend with the scent of the room in which I calmly dream back to places where I have never been before. Surely, it wasn’t me, but it was them, moving out from there and starGng new lives here, in rough pains of hard labor


-­‐ Yet, one day, I shall return with in my arms my worn out soul. Rusty twilight shall be doubGng, Gnkling in the pits of overgrown tree tops. Abundant as they are, their leaves shall sGll reveal their secrets, swallowing their sadness. And I .. –


Gloomy is the earth from where we once have been uprooted. Ancient remainders darken deep down without any connecGon with the actual presence of today

! Nevertheless ! the same fibers, the same genes, the same smells ! The connecGon became thin, taJy, damaged, even cut to pieces ! No, not all the way ! But no maJer of fact anymore ! -­‐ There I shall creep around, afraid of the dancing sun, intensely burning into my eyes. Protected by dusk, I will be rotated in the perpetual turmoil of how it always has been. Pain and anger will crash like pebbles in my skull


While making the inevitable tour around, I shall finally find the courage to caress my blessings, one aIer another, and let them dance in my hands like crystals, unGl they’ll catch some light and I won’t shut my eyes any longer


Somewhere beyond the whispering woods, a bird shall fly up, out of her flock –


Ground of birth we’ve been given, under our feet, in our memories, warm smothering steams from the deepness of our existence

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And I do realize, I’ve got to tear myself loose, make myself free from pitchy, punchy, sGcky strings, judgments and greedy Ge ups


Without a sGr, my navel cord re-­‐establishes itself and in a modest way gets liberated again

! And I .. ! I gasp ! lightly !

a bit of breath


I LOOK IN THE MIRROR, spot my long dress, covering me like a second skin, weaved smoothly in undefined mixed colors


with a glance I check shoulders, hips, ankles hamper for a moment


then close my eyes and drop down into my inner self

! wondering !

so many yarns carefully knoJed by paGent mothers into complicated paJerns


so many tears and silent secrets quietly hidden away in loose folds


how they watched the offspring of their kin growing up in mysterious land

! how they fed them with flavors of old naGve folks ! how they survived their yearning !

carefully my fingers pull up the pliable cloth, revealing sharp scars, old wounds from a far and foreign past shivers shake my torso, explode into powerless rage

! in a whim, I throw the hindering coverage off me !

I tremble suddenly aware of my nakedness the rags of terra, ocher and faded indigo at my feet


shame is raving up and down in my chest !10

forcefully, I push myself to watch


biJer burdens beauGful bonds


from sole to top, signs are lighGng up, strap down, set free


then I straighten my spine and stride off


just being myself


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pero estarรกn el pรกjaro y la nube y el pino fragment from 'Otro cielo' (Mario Benedetti)




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TWISTING IS THE PATH that leads us

out of sight


twisGng and turning


that leads us through dark mines, where light only exists in remembrance, that shaJers us and brings us where we want to be, where we’re not allowed to hang on Gll dawn


is the path that splits us and yet unites us, stumbling


turning it is, full of unforeseen twists, that binds us when we are about to whine, that forces us to come to a standsGll, to find out where we are


WITHOUT ANY EMBARRASSMENT, the chopped down tree

reveals her days of existence. With the Gps of my fingers I stroll over fine, rough rims, traces of ripping violence, following lonely loops of her secret inner life. From the center, once green as emerald, to her ragged skin


In the sunlight liJle sGcky droplets sparkle. The wood smells strongly of fresh felled heart smart. Despite of surrender, the giant conveys pure authority


Years she sucked nourishment from earth and air, to become sturdy and steady and sGff as well. From the deepest roots to the highest twigs, she fed herself with juices from drizzle damps and whirling winds


How long I have been standing near that tree, I honestly don’t know. Sunbeams already had sunk behind the peaks and shadows were stretched out on the muddy trail. But someGmes, it just hits you


TODAY IS ONE OF THOSE DAYS, I could almost touch you. My lips reach to the delicate crystal. This is one of those days. Red smell of heavy wine driIs into me and makes me swallow


Yes, I could stand on my head, but you won’t be here. Might deeply breathe your skin, but it will sGll be a dream. One of those days, Gnkling yes for sure maybe almost certain, but then again, no for an answer. You seemed so near, almost real at the length of a greedy hand


From a distance, I wave signs to you, furiously waiGng. One of those days, blasGng like burning blood


IT’S AN ART, don’t you think, an art to

withhold the approaching gloom, stay in the full flush, as if it would never stop, not feel yet the coming cold, when it’s all over and done with, one’s ways parted again, the tender touch turned into a vague memory


melGng snow crystals


diminishing drops of dew


shrinking smell of buJerfly blossoms


life is almost ready to recapture her daily rouGne, as a sudden awareness awakes and hushes the light, slow down the Gme, yes for sure, slow down the Gme


FAR FROM HOME, always far from home, even when you travel from West to East or from South to North, at all Gmes you will be far from home, when you can’t find a place where somehow you could make yourself at home


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The poems of Part 1 (Cracking Glass) and Part 2 (Heart Smart) have been the inspiration for the Poetry & Music Performance 'Burning Blood', performed by


Carola Eijsenring (poems) Erik Deckert (didgeridoo) Lian van den Goorbergh (alto flute) Arash Mahdavian (tar)

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Special thanks to Joseph Kakisina (design)

‘Red Landscape’ painting by Simon Brushfield

Carola Eijsenring is born out of Eurasian parents and grew up alternately in The Netherlands and Suriname. Because of the many wanderings in the family, there were always narratives. From this storytelling tradition, she started to write her own tales. In the nineties, she added poetry to her writing work. She contributed to some publications (among others ‘Puputan, Val van Bali’). Some of her short stories, as well as her poems have been awarded with several prices (Dunya International Poetry Award Rotterdam and three times the Eindhoven Literature Stimulation Award).


Erik Deckert (‘Didgerik’) plays the didgeridoo since September 1997. When he heard Ian Hakker play, the sound of the didgeridoo touched him deeply. Immediately, he decides to follow a course with Ian Hakker. Later he aJended several workshops with (among others) Steven Kent, Mark Atkins, Mike Jackson and Alan Dargin (+). Nowadays , he plays didgeridoo (and other percussion instruments) in the percussion band ‘ The BigBang’ from Eindhoven and environment.


For Lian van den Goorbergh making music is a lifelong search for liberaGon of the unique sound in everything and everyone. During her studies of classical music, in The Netherlands and Switzerland, she discovered the alto flute. The special Gmbre pulls you deeply into yourself. Besides playing classical and world music, she likes to improvise directly from the heart. Lian has a pracGce for speakers and musicians who feel the desire to express themselves authenGcally.


Since 22 years, Arash Mahdavian plays the setar. He was 20 then. In Iran he learned about this music via his friend Reza Moosavizade, at that Gme the oldest setar player in Iran. AIer 10 years, Arash wanted to play another instrument, bigger than the setar and with a larger capacity. That became the tar. Three years ago, he moved to The Netherlands. Right from the start he started to take lessons with Hamid Motebassem, the tar docent at the music school SCHUNK in Heerlen, to bring his playing to an even higher level. Also Arash is involved in a training of old classical Iranian music.

‘Red Landscape’ painting by Simon Brushfield

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