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COMMUNITY OTC celebrate a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year

As we prepare for the holiday season, and look ahead to a new year, it’s a good time to pause to reflect on the year that was and celebrate our successes.

The OTC team had an incredible year that kicked off with us moving to a new, bigger space in the English River Business Complex. This location has room to accommodate our continuously growing programs.


In February we were honoured to host a screening of We Will Stand Up and panel discussion on the legacy of the Gerald Stanley verdict in the death of Colton Boushie.

This year, we celebrated the 2022 graduates, women leaders, and the return of horse racing. We played a role in bringing people together across the province for Treaty Gatherings, the signing of the Buffalo Treaty, Powwows, and two conferences – including one on healing with kindness.

We grieved alongside those who lose loved ones after the James Smith Cree Nation Tragedy.

In 2022 the OTC formed our first Elders council and saw the first ever Treaty boundary sign installed on a Saskatchewan highway.

The Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan called on deeper engagement with First Nations on natural resources conversation, and heard the apology from the Pope on residential schools.

We hosted a reconciliation gathering and continue to engaged with businesses, organizations, and individuals on the reconciliation journey as we work towards the Vision of Truth and Reconciliation through Treaty Implementation. The OTC worked alongside the Commissioner and team of the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba.

Throughout the spring, summer, and fall we attend Treaty medal installations and Treaty flag raisings at schools across the province. The OTC is pleased to be able to attend these important events that show the emphasis being placed on Treaty in the classroom.

While going through all of your successes and plans this holiday season, also take time to reflect on the sacred partnerships that allow us on the land. The Treaties maintain a permanent living relationship for all residents in Saskatchewan. And these Treaties should be used to help us to live in balance and harmony.

This holiday season act as our ancestors intended. Be patient, kind, and respectful to one another. Spend time with family and friends. Drop off baking, handmade gifts, and notes or donate winter clothing to local friendship centres and food to the food bank.

Written By : Jordan LaPlante

Lifting weights and eating healthy are not just for those who wish to get “summer ready” or achieve a certain number on the scale. As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, Sacha Favel is passionate about coaching her clients to become their strongest, happiest selves by providing coaching on functional strength training and nutrition. She wishes to bridge the gap between access to healthier lifestyle skills and people of the community so that they can have the tools to become stronger and fitter in mind, body, and spirit.

With a Certificate in Business from the Edwards School of Business, Canfit Pro Personal Training Specialist Certification as well as a Nutrition Coaching Certification from Precision Nutrition, she began a new career path in early 2022, after working in the financial industry for 10 years. As many people have throughout the pandemic, she reflected on the type of life she wanted to pursue, a life that provided fulfillment and happiness. With a strong desire to help people, she felt that pursuing a path in coaching would provide an invaluable service to others while creating relationships based on positivity.

“Going into a gym to work out was always intimidating to me and I never thought it was a place that I could be comfortable in,” Favel tells Indigenous Times. “Due to my own insecurities and lack of knowledge, I didn’t know how to begin working on myself much less view myself as progressing to the point where I have made fitness my career. Overall wellness is a priority of mine, and I don’t think I would have gotten to this point of my life if I hadn’t tried strength training or learned how to fuel my mind and body properly.”

Favel is currently a personal trainer at Goodlife Fitness Saskatoon, The Centre and is loving the energetic environment with plans of growing her business to help more people obtain their fitness goals. She also provides online nutrition coaching services to reach more clients which focuses on working with her clients to create healthier habits based on their current lifestyle so that sustainable, long-term change can happen. These changes include but are not limited to fat loss, energy increase, muscle gain, stress management, better sleep quality, and more. Ed - ucation is ongoing for Sacha as she is wishes to gain more certifications to become more knowledgeable in areas such as exercise therapy and strength building programming.

Connect with her via Instagram @sachatfit or email sachatfit@ gmail.com for information.