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Indigenous country music artist makes her way to the top

been doing for years. Motivated at a young age, Nicotine says she was always drawn to music. She remembers vividly the day she first saw a guitar. Nicotine says she knew what she wanted to do. Without even taking traditional music lessons, Nicotine says she was able to learn on her own how to play the guitar and sing for her friends.

“Music saved me and soothed me.”


Nicotine tells Indigenous Times. She says when she performs, she shows her audience that she can relate to other women and the struggles they went through; especially those who went to residential school.

Nicotine says she hopes to inspire youth to push themselves to sing, play and write music adding, “the opportunity to become a performer is there for the taking.”

Patience is everything according to Nicotine. She says hours of hard work and determination are definitely paying off. She’s taken time to establish herself through social media and while getting radio play as a successful Aboriginal country music artist. She says it’s always her aim to create good music that listeners can add to their playlist. Nicotine says it’s gratifying that song requests are coming in from all over with people wanting to hear music by ‘Serena’s Secret’ - a band Serena has put together. With no intentions of stopping, Nicotine says she will continue to make more music, recording and playing for local communities.

Serena Nicotine’s music can be

Written By : Jody Wolverine

Inspired at a young age, Hip Hop artist Valene Campbell (aka Valkyrie) intends to set the record straight - literally speaking. It’s Campbell’s plan to send a strong message through her music and talent so people know she’s still here. As a reconnecting native, Campbell wants to show that Indigenous artists come in all styles and sounds - not just the traditional