Joie - Issue 4

Page 34

I don’t see Lil T nearly as often as I would like. He has three children. I have one. It seems a procedural nightmare just to organize dinner between our two families. However, sometimes, when I cook a meal of which I am particularly proud, I hear his voice. He undoubtedly asks the same question every time. “Was it better than a fried egg sandwich?” Whenever I hear the question, I pause. I asses. Very frankly, there were few culinary successes that can top a fried egg sandwich. They are simply delicious. What is it about fried eggs that is so


very alluring to the palate? Is it the saltiness? The gooeyness? The perfect mixture of protein and grease that even the best hamburger can’t match? I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I know it’s a magical thing. The fried egg reigns supreme. However, I’m not here to talk specifically about a fried egg sandwich. I am sure you know all about them. Instead, I’m here to share a springtime recipe that marries the much revered fried egg with the first tender stalks of Spring asparagus. It is a dish that is so easy to prepare, you might even have time on your hands to make a dessert to follow. Or, you may just pretend you slaved

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