Kekiongan 1973

Page 69

BELOW: Tech 's o ppon ents attempt t o bl ock a spike fro m R1ch Cl enden en . RIGHT: An oth er spike by Clenden en , ove r th e sho u lder no less. set up by Joh n Ul ery . MI DDLE LEFT: Keister and Wells t ea m ing t ogeth er t o bl oc k a spi ke whrl e Winkler stands by o n g ua rd . MIDDLE RIGHT: Wells and Ul ery watch wh il e th e op positi on successfu lly ret u rn s Clenden en's spike. BOTTOM LEFT: Th e o pposit ion is f loo r ed by t he T ech Warr iors. BOTTOM RIGHT: At last ... t i m e o ut!!



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