Kekiongan 1969

Page 23

Gangeme, John R. BSAE- Fal/ 1968 Alpha Omega Tau

Korolis, Louis BSA E - Fa/!1968 Alpha Sigma Phi, Vice President Dean 's List- 2 President's List- 2

Mitchell, Stephen C. BSA e- Summer 1969 A. l .A.A . W/ TB R adio Tech Manor Club, Activity Chairman Bowling League Dean's List- 6 President's List-/

Pryslak, Thomas M. BSAe- Summer 1969 A. I. A.A . Bowling League, President Intramural Sports

Williams, Halton W. BSAeE- Math Option- Spring 1969 Kappa Alpha Psi, Vice President A. I.A .A . N ucleus Intramural Sports Dean 's List- 5 President's List- 1

Yon, Raymond BSAeE- Spring 1969 A lA A


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