Kekiongan 1968

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Stanton, Robert l., BSEE ; A t hens, Tennessee.

Wasielewski, Theodore A., BSPh, Math Option; South Bend, Indiana; President' s List (5); Dean 's List {I); Physics C lu b President and Sec'y-Tr.; Varsit y Socce r.

Woodward, Robert N., BSEE; Sinsburg, Con necticu t; Dean 's List {2); Dorm G overnor; Track; Cross Country.


Bronnenberg, Gale H., BSME; Selma, Indiana; Intra-

Shrira, Aharon, BSME, Math Option; Netanya, Israel;


Alpha Epsilon Pi.

Cly Jr., Arnold E., BSM E; Bedford, Indiana .

Utrias, Charles J., BSEE, Math Option; Fort Wa yne,

Dreher, Dale A., BSME; Springfield , New Jersey; Dean's List (I); Tau Kappa Epsilon; Weight Lifting Club.

Hofmann, John F., BSME; Un ion, New Jersey; Mechan ical Engineering Club.

Knepper Sr., Delbert M., BSEE; Fort Wayne, Indiana.


Van Houten, Judson D., BSEE; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (I); Dea n's List (I); Who' s Who Among Students In American Universities & Colleges; IEEE.

Vargo, Jess R., BSEE. Electronics Option, Math Option; South Bend , Indiana .

Mueller, W. David, BSPh; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Dean's List (4).

Weber, Jr., Harold F., BSCh; Chicago, Illinois;

Plichta, "William J., BSChE; Fort Wayne, Ind iana;

Zimmerman, Alan L., BSEE, Electronics Option; Fort

Chemical Engineering Society; Alpha Omega Tau; Basketball.

President's List (I); American Chemical Society. Wayne, Ind iana; IEEE.

Seitler, Richard P., BSM E; Coldwater, Michigan; President's List; Dean's List.

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