Kekiongan 1964

Page 69

s First Row: Harish J. Ganatra, BME ; Bombay, Ind ia; Dean 's List

(I); India A ssociation; Internationa l Club .

Gregory L. Harp, BSME ; Mechan ical Eng in eering Club; A lpha Omega Tau, President; Bowling Club.

Second Row: Donald Hitzeman, BSEIE; New Haven, Ind iana: In st itute o f Electrical and Electronic Eng ineers.

Bob D. Hobbs, BSEE ; Cunn ingh am , Kentucky: Iota Tau Kappa ; President's List (4}; De 0 n's List (2); In stitute of Elect rica I and Electroni c Engineers.

Third Row: Robert E. Kenyon, BSEE, El Option; Canton , Ohio ; Institute of Electrical and Electron ic Engineers.

Kenneth Lee King, BSC E; Gree nville, South Carolina; Dean 's List (3); Am erica n Soci ety of Civil Eng in eers, Pre sident ; lntra mura ls .

Fourth Row: Roger R. Koons, BSChE; St. Marys, Oh io; Iota Tau Kappa; Alpha Gamma Upsilo n Scholastic Aw ard; Presid en t's List (6); Dean 's List (2} : Chem ical Engineering Soci ety; G lee Club ; lntramurals.

Edwin Kurcz, BSEE Institute


El Optio n; Chicago. Illinois;



Treasurer; Newman C lu b. 65


En gineers


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