Kekiongan 1964

Page 35


civil engineering

Robert C. Ruh l (Cha irm a n) , Eugene Tig ges , Do nald Coc hra n, Wil liam Shrader.

Civil Eng ineering is the oldest of all the eng ineering f ields. It has always been concerned with projects of both public and private nature th at effect the social and economic life of the people . Originally, Civil En gineering wa s concerned with the co nst ruction of bridges, roads and building s wh ich are st ili majo r areas in t he Civil Eng ineering field . In the last ha If-century, add itiona I area s have been added t o the field of Civil Engineering, such as; water supply, wa ste d is posal, city plann ing, and t raffic engineerin g . The se are of import ance f or t he public he alth and welfare.


L. .


electrical engineering Electrical Eng in eer ing encompa sses many and varied fields. The g raduate electrica I engineer may find him self wo rk ing in the fields of radar, guided miss iles and sa tellites, at omic energy, electronic co mputers, radio co mm unica t io ns, television, contro l system s, p ower generation and distr ibu tion, and other numerous speci alized phases of Electrical Engineering .

Peter Sorensen , Dr. W illiams, Arthu r Price , Ma urice Simmons , Ea rl Devlin , John W hitney.


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