Kekiongan 1964

Page 131

The one-time loca l Kappa Sigma Phi wa s in stalled April 27 -28 , 1963, as the Iota Lambda chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon. Love, Charity. and Esteem, these are the guiding lights ofT eke. These all boil down t o brotherhood, a main goal o f ou r fraternity. We be lieve that a fraternity is not solely mad e great by its fraters but also by the keen co mpetiti on pressed upon it by the othe r o rg anizations . Tau Kappa Epsilon is the la rgest nationa l fraternity and is constantly expanding b y i nitiating top local fraternities on ca mpu ses across the United States .



First Row: Bill Shepherd , Ron Hoffman , C arl Lun dval , Tom Dravis, M elvin M ixner, Ken Coon , James Rood. Second Row : J oh n Foster, Ken Plum mer, Don ald Cathcad , N ichol as Brewer, Wa Iter Chrush , Rob ert Leiendecker , W as Arford , Joseph D' ltal ia. Third Row: Eug ene Da ig le, A llan Voig t , M ichael Bethell, James Patte rson , A . N elson Stradling , Wi llia m Peter, Pet er Rosin, Karl Carter, Gregg Walker, Glenn Burger.


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