Kekiongan 1964

Page 117


First Row : Thoma s Ha ley, Br ian W el d on, Ro nal d Ga ruc kis, Dam on Osterhou t . Second Row : Geo rge D. Peru a, Jr., Roger H o pe, Frank Ell o, J ames Tayl or. Third Row: J o hn Le nz, Daniel Bilic ki, Ja co b Brem anis, Rolli n C oo k.





The purpose of the Tech Manor Club is to provide the self-government of dormitory student s, to repre-


sent dorm itory students to the College adm inistra-


t ion , to promote schola st ic attainment, and to promote the soc ia l development and general welfare of the students living in the dorm itorie s at Indiana In stitute of Technology .


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