Kekiongan 1962

Page 121

First Row: Dr. Ivan Planck , ' J ose ph Darn , Lloyd Green , C. David Dow, A rthu r Firt io n, Jack Pe nn, Davi d Dau gherty, Victor Ku lma la, Peter File. Second Row: C harles Lep ley, Bruce

Browand, Charles Booke r, David M cCull oug h, La wrence Dilworth , W alter Suever, Robert M cGi rr, M. Lane Fishe r, Joh n De Fel ice , Kenneth Pretto.

The Alpha Omega Ta u social fraternity beca me a part of Indiana Technica l College in January , 1957. The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fellowship , social , scholastic, and recreational activities for i+s members.


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