Kekiongan 1962

Page 101

We of the staff like to feel that we have done a

of the college. Wheneve r c rit icisms are leveled, we

good job of representing the Tech student. Our

intend them to be constructive , and in keeping with

primary purpose is to promote student inte rests, and

a policy of responsib le re porting. Regard ing issues of importance outside the lTC

to present news and information of importan ce to all at Indiana Tech.

campus, ou r theme is one of loyalty to the princip les

We believe in In diana Tech and its principles, a nd

of Dem ocra cy and a free society, a nd of unfl ag gi ng

we consistently .s upport all organizations a nd pro-

o pposition to any ideas or actions which tend to

grams which contribute to the welfare and prog ress

undermine the Am e rican wa y of life.

First Row: Wa lter Langem an , photo ed it or ; Howard Lewis, bu si ne ss man ager; Theod o re Carroll ; R. 0. Gavitt , ed it or; D. J. Corkery , associate ed it or ; W. S. H ill, ed itorial a ss istant; Ken Sexto n, sports e d itor. Second Row: E. Spear, Dan Finch,

Rich a rd Morris, Rob ert Kruege r, Wa yne Shoemaker, Edwin Ley, Daryl W aite, H enry Cook, Robert Birman, circulation mana ger; Rich ard Kizer.







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