Kekiongan 1961

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KENNETH E. GAERTE, BSElE, Albion, Indiana; Honor Roll (3). EDWARD F. GLEMBOCKI, BSME, Skillman, New Jersey; Newman Club; Mathematics Club; President's List (2) . ROBERT JOSEPH HART, BSCE, Clarksburg, West Virginia; Association of Civil Engineers; President's List (3) .

H . L . HODGDON, BSME, President's List (3) . EDWARD HOLUB, BSME, Elmira, New York ; Intramural Volleyball; Honor Roll (2); President's List (1). BRUCE L . HOUSE, BSEIE, Math Option, San Die g 0 , California; A.LE.E.; Indiana Technical College Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Club, Vice - President; Treasurer, Junior Class; President's List (1); Student Insturctor, P.E. (1).


AHMAD A . HUMAIDEH, Springfield, Illinois.


ANDREW B. HUT'I'ULA, BSEIE, Ewen , Michigan; Electric Engineering Society, Secretary; S.A.M.E.; President's List (4). RONALD H. INGRAHAM, BSME, Lewiston, New York ; Kappa Sigma K appa, Secr etary (1); Junior Varsity Bask etball (1 yea r); Intramural Sports; President's List (1).

CURTIS B . JOYNER JR., BSME, West Palm Beach, Florida ; Alplia Ga mma Upsilon, Recording Secretary, House Manager ; Student Council, Senior Representative, Corresponding Secretary; Intramural Softball; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidents List (10); Honor Roll (5); Publicity Chairman, 1960 Science Fair and Carnival.


JOE B . KENNEDY, BSEE, BSElE, Clarksburg, West Vil'ginia ; Electrical Club; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidents List (10).

JOSEPH LANGENSTEIN, BSME, Buffalo, New Yilrk; S.A.E .; Intramural VoJleyball; American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engm eers. •




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