Kekiongan 1961

Page 36

Left to right Dean Garrison, Assistant P rofessor; Ralph W. Brock, Assistant Professor ; Dr . Kozoburo Miyakawa, Professor.

If, as has been said, " this is th e atomic age," then this is th e age of physics. Nuclear weapons and mach ines are products of th e physics laboratory. Each n ew day find s th e physicists of our nation ever w idening horizons of man 's knowledge. Ther efor e, Indiana Technical Col, lege meets the need for training in physics by offer ing basic and advanced courses designed to prepare a student eith er for direct participation in industry, or fo r a scientific career of the more traditional typ e.

DANIF:L T. DWYER Assistant Professor and Head of Physics Dep9l'Iment

SI(;S 32

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