Kekiongan 1958

Page 58


RICHARD D. KOHL . H asting s. Nebraska; M echanical Club, Trea s·

First Row : PAUL S. HER SHEY, Yor k. Pennsylvania; Mechanical Club, Se cretary;




Bellevi lle,


Canada ;


Sigma Phi : Student Council : Intra mu ral


Pre s.

Freshman Class.

Presid ent 's Li st , Tw o Ter ms ; Intra mu ral Spo rt s.



C lu b;

Third Row :

S. A . E., Trea s.; A lpha Gamma Upsilon, Secretary" M embe r-at - Large; Student Council : Inter- Fraternity Coun cil. Pre si dent; Student In -

WALTE R L. KOI NZAN, Elg in, Nebra ska; Kappa Sigma Phi; F:y: ng Club; Ca swe ll Eng i neer ing Dra wing Aw ard.

st ructor, ME 100 {3 term s}. BERNARD ri O FFMAN , For t Wa yne, Ind ia na; Flyi ng Club , Member. s hip O ffic er. ELDEN W . HUTTULA , Bruce Crossi ng, M ichi gan; Mech anical C lub,


STEP HEN D. LaC RO IX, A dvance , M isso uri; Mecha nical Club; PreSl. dent's Lis t

Two Terms.

DAVID E. 'LAYWELL. JR , Bidwell, Oh io; S.A .E.; Student Council. L. JAMES LEO NARD , Mario n, India na .

Exe c. C omm

Second Row :

Fourth Row :

JEROME C. KALL, Lakewood 7, Ohio; A lpha Gamma Upsilon, House

ST EP HE N V. LlBBING , Fort Wa yne, Ind i ana; Me cha nical C lu b . GOSTHA B. MAlT Y, W. Benga l, India; Mech anica l C lu b ; Rifle C lub. DAVID W. McC ARTY, Mt. G ilea d, Ohio; Mecha nical C lub, Secre .

M anager, Sgt.- at- A rms; Varsi ty Club; Intramural Sport s.

THEO HARI S CO N . KEHA YIOGLO U, At hens, Greece; S. A .E.; Me.

tar ;, Tr easurer , Chairman : Pres ident 's Li st , Eight Terms; Honor Roll , Three Ter ms; In tr amural Sp o rts.

chanical C lub ; We igh t lift ing Club; Pre side nt 's Li st, One Term: H onor

Roll . One Term. WALTER F. KLEIN , For t Wa yne, Indiana; S.A . E., Treasurer; Presi.

RI CH ARD D. M cKENNA , Jerseyville, Illinois; Mechan ical C lub; Bowl. ing Club , Treasurer; W eigh t li ft ing C lu b , Treasurer; Intramural Sport s;

dent's Li st , Six Terms .

p,' eside n!' s List , Two Terms; Sportsma nshi p Aw ard 1957 ( Bow li ng ),


F o 54




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