Kekiongan 1958

Page 46

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First Row : LAWRENCE L. BURCH JR. , Spokane , Washington; A.E.S.; Newman

Th ird Row:

Club' Pre si dent's List , One Term. DONALD A . BUTTERW O RTH , It haca. Pres ident's List ; Lab Tec路hnicia n.

Honor Roll, Three Terms .

N ORMAN PHILIP COPP, Fort Wa yne. Ind i ana; E.E.S .; Bowling Club;

New York; A . E.S., Secretary ;


R. CO RE, Fort Wayne,

Ind iana; Preside nt' s List,

Thre e

Term s.

GER ALD A . CALLIES. Bru ce . W isco nsi n; E. E.S.; Beta Sigma Tau . At h路

J A CK CO RSIGLI A . Columbus, Oh io ; Student Instructor. Ph 42 Lab , Ph 22 Lab, RE 250 Lab. RICHARD A . COURTNEY, Hoytvi lle, Ohio; A .I.E.E.; E.E.S.; Presi路

le t ic Director' Presiden t 's List, Three Terms.

RO BERr E. CAMPBEL L. Concord , North Carol ina; E.E.S ., Treasurer; Pres ide;,t 's list, Three Term s.

den t's Lis t, Six ferms; H onor Roll, One Term.

Second Row : JOH N J . CATTO LL, M iddletown, New York ; A .I .E.E. ; Kappa Sigma Ph i ; S.A .M .E.; President 's Lis t, Three Terms. JAMES L. CAR SO N, Dyersburg , Tennessee; E.E.S.; Iota Tau Kappa. Secretary & Treasurer: Pr esident 's List . Eight Term s. VLADIMIR J . CI MERA . C iudad Bolivar, Venezuela; E. E.S .; Beta Sigma

Fourth Ro w : CH ARLES R. DANIELS. Jefferso nville . Indiana; A lpha Omega Tau , Presiden t , Term .

Vice- Pres ident,


M a nager:

Pres ide nt's



(.LY DE F. DA VENPO RT. JR , I'ort Wayne . Indiana; E. E.S.; K.A .R.C.,


Pre siden t , Secretary; Student Cou ncil:

CALVI N CO LLI ER . Franklin, Oh io; E.E. S. , Pub licity Director; Sigma Ph i Delta , Business M anager & Secretary: Student Council: Intramural

GEO RG E DERVIN IS , Indianapolis. Ind iana. SAL VAT O RE A . DIELI , Brookly n 23 , New York; E.E.S.; A . E.S. ; Presi路

Sports : Pre sident's List , One Term .

Pre side nt 's List, Three Ter ms .

dent's List, One Term .

c A N D I DAT E s

F o R 42


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