Kekiongan 1956

Page 89

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The tudent ection of the Audio Engineering Society wa organized in the Winter Term 1955-1956, to provide a medium for Te h tudents intere ted in Audio Engineering, either as a career or a hobby, to exchange idea and to learn of new developnlent in the field. An1ong it varied activitie during the pa "'t two tern1 were le ture by practicing Audio Engineer , a High-Fidelity ound demon tration, a field trip to the local telephone company and an Audio Workshop e ion, during which Profe or Carson a i ted member in running te t on equipnlent they had built. Members of the Student ection hold the grade of Student Member in the Audio Engineering Society and a uch receive full benefit of membership in that organization.




Ro w. eat ed. Left to R ight: RHb crt E. Boyett. Leon I. chulz. Ken . \\' indi~h. . A. Biener. E O '\D Ro " : 1. B. Ellis, . Malecka , T ed P ylant. W. W . A ppel J ack DeWitt, Da vid R ayburn. R . l\1. Va nDr uff , Elwood P . Laak o, R . . Ca rson .

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