Kekiongan 1956

Page 113

First Rotv : PA UL DO ALD 1VIOO R E, B . .Ae.E . ; Kokomo, Indi ana ~ I.A .S.; I ota T a u K ap pa; President' Li t (5). SALE H MO SHIR, B.S.Ch .E.; Pre ident' L: t ~ A .I.Ch .E.

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RI C HARD MOTE, B. .E. E.~ Fl o ri d a~ Pre ident' Li t ( 1 ).


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econd Row : CHARLES WILLIA 1 M RPHY, B.S.M.E. ~ Orlando, F lo r id a; K a pp a S igma Phi, Presi dent ; Interfraternity Council , ecretary-Trea urer ~ .A.E. ~ tudent Co uncil ~ Depa rtm ental Softba ll ; Senior Class, Secr etary-Trea urer . EUGE E AKAK URA , B. .El.E. 路 R a ina, H awaii ; H awaiian Club , Trea urer ; Intramural Bowling, Softb a ll, Ba ketball. GEOR GE M AMORA AKA 0 E, B.S.E.E.: W a b iarwa, Oahu , H awaii; A. I.E .E.: H awa iian lub, Progra m Chairma n ; Inter-Depar tmenta l Ba e ball , Baske tb a ll ~ O pen H ou ' e.

Third R ow : RAYMO D V. A VI , B. .Ae.E.; omer e t, Ma 路 ach usett ; I.A.S., Vice-Cha irma n ; Alpha Ga mma U psi lon , Pled ge Ma ter. GORDO T. EL 0 , B. . L E.; Ia ac hu e tt ; Pre id ent' Li t ( 2).

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, B.. 1.E.; HARLE I CODEM Way ne, Indi a na: ew ma n lulJ.

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Fourth Row : W ~T ER I ER E GARTE , B . . E. E.; a uk R ap id , Minne ota; T echnician; Pre ident Li t (9) ; H onor Ro~l (3). E DWI M. IITA I , B.S.M .E. ; Eleele, K a ua i, H awa ii ; H awaiia n Club , Trea urer , Secre tar y; Inter -Fra ternity Ba eball, Bowling; Pre~ id ent 's Li t ( 4) . ROB ERT K . IS HIDA. B . . El.E.; H onolulu , T .H.路 H a路w.1iia n Club , Vice-Presi dent ; InterFraternity Ba eball , Ba ketball , Bowling.


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