Kekiongan 1956

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First R ow : RAY KI G, B.S.El.E.; B.S.E.E.; Montrose, Colorado; A.I.E.E.; igma Phi Delta; Student Council (3) , Trea urer ; Male Choru ; Intramural Golf : Iota Tau K appa, Pre ident's Li t (8) ; tudent Instructor of Applied Mechanics (2). LARRY H. KIRSCHLER, B.S.Ch .E.; Freedom, igma Kappa', P enn ylvania; A .C.S.; K appa A i tant Trea urer ; Student Cou ncil ( 1). EDWARD KLODZE , B . .E. E.; Gary, Indiana; A.I.E.E.; Ca mera Club; Bowling Club.

econd R ow: CLIFTO KRAMER, B.S .El. E. ; Missoula, Montana; S.A .R .E.; Sigma Phi Delta. ROY A. KR ~VA , JR., B.S.Ae.E.; Lakewood. Ohio; I.A .S., Trea urer; Flyin g Club , VicePre ident ; Intramurrul Softball. ROBERT K CZKOW KI, B.S.E.E.; :Mi lwa ukee, Wi con in; Bowling Clu b .

Third R ow: THADDEU PETER K REK, B. .Ch.E.: orthbridge, Mas achusett ; A.C.S., ecretary; Chi Ep ilon Tau, Pledge Master; Var ity Ba eball; Basketball, In tramural Softball, Basket路 ball. ORVILLE R. KYLER, B.S.E.E . 路 B.S.C.E.: Fort Wayne, Indiana; KappaJ igma Phi, Vice-Preident, Trea urer; BJwlin g; Pres: dent 's Li t (5); tudent In~ truc tor Phy. 21A , 31A, -!lA (7) .

GEORGE WALTER LADD, B. .El.E.; B.S.E.E. ; fu kegon, Michigan; E.E.S.. Trea urer; Intramural oftball.

Fourth R o路w : RICHARD LaROCHE, B.S.El.E . ; Rochester, ew York; .A.R.E. ~ Intramural Soflball, Bowling ~ Golf ; President 路s Li t (2) . AUG TUS G. LARTI U , B. .C. E.; B . .M.E . ; Lucknow, .P . India. FRA COl ~1. LA UT RE, B. .E.E. ; J acmel, Ha iti ; occer.


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