Kekiongan 1955

Page 64


First Row , seated left ·i·o right : Mr. Richard Derme r, Ro bert Snyder, Arc her Pa ge , Will iam Pokor ny , Mr. Rob ert C . Ruh l, Mr . Ra lp h S. C a;so n. Seco nd Row: Mr. J ose ph Dors, Mr. Howard Macklin , Mr. Harold Bag got , Mr. W aldo Alberts, Mr . Eug e ne Mont oya, J r.

Iota Tau Kappa wa s organized to g ive recogn ition t o superior scholarsh ip . Upon invitation by the President of Indiana Ne w Memb ers of Io ta Tau Ka ppa Le ft t o right front si tting : Gregory Hy ver, Roy Calcagno , ar.d J ose p h Cruse . Bac k, stand ing : Subha s Gh orai, and G le n Zimm erman .

Technical Col lege, st udents having complet ed fo ur term s (not consecutive) college level with a point average of 3.5 or better for each of four term s, becomes eligible .

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