Kekiongan 1954

Page 67

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Se c: ted, left to right : Miss Ma ry E. Weimer , Glenn Tre fz , Mr . Robed Marshall , J. R. Tu ra . Stand i ng , First Row : O. J. Meaghe r, Frank Bu ch· wald, W i lliam Cald eron , Fra nk Traha n, N orman Connell , Ozro F. Redd ing , Seco nd Row : Hu ss Sway . Talat Far ouk , Arthur Stantler , Jame s Spitler .

The se men , and the many oth ers not pictured, derive much of their plea sure and re laxatio n from the thrill known as newspape r wo rk. The purpose of the "Technician" is to provi de for the engineering students, faculty and alumni a source of info rmati on, well rounded in coverage of college acti vi tie s pertaining t o the engineers' interests: some of the la te st devel o pments reported by th e nation' s rese arch organizations, news of alumni, reports of Tech 's ow n re search program, student written article s ' of particular interest, and news picture stories. The fi rst edition of " Th e Technician " was publi shed in January 1932. It was th en an eight by eleven mimeographed sheet. Since then " The voice of the students," a mon thl y newspaper , has grown with the school. The staff , comprised of students int el'ested in journali sm , has also increased proportionately.


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