Kekiongan 1954

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The St udent As soc iati o n of Rad io Eng ineers had a very a ctive ye ar in whi c h man y new deve lo pments in the field of radi o and electro ni cs were expl o red. The highligh t o f the fall term of '53 wa s the Nat io nal Electro nics C o nference which was hel d in Ch ica g o. The S.A . R.E. attended thi s e vent in the fo rm of a field trip. The very latest eq" ipment in the industry was o n d is play, and ma ny a d van ces were no ted in a ll fie ld s. Mot o rol a had the showing o f their color televi sio n se t s., and need le ss t o sa y drew the large st c rowd at the c o nferen ce. During the winter term , tran sistors t ook t he spo t ligh t as the S.A.R.E. started a serie s of lectu re s o n the su b ject. The first of these wa s presented by Mr . J o seph Cranmer, In structo r in Chem ist ry at Indiana Te c h. M r. Cranmer approached the tran sist o r fr o m the chemical ma e -up and st ructu re. A lso d uri ng the winter term, the S.A.R.E. Re view made it s appeardn ce . To appear quarterly, the " Re view" carrie s a su mmary o f term events, f ut ure events and interesting inform atio n for members of the S.A.R.E . a s well as members o f the Rad io Department. One o f t he ma jo r events o f the spring term was a trip into spa ce a s Mr. Mad is.o n Cawe in, loc a l electronics engineer, p resente d his lecture o n " Inter-pl anetary Space Tra ve l" on April 15th . Require ments fo r the transm issio n o f radio message s in space as well as plan s fo r the fir st inter-planetary televisi o n networ k we re oresente d . First Row : R. W . Lee , J. R. C rave n, F. Ber g er , C . Ferrario. Second Row: R. L. Ha be rstcc k, A . M . G ill en, W . P. H arris , L. M . Bu ll , A . Y.

A nouch i.


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