Kekiongan 1954

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It was a n eve ntfu l year fo r the Stu de nt Bra nch of the Inst itute of Aeronauti cal Scien ces at Te ch. To help promote profess io nal co nscio usness and fellow ship. as well as enlig hten the me mbers of the wo rk be in g acco mpl ished in the fi eld, numero us fi eld trips were made . Th e trips incl uded Allis io n Moto rs, Chi ca go Mu seum of Scie nce and Indu stry, •

Wrig ht-Patterso n Field, and Hartzel Propelle rs. The soc ia l activi ti es fo r the yea r wa s a picn ic t o Pokaga n Pa rk durin g the SlImm p


and t he

arl~ u al

ba nquet whi ch was held dur-

ing the winte r t erm. Sea t e d o n Ta bl e, Le ll t o Righ t : Leroy Dimmick , H oward H all, John B. W rig ht, Fores t R. Straub, Mr. B. L. Dow . Fi rst Row : Ro g er H . Kauffman, Pete r A . Rados ti , Terry W el ty , Elwood L. Kr ou t , George Greeneber9, Jaco b A ske nazi , Bob D avis . Se cond Row : Walter W . Blake, Orby Putman , Joe A . Mann~ng , H arvey L. Olm st ead , H aro ld V, C offman, Igor Jare me nko, Donald Poucher . Th i rd Row : Edw a rd Conn , Jr .,

J . Mc Cu rley, Jo se ph F. Ia covo, Ha rold Swallow, Ke nneth Dale Poore .


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