Kekiongan 1953

Page 33

EMMERY C . STASTNY. B.S.E.E.· UIY55es. Neb. ; A.I.E.E.; Sigma Phi Del a ; S ude" t Cou ncd; Honor Roll (5). ADOLPH M. STEJSKAL. B.S. /v1 .E.; Wah oo. Neb. ; A.S. M.E.; Bowl; ng. VERNON S. STOKER . B.S.M.E.; Upper Sandusky. Oh io; Secreta ry. Iota Ta u Kappa' Pre si dent . Bowling Club; C ollegiatiO Bowling Team . 3 ferms; Intram ura l Bowling. 6 erms; Softba ll. I terM ' Honor Roll (5); Pre si dent 's Li st. 7 terms; Ca swell Award. ED -II. III. IV; St"dent Ins ruetcr. ED-IO. I term; Machi ne Sh op. I term. CHESTER ABBOTT STRONG , 8.S.C.E.; Sou th Had ley Fa ll s. Mu ss.; Pyra mid Cl ub; S.A.E.; Society of Am erican gine .. rs; IntraMural Ba: ke !ba ll, Varsity Baseball, 2 ye ars; Sp orts Reporter, Techrician' P, esid"n t' s Li st (6) .

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RICHARD A. SWICK, B.S.C.E.; Napoleon, Ohio; Pyram id C lu b; S.A.E .; Technician Sta ff.


W ILLIAM I. TAYLER, B.S.t .E.; W ilmiog to n, Del . ; A.I.E. E.; Treasu rer and Pledgemastsr. Sigma Ph i Delte; Business Manager. Keki ongan Variety Club; Social Planning Commit ee Pres' der , Stud~n' Council; So tbo ll' Vice-Presiden , Sophomore Class; S'3cretary, Senior C lass; St udent Departmental C o- C hairman Open House. 1952. CHARLES M. VANARTSDALEN , B.S.Ae .E. · Tren on. . J.' Pr esi dent , I.A .S.· Vice-Pre;ident. Camera Club' Instruc or- Pi lo t. Flying C lu b; Soi-ball; Intram ural Gal' Pr'l si dent' s List (I); Open House . WALTER A. VAN O RDEN , B.S.C.E.; G rand Ron de . Ore. B. CHRIS VEDELER , B.5.Ch .E.; Fjellveien. Be rgen. Norway; A.C.S.; S udent Council' Te chnici an Staff· President's List. WILLIAM JOSEPH VILLANE , 6.S .C.E. · West field. N. J.; Pyramid Club; Techni ciar. Staff.

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