Kekiongan 1949

Page 71

First Row Mr. Barrett , laughman , Beaulieu, See, Turner, Coonfore, Rzant , Pe te rse n, St. Onge , Bram 路 adat, McKinney, Carpenter, Konish, Morrill, Mr . Dermer. Second


Ha y don, Rodriqu ez, Filler, Uribe, Humme, Rivero , Meches, Chri sti e, Montgomery, Cro w路

ford , Rogan , Chefalo , Ral s ton , Deauveau. Third Row Grace, Tabba , La wer, Jani sc h , Koempel , Shimizu , Michel, Gruhlk e, Keach , Mathews , Drum , Mile s, Davenport. Fourth Row Gu se fsk i, Ma ssey, La ird , Pa x ton. Fifth


Ward , Clar k, Stumpf, Colbu rn,

Hancock , Dorman s, He ns le igh , Dad y , Bubb ,

Ped rosa, Whitaker, Prokoi , Hoke, Bail ey, Littl e, Rh o d es, Kaul , Barta , McSherry , Young ,

And erson.

Six th


Shishido , Sec hevere ll, Garman , Webe r, Reed, Knispel , Schoe nfeldt, McDowell , Gladieux,

Jurowski , Arnold, Sch erer. Seve nth Row Stone , Moore, Pe sacreta , Fair, Moloney.

Welty , Koprivinkor,


Kinneer, How ard , Moisel, Brook s, Wolter s,

ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT The Department of Electrical Engineering shares with the Radio Department the honor of being the oldest department at Indiana Tech.

Hard and earnest

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