The Private School Revolution in Bihar: Findings from a survey in Patna Urban

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government schools. Around 6% of them acknowledged having considered the gender while deciding between a government and a private school for their child. This correlates with girl children totalling to slightly less than half the number of enrolments that we found in private schools as opposed to their comprising slightly more than 50% of students in government schools.

words, they were sending their children to a school for non-educational benefits only. Interestingly, between free meals, and free books and clothes (uniform), the later seems to have an impact on a larger number of people. 67% of parents chose a government school for free books and clothes compared to 39% who were attracted by the free meal.

Non-educational benefits

For transfer certificate

40% of the parents of children in government schools said they were drawn by the mid – day meal scheme. However, we found that the scheme may not have succeeded in converting this enthusiasm for enrolment into appreciation for education. A significant proportion of parents with children in government schools, about 19%, said that they chose a government school because they did not see any benefit accruing from education. In other

The next most important factor that seems to have influenced parents who chose a government school is the need for a transfer certificate from a government school.18 Around 56% said that they were afraid they would not be able to get a government school seat later if their income levels were to drop down and not permit continuation of their child’s education in a private school.

Figure 5 Reasons for parental choice of government school

     

Cannot afford private school Free uniform/books For government school TC Quality of education Mid-day meal Better infrastructure/playground

    

Shifted from a private school Student Discipline Education has no benefit Because the child is a girl Also enrolled in a private school


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