Incubate 2011 Festival Guide

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HOWDY VISITOR! There are tons of reasons for me to say why Tilburg is all-out happy about Incubate, but I’ll just give you three. One: you can visit about thirty venues around town checking out all the artists. And that makes a cool alternative city tour. Two: The festival works the year round to make independent culture accessible for everyone in Tilburg. It keeps thinking in the city fresh and introduces new approaches to the way we perceive culture in this city. Three: Your visit makes us proud. This city has no renaissance towers or UNESCO approved medieval old towns. But we do have loads of cool & creative people. Incubate is about culture that’s relevant right here, and right now. And that’s what Tilburg is proud to be a part of. Enjoy your stay!


Peter Noordanus Mayor of Tilburg

Buro Bilan, richt zich op het ondersteunen van bedrijven bij het opzetten, continueren en optimaliseren van hun bedrijfsvoering. administratie, advies en financieel management

Een groot deel van ons klantenbestand bestaat uit ondernemers en stichtingen die werkzaam zijn in de culturele sector waaronder podia, boekings- en produktiekantoren, festivals, theatermakers, acteurs, beeldend kunstenaars en artiesten.

thuis in de culturele sector Dunantstraat 1d Postbus 3142 5003 DC Tilburg

T 013 535 87 78 F 013 542 02 71

Station Taxi is offering the Incubate visitors during the festival a cheaper and set rate. For this set rate the taxi takes you anywhere within the city ring and will also bring guests to hotel Ibis and Bastion hotel. Rates:

(show you wristband to show you’re attending Incubate)

€ 7,50 for a regular taxi (max. 4 persons) € 15,- for a van (max. 8 persons)

Make sure to confirm the taxi rate before you get in the car. Please note that only Stationtaxi offers this deal. They have Incubate signs in their cars. It’s best to call ahead to order a taxi and tell you are an Incubate visitor. But you can also get a cab at the taxi stands of course, just look for the Incubate sign, and confirm the rate beforehand.

TO ORDER A TAXI, CALL: +31 (0)13-5420800

TICKET & INFO CENTER Nieuwlandstraat 34, 5038 SN, Tilburg

All tickets, info, bus schedules, merchandise, in short: Everything you need to know about Incubate or Tilburg, you can get it here. Opening hours Monday 12th to Thursday 15th: 13:00 - 22:30 Friday 16th and Saturday 17th: 12:00 - 02:30 Sunday 18th: 13:00 - 22:00


For the latest festival updates check: /



28 SEP 03 OKT 08 OKT 14 OKT 20 OKT 21 OKT 23 OKT 24 OKT 28 OKT 31 OKT 09 DEC






THEME: WE ARE INCUBATE The theatre belongs to all of us; We Are Incubate. No fences, no bars, no gap between artist and audience. The visitor steps out of his role of the passive observer; he participates in the program. The artist has no pedestal; he is one with the crowd. Together they create the experience that is art. Together they are Incubate. “The theatre is the place where ignorant people are invited to see suffering people” Plato In a modern society where individualism reigns, we tend to romanticize the idea of solitary genius and the artist as its personification. Art is often considered complex and difficult, only available to the insider. We reject the concept of collective creativity and collaboration, creating a system of hierarchy and estrangement.


‘We Are Incubate’ is a themed program about the changing roles of artist and public within independent culture. From 12 to 18 September 2011, concerts, movies, exhibitions, master classes and lectures around this central theme take place on different locations in and around Tilburg. ‘We Are Incubate’ shows that art is not something to be intimidated by or look down upon. ‘We Are Incubate’ means both artist and visitor take on the role of curator; creating together, directing the course of things, putting their mark on the curriculum in a nonhierarchical way. Together, artist and visitor can bridge the gap between art and its public, a gap that has become increasingly wider; together they can demonstrate that art for the people is art by the people. ‘We Are Incubate’ thrives on connection and collaboration, joint thinking, friction and resolution and the sharing of ideas and inspiration.

‘We Are Incubate’ means KLF frontman Bill Drummond composes an ad hoc amateur choir and former Crass-singer and Do It Yourself-pioneer Steve Ignorant programs three days in the Paradox theater beside speaking both at our DIY Conference. ‘We Are Incubate’ translates to over 85 piano’s being placed in public spaces in and around Tilburg, and an Open Source Expo showing artworks of over 100 participants. ‘We Are Incubate’ results in seven days of concerts, photography exhibitions, lectures, street art, radio shows, theater and masterclasses. The practice and manifestation of art and culture is no one-way traffic. Creative collaboration in independent culture pushes artistic practice to new heights. ‘We Are Incubate’ means there is no ignorance or suffering, only an organic flow of music, art, lecture, creativity and fun. The theatre belongs to all of us.



PLAY ME I’M YOURS It stands in the middle of the street, its shiny wooden finish glowing in the sun. You don’t expect to find it here, but you’re too curious to walk on. You take a seat on the stool and gently press one of the keys. A warm, bright tone detaches itself from the instrument and disperses in the air, stroking the pavement and the walls. More keys, more tones; they entice passers-by, who gather around you. The street is your stage; you are the artist and the piano is your instrument. ‘Play Me I’m Yours’ is a project by the British installation artist Luke Jerram. Since 2008, Jerram has placed over 400 pianos in cities all around the world, with the simple instruction “play me, I’m yours”. The pianos can be found in public places like parks, railway stations and market places, on bridges and boats, and are accessible to everyone. Local artists often take the initiative to decorate and paint the instruments, making them even more a part of their environment. ‘Play Me I’m Yours’ is an intervention in public space that aims to make urban dwellers regard and experience their environment in new and exciting ways. The passer-by is no longer the observer; he or she participates in the program by taking a seat and pressing a key. The project stimulates the public to participate and cooperate, and to appropriate its environment. It’s about creativity and fun, and about breaking the common restrictions of public space.



During the Incubate festival, more than 85 pianos are scattered around Tilburg and surrounding villages, placed in the public space. It is the first time that ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’ takes place in the Benelux region. Each participating city has a website where the public can upload movies, photos and stories from the interaction with the pianos. These sites serve as testimonials of the various versions of the project and connect the participating communities.


Worldwide, more than 1 million people in over twenty cities participated in ‘Play Me, I'm Yours’; Tilburg and its region are now added to this list. After Incubate, the pianos will be donated to local schools and charity groups.


Hivos and her local partners enable people in developing countries to stand up and speak out against oppression, discrimination and poverty. Help Hivos to strengthen more voices. See how at



His year we’ve selected works of art that have something to do with the We Are Incubate theme. Do it yourself, working together, doing things different. We invited professionals and amateurs to show what they felt they needed to show. Some of it might be difficult to understand, while other works are touching, or even exciting, but it is all worth considering. Art is in the eye of the beholder.


EXHIBITION: During Incubate @DUCATE – last year we started an educationproject. Students adopted regulated posterwalls in the city and learned about freedom of speech, POSTER advertising, the public space and printing-techniques. This year @ducate continued in collaboration with PROJECT artist Koen Delaere and Buro CIST (Cultuur in Scholen Tilburg). This time, we chose to let students of primary schools design the screen printed posters themselves. An overview of the posters can be seen at Duvelhok and a selection of the designs will be spread throughout the city during the festival. Before Incubate a selection of these posters was on display at the Faxx building.


12-16 SEPT, DUVELHOK, 16:00 - 18:00 17-18 SEPT, DUVELHOK, 13:00 - 18:00

INSTALLATION: DJ /RUPTURE – audio installation by Jace The Soy Waltz is an interactive Clayton aka DJ /rupture. It makes “audible” the intersection of global economic forces and local music culture in Brabant. THE SOY WALTZ Continuing a project begun at last year's Incubate, the installation uses boomboxes to play back an archive (of Stichting Brabant Volksliedarchief) of traditional Brabant music. The audience can manipulate the recordings by playing with the boomboxes, otherwise the sounds are automatically transformed by real-time information about the pig farming trade in Brabant. “The Soy Waltz” explores how an archive of traditional Brabant music can be made relevant to the reality of a hyperconnected world. It’s about an economic network with nodes of power that flows across traditional spaces – Brabant's pig farms, fed by Latin American soya and producing meat primarily for export to east Europe. Jace Clayton has shown his audio installations in the Studio Museum of Harlem, and as DJ / rupture he has performed in venues such as The Whitney Museum, MoMA’s PS1, The Apollo Theater, the Pitchfork Festival and Spain’s SONAR.


12-18 SEPTEMBER, VVV, 10:00 - 20:00

EXHIBITION: DIMITAR SOLAKOV – “Rays of sunlight breaking through a cloud; the rush that comes with jumping of a cliff; a stolen kiss…” ‘YOUTH’ The aim of Dimitar Solakov (1987) is to capture everyday moments with his camera; and he succeeds gloriously. Solakovs photography series ‘Youth’ is a documentation of the lives of adolescents in Bulgaria: his personal friends and acquaintances. Besides the documentation of everyday life, ‘Youth’ also includes panoramic landscapes and various pictures of nature: flowers, animals, a cornfield. Despite the great variety in subjects, the individual pictures form one whole composition; a story without beginning or end, like an endless panorama. Dimitar Solakov studied photography at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. His photographs were published in a number of books and catalogues and have been shown in a few exhibitions throughout Europe. In his work Solakov is one with his subject; he has merged with his camera; nothing stands between him and his surroundings. His pictures are as personal as can be, taking down all barriers between viewer and subject. An occasional blurry lens or a surplus of light don’t affect the strength of the captured moment.


At first glance there is a certain insouciance to his pictures, but Solakovs documentation is no high school commercial.

The roughness in ‘Youth’ is undeniable. Violence, grief and the souvenirs of a suicide attempt are just as present as the rest; Solakov does not censor his friends or himself. Even when one of the friends is found murdered, the camera doesn’t stop; the darkness is captured, but Solakov’s integrity is tangible. He shows the whole spectrum of life, no holds barred; his photos are a testament to friendship, love, joy and grief. And nature is the backdrop to it all, present in almost every picture, giving pulse to the hearts and minds of the people. Despite the grim of reality and the evident hardship in the lives of Solakov and his friends, fear and sadness do not prevail. Youth bounces back like it always does.


10-30 SEPT, BIBLIOTHEEK TILBURG CENTRUM, MON - FRI: 11:00 - 21:00, SAT: 13:00 – 17:00

STREET ART: MOMOTheDOES TILBURG unpredictable course of the work is what gives street art its

strength. A finished piece is never the end stage, but merely the beginning of something new. Once the street artist has finished his last stroke, the external world takes over and breathes life into the art. True street art grows with its surroundings, and the gratification lies in the surprise. It’s the ultimate form of creative collaboration, between artist and surface, between surface and public. Momo has moved street art past the obvious. His colourful work is abstract and minimalist, yet at the same time futuristic, making it very different from any other graffiti you’ve ever seen. His work, often labelled as ‘post-graffiti’ has a certain thoughtfulness to it, and he often uses techniques uncommon to street art, like outdoor collage. Momo has adorned public buildings in New York, Barcelona, Toronto and Sao Paolo with his touch, which is simple yet effective. He has also taken his public art to private spaces, painting the walls inside residential homes in Florida, thus breaking the mysticism behind street art. Whether inside or outside, Momo’s direct approach to his art reveals a desire to find out who ‘the public’ really is, to learn what it thinks of his work and to let this close contact affect his work.




During Incubate, Momo will decorate Tilburg with his colors, lines and abstract figures, with the help of students of the Fontys Art Academy and local artists. Together they will work on several big murals, bringing colourful life to the public space.

EXHIBITION: THE LOST During theRELAY Incubate festival we collaborate with Lost Painters

and Argument for an exhibition-rally. In the philosophy of our theme: ‘We Are Incubate’, we let Lost Painters have their own way with the Argument venue. Every day 2 or 3 artists will have an exhibition there. During the day the exhibition and the discussions that go with them will be organized. After 8 o’clock we lead a discussion with the artists concerned, the nature of the work and on the significance of the exhibition as part of the relay-exhibition. One of the artists will ‘pass on’ the baton to start up new discussions for the next day.

12-18 SEPT, ARGUMENT, 14:00 - 18:00 AND 20:00 - 22:00

EXHIBITION: NICK HELDERMAN Nick Helderman is a young photographer to whom the term

‘upcoming’ does not apply. His travels have resulted in intimate documentation of the musicians behind Les Savy Fav, Health and Megafaun, to name a few. He captures music without the music: the backstage, the tour van, the exhaustion and the dirt, and the people who immerse themselves in it. Nick Helderman will show a selection of his music photographs. His work is documentary; Helderman avoids the glitter of the rock cliché’s and prefers to focus on the beauty of the grim.


12-18 SEPT, VVV, 10:00 - 20:00

EXHIBITION: NEW JACKS 3.0 New Jacks is what Incubate is all about: helping artists to hatch.

With new Jacks 3.0 we have asked five young artists that recently graduated at local academies to present their autonomous view on the theme of this year: We Are Incubate. Other than previous years is this exhibition not only available during the Incubate week but it will last until October 9th.

8 SEPT - 9 OKT, BKKC, 12:00 - 17:00 (CLOSED ON MONDAY)

PAUL GEELEN Paul Geelen is working on and organises a structure wherein personal intuition can become more universal. During New Jacks 3.0 he provokes the spectators view with a contemplative fade along boundaries of public space and private domain. Occurring between two extremes, or in the middle of that range. Paul Geelen - Stage barrier



Visual artist and theater maker Martijn van Dalen wants to stop people in their tracks and think about their lives. With humor, engagement or mystery he wants to show contradictions in what we say in relation to what we do. “I don´t want to be a preacher. And although my work pretends to be a message, it really isn´t.”

JOOST JANSEN – WE ARE JOOST JANSEN “I, Joost Jansen am crazy, colourful and creative. I trust my intuition while making fashion related inspiration and prototypes. I make unique objects and magazines and have my own clothing line.” Joost Jansen's project is an artist residence. Each day of the festival, a different artist is invited to work on a personal project. Each day a little celebration is held to show the 'end'-result. The project can be seen live on: The artist-residence will land in the garden of de NWE Vorst and will have the following artists working there: Thursday 8th, 20:00


Artist Roel Sloot – clay animation

Friday 9t, 20:15

Manouk Hasebos

Fashion designer – costume

Saturday 10th, 20:15

Bertjan Pot

Product designer – masquerade

Sunday 11th, 19:45

Mette van der Meulen Fine artist – food still-life

Monday 12th, 19:45

Paulus de Groot

Outsider artist - painting

Tuesday 13th, 19:45

Beam It Up

VJs Robbert Storm & Liselotte de

Wednesday 14th, 19:45

Groot – walk-in VJ workshop


Thursday 15th, 19:45

Embroider artist Thijs van Buuren – flags


Visual Inspirator Niek Pulles – experimental film

Friday 16th, 19:45

Frank van Ansem

Artist – realsize drawing

Saturday 17th, 19:45

Meinke Klein

Photographers – fashion shoot

Sunday 18th, 19:45

Maaike Fransen

Inspiratrice – sound project


MEREL VAN BEUKERING Photography is her game. And using surrealism she’s winning it. Having studied both photography and communication & design, the work of van Beukering comes across as very clean and slightly odd, but always striking. It should come as no surprise then that she’s already won several awards for her work. Merel van Beukering



Tijl Orlando’s work mostly comes in the form of installations. He creates an environment or changes the existing environment. In these spaces, which are strongly based on architectural phenomena, is room for smaller, more or less autonomous works which come in form of sculptures, paintings and photo's.

EXHIBITION: OPEN For SOURCE EXPO the Open Source Expo we asked our community to present

work during Incubate. No work was turned down, and our curator made it into a coherent exhibition by placing the objects in the space. This way not only the curator, but you as well could influence the program. And so you did. We are very proud to list all participants on the following pages.

12-18 SEPT, FAXX BUILDING, 13:00 - 20:00 (EXCEPT SATURDAY 17TH, 13:00 - 19:00)

Alexander Korsmit, Bas van Loon, Dhinand,Germen Zoer, Jeroen Hoenselaar, Karin Kunst, Leonie Gossens, Marina Višić, Nick Boers, Rosa van Oers, Silvia Kuijlaars, Vera van der Velden, Anna Ásthildur, Baukje Spaltro, Ellen Vedder, Gijs van Lith, Joël van Dooren, Karina Beumer, Leslie Scheelings, Marleen Maathuis, Nicky Engelen,


Suus Touw - Untitled

Claudette van de Rakt - Sharon's Encounter

Silvia Kuijlaars - Untitled


Rossella Bargiacchi, Sofie van den Wittenboer, Yvette van Kessel, Anneke Hendrikx, Bianca van Baast, Erik van Liere, Glenn Kruup, Jofke, Kathrin Schneider, Lies Geven, Martijn de Boer, Niek Hendrix, Sabina Timmermans, Stephanie Hartmann, Anouk van Reijen, Bram Braam, Etienne Reijnders, Hanneke Coolen, Johanna Haagsman, Kees Koomen,

Heidrun Klos - Untitled

lisetteh&natasha, Martijn Heesters, Niels Ballemans, Sandra Archut, Suus Touw, Ans van den Hurk, Claudette van de Rakt, Frank van Ansem, Heidrun Klos, Jordy Koevoets, Kim Pattiruhu, Lodie van Dulken, Merel Woudwijk, Pascal Nichols, Sandra Leenhouwers, Suzanne van Doremalen, Aquil Copier, Claudia den Boer, Frans Denkers,


Just Quist - All Smoke and Colors

Kim Pattiruhu - Napak Tilas

Ibo Pompe, Judith Boot, Koosje Schmeddes, Maarten Bel, Michiel Corten, Peer de Rijk, Sanne Maes, Teun Kuipers, arjanodw, Cym, Garden of Eyes, Jaap Groen, Julia Boix-Vives, Korry Kremers, Machteld Solinger, Michiel van de Weerthof, Robbie Driessen, Saskia Schreven, Ties van de Ven, Janneke Verhagen, Arno Mertens,


Marieke Plasier - Dreamwork II

Michiel Corten - Better watch out, he eats chocolate bars

Daan Taks, Lobke van Aar, Jacobine Weggen, Juliette Kalse, Lars Leeuw, Marc Labadie, Mo Swillens, Rogier Janssen, Sebastiaan Dijk, Tilbird, Art van Triest, Daniel Bennett, Geert Oosterhof, Jasmijn Labadie, Jurga Zelvyte, Laura Oerlemans,


Neon Wasabi - Untitled

Rosa van Oers - Een-mei-tweeduizendelf

Marieke Coenen, Myrthe Rootsaert, Roland Maas, Shirley Welten, Tim van Cromvoirt, Astrid M.G. Rubie, Dees, Gerda Kunst, Jeffry Koopman, Just Quist, Leon Poirters, Marieke Plasier, Neon Wasabi, Ron Dirven, Sigrid Calon, Tineke Meirink.


Suzanne van Doremalen - Teknotol

INSTALLATION: SMSLINGSHOT We are not a passive audience; we must obtain the privilege and

the right tools to create our own multimedia content in the streets. But in contrast to the old-fashioned posters in the streets, it’s nearly impossible to create own content or even hang up your digital video. The SMSlingshot is equipped with a high frequency radio, hacked arduino board and laser. Text messages can be typed on a keypad which is integrated in a slingshot. Type a message, aim on a wall and shoot. See for yourself what happens next. This installation is made by VR/urban, a collective of public media interventionistas founded in 2008 and since then working together to create public media real-time installations.


15-17 SEPT, CITY CENTRE, 21:00 - 01:00

WHATSPACE / LET'S JAM Visual arts jam during the Incubate week. The guys from Whatspace run a project where they collaborate on a daily base with students and other artists, often guests at the festival, and create posters and other printed materials. Shapes and forms will range from hardcore abstract to collage, plus anything else that comes along. These works will be on display during the festival and at two special temporary poster walls. One at De Heuvel, the square in the middle of the city centre and one at the central station.

12-18 SEPT, KOEN'S WORKSPACE, 15:00 - 20:00 Artists 12 – 18th Sept: Koen Delaere Bas van den Hurk students of Artez With guests: 12 - 15 Sept, Remco Torenbosch 13 Sept, Piet Dieleman 14 Sept, Harm van den Dorpel 16 Sept, Vaast Colson 16 Sept, Dennis Tyfus


17 - 18 Sept, Thomas I'anson

INSTALLATION CONCERT: WINEKE WORKS WITH Multimedia artist Wineke Gartz and psychedelic rock band Wooden Shjips will be performing a very special installation concert. Repetitive sound meets repetitive imagery. The music WOODEN SHJIPS takes you on a trip and the visuals tell you where to. Or do they? Videos from different places and times are merged into a hallucinogenic experience.


For Incubate 2011 Wooden Shjips’ live music and Wineke Gartz’s video and slide installations will be joined into a unique installation concert. The collaboration will take place in a setting of a new designed installation by Gartz, specially recorded tracks by Nash Whalen, improvisations and The Wooden Shjips Live. By doing this a video installation fades into a concert and the other way around.

Wineke Gartz is an Amsterdam-based multi-media artist. She makes works of light with collage techniques and works with overlapping projections of slide projectors, beamers and collages on paper. This is the first time Gartz and Wooden Shjips will collaborate in a live setting. During the whole festival week a new big installation by Gartz will be on display.

17 SEPT, FAXX BUILDING, 22:00-00:00


INSTALLATION ON DISPLAY: 12-17 SEPT, 13:00 - 20:00

dediCated to music from the Netherlands uPComing eVents Buma Cultuur: /// Amsterdam Dance Event /// 19 - 22 October /// Muzikantendag /// 15 & 29 October /// Buma Rotterdam Beats /// 17 - 19 November /// Eurosonic Noorderslag /// 11 – 13 January 2012 ///


Buma Cultuur is founded By dutCh ColleCting soCiety Buma



Similar to what we did with the open source expo, for the film program we invited anyone to send in their own video work. And again, you, our community, responded with a great many works. To make it not too unpredictable, we’ve added some cool new movies to the program as well.



11 Animators made it by estafette, each giving their own view of the theme 'trip through the city'. Let them take you on a very swingin' city trip! Reis (Journey) (Jorn Bergmans & Joel van Dooren) “Reis” is a roadmovie about a student who feels 'stuck' in his current life. He sets out to seek adventure, eventually finding out that adventure is found in the moment, not the place.

▲ What Keeps You Moving (Brenda Adoyo) Brenda Adoyo is a student choreography originally from Kenya who has been in the Netherlands for a few years. 'What keeps you moving' is inspired by her own struggles for the past ten years. Jacky Rondelle (Charles Bouet & Nicolas Deprez) A drunken policeman (an “Hirondelle”) is running after his bike accross the streets of Mont Martre.

Reis door de stad (City Trip) (Gerben Agterberg, Jasper Bos, Emma Hazenak, Daniël Oliveira Prins) This film was produced in an unique way.


Ik draag wat ik wil (I wear what I want) (Jef Monté) Two women are both new inhabitants of the town 's Hertogenbosch. One of them entered a convent in the 50's. The other converted to the Islam 13 years ago. Guided by personal stories about their experiences with this, it becomes clear that times are changing.

Bonjour (le sequence) (Robert de Vaan) This is the story of what happened before 'Bonjour monsieur Courbet' by Gustave Courbet. For This Is My Blood (Roland Javornik) Gay men are not allowed to donate blood in Belgium. Roland tries to donate blood but gets rejected. He goes on a quest for answers.

NOISE & RESISTANCE (JULIA OSTERTAG & FRANCESCA ARAIZA-ANDRADE) 22.00 – 23.30, FILMFOYER The documentary 'Noise and Resistance voices from the DIY underground' by Julia Ostertag & Francesca Araiza-Andrade gives us an insight into Europe's punk scene. Built on autonomy and solidarity, with strong political ideas that are expressed not only through the music but also in the way of life. The film takes us from squatters in Barcelona, to antifascists in Moscow. Starring Crass' Penny Rimbaud and Gee Vaucher.


State 1 (Eva Wijers) Non-narrative video about a state of mind.

Caras de Matagalpa – La cara de Darlin (Jesse van Venrooij) A short documentary about a seventeen year old girl who is pregnant. She lives in the rural area of Matagalpa and comes to the city for giving birth safely.

Sun (Luuk Vierhout) A close-up portrait of our sun using audio material from SOHO (Solar and Heliosperic Observatory) and film material from TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer).

Playing with Cheese (Evelien Lohbeck) Evelien Lohbeck likes to play with the expectations of the audience. This short experimental film was made at the NIAF (Dutch institute for animated film). Because You Love Me, I Don't Need You (Leonardo Cariglino) Two bodies succumbing to their physical pleasure, until one of them is asking more than the other is willing to give. Orange Grove; White Daisy (Studio M) To all the helpless romantics out there: when you really want something in life you've gotta go out and get it! This is the story of a friendly lion that should've taken that advice! Oscar in China (Cym) A little boy visits China for the first time. The new impressions are overwhelming. But he gets used to it, and then the tables turn: the boy himself seems to be the exotic element in the daily life of China.


From the Disco (Erik Bröker) A boy meets a girl in a disco and takes her home.


(ISAAC NIEMAND) 22.00 – 23.15, FILMFOYER NOVA the film is a truly inspiring documentary by Isaac Niemand on new art and the young artists behind it. We meet some of the artists while they are creating works for the Nova Contemporary Culture festival 2010 in São Paulo, Brazil. They share their insights on DIY culture with us, and we get to see some cutting edge pieces of art. Featuring both Koen Delaere and Jimmy Joe Roche, artists that have worked with us last year at Incubate 2010!


Two prides, two worlds... one Europe? (Roland Javornik) 4 Estonians get ready to organize a gay pride, but before they make a decision they travel to Belgium and to homophobic Lithuania.

Untitled (Sabijn Peeters) A short film about the tragic of a clown

State 2 (Eva Wijers) Non-narrative video about a state of mind.

Still live; Goldpress; Papercut (Chris Brans) Videos about working towards an end of means. Simple actions that transform perceptions on everyday items. Kids might fly (Alexander Taylor) A young homeless girl is taken into care. Set in an urban wilderness: an offbeat and touching experimental drama about East London kids. Two Soli_8 located_narrow (Jolanda Jansen) Created at Bink 36 in The Hague. Music composed by io: two electronic musicians and vj's. The work falls apart into a confrontation with its public.


▲ Brug (Bridge) (Gerben Agterberg) A man lives in a gray and cold world, until one day he discovers a beautiful fish. When the fish mysteriously disappears, the man is left behind in despair.

The Romarthuz Syndrome (Jak Peters) Stop-motion, papercut. Music was played live by the Romarthuz Syndrome.

TRASH HUMPERS (HARMONY KORINE) 22.00 – 23.30, FILMFOYER Harmony Korine gives us a peek into the lives of an imaginary group of elderly people, with what seems to be a home movie in which they film each other and their daily routines. It looks and feels like found footage, like stuff on a strange videotape found in the trash somewhere. Whether you love it or hate it, this film really is one of a kind.


Gerontomatic (Roy de Haan) Two elderly live together in an old apartment. Grandpa Josef gets a package at the front door. It appears to be a brand new Segway. State 3 (Eva Wijers) Non-narrative video about a state of mind.

▲ Fascination (Joeri Pruys) A naked girl. She dresses herself. Layer by layer she creates her own identity. She shapes herself by hiding herself. This enticing film was created using a unique non-digital technique. Plastic City Wrap Me Up (Krista Burger) A city evolves from the garbage that people left behind. A city like an enormous plastic organ, pulsing, moving and making sounds. An expanding and sometimes collapsing structure.


The Bosnian Pyramids: The Biggest Hoax In History? (Jurgen Deleye) Documentary in which a small team visits the Bosnian city of Visoko. There’s a man that claims to have discovered huge pyramids. The Bosnian Indiana Jones, as he is nicknamed, promised to show the places, to prove there are pyramids. Or are there?

Onder Het IJs (Under The Ice) (Maartje Timmermans) Documentary about normal people with special interests. A loving portrait of 11 inhabitants of a poor area of Arnhem, The Netherlands.

SELECTED KLAUS BEYER FILMS 22.00 – 23.30, FILMFOYER The Van Gogh of the home theater, one of the most independent artists of our times, a special example of an authentic artist. Known mostly for his collaborations with the German legend Christoph Schlingensief and Beatles-covers ‘Lass es sein’ and ‘Hauptmann Pfeffers einsamer Herzen Club’. You could call him poor, absurd, genius or crazy, but he’s always honest and warm.

FRIDAY SEPT 16 OPEN SOURCE FILM 5 20.00 – 21.30, FILMFOYER Ik schreef je een brief (I wrote you a letter) (Charlotte Apers) An animated short made on a poem by Sylvie Marie about writing a letter and waiting for an answer. Get off of my skin (Melissa Domacassée) We have an identity that others, maybe even strangers, cast upon us. The time has come to create our own identity. An identity we see fit for ourselves. First we need get rid of the old one.

The fisherman and the watering can (You Echo) An odyssey of a little boy holding a watering can, and a fisherman waiting still, because there's no flow. Ur eyes (Roland Javornik) A scientist tries to impress his skype friend by building a robot. Dinner at the 4th (Alejandro Ramirez) A container full of plastic pineapples stuffed with cocaine, arriving to Rotterdam in 2010. A journalist lost while trying to find information related to the cargo. Suspense leading to nothing. Genetically Modified Apple (Evelien Lohbeck) Evelien Lohbeck likes to play with the expectations of the audience. This short experimental film was made at the NIAF (Dutch institute for animated film).

▲ Playing Ghost (Bianca Ansems) Five year old Amy and her Mum are divided in grief for Dad, occupying very separate worlds in their struggle to cope. But whilst Mum sinks into numb solitude, Amy seeks a more magical escape that ultimately has its own perils.


Release the flying monkeys (Alexander Taylor) Two fanatical Eastern European girls come to the fashionable East London to prepare for Jesus' return, by performing a 'homemade' exorcism on a tortoise that listens to death metal.

GOODBYE MISTER CHRISTIE (PHIL MULLOY) 22.00 – 23.30, FILMFOYER 'Goodbye Mister Christie' depicts the Christies who live in Wellington Green, a picturesque English village with a church, a pond and a cricket pitch. Outwardly Mr Christie is a perfect gentleman. Inwardly he is a selfish arrogant monster. When the whole world sees him on television having sex with a French sailor, his life is changed forever. Prepare to be shocked. This film will take you from the leafy garden suburbs to hell and beyond.

SATURDAY SEPT 17 OPEN SOURCE FILM 6 16.00 – 17.30, FILMFOYER Untitled (Anne Smeets) This film is meant for people to discover their feelings when watching it. What they actually see is somebody who is very insecure and unstable. The masters of the media (Rogier Klomp) An animated documentary analyses monopolization in the media industry. The most valuable product is information. Based on that we decide who to vote for and what to buy. Hypnagogia (Mitchell Oleana) The equivalent transition to wakefulness is termed the hypnopompic state. Mental phenomena occur during this “treshold consciousness”

Milord (Anne Gentenaar) Being fascinated with dance, Anne Gentenaar AKA VJ Illuminator filmed her dancer friends to make video samples for a vj show. This film is a love collage, inspired by Edith Piafs classic song Milord. Music by Cenk Unis. Bathroom Horror (Maartje Timmermans and Krista Burger) Bees come and take over every child’s nightmare. Homo Ritualis (Bo Wouters) Rituals, what are they? And where can we find them nowadays? Could it be, that in subcultures we can find the rituals now? In this documentary, Bo Wouters searches for answers to these questions. La belle Helene (Robert de Vaan) Two persons that are kept prison and are being terrorized.



▲ Iemand aan de deur (Someone at the door) (Jan Nanne) An unknown man knocks on David's door. He offers him a cookie. David friendly turns down the offer, only to discover moments later that an unknown phenomenon is getting grip on the world outside. While the situation outside is getting worse, two strangers ring David's doorbell.

White Lightnin’ by Dominic Murphy is a white-trash psychobilly nightmare about Jesco White, “the dancing outlaw”. As a boy Jesco was in and out of reform school and the insane asylum. To keep him out of trouble, his daddy D-Ray taught him the art of mountain dancing, a frenzied version of tap dancing to wild country banjo music. The story of a tapdancing maniac.

WE DON'T CARE ABOUT MUSIC ANYWAY (CÉDRIC DUPIRE & GASPARD KUENTZ) 20.00 – 21.30 "From radical turntablism (Otomo Yoshihide) to laptop music innovation (Numb), via classical instrument hijacking (Sakamoto Hiromichi), Tokyo's avant-garde music scene is internationally known for its boldness. While introducing some of the greatest musicians of this scene, directors Cédric Dupire and Gaspard Kuentz offer us a kaleidoscopic view of Tokyo, confronting music and noise, sound and image, reality and representation, documentary and fiction. "We don't care about music anyway"... In other words, "we make it and that's all". Beyond the music and beyond its performance, the future and mode of existence of a city, and society as a whole, are in motion."

INVERTEBRATE (JAMES MCALEER) 22.00 – 23.00 "When the end comes, it will not be the strongest, nor the most intelligent species that will survive. It will be the species that can adapt to change that will dominate the Earth..." Invertebrate is an experimental apocalyptic film about a city taken over by insects. Starring: loads of insects. No CG involved!



By Nietov. Refusing to accept the decline of the USSR, a handful of Russian scientists are working secretly to resurrect the Soviet power. Here are some new images of the mysterious program Lazarov.



The Ill Mannered Milkman is the new filmproject of visual artist Willehad Eilers, better known as Wayne Horse. It's about motorbike champion Teddy Milks. About the ABC kids that might or might not be real. And above all, it's a story about milk. BAD milk! Starring German schlager singer Adrian Falk, and American cage fighter Kent Hensley.

THE MAGUS (JAIMZ ASMUNDSON) In this experimental film about his father, visual artist C. Graham, Jaimz Asmundson uses psychedelic imagery and machinegun editing to create a mind-altering documentation of the artistic process of C. Graham.


Dust (Eveline Nieuwveld) Moments where people slow down, for a while they live slower in this world. Is there a possibility to follow your own rhythm, and to keep this slow rhythm in these fast times?

Fifa Aldi (Jak Peters) A music video made for Jak’s own music. He picks you up, and you will drift away in a world of cut-out animation, guided by dreamy sounds.

Genoeg; Eefje de Visser (Spread Motion Design) An adventurous girl finds herself in a strange fantasy world full of seduction, she tries to find out how she got there. Heb Het Lief (Jon Karthaus) Two friends, Alex and Mario, meet on a Caribbean island. During a road trip across the island, friendship between the two men is put to the ultimate test. In an attempt to save their friendship, Alex challenges Mario to make a choice that will change his life forever. Genetically Modified Kiwi (Evelien Lohbeck) Evelien Lohbeck likes to play with the expectations of the audience. This short experimental film was made at the NIAF (Dutch institute for animated film).


Buy The Ticket Take The Ride (Steph Byrne) Themes in Steph Byrne's work are introspection, femininity, anarchism and Gonzo. Her works revolve around an intense experience, on which she reacts from a personal perspective.

▲ Fantasia (Cosmotropia de Xam) A girl dreaming a dream of taking acid, tripping into different levels of consciousness.

AMER (HÉLÈNE CATTET & BRUNO FORZANI) 18.00 – 19.30 Amer by Hélène Cattet & Bruno Forzani is a modern Giallo film – the Italian 70's genre featuring murder, blood and erotics, brought with intense colours. In Amer we follow the beautiful Ana in three stages of her life. It’s a visually intoxicating and almost wordless murder mystery. A very sensual and surrealistic film.

LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH (NICOLAS POVOST) 20.00 – 21.10 Long Live the New Flesh by Nicolas Provost is a found footage film in wich he uses existing fragments from horror films and turns them into a new film. Images that are typical of cult horror films have been mounted one after another in a terrifying, distorted collage. With distorted images that dissolve into each other, supported by a fragmented soundtrack, the viewer experiences the full range of feelings belonging to the horror genre.



Drexciya was a mysterious but highly influential techno group from Detroit, formed by James Stinson who passed away in 2002, although he worked together with Gerald Donald (Dopplereffekt) as well. Hydra Decapita by The Otolith Group,is a movie based around the myth of Drexciya and their concept recordings that imagined a fictional world system entitled Drexciya. This imagines a world populated by the subaquatic descendants of Africans, drowned by slavers during the Middle Passage.



Stardust is the second part of the trilogy where Nicolas Provost investigates the boundaries of fiction and reality by filming everyday life with a hidden high resolution camera and editing the cinematic images into a fiction film. In Stardust, Provost takes his hidden camera to Las Vegas and films real Hollywood stars - Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson, to turn the glorious and ambiguous power of the gambling capital into an exciting crime story.

RE-EDITED We made the footage that was shot at Incubate festival 2010 by Jef MontÊ available for artists to re-edit. These artists are free to cut, paste, add, combine, deform, hussle, so to say: re-edit, this footage as they please. Only rule being that at least 80% of the resulting film has to consist of Incubate footage. Participants of the Incubate Re-edited project are: Matthijs Vlot, Marleine vd Werf, Eva Wijers and Apvis. Note that you can have your own footage in this year’s official festival film! Whatever the quality, send it in and it might be used in the film of this year made by DieperBeeld. See for more info.


SOLAR CINEMA Short films from Brabant are shown out in the open, in front of the 013 venue.


15-16 SEPT, IN FRONT OF 013, 21.30 - 22.45 & 23.00 - 00.15




This year the dance program at Incubate is back after a year of absence. And we’re very proud of that. Because contemporary dance is more than imitating a dying swan. It’s a physical spectacle in which the body becomes a weapon to give food for thought. This year not only professionals will be feeding the masses, in the Open Source program anyone can show its own movements.

DANCE: SPACE THAT MUST BE FILLED. IT’S DEFINITELY A SPIRITUAL THING It’s definitely the spiritual thing is a dance performance that celebrates freedom, dance and the raw power of rock´n roll. Created and directed by Halla Ólafsdóttir and Nadja Hjorton, it’s been described as a rock concert that does something entirely different. A must see for anyone who enjoys rock n’ roll and contemporary dance. Come as you are, as you were and as you want! With and by Halla Olafsdottir and Nadja Hjorton Featuring Susanna Leibovici


15 SEPT, DE NWE VORST, 22:00 - 23:00

I ALMOST LOVE YOU What is left to relate to when layers of re/presentation are internalized to a constituent level? Prepared with naivety and a microphone Fanni Futterknecht’s character re-measures the performative playground for the ‘acting out’ of affection. With artificialness (meaning not real), tableau-like projections (like puppets) within relationships are reflecting (being looked at) themselves. Mechanisms of objectification (who’s looking at who?) are getting mixed up by a subjective potency of performer and spectator (anyone in the room can be performer or spectator, it depends on your view). A masked performance, protected from authenticity and sentiments – almost. Idea and concept: Fanni Futterknecht Performance and Live Music: Camilo Latorre, Fanni Futterknecht Assistance research: Barbara Toifl-Soreff Assistance dramaturgy: Julia Dick Light idea: Bartek Kubiak Thanks to Robert Steijn


16 SEPT, DE NWE VORST, 22:00 - 23:00


Nowhere, is about a man disconnected from the world. He lives in his own head. He is inable to communicate with his outside world and the smallest detail is too important. Choreographer: Rocco Vermijs Dancer: Sergio Moya Rueda


Division of time, beginnings and endings, different beats per minute and a list of things that passed, are still happening or yet have to come. Choreographers: Anouke de Groot and Yurie Umamoto


Source-R-us is a new movement founded by Jennifer Ann Fritts. In this free movement of dance, music and theatrical elements we create a new Experience on the spot.


Layer upon layer of first impressions, choices and changes you've made, have been formed in the years passing by. Those layers became a second skin: transparent, strong and vulnerable at the same time. Does it give enough space to breathe or do you need to peel those layers off to see who you are today? Choreographer: Sanne Clifford, Dancers: Sam Bergsma, Afke Brenninkmeijer, Sanne Clifford & Charlotte Schultz Costume/Decor Design: Majorie Voorhuis


A girl alone in her room. She has a dream and understands the impossibility of it so she makes fun of it. Until her father walks up the stairs. Choreographer: Rocco Vermijs Dancer: Eva Brancart


All these questions, arising in my head, will only be solved by finding the answers in myself. I have to do it solo. Choreographer/dancer: Simone Narraina


16 SEPT, DE NWE VORST, 19:30 - 21:00



Choreographer: Hélène de Grood in collaboration with Francesca Bracelli Dancer: Francesca Bracelli Music: Nina Simone Voice: Hélènede Grood

Concept: Cristina Planas Leitão, Developed and performed by: Valentina Campora & Cristina Planas Leitão

A line. It stops you but can also invite you to go further. Life is a journey from line to line.

Death and Performance. This unfinished moment, will only happen once - something un-reproducible and un-recreatable.



A dance-concert with sounds from the city, a vibraphone and tap.

A piece about what it means to be in love and live far apart.

Performer: Janne Eraker, Philipp Ernsting

Choreographers/dancers: Rocco Vermijs and Sergio Moya Rueda


A music and dance duet that highlights just a few of the infinite possibilities for relationships between movement and sound.

What is friendship? Kristien, Kees and Bart share their friendship in an improvised dance piece based on Contact Improvisation. The aim is not an abstract represention, but exploring friendship as physicality: how much can friendship actually be tangibly here, in the interaction of dancing bodies?

With Alec Ilyine (guitar) and Maya Dalinsky (movement)

Makers/performers: Bart den Ouden, Kristien Sonnevijlle, Kees Lemmens




17 SEPT, DE NWE VORST, 20:00 - 21:30


We are Incubate. And Freshheads!



The DIY conference displays the development and ethics of DoIt-Yourself culture with lectures, interviews, film, panels and stands. Renowned speakers and artists within DIY culture, such as Michael Azerrad, Bill Drummond, MOMO and Steve Ignorant participate in the program. Besides all the kicks at Incubate, this offers contemplation.

INCUBATE DIY CONFERENCE The DIY Conference is part of the extensive program of this

year’s theme of Incubate: We Are Incubate. The conference offers reflection on the program of the festival and on the value of creation in society. We want the event to be accessible for everyone. That’s why we chose to make use of the Pay What You Want-pricing mechanism. This way, you have the control to determine the value of the conference and the discussion involved. 09:30 – 10:30 Free breakfast (bar area) 10:30 – 11:30 Michael Azerrad Keynote speech (main room)

11:45 – 14:00 PressPausePlay documentary screening and panel (main room) 11:45 – 12:45 DIY zines & journalism panel (bar area) 12:55 – 13:40 DIY student debate (bar area) 13:50 – 14:50 Generation Bass forum (bar area) 14:15 – 14:45 Slava Rubin (IndieGoGo) on DIY/DIWO Funding (main room) 15:00 – 16:00 Steve Ignorant interviewed by John Robb (main room) 15:00 – 16:00 MOMO Q&A with Koen Delaere (bar area) 16:15 – 17:15 Bill Drummond lecture & performance of The17 (main room) 17:15 – 19:00 Drinks: Incubate celebrates 20 years Gonzo (circus) (bar area)



MICHAEL AZERRAD KEYNOTE SPEECH Michael Azerrad is an American music journalist and author of the books Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana and Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991. He also was a contributing editor of Rolling Stone and a writer for a.o. The New Yorker, Mojo and Spin. Azerrad thought someone should tell the story about the influential community called punkrock. In true DIY spirit, he decided to write the book himself, coming up with Our Band Could Be Your Life. The book was issued ten years ago, and was named one of the 50 best music books ever written by The Guardian. In the book, Azerrad writes about thirteen bands that, while finding relatively little mainstream success, did have an establishing role in American alternative and indie rock. He describes the story of (amongst others) bands like Black Flag, Sonic Youth and Dinosaur Jr.


At the Incubate DIY Conference, Michael shares the insights he gained while interviewing the bands and writing the book.

BILL DRUMMOND LECTURE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE INCUBATE 17 Bill Drummond is best known as co-founder of late 1980s avant-garde pop group The KLF and its 1990s "avant-art" media-manipulating successor, the K Foundation. With The KLF, Drummond scored multiple number 1 hits and wrote “The Manual”, a book on how to write a number 1 hit.The K Foundation is notorious for burning one million pounds in 1994. The17 is Bill Drummond's latest work. It is always a unique and one-off performance. The17 is a reaction to pre-recorded music where an ad hoc choir, this time consisting of visitors of the DIY Conference, will perform one of Drummond’s works. Bill Drummond will perform The17 at the conference with all the visitors attending his speech. It’s a unique possibility to become part of one of his works.


Photo by Lucy Johnston

STEVE IGNORANT INTERVIEWED BY JOHN ROBB English punk legend Steve Ignorant co-founded the anarcho-punk band Crass in 1977. With Crass, Ignorant was one of the driving forces of the DIY movement, and therefore a major influence on the punk movement. Crass was one of the first bands to arrange their record sales and concerts without interference from the music industry and asked fans to make their own merchandise. John Robb writes for The Observer, The Guardian and The Independent. He will interview Ignorant about DIY, Crass’ and Ignorant’s aesthetic and his autobiography The Rest is Propaganda.

INDIEGOGO'S SLAVA RUBIN ON DIY / DIWO FUNDING You’re wondering what DIWO means, right? Well: Do-It-WithOthers. IndieGoGo has hosted over 30,000 crowdfunding campaigns in 200 countries.


At the Incubate DIY Conference, IndieGoGO CEO Slava Rubin discusses topics like ‘Crowdfunding as Market Validation’, ‘The tips and tricks of raising money on the Internet’ and ‘How to fund your business, project, or cause’.

PRESSPAUSEPLAY DUTCH PREMIERE & PANEL The Dutch premiere of PressPausePlay, a documentary about hope, fear and digital culture. The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed unlimited creative opportunities. But does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, through interviews with some of the world’s most influential creators of the digital era like Seth Godin, Andrew Keen, Sean Parker and Bill Drummond. After the screening of the film, there will be a panel with Philip Marthinsen (producer of PressPausePlay), Dwight Witherspoon of Ericsson Sweden, who made the film “WE ARE ON THE VERGE possible, electronica OF A NEW DARK AGE. producer Daedelus (a.o. Ninja Tune and Warp) THE CREATIVE WORLD and Arnold de Boer, IS DESTROYED. ALL WE the guy behind Zea and singer and guitarist in HAVE IS CACOPHONY The Ex. Moderated by AND SELF OPINION.” Erwin Blom.




MOMO Q&A WITH KOEN DELAERE MOMO is known for thoughtful urban-intervention using post-graffiti: experiments include tagging his name a tag the width of Manhattan, over-sized outdoor collage, and prints, paintings, and videos that rely on chance and context for fun and substance. At Incubate, he will decorate a large building in the city center. Adding to the context of his work in Tilburg, MOMO will do a Q&A with Koen Delaere, an artist living and working in Tilburg. Delaere will talk to him about the origins and ethics of his work.



We bring people together to stimulate the global dance scene and to make it insightful for a wider audience. Here artists meet and exchange ideas and thoughts on the processes of creating and sharing their work. Moderated by Ja誰r Tchong (Music Center Netherlands).

DIY ZINES & JOURNALISM PANEL This panel brings together some of the media that report on independent culture. They will reflect on the current state and effect of DIY on journalism. Taking seat in the panel are: The Wire, a magazine about modern music – improvisation, electronics, avant rock XLR8R, a publication on accelerating music and culture (XLR8R curates electronic music at Incubate) The Quietus, an editorial independent music website on rock music and pop culture Gonzo (circus), a bi-monthly magazine and website on innovative music and culture Terrorizer, a magazine on extreme music subtitled ‘the World’s Most Dangerous Music Magazine’ Atze de Vrieze from leading Dutch music website 3voor12 moderates the panel.

DIY STUDENT DEBATE How does a younger generation view current developments like digitalization and individualization within the context of DIY? Age Versluis put together a panel of students who will discuss these topics. Moderated by Niels Aalberts.

INCUBATE CELEBRATES 20 YEARS OF GONZO (CIRCUS) When the program is finished, Gonzo (circus) DJ’s spin records in the bar. Come and have a drink with us on them!



Stands at the conference will be occupied by different DIY initiatives. There will also be book sale by Studystore Tilburg University.

UIT DE BROEDSTOOF (FROMA multidisciplinary THE INCUBATOR) evening about the outsider artist. With an

interview of Klaus Beyer by Arthur Kok, philosopher at Tilburg University, short stories by a.o. author A.H.J. Dautzenberg and a selection of short films from Wolphin. The term Outsider Art, launched in 1972 by a British art historian, is a collective term for works of art produced outside the regular circuit of academic courses, galleries and museums. An outsider is someone that doesn’t belong and moves outside of the mass. The archetypical outsider lives and works in isolation, does not care about emancipation and doesn’t fight for recognition. He creates from his own needs. This is a co-production with De Rode Kamer and Kamermans Kermis. (,


14 SEPT, DE NWE VORST, 20:30 - 22:00


MUSIC › The music. That’s probably why you’re here. But have you checked the other stuff that’s going on? Obviously there are things you would enjoy, perhaps inbetween watching bands. Anyway, we’re glad you’re here to experience some cutting-edge music. HOW TO READ: The first character of an artists’ name (or program) will define where you can find that entry, except for ‘The’. So for Peter Broderick look at the P section, but you’ll find The Fall at F.


Artists performing between 00:00 and 06:00 are playing in the night following on the day mentioned (e.g. Friday 01:00 - 02:00 takes place in the night of Friday to Saturday).



A Grave With No Name, oneman project of Alex Shields, has grown into a full three piece nowadays. Curled up somewhere between Animal Collective, Pavement and My Bloody Valentine, but given the wide range of genres you never know what to expect. Short tracks that range from warm distorted electric guitars to fuzzy acoustic pop with echoing vocals on top. Intense and very atmospheric dreamy pop! Sun 18 Sept, 15:30 - 16:15, Cul de Sac

Raised in central Scotland by former folk guitarist Alan Roberts, Alasdair began playing guitar and writing music at a young age. After releasing some albums with his band Appendix Out, Roberts decided to go solo in 2001. Since then he built up an impressive discography on his own and in the process also found time to collaborate with American singer/ songwriters Will Oldham and Jason Molina. Sat 17 Sept, 19:15 - 20:00, Pauluskerk

Lo-fi, Shoegaze, Noise pop

Singer-songwriter, Folk


Last year we saw that children really liked the experimental shows we do, as long as they can participate. After School Avant Garde brings participation for kids. They get free access to a special program of Independent artists. There’s drumming lessons with and by Holland’s best and legendary jazz drummer Han Bennink, they paint with Kati Heck, create new sounds with Sylvain Chauveau, perform with Peter Fengler & Hans Zimmerman's magic show and step into Felix Kubin’s personal universe. Creativity, fantasy, art and experiment are key, but the main inspiration point remains fun! Peter Fengler, Hans Zimmerman Kati Heck Felix Kubin (this day is open for all kids!) Sylvain Chauveau Han Bennink

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are exclusive for schools in Tilburg. But on Wednesday all kids can join the fun. Wed 14 Sept, Paradox, 13:00 – 15:30


Mon 12 Sept Tue 13 Sept Wed 14 Sept Thu 15 Sept Fri 16 Sept

▲ ALEXANDER TUCKER (UK) Folk, Psychedelic Alexander Tucker is no stranger in Tilburg anymore, having already played at the Roadburn festival in 2009! And his droning, acoustic guitar virtuoso folk did fit very well in the program, but also at Incubate this year! After already having similar artists such as Six Organs of Admittance and Boduf Songs at past Incubate(d) editions, we look forward to having Tucker playing this year’s festival! Sun 18 Sept, 15:45 - 16:30, 013 Stage01



Self described as a band meant to be understood by people sick of following musical trends, live out music with dedication and believe in expressing ideals with their own art. Could have been a Incubate description! But it’s from Alpinist, who take their influence from (neo)crust like His Hero Is Gone and From Ashes Rise, mixed with the bleak guitar passages from Cult of Luna and hints of screamo. Fri 16 Sept, 21:30 - 22:15, Little Devil

The legendary Crass Records (obviously started by Crass), released loads of breaking releases by the likes of Anthrax, MDC and Zounds (Incubate 2010), but also a release by Andy T for a change. The “for a change” part is because Andy T is actually a poet, who releases spoken word with lyrical topics including anarchism, backed by ambient soundscapes. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Sun 18 Sept, 17:00 - 17:45, V39



Straight from the Alps from Swiss we welcome Amagortis to this year’s Incubate. But don’t expect any yodeling; more like muddy low grunts like a sucking pig trapped in a well. Wonder what happens when Dying Fetus smoke to much pot? Amagortis is what would come out! Disgusting midtempo death metal driven by superb drumming, sounding like a whole rhythm section is marching through your living room. Sat 17 Sept, 19:00 - 19:45, Little Devil

Anne Frank Zappa is a new project from the one and only Elle Bandita, together with children’s book writer Jerry Hormone and hardcore thug Marcel Alexander Wiebenga! This time making garage punk noise and crazy mixtapes. Prepare for some serious ear damage. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Thu 15 Sept, 22:00 - 22:30, Cul de Sac

Hardcore, Crust, Screamo

Spoken word, Ambient

Death metal



Noise rock, Psychedelic



According to the guys from Anchor, they are on a mission to entertain, provoke and inspire to action. Influences obliviously come from their touring buddies in Trial, as well as other early/90s straight edge hardcore bands such as Judge. Traveling all the four corners of the globe, Anchor continue spreading their aggressive but very passionate music, sharing it with the Incubate attendees this time! Sat 17 Sept,22:15 - 23:00, Hall of Fame

No social media, no recordings, just live performances, but we booked this strange French act Antilles straight away! Not only does this new band contain band members of Sister Iodine and The Berg Sans Nipple, but video’s of their live performances already lived up to every expectation. Expect a wall of rhythmic psychedelic noise sounds with the intensity of A Place to Bury Strangers and Swans. Sat 17 Sept, 19:30 - 20:15, Cul de Sac



APNEU (NL) Garage rock

According to their Tumblr, Apneu’s upcoming dates with Nirvana in the US were cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, but we managed to give them a spot at Incubate 2011! Catchy lo-fi garage-pop from our capital city. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Thu 15 Sept, 20:30 - 21:15, Cul de Sac

AURA NOIR (NO) Black metal, Thrash

▲ AUTHOR & PUNISHER (US) Drone, Industrial

Unlike most Norwegian black artists these days, Aura Noir takes us to the very earliest days of black metal when Venom, Slayer, Motörhead, Voivod and Bathory records were the main inspiration, played in dark and obscure basements. Raspy and raw black with a thrashy punk vibe like the later Darkthrone albums is what Aura Noir is all about! Time to get your spike belts on, this one’s for the headbangers! Thu 15 Sept, 22:45 - 23:30, 013 Kleine Zaal

Author & Punisher is an industrial doom and drone metal, one man band utilizing primarily custom fabricated machines/ controllers and speakers from raw materials and utilizing open source circuitry. The devices draw heavily on aspects of industrial automation, robotics and mechanical tools and devices, focusing on interaction with machine. Expect heavy homemade drone and doom influenced sounds. Sat 17 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, 013 Stage01



Austra is the new brainchild of Katie Stelmanis. With a background as an opera singer, she soon turned to rock music and even did guest vocals for Canadian hardcore band Fucked Up. After this Katie formed Austra; retro/80s synth-pop in between Depeche Mode and Siouxie and the Banshees, mixed with gloomy modern electronic music like La Roux and Royksopp and a spooky gothic soundscape. Fri 16 Sept, 22:45 - 23:30, 013 Kleine Zaal

With a background of playing with Antony Hegarty (on the Anthony and the Johnsons debut) and David Tibet’s Current 93 Baby Dee already built an extensive discography. But also very successful as solo artist, she (once a he) plays piano, harp, accordion and organ, each in its own breathtaking unique way. She will perform two shows at Incubate at 013; with band as well as a solo organ concert at Pauluskerk. Sat 17 Sept, 17:00 - 17:45, De NWE Vorst Sat 17 Sept, 20:45 - 21:15, Pauluskerk

Cabaret, Chamber pop


Synth pop, Electronic

► BATTLES (US) Electronic, Math rock We’re extremely proud to have Battles on this year’s line-up, playing a very special show at Natuurtheater in Oisterwijk! Battles combine complex rhythms, synths, processed guitar riffs and surprising (multi-instrumentalist) switches between instruments, guaranteed for constant ‘wtf ’-moments. Also known for the characteristic extremely high drum cymbals and the use of guest vocalists such as Gary Numan and Blonde Redhead's Kazu Makino, which they project live on big screens in a brilliant way. Sat 17 Sept, 20:30 - 21:30, Natuurtheater Busses Incubate arranged busses from the Tilburg city centre to the Natuurtheater for the Battles show on Saturday September 17th.

There is enough car parking space available at the Natuurtheater if you wanna come with your own transportation.

Busschedule Bus ride 1 from Tilburg to Natuurtheater: 19:00 Busride 2 from Tilburg to Natuurtheater: 19:30 Show Battles: 20:30 - 21:30 Busride 3 from Natuurtheater to Tilburg: 21:45 (or 15 min after the show) Busride 4 from Natuurtheater to Tilburg: 22:15 (or 45 min after the show)


Tickets for the bus rides (3 euros for a return ticket) can be bought in advance at the Ticket & Info center or at the bus stop.


The bus stop will be at the parking lot alongside the 013 venue.


BENTON (UK) Dubstep

Recorders, Contemporary composed

That's right, a true Battle of the Recorders (flutes; a 'blokfluit' as we call it in The Netherlands). It's on! Anna Stegmann, Fransesca Thompson and Karolina Bäter will take each other on. ► Redecorators Sat 17 Sept, 14:00 - 14:30, FAXX Building


It were the good old jungle tracks like DJ Krust’s Jazz Note that got Benton into playing music since he was about nine years old. But it wasn’t until 2007 that he started making his own beats, shortly rolling into the dubstep scene after that. His tracks eventually got picked up by the one and only N-Type for his Wheel & Deal label, releasing his deep, dark and dangerous bass tracks. Incubate, beware! ► Trigga#21 Fri 16 Sept, 23:15 - 00:45, Midi Bar Area

Noise, Ambient

Beard]+. was initially formed by two friends in late 2009 as an experimental drone act, but the project has since transformed into a somewhat schizophrenic solo venture that mixes elements of harsh, uncompromising noise with soothing yet unsettling ambient melodies. ► Noise Vault, The Sat 17 Sept, 21:30 - 22:00, Koen's Workspace


Dubstep, UK funky


A lot of Incubate related artists such as James Blake, Headhunter (Addison Groove) and Untold lead towards one man, Ben UFO! Ever since 2007 Ben has been putting out their quality dubstep records from them and many more, influenced by uk/future garage, techno and broken beats. His DJ sets are filled with none the less, as you can hear on his bi-weekly show on the infamous London-based Rinse FM radio. ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 23:00, Midi Theater

BERT ON BEATS (EST) Cumbia, Dubstep, Bass

Judging his music, you wouldn’t think Bert on Beats (aka DJ Critikal) is actually from Tallinn, Estonia. His Dj-sets and productions are a huge source of UK Bass (Dubstep, grime, garage), Kuduro and Cumbia beats. He did a remix contest in 2009 for Daniel Haaksman (Incubate 2010) who picked him up for his Man Recordings label, followed by banging releases and remixes for the likes of Buraka Som Sistema and Ku Bo! ► Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 02:45 - 03:45, 013 Stage01

BIRD (NL) Folk

Bird from Eindhoven play acoustic indie/ folk songs to gaze by, dream away to or simply drink beer to! For fans of Lou Barlow (Sebadoh), Bonnie Prince Billy, Blackheart Procession and beer. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Tue 13 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Cul de Sac



As if Instra:mental didn't deliver enough goodness yet, Al Bleek (half of the duo) started releasing records and bringing danger all over the world under the name of Boddika as well! A groovy connection between electro, house, techno and a bit of dubstep is where it’s at this time, with a good dose of 90’s acid and punchy 808 techno as well. ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 00:00 - 01:00, Midi Theater

BOTS is a local dubstep DJ from neighbour city Breda, who has been active as a DJ, animator VJ and promotor for more than 10 years. After tearing the roof of at earlier Trigga editions BOTS is back for this special Trigga at Midi Theater! ► Trigga#21 Fri 16 Sept, 21:00 - 22:00, Midi Bar Area

Dubstep, Techno



Warming up with DJ sets at the infamous FWD nights in London (home for the likes of Skream, Pearson Sound, N-Type and many others) certainly helped Brackles gain his well deserved fame. By regular appearances on Rinse FM and releases on Planet Mu and !K7, he spreads his 2-step/garage influenced dubstep beats all over the London scene. Dangerously energetic, funky and rolling! ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 23:00 - 00:00, Midi Theater


Bong-Ra is the performing name of Dutch breakcore musician Jason Kohnen from Utrecht. Formed in 1996, initially producing and DJing jungle music. Previous to Bong-Ra Jason Kohnen performed as bassist and drummer for stoner/doom metal band Celestial Season amongst others. Kohnen's style contains a variety of crossovers and fusions of different genres, including metal, gabba, jazz, rave, and jungle, becoming one of the front runners of the breakcore genre, sometimes credited as "yardcore" or "raggacore", blending reggae and ragga with breakcore. ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 02:00 - 03:00, Midi Bar Area


Brasstronaut are something very unique, even though their name will indicate you’re dealing with some corny brass/funk/jazz band. The band bases their music around very catchy indie pop songs, but add some unorthodox instruments like horns and clarinets. What comes out is a very innovating take on pop music, sometimes even cinematic with a little retro touch and textured jazzy drumming parts. Sun 18 Sept, 18:00 - 18:45, Cul de Sac


▲ BONG-RA (NL) Electronic, Breakcore



Brother JT comes from the Philadelphian garage rock scene, who spent his 80’s and 90’s performing with the band The Original Sins. And shortly after this band disbanded, JT carried on pursuing his solo career. His music consists of hazy vocals with highly spiritual lyrics, uneasy to classify trippy and sometimes noisy psychedelic pop. The little brother of Roky Erickson and Daniel Johnston, so to say! Fri 16 Sept, 22:15 - 23:00, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

It’s usually with bands like these that you come up with the most ridiculous descriptions, like avant-garde progressive rock. We’ll try anyway. Capillary Action sounds like attention disordered jazz rock by gals who spent they spare time very well dissecting Dillinger Escape Plan songs, adding orchestration (!) and contradicting catchy rock vocals on top. Sat 17 Sept, 23:30 - 00:15, Cul de Sac

Psychedelic, Garage rock

Math rock, Jazz rock



Hardcore, Sludge


Old and new school Tekno with a K from Tilburg. For all the speakerhuggers and dance floor chuggers! ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 23:00 - 00:00, Midi Bar Area

BURNING YELLOWS (US) Lo-fi, Shoegaze, Pop


Emerging from the Portland DIY scene, Burning Yellows might as well soon be the next thing within the lo-fi pop scene! With a spacey, even a little hazy production, Burning Yellows adds a truckload of echo sounds effects to singer Kyja’s vocals, backed with psychedelic, atmospheric pop songs. They come closest to Dum Dum Girls or Vivian Girls with the reverb channel on full! Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

The nihilistic Celeste will probably hate you for being part of mankind, but will surely be thankful if you visit their show. If Envy, Neurosis and Converge would make love (or hate in this case), Celeste would be their deranged child. Playing in a small, dark venue with the minimal use of lights and some intense visuals suits their blackest and bleakest nihilistic music the best. And they certainly will do so! Sat 17 Sept, 19:45 - 20:30, 013 Stage01


Will all the John Coltrane fans please stand up? Unfortunately Coltrane wasn’t available during Incubate, so we’ve booked another jazz legend; Charles Gayle! Rumor goes Gayle had been a homeless street musician for over 20 years, although he never confirmed nor denied this himself. But in the late 80’s he became a well known, diverse artist ranging free jazz to bepop, even performing with The Rollins Band. Sat 17 Sept, 18:30 - 19:15, De NWE Vorst

CHASE CLUB, THE (NL) Garage rock

The Chase Club is a young indie/garage band from Eindhoven with members from punk bands like 69 Charger and The Reactionaries. This culminates in catchy, punk influenced garage pop songs. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Mon 12 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Cul de Sac ▲ CHRIS CORSANO (US) Improv, Free jazz


The Lebanese (but based in France) Christine Shenaoui is an alto-sax player with a background in playing improvised free jazz music. Besides working with other free jazz/ improv artists like Stéphane Rives, Quentin Dubost and Agnès Palier she also performed with various orchestras and co-organizes the annual Irtijal festival in Lebanon. She will be playing along with Chris Corsano on September 16th! ► Chris Corsano in residence Fri 16 Sept, 22:00 - 23:15, Paradox


Chris Corsano already has a huge back catalogue of collaborations with past Incubate(d) artists like Massimo Pupillo from Zu, Six Organs of Admittance and Jandek. No wonder we’re absolutely delighted to have this legendary free jazz drummer to curate the whole weekend at Paradox. Corsano is known for his raucous, metallic, intense and complex noisy drumming, supported by various guest musicians. Free jazz galore! Fri 16 Sept, Paradox 20:00-21:00 Chris Corsano and Dennis Tyfus 22:00-23:00 Chris Corsano and Christine Sehnaoui

Math rock, Instrumental Sat 17 Sept, Paradox 20:00-21:00 Chris Corsano 22:00-23:00 Chris Corsano and Mick Flower Sun 18 Sept, Paradox 17:00-18:00 Chris Corsano with John Edwards and Mats Gustafsson 19:00-20:00 Chris Corsano with John Edwards and Mats Gustafsson



Codasync is one of those bands that can’t be stereotyped. Or as they say themselves: “To us all that matters is that the music sounds right, and good music is indescribable.” Their latest album ‘Snacycod’ is full of spontaneous ont-the-spot compositions, almost always recorded live and sprinkled with a touch of seventies. Almost like an ongoing jam session where all music genres are allowed. Sun 18 Sept, 17:30 - 18:00, Sounds



Pedro is the guitar player for Dick el Demasiado & Sus Exgerados and Julio is a DJ who mixes traditional cumbia music with electronics and with this laid the foundation for the current electro cumbia sound. Together they create Constitu Sound, named after cumbia capital Constitución (Argentina). Live this translates into an electro pop mashup, designed for the better global dance floors. Sat 17 Sept, 19:30 - 20:15, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

Crunchy improvised noises from Manchester with black metal elements. Their lo-fi recorded limited cassettes already floated around the underground circuit and will now hit the Noise Vaults to translate this into a raw and noisy live performance. ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, Koen's Workspace

Cumbia, Sample pop

Noise, Black metal


Techno, Dubstep

If you wonder where the current killer dancefloor tracks are coming from, the Local Action camp is currently running big things, globally! Contakt recently released his debut release on the label full of deep, melodic and funky dubstep and techno beats, even including a remix by the legendary DJ Rolando. Currently well settled in the record bags of the likes of Sinden, Loco Dice and Brodinski! ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 21:00 - 22:00, Midi Theater

CRAVATS, THE (UK) Punk, Saxophone


The Cravats is a legendary punk band with a saxophone from England formed in 1977. After the band went on hiatus in 1982, several members continued to play in other bands and side projects. For the Rebellion Punk Festival in 2009 the band came back together for some special shows. This year the saxiest punk band on earth is invited to Incubated by Steve Ignorant (Crass) himself. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, V39

▲ DAEDELUS (US) Sample, Hip-hop Hip-hop and electronica producer Daedelus will work with students from the Fontys Rock Academy and the Conservatory in Tilburg for a new track every day during Incubate. At the festival, Daedelus will give masterclasses to the students. They'll work under the direction of Daedelus on their own music of which he takes a sample every day and uses it in a new song that will be put online every night. On Saturday he will do a DJ set in which he incorporates the songs that were made during the week. Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, 013 Kleine Zaal




Cumbia, Moombahton

On stage this band turns out into an aggressive tank of sludgy hardcore like barely seen before. Raw and pissed off with some bleak, slow sludge/black passages like Celeste and extremely heavy drumming passages. One of those bands who are a danger to our provided backlines, but we couldn’t resist giving them the chance to bring a good dose of anger on stage. Beware of broken drumsticks flying around! Sat 17 Sept, 15:30 - 16:00, Hall of Fame

Playing everything from Hip Hop, Reggae, dancehall, Moombahton, Kuduro, dutch house, baile funk and everything in between; David Heartbreak has no limits! The dance floor is bumping while Heartbreak is on the turntables. His current involvement with the Moombahton movement has him touring the globe and gathering attention from the most elite, starting an onslaught of followers. ► Monsters of Moombahton Sat 17 Sept, 02:30 - 04:00, Studio



In a time before time (read: sixties), there was this band that came from beyond. The starting point for a musical movement not seen before. Or after. The movement? Heavy metal. The band? Black Sabbath. Of course such a band deserves to be honored. Time after time. Danava from the US does a great job at this if you ask us. Smoke that grass, clench your fist, grab a beer and let the worship commence! Sun 18 Sept, 19:15 - 20:00, Little Devil

Hailing from Nijmegen, Netherlands and using nothing more than sax and drums, we present to you Dead Neanderthals. Expect an epic dissonant fusion of jazzy saxophones mixed with blastbeats from this duo. After releasing 3 albums while having only played their first show earlier this year, this hyper productive duo will bring an exclusive show you sure don’t want to miss! PS: Dead Neanderthals want to give away a free goodie after the show for those that have added us to their personal programme on! Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

Stoner/hard rock

Grindcore, Free jazz



Those who’ve seen Defeated Sanity at Neurotic Deathfest last year know that this band will bring some unequalled death metal brutality to Incubate. Expect some technical madness that will make every self-proclaimed “technical” band on the planet sound too straight forward. Low, brutal vocals with complex bass tabs and lighting fast drumming that sometimes even leans towards jazzy parts Sat 17 Sept, 20:15 - 21:00, Little Devil



Don’t get fooled by this two men (or man + woman actually) band, Dark Castle hold one’s own with the other bands in the genre. Female fronted sludge with guts is the least you can expect, as Dark Castle certainly takes things a bit deeper. Their hallucinogenic music draws you into a psychedelic trip of plodding riffs, deep grunts and shrieks and a pounding slow rhythm section. Fri 16 Sept, 01:00 - 01:45, 013 Kleine Zaal


Aphex Twin Collabs Gui Boratto AND MANY MORE


NOVEMBER 18–27 074






Take ½ of Pendle Coven and Sean, from the Finders Keepers crew and you’ll get the new occulty project Demdike Stare. Their music sounds like Lustmord going tribal; dark, droning ambient pieces with Middle Eastern and Eastern European percussion and psychedelic looping soundscapes on top. Their records are usually sold out in no time, so we give you the chance to check out this unique live experience! ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 22:00 - 23:00, Midi Theater

If you want your dubstep as deep as possible, you can stop looking and get down to DJ Madd! This UK-based dj and producer already has a huge discography with tracks on labels such as Boka, Black Box, Osiris (Kryptic Minds’ label), Wheel & Deal (N-Type’s label) and the Dutch Subway label. Not your average, superficial dubstep; is songs are extremely diverse but have one thing in common; being deep and dark! ► Trigga#21 Fri 16 Sept, 00:45 - 02:15, Midi Bar Area



Dennis Tyfus (Incubate 2009) is a Belgian artist who works and lives in Antwerp. He's an allround enfant terrible and therefor perfect for the Chris Corsano in Residence. ► Chris Corsano in residence Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 21:05, Paradox

DJ since year 2000 and producer since 2002 he's been a musician for more than 15 years and is a member of the oi+bass crew, the biggest dj collective in Bolivia. ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 02:00 - 03:00, 013 Stage01



The rural area of London is the home of Dignan Porch; a dreamy lo-fi pop collective based around the brothers Joe and Sam Walsh. Together with their friend Philippa and local bartender Ben they create a wonderful mixture of catchy pop, noise rock and shoegaze, bedroom recorded! While most of their songs don’t clock in over more then 2 minutes, they’re psychedelic gems you’d want to put on repeat! Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, Cul de Sac

Indian, Islamic and Iberian sounds in a single DJ set? Such a musical scenario is not inconceivable for DJ Umb who has provided lovers of electronic music with introductions to new exciting corners of the music culture. This co-editor and driving force behind the Generation Bass blog smashed the place at Incubate 2010, but will now be back for a good reason as the Monsters of Moombahton! ► Monsters of Moombahton Sat 17 Sept, 23:30 - 01:00, Studio

Ambient, Dub

Dubstep, Deep

Noise, Free jazz

Tropical bass, Moombahton


Generation Bass, Moombahton


Indie, Lo-fi



DMDN is founder and main force behind Tilburg's TRIGGA nights, one of the leading dubstep parties in Holland. This successful night carries on hosting artists like Appleblim, Ramadanman, Bar9, Bare Noiz, Jack Sparrow and many more. Locally also known for running the Antenna Records recordstore, but those who’ve seen him tear down the 013 Stage01 last year during Incubate know the real deal. Fire! ► Trigga#21 Fri 16 Sept, 22:00 - 23:15, Midi Bar Area

Syd Barret (Pink Floyd) has reappeared under the alias of The Doozer. Kidding. On the serious note, The Doozer is a musician from Cambridge who ‘builds’ music, as he insists on calling it himself. The building results in eccentric poppy psychedelic folk music, easily taking you back to the 60s. But with weird keyboard tones, drum machines and humoristic lyrics (“I’m too old for public transport”). Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, Weemoed

Dubstep, Trigga chief

Psychedelic, Lo-fi, Acid folk


Dubstep, Techno

DOM PERIGNON (NL) Dubstep, Drum 'n bass

Dom Perignon drops a perfect crossover between dubstep and drum and bass, switching back and forth between the genres with ease and comfort, he steadily keeps the dancefloor's attention! ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 22:15 - 23:00, Midi Bar Area


One of the newest signings to Hessle Audio (Ben UFO’s label, also playing at this year’s Incubate) is UK’s Elgato. From the same camp that brought us acts like James Blake, Ramadanman/Pearson Sound and James Blake comes yet another amazing techno, dubstep, grime and uk garage crossover act. For fans of deep sub basses, cut up r’n’b vocals and grooving garage rhythms. ► Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 01:45 - 02:45, 013 Stage01



Donné et Desirée are two nice, but sometimes noisy boys. Together they produce fragile soundscapes which often lead to sonic whirlwinds. Influenced by No Wave, Free Jazz and the New York School, they sometimes make clouds float in their composure, but often dissonant splendor, from a distance almost unnoticed. When they collide, they create intense storms and hurricanes, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Sun 18 Sept, 16:30 - 17:00, Sounds

Contemporary composed

Elke Meirsman studied oboe at the Conservatory of Antwerp, the School of Music and Dance in Rotterdam and at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels. She gained orchestra experience at the Brussels Philharmonic, Il Novecento, Cologne Academy, Brussels Chamber Orchestra, Beethoven Academy and various other chamber orchestras. At Incubate, Elke will play with Vinko Globokar and Isang Yun. ► Redecorators Wed 14 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00, FAXX Building



Indie, Noise rock

Electronic “I’m just 22 / I don’t mind dying” sings EMA on her debut single. We sincerely hope not, because we have lined her up for this year’s Incubate! Coming from a punk rock scene (pictures from her with Danzig are floating around on the internet!), she played with Gowns and finally started EMA. She easily takes you back to the 80s, sounding in between Courtney Love and Patti Smith mixed with organ sounds and weird noises. Sun 18 Sept, 21:15 - 22:00, 013 Kleine Zaal

Libertine and Webber present the power electronics work Listen, Little Man! for voice, test tone generators and video which draws on the writing and research of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a private polemic against his own treatment alongside the individual and collective stupidity. Charles Webber is a experimental electronic artist while Eve Libertine was one of the two female vocalists in the legendary punk band Crass. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Fri 16 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, V39

FALL, THE (UK) Post-punk, Punk


Esben And The Witch is based on a dreamy Danish fairytale in which little children are being murdered. Pretty grim right? Musically this translates in a dark, evil gloomy atmosphere somewhere in between Fever Ray and Soap and Skin. Musically it’s indie rock that is all over the place, sometimes dark and epic, sometimes very minimalistic. Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, De NWE Vorst


▲ ESBEN AND THE WITCH (UK) Indie, Noise rock

We are very honored to have English postpunk band The Fall at Incubate! Founded in 1977 and fronted ever since by Mark E. Smith, The Fall was first associated with the punk movement of the late 1970s. Out of all the late-'70s punk/post-punk bands, none were more prolific than the Fall though. The band has always kept a steady eye on the future, undergoing numerous stylistic changes since their origination. The Fall’s sound is characterized by an urgent and abrasive guitar-driven sound and Smith’s snarling vocals filled with bitter cynicism. The Fall have always maintained a strong cult following, and inspired a whole new generation of underground bands. Sun 18 Sept, 22:00 - 23:00, 013 Dommelsch Zaal



His German pokerface might indicate Felix Kubin is dead serious, but his brilliant cover of Lionel Richie’s ‘Hello’ shows his humoristic side as well! He is known for 80s band Die Egozentrischen 2, inspired by the German electronic scene (like Kraftwerk and DAF) and his successful solo career. He “lives and works against the gravity with sci-fi pop, noise and animation films, radio plays and broadcasting” No restrictions! Wed 14 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Paradox

The Belgian response to Woven Hand/16 Horsepower so to say is Flying Horseman!. Well structured, intimate alt-country songs mixed with psychedelic blues solo’s. There's this thick, dreamy folk feeling over them, but with danger just right around the corner. Think of the same melancholic line in their tracks as Woven Hand which also calls for comparison to their country mates from Kiss The Anus Of A Black Cat. Sun 18 Sept,15:00 - 15:45, 013 Kleine Zaal



Fleck is currently running big things from his studio in Greece, but will soon be hitting the Dutch stage for the first time as well. He’s currently signed to labels like Six Degrees and Generation Bass Records, but is also cofounder of Breathe Records together with DJ Booker. His deep dubstep sets are filled with reggae influences as well as some pure old school jungle beats. ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 02:00 - 03:45, 013 Stage01

A “shwagy situation” resulted in changing the name from Games into their surnames, Ford & Lopatin featuring members of Tigercity and Oneohtrix Point Never. Their album was produced in Jan Hammer’s (Miami Vice Theme!) studio, which also gives their music a nice 80s feel. The catchy, synthy electro pop instrumentation is supported by addictive vocals, also nicely drawn through a vocoder sometimes! Wed 14 Sept,23:30 - 00:30, Cul de Sac



Sci-fi pop, Electronic

Alt-country, Folk


Electronic, Synth pop

Noise, Experimental, Kraak

Garage rock, Psychedelic, Lo-fi


Basically everything Floris Vanhoof put his hands on in 2010 turned into a highlight. In live shows Vanhoof links new visual ideas to his idiosyncratic musical performances in which homemade synthesizers, exceptional ebay acquisitions and a personal framework are forged into an impressive whole. One of the most versatile and creatively liberated artists in Belgium. ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 21:15 - 21:45, NS16

Second chances do matter. The Fresh & Onlys had to pull out of last year’s Incubate, but will make a second attempt this year. Deeply rooted in the psychedelic sound of San Francisco’s music, The Fresh & Onlys adds a raw garage sound to this with catchy echoing vocals, tambourine laden rhythms and country guitar riffs. With a nostalgic 60s feel, yet firmly with both feet on 21st century ground. Sun 18 Sept, 18:00 - 18:45, 013 Kleine Zaal



0100011101001111! Say what? It means go! in binaire, but it’s also the opening song of Gallops’ EP that got released by Holy Roar last year. Self described as Black Sabbath raped by pacman with Steve Reich glitch instrumental post rock soundscapes. Above all they can best be compared to the math rock of Battles with the uplifting elements of 65daysofstatic. Post-rock with dancing shoes on! Sun 18 Sept, 18:00 - 18:45, Little Devil

With Fêta Justice Gerard Herman, visual artist and multi-instrumentalist in the Sheldon Siegel combo, released his solo debut through the KRAAK imprint. Herman is a full-blood improviser, mixing concrete poetry, field recordings, retardo sound art and free style saxophone eruptions in demonic performances. ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 17:00 - 17:30, NS16

Post rock, Math rock

Avant garde, Kraak

GG SKENG (NL) House, Fidget

GG Skeng is the alias of the multi talented Levi van Huygevoort. As GG, he drops some wobbly and dirty house sounds, sometimes on the verge of dubstep or other genres, but always with a steady pumping beat! ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 21:30 - 22:15, Midi Bar Area

GHOSTS ON TAPE (US) House, Tropical bass


Add a decent dose of psychedelics and surf rock on top of yourGrizzly Bear, Wavves, Kurt Vile and Woods records and you’ll get something close to Ganglians! Warm and fuzzy acoustic sounds make Ganglians your ultimate summer lo-fi record. Not to mention the catchy Beach Boys influences they merge into their music, which eventually ends up as they call it themselves; 'None of this should work but it does'. Sat 17 Sept, 21:30 - 22:15, De NWE Vorst

XLR8R already featured him in the “artist to watch” section back in 2009 and now finally on European soil for the very first time; Ghosts on Tape! And with a Roska remix on the debut EP, you know you can’t go wrong. Expect a raw mix of electro, grime, dancehall, reggaeton and crunky dubstep, also dubbed as Tropical Bass. Partyhardy! ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 23:00 - 00:00, Midi Theater


▲ GANGLIANS (US) Folk, Indie, Psychedelic




Global dance music Ginger Kid blends dubstep wobbles with double tempo's like house and techno, keeping the wonky vibe intact. Dancefloor fodder! ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 20:45 - 21:30, Midi Bar Area

Generation Bass is a blog, one of the biggest in the world in fact when it comes to global dance music. We have between 5000-8000 visitors per day and have just crossed a total of 2,5 million visitors since the start in 2009.


UK garage, Dubstep, UK funky Wut wut wut! If you haven’t heard this song from Girl Unit touching down on dancefloors all over the world, please climb underneath your rock! With tons of new dubstep, uk funky and future garage records in the record bag, the Unit will hit Incubate this year. We’re sure his releases on Bok Bok’s Night Slugs label will touch down like a hurricane, but future dancefloor anthems will be guaranteed as well! ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 01:00 - 02:00, Midi Theater

For this project we want to bring together vocalists and producers from non western countries, and have them work with upcoming stars inmodern dance genres like dubstep, skweee and tropical house. The idea is that by interacting, they learn about each other's background and that it can help develop both artists styles plus helping non western producers and vocalists gain the same technical en productional abilities as their western counterparts. Bridging the global gap so to speak! The show will be recorded on video posted on the generation bass blog. Fri 16 Sept, 013 Stage01 00:00 - 01:45 Randy Barracuda vs Steve Rutta / X Plastaz 01:45 - 02:45 Elgato vs Ronald Diaz 02:45 - 03:45 Bert on Beats vs Meneo

GIRLSEEKER (DK) Indie, Lo-fi, Kraak


Girlseeker hail from the very productive Kopenhagen scene, in which mainly Iceage is breaking necks lately. Girlseeker was born through the anus of that indie punk scene. They sound like the retarded cousin of Ariel Pink or as Joy Division on an afterparty on poppers at 2 pm. Your ultilate discovery for 2011! ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 19:00 - 19:30, NS16

Sat 17 Sept, Paradox 00:00 - 01:45 Process Rebel vs Hope Masike 01:00 - 02:00 Silkie vs Muthoni The Drummer Queen 02:00 - 03:45 Fleck 02:00 - 03:00 Dj Quien

â–ş GLEN HANSARD (IRE) Folk, Singer-songwriter Academy-award winning singer and guitarist Glen Hansard (The Frames/The Swell Season) will perform a very exclusive acoustic show in the Natuurtheater venue in Oisterwijk. Hansard will release a solo album in 2012 and plays a lot of new songs at concerts now. In July he tours with Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) in the States. On Eddie Vedder's latest album is also a (cover) song with Glen Hansard, called 'Sleepless nights'. Fri 16 Sept, 21:30 - 23:00, Natuurtheater

Busses Incubate arranged busses from the Tilburg city centre to the Natuurtheater for the Glen Hansard show on Friday September 16th.

There is enough car parking space available at the Natuurtheater if you wanna come with your own transportation.

Busschedule Bus ride 1 from Tilburg to Natuurtheater: 19:15 Busride 2 from Tilburg to Natuurtheater: 19:45 Show Oliver Cole: 20:45 - 21:15 Show Glen Hansard: 21:30 - 23:00 Busride 3 from Natuurtheater to Tilburg: 23:15 (or 15 min after the show) Busride 4 from Natuurtheater to Tilburg: 23:45 (or 45 min after the show) The bus stop will be at the parking lot alongside the 013 venue.



Tickets for the bus rides (3 euros for a return ticket) can be bought in advance at the Ticket & Info center or at the bus stop.



Italy’s finest hardcore band Gold Kids was once created as a voice for personal regrets and anger that needs to be released. By numerous tours (five mainland tours as well as some UK and Scandinavian tours), the guys in Gold Kids managed to escape the island of Cagliari and broaden their musical influences. We welcome them with open arms to the festival for some short and brutal, yet melodic hardcore! Sat 17 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, Hall of Fame

Local boys GRUDGEFUCK host the second room in MIDI Theatre on Saturday.. Grudgefuck is a group of local guys taking Bass music to the next level. Mixing it with Drum and Bass, Wonky house, Uk Funky and Acid, these dudes been throwing parties for the last couple of years at the Hall of fame!


Darkstep, Drum n bass, Acid

GOLDBLADE (UK) Punk, Rockabilly

Goldblade is a UK punk band from Manchester formed in 1995 by ex-Membranes frontman John Robb. Robb wrote several books on British pop and punkrock, which have become bestsellers and have been since translated in several languages. With shows at festivals like Glastonbury and Reading in the books we are more than happy to welcome Goldblade during Incubate festival in Tilburg. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, V39

GORGASM (US) Death metal


Around and about since 1996 but temporary inactive for five years, Gorgasm recently reformed with a brand new line-up. Nevertheless, their technical brutality will be razor sharp as always. Taking the inevitable basics from bands like Suffocation and Dying Fetus, they take death metal to the next step with gore obsessed lyrics, complex guitar riffs and drums which will groove all the way down the show. First tour in Europe since the reunion! Sat 17 Sept, 21:30 - 22:15, Little Devil

Sat 17 Sept, Midi Bar Area 20:00 - 20:45 20:45 - 21:30 21:30 - 22:15 22:15 - 23:00 23:00 - 00:00 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00

Strange Fruit Ginger Kid GG Skeng Dom Perignon Bubtek Zuur79 Limewax Bong-Ra


Punk, Post punk, New wave Gruppe80 is a rowdy German new wave/punk outfit in the vein of Dead Kennedys, Wire and Devo. Combining short and heavy lyrics with an attitude and a new wave sound with vintage organs, Gruppe 80 will be the perfect occasion for you to jump and pogo around while singing along! Sat 17 Sept, 23:15 - 00:00, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje


Free jazz, Drums, Experimental Born and raised by his father who was also a drummer, it’s no wonder that Han began hitting everything in sight at a very young age. It is said his first percussion instrument was a kitchen chair. Han performed with bands like The Ex and respected jazz artists like Derek Bailey and Don Cherry. Han is known for bringing objects

on stage which he found before the show so every show will be unique in it’s own way. Wed 14 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, 013 Kleine Zaal

to bombastic noises. HEALTH won't just give you a performance, but an experience! Tue 13 Sept, 22:30 - 23:30, 013 Kleine Zaal



Armed with just a guitar and his wife handling keyboards and a drumcomputer, Handsome Furs was born as a side project of Dan Boeckner’s Wolf Parade. But unlike Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs focuses more on a modern new wave sound in the vein of New Order. With killer guitar riffs, Kraftwerk synths and catchy vocal lines that are heavily inspired by the duo’s trip to Russia. Hopefully Incubate and the city of Tilburg will inspire them just as much! Sat 17 Sept, 23:00 - 23:45, De NWE Vorst

Henk & Melle is a new collaboration between Henk Koorn (since 1985 lead singer of Hallo Venray) and Melle de Boer (lead singer of John Dear Mowing Club). Invited by Subroutine Records, the Incubate show of Henk & Melle will be one of their first live gigs together. ► Subroutine Cares Sun 18 Sept, 16:00 - 16:45, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

Indie, Electronic


HERDER (NL) Doom, Sludge

This menacing horde from the north of the Netherlands incorporates foul souls of Urfaust, Dr. Doom, Aborted and a few more unholy covenants. Sludge, doom, crust, filth, blood and sweat are rumoured to be the sole ingredients of a good Herder show. Motörhead once said 'Everything louder than everything else' to which Herder replied with: 'Herder is harder'. Time to check if they walk the talk. Fri 16 Sept, 23:00 - 23:45, Little Devil


Black metal, Metal, Rock 'n roll


You might know HEALTH from their split releases and collaborations with Crystal Castles, but they’ve grown to a mature bulldozer of a band! HEALTH produces a Berlin wall of sound combined with aggression and energy that will make the sweat drip off the roof. A bit like My Bloody Valentine with broken amps, ghostly vocals and minimalistic

Straight from Best (Noord-Brabant) comes Heretic, a long lasting black ‘n roll tank. Storming the underground since 1995, they evolved from a typical black metal band to a more rock ‘n roll influenced band. While still keeping the faith in satan alive, Heretic adds some sleazy Motörhead riffs to their music. They’ve not surprisingly been support for The Devil’s Blood quite a few times! Mosh. Thu 15 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, 013 Kleine Zaal


▲ HEALTH (US) Noise rock, Indie

















In 2008, the attendees of the ZXZW festival were treated by the performance of bombastic indie-noise band Bonne Aparte. In the same year, frontman Gerrit van der Scheer formed a new side project called Herrek. Unlike his previous work, Herrek focuses more on the lyrical content as well as harmonic compositions, blended into modern indierock with folk influences, perhaps related to Gerrit’s Indonesian background. Tue 13 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, 013 Kleine Zaal

Straight from Holland’s Dirty South comes dubstep/drum n bass collective Horst aan de Massive. Part of this collective are DJ’s Wayne Nice & Frank Slappa, DJ Goulash en DJ Floorfilla. After performing at one of the earlier Trigga nights and truely tearing the place apart, we’ve invited these boys back. Expect gruesome lowest of the lowest bass frequencies… ► Trigga #21 Fri 16 Sept, 02:15 - 03:30, Midi Bar Area



If Burial would decide to continue making his tunes at night in an abandoned place, there’s a huge chance Holy Other would sound something like that! Little is known about this Berlin based artist, but it’s the music that counts after all! Holy Other combines the best from the chillwave scene (think Toro Y Moi), dubstep and the recently hyped “ghost” genres with raw ambient atmospherics on top. ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 21:00 - 22:00, Midi Theater

Hollandse Nieuwe (Fresh & Dutch) is a monthly compilation on leading Dutch indie music website 3VOOR12 with the latest Dutch music on it. And even more good news: All of these artists are free to see in Cul de Sac! 12-15 Sept, Cul de Sac

Indie, Post punk, Psychedelic

Dubstep, Chainsaws

Electronic, Ambient

Indie, Punk, Experimental

Mon 12 Sept 20:15 - 21:00 Richie Dagger 21:45 - 22:30 The Chase Club Tue 13 September 20:15 - 21:00 The T.S. Eliot Appreciation Society 21:45 - 22:30 Bird

HOPE MASIKE (ZI) African, Traditional

Wed 14 Sept 20:15 - 21:00 Woud 21:45 - 22:30 Vakantie Thu 15 Sept 20:30 - 21:15 Apneu 22:30 - 22:30 Anne Frank Zappa



All the way from Zimbabwe comes rising star Hope Masike. She grew up in a musical family where she gained inspiration from traditional Zimbabwean music. She joined College of Music Ethnomusicology, where she also gained knowledge of music genres like jazz, blues and reggae from other countries. Her music, played on the traditional mbira instrument “seduces, heals, inspires, exites and gives hope.” ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 00:00 - 01:00, 013 Stage01

INCULEAKS - OPEN SOURCE RADIO With Inculeaks we collaborate with radio stations and radio makers, artists, musicians and people with a interest in independent culture which provide us with their own live radio show and with that, leak their personal program onto our radio transmissions. We’ll broadcast during the festival from the 12th till the 18th of September 24 hours a day in the ether in Tilburg, the Netherlands and live-stream.

Tuesday, 13th 00:00 - 01:00 De Nightrider, Jan Pier Brands Live 01:00 - 03:00 Garden of Eyes Radio Brainwave Live 03:00 - 08:00 SOURCE LEAKS


Monday, 12th 00:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: Drvg cvltvre, JordyVision, New Killer Stars, Petr Passive, Sorry Bunch, The Peronists, Zwaar Licht. 14:30 - 16:00 Red Light Radio Live 16:00 - 16:05 INFOBESITY 16:05 - 17:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 17:00 - 18:00 HACKING, Leilani Trowell Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 21:00 What’s It All Aboot?!, Steph Byrne 21:00 - 23:00 Oorsmeer Radio, Martijn Middel Live 23:00 - 00:00 De Nightrider, Jan Pier Brands Live

08:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: 17 the Peronists, Black Mandingo, Fenn, Mano Negra, No mOre Babies, Son of 8-Bits, Stapler fahrer, Unmarked Noise. 14:30 - 16:00 Red Light Radio Live 16:00 - 16:05 INFOBESITY 16:05 - 17:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 17:00 - 18:00 HACKING, Leilani Trowell Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 21:00 What’s It All Aboot?!, Steph Byrne 21:00 - 23:00 Oorsmeer Radio, Martijn Middel Live 23:00 - 00:00 De Nightrider, Jan Pier Brands Live Wednesday, 14th 00:00 - 01:00 De Nightrider, Jan Pier Brands Live 01:00 - 03:00 Garden of Eyes Radio Brainwave Live 03:00 - 09:00 LANGWEILIGKEIT, The Hague DJ Team Live 09:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: BlackboxRed, Dina Drinks


Thursday, 15th 00:00 - 05:00 SOURCE LEAKS 05:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: 17 the Peronists, Black Mandingo, Fenn, Mano Negra, No mOre Babies, Son of 8-Bits, Stapler fahrer, Unmarked Noise. 14:30 - 16:00 Ze Majjem, Wil Roeven 16:00 - 16:05 INFOBESITY 16:05 - 17:00 Radio Ringbaan, Ries Doms Live 17:00 - 18:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 22:00 KINK FM X-Rated, Bob Rusche Live 22:00 - 00:00 P unch & Pie, Radio Raket Rioteer Live Friday, 16th 00:00 - 02:00 Zombie Radio, Robin Geurts and Dyon Schlebos Live

02:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: Autonon, Black Mandingo, BlackboxRed, Leit, Moderne Visioenen, Rocketmartin, TG Gondard, Toba Ray. 14:30 - 17:00 Roadburn Radio Live 17:00 - 18:00 Radio Ringbaan, Ries Doms Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 22:00 Tripple Trippie Tunes, Radio Raket Live 22:00 - 00:00 ConsumentenElectronica, Radio Raket DJ DmDn Live Saturday, 17th 00:00 - 01:00 Ze Majjem, Wil Roeven 01:00 - 10:00 HOUSELEAKS 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: Pandelis Diamantides 14:30 - 16:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 16:00 - 16:05 INFOBESITY 16:05 - 17:00 HACKING, Leilani Trowell Live 17:00 - 18:00 Radio Ringbaan, Ries Doms Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY


Tea, Maanwagen, Moderne Visioenen, New Killer Stars, Sorry Bunch. 14:30 - 16:00 Red Light Radio Live 16:00 - 16:05 INFOBESITY 16:05 - 17:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 17:00 - 18:00 HACKING, Leilani Trowell Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 00:00 Ruling Reddyted's Roulette show & The Too Mad Tomato Ketchup Show, Radiokidoki Live

20:05 - 00:00 Ruling Reddyted's Roulette show & The Too Mad Tomato Ketchup Show, Radiokidoki Live


Sunday, 18th 00:00 - 01:00 Ze Majjem, Wil Roeven 01:00 - 10:00 Radio Raket Marathon Live 10:00 - 12:00 De Herrie van Perry, Perry Witteveen Live 12:00 - 12:05 INFOBESITY 12:05 - 13:00 Fontys Radio, Fontys students Live 13:00 - 14:00 ROC Radio, ROC students Live 14:00 - 14:05 INFOBESITY 14:05 - 14:30 SOURCE LEAKS with: Fenn, Fujasaki, Passengers, Sorry Bunch, BlackboxRed, Maanwagen, New Killer Stars. 14:30 - 17:00 Moving Furniture Records DJ Team Live 17:00 - 18:00 Radio Ringbaan, Ries Doms Live 18:00 - 18:05 INFOBESITY 18:05 - 19:00 De Mee-Ether, Steph Byrne 19:00 - 20:00 SOURCE LEAKS 20:00 - 20:05 INFOBESITY 20:05 - 21:00 3voor12 Tilburg Live 21:00 - 22:00 Ze Majjem, Wil Roeven 22:00 - 00:00 Bamza’s Show, Radio Raket Live

We couldn’t resist booking one of our Incubated favorites from the past editions, Jefre Cantu-Ledesma, for the festival as well! His warm, melancholic ambient guitar noises (think stripped down My Bloody Valentine and early Eluvium) will be supported by the visuals of Paul Clipson. This unique combination already brought them to international film festivals like New York Film Festival and will also be performed live at Incubate! Sat 17 Sept, 22:45 - 23:45, NS16

► JACKMASTER (UK) Electronic, electro, techno


There are few artists we can entrust having Aphex Twin, Radiohead and Addison Groove (Incubate 2010) on the same mix compilation, yet with Jackmaster this turns out into straight awesomeness. Without having a single release out, Fabriclive gave him the chance to mix one of the quality Fabriclive cds. And not only on cd but also at Incubate 2011, Jackmaster will bring raw Detroit techno and UK bass/dubstep together. ► XLR8R in residence Sun 18 Sept, 21:00 - 22:00, Midi Theater

Ambient, Shoegaze, Film


John Edwards is an English double bassist, freeimprovising musician. After taking up the bass around 1987, he co-formed The Pointy Birds. The group appeared at festivals in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leverkusen, Copenhagen. Around 1990, Edwards played his first gigs with London improvisers such as Roger Turner, Lol Coxhill, and Phil Minton. At Incubate, Edwards will play together with Chris Corsano. ► Chris Corsano in residence Sun 18 Sept, 17:00 - 18:15, Paradox Sun 18 Sept, 20:00 - 21:15, Paradox



The Joyous Cosmology is an intense freak-out collective from Antwerp. It takes improvisation to its most extreme form, aiming for total freedom, fresh poetic associations and cosmic insights. With drums, synths, guitar, sax and a wide range of other instruments these joyous voyagers guide the listener to new dimensions of total synesthesia. ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 18:00 - 18:30, NS16

‘I Owe Some People The World But I Owe You Shit’ is just one of the great songs Kerouac wrote. The band from the southern parts of England makes hardcore with an intense sweet heavy bass groove. If you’ve seen bands like Kayo Dot, run,WALK! Or Hang The Bastard at Incubate, take a listen to these guys. You won’t regret. We owe you Kerouac and that ain’t shit! Sun 18 Sept, 16:45 - 17:30 Little Devil



Just hearing ‘Da Funk’ from Daft Punk at a young age for the first time wasn’t enough for Julio Bashmore, who rushed to the store for a copy of Reason to make his own tracks. Few years later he ended up getting signed by Claude VonStroke to release some of his “Dirtybird” gems (as VonStroke calls it). But above all, the main base for his music is UK House with stomping bass steps, grooving beats and funky leads! ► XLR8R in residence Sun 18 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Midi Theater

Germany’s Ketzer is preparing to unleash some more doom and armageddon over Tilburg during Incubate 2011! Taking the heavy metal basics from bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and of course Slayer mixed with the black metal of Deströyer 666, Ketzer manufactures their own brand of blackened thrash metal. Kind of like Watain partying together with Sodom while playing some Darkthrone covers! Thu 15 Sept, 20:45 - 21:30, 013 Kleine Zaal



Experimental, Space


Black metal, Trash metal, Metal

Lo-fi, Ambient

Noise, Electronic


Karina ESP has been releasing cd-r’s, cassettes, 10”es and other modern record formats since 1998 already, but more important they have gathered quite a cult status within the ambient scene. Warm and dark drones and often dubbed as ‘space rock’. Very minimalistic by using guitar, few other instruments and various effect pedals to create an environmental atmosphere. ► Morc Presents Fri 16 Sept, 21:15 - 22:00, Midi Theater


Techno, House

Electroacoustic artist Kevin Drumm has collaborated with many artists like Taku Sugimoto, multi-instrumentalist Jim O'Rourke, saxophonist Mats Gustafsson and trumpeter Axel Dörner. He will work with saxophonist/analogue synth player Thomas Ankersmit from Leiden, Netherlands at Incubate. How this will turn out? We’re just as curious as you are! Sun 18 Sept, 17:15 - 18:00, NS16



“We play better. We don’t spit on the public anymore” says frontman Ludo Mariman of The Kids about their reunion in 1996, but things were different before. The Belgian band was one of the first punk rock acts back in 1976 not from the United Kingdom. Songs like ‘Fascist Cops’ may not be as offending anymore as they were, but after their reunion in 1996, they are still just as catchy! Sun 18 Sept, 18:45 - 19:30, 013 Stage01

Klaus Beyer is no stranger in Tilburg, as we already invited him at the New Year’s reception in 013 earlier this year. But you might know him better from being the man behind albums like Hauptmann Peppers Einsamer Herzen Klub and now exclusively presenting Das Weisse Album at Incubate. That’s right, Beyer translates and performs The Beatles covers and will be doing a solo show as well one with a band (tba). He will also be interviewed at Rode Kamer on Wednesday and we’ll screen a movie of him on Thursday. Kommt zusammen zu Klaus Beyer! Wed 14 Sept, 20:30 - 22:00, talk, De NWE Vorst See Debate: Uit de broedstoof (from the incubator) Fri 16 Sept, 23:30 - 00:15, solo, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje Sat 17 Sept, 20:45 - 21:30, with band, Cul de Sac

Punk rock

German, Beatles, Cult hero


Our noise complaints this year will be directed to Belgium’s brutal noise terrorists Kindvriendelijk. Even though their name means child friendly in Dutch, we sort of have a different opinion about this. Nevertheless they will be bringing your daily dose of noise together with red wine and total madness. ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 20:45 - 21:15, Koen's Workspace

KING DUDE (US) Lo-fi, Folk, Neofolk


“My music is the music of the world, of nature, of the devil, of love and destruction” is what King Dude says about his music. He sometimes sounds like Swans going acoustic, but can also go a little more country with spooky soundcapes that sound like the acoustics of a cathedral. His other black/ death metal acts reveal his darker side, but this project also shows King Dude’s more spiritual side. Witch folk perhaps? Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, Pauluskerk

KONGH (SW) Doom, Sludge

If you enjoyed Switchblade at Incubate last year, make sure you catch the Swedish and befriended band Kongh as well. Kongh will guide you through a trip full of distortion, raspy vocals and hauntingly bleak atmospheres. Sometimes as nasty as an uptempo High on Fire record but also as hypnotizing as Neurosis. We can’t forecast the weather, but if there’s a huge dark cloud over Tilburg, you can blame it on Kongh. Fri 16 Sept, 00:00 - 00:45, 013 Kleine Zaal


KOMA Elektronik is a start-up company producing true analog audio effect pedals. Rooted in the DIY music scene, entrepreneurs Wouter Jaspers and Christian Zollner are in search for sounds out of the ordinary, effects that go beyond the industry standards, incorporating both technology from the world

of guitar pedals and the world of modular synthesizers. They present their outcome for the first time to the public during Incubate! Besides their two new pedals; the BD101, a Gate / Delay and the FT201, a State Variable Filter / 10 step sequencer, they will bring a modular synth and other instruments, so visitors can try out the pedals for themselves. Drop by and get ready to be KOMAnised! Sat 17 Sept, 12:00 - 18:00, FAXX Building


Indie, Dreampop, Noise rock Kool Thing is named after the first major label single by Sonic Youth. And while there's a bit of noisy guitartones to be found here as well, it's not as violent as Sonic Youth could be. It's more dreamy synth-laden reverb pop that will suit your needs if you're looking for soothing melodies with a touch of melancholy. Beautifully honest music. If you're here for Austra, EMA and the likes, this could be your new addiction. Fri 16 Sept, 22:00 - 22:45, 013 Stage01

KRAAK IN RESIDENCE Left-field, Avant garde


Straight from the vaults of Tilburg’s underground DIY scene comes Laatste Halte, a punk/screamo/hardcore DIY outfit. They released a split cdr with Gonzo (r.i.p.) earlier this year. Apparently their sets are as short as this bio, so come early and don’t miss out! ► Steve Ignorant in residence Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, V39



Terracota Gate Gerard Herman The Joyous Cosmology Girlseeker Warm Climate Floris Vanhoof Makino Takashi

New weird Polish freak folk sounds a bit weird, but is actually the most accurate description to be given to Kyst, due to the the variety of genres this band explores. The four piece has Norwegian roots but currently residences in Poland. This, mixed with elements from post-rock, indie and a little touch of noisy improv comes close to Akron/Family, Grizzly Bear, Tortoise and their label mates Au (Incubate 2009). Sat 17 Sept, 18:15 - 19:00, Cul de Sac


Kraak started out as a Belgium based record label for off-stream left field avant-garde and deconstructed pop music. Nowadays they set up concerts, put out records and publish a free monthly magazine. Ada van Hoorebeke dressed the place up for this occasion. Sat 17 Sept, NS16 16:00 - 16:30 17:00 - 17:30 18:00 - 18:30 19:00 - 19:30 20:00 - 20:45 21:15 - 21:45 22:00 - 22:30

▲ KYST (PL) Folk, Noise rock, Post rock



13-09 16-09 16-09 16-09 16-09 17-09 17-09 18-09

21:45 20:30 21:30 22:45 00:00 15:30 23:00 18:00 | | | An Initiative of the Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA)

◄ LET'S WRESTLE (UK) Indie, Post punk Let’s Wrestle is three young chaps from London who combine three chord riffs, bad jokes and a punkrock attitude to play their indie/ pop influenced songs. With their humorous approach on life and witty lyrics these lads really can’t do anything wrong. Also with having their second album Nursing Home mixed by none other then Steve Albini these guys are ready to wrestle everyone on their way! Fri 16 Sept, 00:00 - 00:45, Cul de Sac

Industrial, Experimental, Noise Although their creepy music is the ultimate soundtrack for crapping your pants, the legendary collective Le Syndicate that formed back in 1982 never promoted nihilism or violence, unlike other noise acts. Their use of TV and city noises layered with (amen) breaks, led to an circulation of their music within the early-noise scene. They influenced artists like Aphex Twin and also the early gabba movement! ‘Joy through noise!’ Sat 17 Sept, 22:30 - 23:30, 013 Stage01


Punk rock, Garage/hard rock


For those of you that know Annihilation Time: Lecherous Gaze is the continuation of that punk band but with another vocalist. For those that have no idea whatsoever about that band: Lecherous Gaze concocted the perfect mix of punk rock with melodic hardrock guitar playing.It’s the combination that makes it a lean mean swinging machine. Sun 18 Sept, 20:45 - 21:30, Little Devil

LIAM NOBLE (UK) Jazz, Composer

UK based pianist, composer and educator Liam Noble Is currently one of the most in demand players on the London and international scene, working with a variety of players across many different genres of improvised and composed music. He has frequently collaborated with Steve Ignorant, Penny Rimbaud and the cult minimalist composer Moondog, as well as releasing diverse solo work. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Sat 17 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, V39

LIBRARY TAPES (SW) Ambient, Post rock

Library Tapes is pianist David Wennegren who made a name for himself not only by his stunning productions but also collaborations with artists such as Peter Broadrick, Silvain Chauveau and Nils Frahm. Losing 1200 pounds last year didn’t stop him from making music, thanks to the donations of his fans.. Breathtakingly touching, not for the noisy attendees among us! Fri 16 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Pauluskerk





After Fall of Efrafa’s quest came to an end in 2009, singer Alex started a new project which became Light Bearer. The project comes down like a huge wave of post-rock riffs diverged with heavy sludge influences from bands like Buried Inside and Isis. With their music, the story line and art as a great element, Light Bearer constantly hits the light switch between bleak and bright. Sat 17 Sept, 17:15 - 18:00, 013 Stage01

Having only released her first record earlier this year, Little Scream (a.k.a. Laurel Sprengelmeyer) is coming over all the way from Canada to mesmerize us with her guitar, violin, keys and beautiful voice. Her music is best described as soft melancholic folkpop. Having recorded her album with members of Arcade Fire and The National this is something unique you will not want to miss. Sat 17 Sept, 15:30 - 16:15, De NWE Vorst



Lightning Dust is the sideproject of Amber Webber and Joshua Wells from Black Mountain. You could say this project has a more basic approach compared with Black Mountain, but that doesn’t hold them from making breathtaking folk music. Lightning Dust is based around Amber’s beautiful, fragile voice and traditional singer-songwriter instrumentation. This is one of those acts that will crawl deep under your skin! Tue 13 Sept, 21:15 - 22:30, Paradox

Part of the DMZ crew together with Digital Mystikz (Mala & Coki), Loefah was one of the pioneers of the deep and dirty dubstep sound. His solo tracks have been featured on tons of compilations and bagged by big boys in the game like Skream and Benga. Besides that he runs the successful Swamp 81 label with releases by Headhunter (Incubate 2010), The Bug and many more. Big things! ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 02:00 - 03:30, Midi Theater



Limewax (born Maxim Anokhin, 1988) is a drum and bass producer and DJ from Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, whose style tends towards the harsher sounds of hardstep and darkstep. However he is most recognisable as a Skullstep artist. At the age of 11, he moved to Tilburg in the Netherlands, where he began writing music. He released his first EP, Changing Crisis in 2005 at the age of 17, and since then performed at the notorious Therapy Sessions events worldwide. ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 01:00 - 02:00, Midi Bar Area

From the vaults of Groningen comes the trio Loud Squirt. Their shows are an explosive mixture of high energy garage/punkrock/ rock ’ n roll inspired by bands like New Bomb Turks and The Gories. They recorded their latest 7” in an oldschool analog way directly to tape, so you can imagine what this is gonna sound like. Our only advice for you is to come out to this party and get up close and personal in the front! Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, Little Devil

Post hardcore, Sludge, Post metal

Indie, Folk

Indie, Rock

Dubstep, Electronic

Punk rock, Punk, Garage


Drum n bass, Darkstep


Makino Takashi (1987, Tokio) is a filmmaker from the new generation of Japanese experimental movies. During his studies at Nippon University he started by creating super8 movies. In 2001 he honed his skills with the Quay Brothers. During Incubate he will show 30 minutes of his work during the Kraak program. â–ş Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 22:30, NS16


Singer/songwriter, Alt country, Acoustic

â–˛ LUSTMORD (US) Dark ambient, Industrial The master of the lowest of the lowest frequencies will perform for the very first time in the Netherlands! Ever since Brian Williams started pioneering dark ambient as Lustmord in 1980, his music has been about layers, textures and atmosphere. Lustmord live performances are absolutely rare so you definitely don't wanna miss out on this one. Sun 18 Sept, 18:00 - 19:30, 013 Dommelsch Zaal


Man From The South is the title of a fascinating tale by Roald Dahl that includes a Cadillac, a zippo lighter, a butcher knife and a young man's little finger. It is also the name of the latest solo project by Dutch singer/ guitarist Paul van Hulten, who is best known for his work as part of folk-rock duo Woody & Paul. On his bittersweet debut album titled 'Koblenz', Man From The South shares with us 10 intimate songs full of melancholy and poignancy. Sun 18 Sept, 17:30 - 18:15, Pauluskerk


Ambient, Drone, Dark ambient

Indie, Experimental Man Man will guide you through piano driven indie rock by energetic, uplifting songs but also by slowing down to more hooky melancholic songs. With five talented multiinstrumentalists who play piano, percussion, guitar, trumpet, marimba, synth, organ, accordion, alto sax, bari sax, vibraphone, melodic and flute we can guarantee a full stage of madness and dozens of catchy songs! Sun 18 Sept, 16:30 - 17:15, 013 Kleine Zaal



Formed by Robert Hampson, who also worked with Godflesh and Scott Dawson of legendary shoegaze band Loop, Main started in 1991. For years they have been making buzzing ambient drone sounds with dark electric guitars and samples. Using material derived from field recordings, electronics and pure sound design mixed with Stephan Mathieu's beautiful spectral work for stringed instruments, organs and radios, a new era of Main has begun. Sun 18 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Pauluskerk



For some reason strange, yet maybe very obvious reason, Maruta’s drummer Nick Augusto recently left the band to play in the popular metalcore band Trivium. With the addition of the ex-Nailshitter drummer and a bass player, they are now heavier than ever. Operated by insane, technical riffs and blastbeats at breakneck speed, Maruta produces pulverizing grind with elements of doom, power violence and death metal. Sat 17 Sept, 22:45 - 23:30, Little Devil

Saxplayer, improviser and composer. Soloartist and international tours/projects with a.o. Peter Brötzmann, Sonic Youth, Merzbow, Jim O´Rourke and in working groups The Thing, Sonore, FIRE!, Gush, Boots Brown, Swedish Azz and Nash Kontroll. Producer of international festivals and concert tours as well as work with own record labels Slottet, OlofBright Editions and Blue Tower Records. At Incubate he will be playing along with Chris Corsano on September 18th. ► Chris Corsano in residence Sun 18 Sept, 17:00 - 18:15, Paradox Sun 18 Sept, 19:00 - 20:15, Paradox

Grindcore, Death metal, Metal

Free jazz


Electronic, Sample pop, Cumbia digital Matanza is the amalgamated work of Spec and Vicente, the kings of turntablism in the hip-hop scene of Chile, but after a trip to Buenos Aires their love for house music started to bloom and they decided to start a project which needed a third head. Rodrigo Gallardo and they started producing tracks with Andean and tropical influences while mixing it with the sounds of the streets of Chicago. Mon 12 Sept, 23:30 - 00:30, Cul de Sac

MATER SUSPIRIA VISION (AF) Witch house, Synth pop, Ambient


Going solo for a jazz pianist might sometimes turn out risky, but Matthew Shipp will leave the Incubate attendees stunned! Shipp has been compared to the pianist version of Peter Brotzmann (Incubate 2010) due to his same gently chaotic improvisations, as well as a combination between the harmony of Bill Evans and the rugged Thelonious Monk sound. Mon 12 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Paradox



Some of you might have already seen Mater Suspiria Vision at Incubated 04, but we’re proud to also announce them for the Friday of Incubate.This so-called ghost drone act made a name for themselves early 2010 when their myserious, yet intense videos popped up on YouTube. Their vivid, visual driven performances will certainly get your freak on. Welcome to the witch house! Fri 16 Sept, 23:00 - 23:45, 013 Stage01

Electro, 8bit

Rigo Pex plays his self-coined, self-bastardised form of electropical straight off his mini machine. Raul (VJ Entter) creates atariworshipping, brain-invading VJ images off his. This is 8-Bit with soul. ► Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 02:45 - 03:45, 013 Stage01

one on their schedule! Mind over Mirrors is a one man project from Jaime Fennelly (member of Peeesseye - ZXZW 2008), based around the indian harmonium. By using various effects, echo’s and pedals, he makes this instrument sound like a Sunn O))) track covered on an organ. And what comes out is extremely spacing, hypnotizing music. ► Morc Presents Fri 16 Sept, 23:45 - 00:30, NS16

After DeYarmond Edison broke up, a folk/altcountry band together with Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, the well bearded brothers Brad and Phil Cook and Joe Westerlund decided to carry on with a new project which became Megafaun. With a certain love for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, the band branded their own sound with an inexhaustible source of mellow banjo picking, piano and acoustic guitars. Mon 12 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, 013 Kleine Zaal

MICK FLOWER (UK) Free jazz

Mick Flower is one of the founders of the English psychedelic/drone collective Vibracatchedral Orchestra and shared the stage with various other acts such as Jandek (Incubate 2009) and Sunburned Hand of the Man. He is no stranger on stage (and record as well) with Chris Corsano, guiding Corsano’s complex drumming work on the shamisen, the Japanese “three flavor strings” instrument. ► Chris Corsano in residence Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 21:15, Paradox Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 23:15, Paradox



Those who enjoyed Barn Owl during our latest Incubated series will have to mark this


Indie, Psychedelic, Dream pop

Behind the one man project Miracle Fortress lays an ocean of dreamy pop music, yet still complex and textured. The running engine behind the project is a Canadian multiinstrumentalist, but will be supported by members of The Luyas, Adam & the Amethysts to translate his music into a live performance. The catchy melodies, supported by electronic elements refer to Caribou, but are dreamy and melancholic in its very own way. Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, 013 Kleine Zaal

MONACHUS (SW) Post-metal, Sludge

From the ashes of the Swedish post-metal act Icos steps up Monachus. After a potential lawsuit and some personal differences within the band, they were forced to change their name. Monachus already secured a track on the Falling Down Compilation II alongside acts such as The Ocean, God Is An Astronaut and Kodiak (Incubate 2010) and will now release their debut in May. Anticipate some of the most glooming and droning sludge with a post-metal atmosphere! Sat 17 Sept, 16:00 - 16:45, 013 Stage01


▲ MEGAFAUN (US) Indie, Folk


Parade, Edgar Wappenhalter at Incubate. This year Morc is presenting it's own stage.

What’s this Moombahton I keep hearin’ about more and more? Well, moombahton is a genre of electronic dance music. Because the tempo nears that of the reggaeton, the neologism "Moombahton" was created by combining the title of the genre defining track "Moombah" and the "ton" ending of the word "reggaeton" and applied it to the genre. Now you know this, all you need to do is get your body moving to these beats to understand what we’re talking about.

Fri 16 Sept, NS16


20:00 - 20:45 21:15 - 22:00 22:30 - 23:15 23:45 - 00:30

Plinth Karina ESP Will Samson Mind over Mirrors

MOSE GIGANTICUS (US) Metal, Punk rock, Sludge

After Mastodon and Baroness it’s time for the next big thing to step up in modern sludge music. And we’ve already signed the petition for Mose Giganticus to be this! The main engine behind the band is the synth driven melodies like Genghis Tron without the crazy drumcomputer. Instead they add heavy hitting sludge drums and hardrock/ heavy metal riffs with a volcano eruption of progressive rock parts. Fri 16 Sept, 00:15 - 01:00, Little Devil

Sat 17 Sept, Studio 23:30 - 01:00 DJ UMB 01:00 - 02:30 Munchi 02:30 - 04:00 David Heartbreak

MOON & SUN (SW) Indie

The crackling of the campfire on Moon & Sun’s debut EP sets exactly the intended atmosphere for the rhythmic singersongwriter music. Moon & Sun is a project from the beautiful Swedish Monica Tormell with various collaborators, including Aruban steel drum legend Lee Connor. The lyrics music are based on a cultural investigation of space, guided by music that has reminiscent in between Fever Ray and Soap&Skin (Incubate 2009). Sun 18 Sept, 16:30 - 17:15, Weemoed


Drone, Folk, Ambient


Morc records is a DIY label from Gent in Belgium, releasing drone, folk and ambient records. In the past we presented Morc-artists like Jessica Bailiff, Circle Bros, The Puddle


The latest and well received volume in the DJ Kicks series was done by broken beat and (deep) house producer Motor City Drum Ensemble. By starting with a track from Sun Ra, you already know the deal; an eclectic selection is the key! In his DJ-sets, Motor City Drum Ensemble merges old jazz records with Detroit & Chicaco house tracks from the likes of Robert Hood and Mr. Fingers, as well as his own deep and soulful productions. Don’t sleep on this! ► XLR8R in residence Sun 18 Sept, 19:00 - 20:00, Midi Theater



This half Dominican Republic / half Dutch wonderkid from Rotterdam is one of the biggest and prolific bassheads of his generation, singlehandedly putting moombahton (essentially a cross between reggaeton and (slowed down) Dutch house) on the map here in Holland and all around the globe. A kid with big hair that loves to make all kinds of music and share his love for music in the clubs! ► Monsters of Moombahton Sat 17 Sept, 01:00 - 02:30, Studio

My Disco is a young three-piece straight from the Melbourne DIY scene. Starting with uplifting math-rock, the band evolved to their own more complex, yet still accessible rhythmic percussive driven style. Hard to describe, but closest to indie/post punk-like music influenced by the likes of Shellac, Sonic Youth and old krautrock records with a funky undertone. It might sounds a little strange but their music is highly repetitive in a way that makes it extremely hypnotizing and exciting. Sun 18 Sept, 19:15 - 20:00, Cul de Sac

Cumbia, Moombahton

Noise rock, Math rock, Post-punk



Afro-rock, Floetry, Drummer

Contemporary composed

Muthoni The Drummer Queen is not a stranger in the Netherlands anymore, after working and performing with Amsterdam based act Bronstibock last year. But this talented poet and songwriter will return to Tilburg for Global Mashups as well! She blends salsa, kwaito, afro-rock, taarab, rap, Floetry and R&B, delivered in an experimental “Floetry” (spoken poetry) package. ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 01:00 - 02:00, 013 Stage01

Nadar was founded in 2006 by several young musicians with a shared passion for contemporary music. At Incubate, percussionist Tom de Cock and cellist Pieter Matthynssens will play music by Yannis Xenakis and Stefan Prins. ► Redecorators Fri 16 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00, FAXX Building


Doom, Shoegaze, Ambient,

Post-punk, Experimental, Minimal wave


Mueran Humanos is an post-punk/ experimental band with Carmen Burguess (machines and voice) and Tomás Nochteff (bass and voice). Together they create haunting, pschodistorted soundscapes filled with strange harmonies, electronic drums and spacy effects. Which isn't that surprising with a bandname that translates to 'Die humans'. Good fun for pessimists. Sun 18 Sept, 16:45 - 17:30, Cul de Sac

Buzzing your ears since 2002, Nadja has been putting out countless releases including collaborations with the likes of Troum and OVO. For some reason never secured a spot in their busy tour schedule at Incubate, but this year we welcome this Canadian two-piece with open arms! Long, hypnotizing tracks that mix atmospheric dooms, drones and ambient and will certainly be loved by fans of drone-pioneers Earth and those who seen Final at Incubate last year. Fri 16 Sept, 20:30 - 21:30, 013 Stage01



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23 OKT

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Natural Snow Buildings are Mehdi Ameziane and Solange Gularte, a duo from Vitré, France. Their music can be described as experimental psychedelic folk, heavily influenced by drones and ambient. In the same vein of artists like Jandek and Richard Youngs, Natural Snow Buildings have built an impressive oeuvre, yet barely play any live shows. As this one is taking place in the beautiful Pauluskerk venue you can be sure it’s going to be an exclusive one! Sat 17 Sept, 17:30 - 18:30, Pauluskerk

Noise From The Grave is a duo from our own beautiful country the Netherlands. Their music however is beautiful in a completely different way with razor sharp, harsh noise like the mighty Merzbow! ► Noise Vault, The Sat 17 Sept 20:45 - 21:15, Koen's Workspace

Psychedelic, Folk, Drone

Harsh noise


Noise, Drone, Weirdness The best in noise, drones, performances and general weirdness, hosted by the next generation of Tilburg noise alumni: Svartvit!


Garage rock, Indie, Hollandse Nieuwe From a squatted machine factory in Amsterdam emerged the new garage rock/ indie band New YX. According to them they were inspired by wild animals, long nights, early mornings, psychedelic roadtrips to Berlin and Lady Gaga: They make strong, raw music with lots of energy; filthy but clear, noisy and poppy music which you may call ‘Powergaze’. Yes, they are perfectly normal people. ► Subroutine Cares Sun 18 Sept, 18:30 - 19:15, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

Fri 16 Sept, Koen's Workspace Ruisgenoot (Weird dj-set), Preliminary Saturation (Drones / Microsound), Unholy Analog Noisemachine (Harsh noise), True Deep (Drones), Kindvriendelijk (Harsh noise), Cryptic Salve Band (Black / Noise). Sat 17 Sept, Koen's Workspace Ruisgenoot (Weird dj-set), Noise From The Grave (Harsh noise), Beard]+. (Drone / Doom / Ambient), Pollutive Static (Harsh noise walls), Sump (Black / Noise), BIRTH (Digital hardcore).



There’s one simple reason why No Turning Back has never been on the bill for Incubate until now; these guys are always on the road. Take that as a compliment! They began playing in 1996 while most of the members were still 16 years old and have been “growing stronger” ever since. Whether they’re bringing their straight forward, no bullshit hardcore to Asia or even Africa, they always get the place moving. Sat 17 Sept, 17:30 - 18:00, Hall of Fame

If you’re into pure acoustic guitar virtuoso, Norberto Lobo should be right up your alley. Stripped down to the very basics, one man with a guitar, Norberto plays mellow instrumental music both on 6-string as well on 12-string guitar. When someone’s capable of turning a Björk song into a stunning acoustic version, you know you’re in the right place! Sun 18 Sept, 16:15 - 17:00, Pauluskerk


Folk, Singer-songwriter





If Flying Lotus’ beats and Burial’s atmospheres would combine, something closely sounding to Nosaj Thing would emerge. With neck snapping hip-hop beats, glitchy rhythms and grooving synths, Nosaj (actually his first name Jason spelled backwards) will drag you into his deep music along with a very special visual show which will use the whole stage to strenghten the intensity of his music. We’ll dim the lights, Nosaj will provide the earcandy. Wed 14 Sept, 22:30 - 23:30, 013 Kleine Zaal

After leaving the Irish band Turn, Oliver Cole started his solo career and releases his first album 'We Albitri' in 2010. At the Incubate festival, he will be supporting Glen Hansard. Recording his album at the Black Forest in Germany, Cole is at the right place at the Natuurtheater venue in Oisterwijk. So, with our own interpretation of an old Irish saying we would like to say: If you're lucky enough to see Oliver Cole and Glen Hansard, then you're lucky enough. Fri 16 Sept, 20:45 - 21:15, Natuurtheater

Electronic, Hiphop, Glitch

Folk, Singer-songwriter


Hardcore, Dark, Belgium Bringing dark, technical and brutal hardcore, the Ghent based Oathbreaker are set to release their first full lenght Mælstrøm on Deathwish Records later this year. Having their album mixed by Kurt Ballou (Converge), these Belgians are ready to bring havoc all over Europe and the rest off the world. For fans of Cursed and Rise & Fall. Re-press' of their 7" are now available on TDON Records. Sat 17 Sept, 19:45 - 20:30, Hall of Fame

OBLITERATION (NO) Death metal, Metal


From the same Norwegian graveyard as Darkthrone (the town Kolbotn), comes the inferior brutality tank Obliteration. Old school is the key with this band; think of Autopsy but sped up into a rotten filthy swamp of unashamedly death metal. With Fenriz of Darkthrone saying they sound like the succeeded version of what Darkthrone attempted with “Soulside Journey” and “Goatlord”, you know the catch. Quickly we rot! Thu 15 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, 013 Kleine Zaal

▲ OMAR SOULEYMAN (SY) World music, Syrian, King of cool Omar Souleyman, not to be confused with the Egyptian politician, is not here to bring any politics but to bring a party! Omar worked his way up in his homeland Syria at weddings and other parties, eventually ending up collaborating with the one and only Björk! With his sidekick Mahmoud Harbi on synths, who passes him subjects sing to about, he will also be accompanied by traditional instruments. We recommend you to get your dancing shoes! Mon 12 Sept, 22:30 - 23:30, 013 Kleine Zaal



Dubstep, UK garage

See next page for performance times.

OSCILLATION, THE (UK) Psychedelic, Krautrock

If you loved Circle (Incubate 2010), take a red marker and put another circle around The Oscillation on this year’s timetable. This band will guide you through 70’s shoegazing krautrock music in a new jacket. Spaced out psychedelics, tribal rhythms and that same hypnotic and grooving sound as Wooden Shjips but with less distortion. You can leave your drugs at home; The Oscillation will do the work! Sun 18 Sept, 20:30 - 21:15, Cul de Sac



Avant garde, Minimal music, Improv Peter J Taylor, who we already know from playing in Action Beat (Incubate 2010), is coming back to Tilburg. In this new project he is working with voluntary musicians playing his latest compositions. They have specially prepared their instruments and follow written instructions. After a short practice they will perform on Sunday, of course under the flag of this year’s We Are Incubate theme. Sun 18 Sept, 16:00 - 17:00, NS16


Folk, Indie, Slowcore Out of the cold streets of Toronto Picastro has been operating within the “slowcore” scene for over ten years now. Their shifting lineup even featured Owen Pallett (Final Fantasy) in the past. Very deep and gloomy acoustic/ indie with intensity brought by haunting cello parts, slightly false piano notes and frightening bleak lyrics. Fri 16 Sept, 22:45 - 23:30, Cul de Sac



Indie, Psychedelic, Folk


Clean your throats, grab your favorite hardcore t-shirt out of your closet and put some plasters in your trousers pocket. This afternoon, you'll experience some of the finest hardcore tunes of the moment. Pariso comes right out of the Throats, Rolo Tomassi and Trash Talk scene and if you like those bands, and if you like songs less than a minute in length, this will be the thing you don't want to miss. The moshpit is yours. Use it. Sun 18 Sept, 15:30 - 16:15, Little Devil


One man, two decks and a bag full of fresh records. Oneman is no stranger in the London scene; from his notorious dj performances at leading venues like Fabric and Plan B to residency at the FWD parties and various shows at Rinse FM! Oneman quickly switches, swaps and rides throughout recent and forthcoming dubstep bangers, but we can ensure you’ll hear some grime, garage and reggeaton beats from him as well! ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 00:00 - 01:00, Midi Theater

A fan of Omar Souleyman is a friend of ours! But of course that’s not the main reason why we’ve booked Pinkunoizu. The band members played with other Copenhagen-based bands like Selvhenter, Howl Baby Howl and Valby Vokalgrupp. They call it “an exotic mixture of lo-fi, high-life, modern composition music, ancient folkish songwriting, asian 60's pop and future post-apocalyptic underwater rock”. Sun 18 Sept, 18:00 - 18:45, Weemoed

► PETER BRODERICK (US) Folk, Singer-songwriter Peter Broderick is one of those people with a biography you’ll get instantly jealous of. Being a multi-instrumentalist, Peter plays violin, piano, sings and what not? He played with the Danish Efterklang ensemble as well as Horse Feathers and writes music to accompany ballets. But most of all he makes breathtaking solo work under his own name: a mix of ambient soundscapes guided by stunning piano play and soundtrack-like strings. Absolutely lovely. Sun 18 Sept, Pauluskerk (and lunch concert) Timeschedule, lunchconcert In May he came to Brabant to work on organic farm ‘t Schop and get inspired by nature. He helped birth a calve, went to a slaughterhouse and wandered around the farm while writing new music. During Incubate he will return to that farm and give a special lunchconcert, besides the performance in the church on Sunday. 12:30 – 14:30, Lunchconcert @ ‘t Schop. Tickets (including transportation) at Ticket & Info center (if not sold out yet) 18:45 - 19:30, Pauluskerk (with film of his stay in May)


The lunchconcert at 't Schop includes a delicious lunch of local food, among other from the farm itself. There is the possibility to join a covered wagon behind a tractor to get to 't Schop from Tilburg centre or from the Incubate camping. Tickets are very limited, 40 including wagon. All tickets are 10 Euro, including lunch and transportation.

11:30 Covered wagon leaves at the stop in front of the 013 venue 12:00 Covered wagon arrives and leaves at the stop at campsite Beekse Bergen 12:30 Start of the lunch 13:15 - 13:45 Concert Peter Broderick 14:00 Departure covered wagon back to Tilburg city centre.



The Darkest of Grays is the well-chosen title of Planks’ latest album. On one side the bleak crusty hardcore sound with on the other side a more dynamic mix of old-Isis and Mastodon with an occasional wave of black metal blasts. With this, a grey blend of killer guitar riffs, a core approach to their drumming and lyrical content about water, especially the deepest corners of the oceans. Sat 17 Sept, 17:45 - 18:30, Little Devil

Preliminary Saturation is an improv, droning and noisy duo from the Netherlands with two members who are also known for their solo work as Franz Fjodor and Staplerfahrer. But once in a while they get together for a little bit of smoke, wine and a whole lot of improvisation music! ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 21:30 - 22:00, Koen's Workspace

Hardcore, Sludge

Noise, Drone, Improv



Dub(step), Reggae

Ambient, Experimental, Folk From the Morc label comes this one man ambient project. If you love Jefre CantuLedesma’s music but think he should have left his distortion pedals at home during Incubated, Plinth should be right up your alley! Mellow guitar picking, guided by an atmospheric background of classical and ambient soundscapes. ► Morc Presents Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, NS16

Process Rebel is actually from America but currently lives in Amsterdam, where he’s working hard on his debut album. But in the past he already made countless appearances on releases and worked together with the likes of Dub Gabriel (Incubate 2010), Mc Zulu and Dr. Israel. His music is very very dubby dubstep with reggae influences. Kind of like The Bug on a well spent afternoon in a coffeeshop. ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 00:00 - 01:00, 013 Stage01



Another brutal harsh project from the UK; Pollutive Static is the brainchild of Hal Hutchinson and is, according to him dedicated to all forms of noise pollution. We guess he just means not to forget your earplugs. ► Noise Vault, The Sat 17 Sept, 22:15 - 22:45, Koen's Workspace

Puzzle Muteson is a British songwriter who sings along to his own charismatic folk songs while playing on his finger picked guitar. Puzzle recently recorded his debut album with labelmates Nico Muhly and Valgeir Sigurðsson in Iceland. Muteson is one of the artists from the highly acclaimed Bedroom Community stable, which also happens to be the home of Incubate 2011 artist Sam Amidon. Thu 15 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, Paradox


Folk, Singer-songwriter


Harsh noise



Keeping punk alive since 1982, The Queers are a long lasting American punk band. Despite many member changes except for singer/ guitarist Joe Queer, The Queers has always been about catchy, sing-a-long friendly pop punk. Of course with lyrical themes that include girls, alcohol and parties. Expect to hear covers from some of their main influences like The Beach Boys, Ramones or The Undertones as well. Sun 18 Sept, 20:15 - 21:00, 013 Stage01

Skweeeeeeeee. Finnish skweee brought to the swampy Netherlands by Randy Barracuda himself. He has been running the Harmönia label with a couple of associates for years now, bringing us diverse skweee artists from around the globe. He will now do the musical talking himself during this Global Mash-up duel. ► Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 00:45 - 01:45, 013 Stage01

Punk rock


RATS ON RAFTS (NL) Post-punk

The roots of Rats on Rafts lay in the old Rotterdam pop and wave scene. After endless rehearsals, the band was invited to support Jay Reatard during two of his Dutch tours. In 2008, the band self-released their first EP. Now, they signed with our good friends of Subroutine Records who will release their first full-length somewhere around the Incubate festival. ► Subroutine Cares Sun 18 Sept, 19:45 - 20:30, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

▲ RAINBOW ARABIA (US) Electronic, Psychedelic, Experimental


Don’t be fooled by their recent signing to the minimal/techno label Kompakt, Rainbow Arabia are a completely different cup of tea! This husband and wife duo makes lo-fi electronic synth pop on very tribal rhythms that give them a Middle Eastern and extremely groovy feel. Add some psychedelic sounds to this and you get the picture. Catchy, uplifting and drifting as the rest of the label’s roster! Tue 13 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Paradox


Contemporary composed Vincent van Amsterdam (accordion) en Eva Gemeinhardt (recorder) have been a duo since 2010. Their repertoire includes compositions from the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century. The program includes works by Keiko Harada and Tomi Räisänen. ► Redecorators Tue 13 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00, FAXX Building



Contemporary composed


With the Redecorators project, composed music also gets a place at Incubate. Every day, amateurs and professionals will play on an unusual location in the city during the festival. Talented young musicians will play music by composers such as Keiko Harada and Iannis Xenakis, but also medieval music will be played. A relaxed atmosphere in an unusual place with new music

Richie Dagger is actually Restless Youth minus bass player, but with Giel from the recently deceased Hooghwater on bass. Bringing back the rock in punk rock! ► Hollandse Nieuwe Mon 12 Sept, 20:15 - 21:00, Cul de Sac


Folk, Slowcore, Sadcore 12-17 Sept, FAXX building Although over a dozen musicians (Alan Sparhawk, Jarboe) have been working on either albums or live-performances, please don’t let there be any misunderstanding: Nathan Amundson is Rivulets. Born in Denver, CO and grown up in Alaska, Amundson started Rivulets in 1999. Be prepared for lyrics full of doubt and worry. Performing in the Pauluskerk, Amundson will bring an intimate solo show to Tilburg. Fri 16 Sept, 23:00 - 23:45, Pauluskerk

Mon 12 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00 uiuiui koo Tue 13 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00 ReAcct Wed 14 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00 Elke Meirsman Thu 15 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00 Santiago Lascurain Fri 16 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00 Nadar Sat 17 Sept, 14:00 - 14:30 Battle of the Recorders / Battle of the Blokfluit


House, Techno, Electronic


Next to Shawn Reynaldo we’d like to introduce another member of the XLR8R crew; Rem Koolhaus! Besides being the creative director of XLR8R, he also plays out often as DJ ever since his years as a teenager. His style? Grooving house music and loads of uk funky bassline tracks by the likes of Julio Bashmore, Girl Unit and many more! He’ll be warming up the venue on the Sunday, in style! ► XLR8R in residence Sun 18 Sept, 16:00 - 17:30, Midi Theater

Ronald Diaz is a dj from Guatemala who started developing his dj skills at the young age of just 13 years old. He is influenced by dj’s/producers like Ricardo Villalobos and Luciano, blending minimal techno with Latin American and African percussives. Diaz likes to call this “Afro-Techno” himself and is not afraid to let the ground shake during his Incubate 2011 performance! ► Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 01:45 - 02:45, 013 Stage01






One of the most promising indie rock bands at the moment is not coming from the UK or America for a change! Rubik from Finland is a combination between Modest Mouse and The Format with Sigur Rós atmospheres. Original and complex music, very hooky and melancholic with a cold Finnish breeze floating throughout their records. Prog together with serious indie rock. Stuff to dance to... Sun 18 Sept, 19:30 - 20:15, 013 Kleine Zaal

“Fuzzy indie pop about beaches, piers, lost love and Calypso lollies.” That’s how this band describes themselves. Hailing from the south of England, Safari Park features members from Skitanja (who played at Incubate 2010) and who are more than happy to return to Tilburg again with their next project. The music they produce with Safari Park is also described as noise-influenced indie pop. Sat 17 Sept, 22:30 - 23:15, Weemoed

Indie rock

Indie, Noise pop,Lo-fi



Folk, Americana, Acoustic

Noise, Experimental



Run With The Hunted is named after a collection of poems from Charles Bukowski. When it comes to the music itself think a combination of Shai Hulud, Every Time I Die, American Nightmare and Botch. While sometimes being fast and furious and on the other hand slow and brutal, Run With The Hunted would love to see you up front, in the pit of course! Sat 17 Sept, 18:30 - 19:00, Hall of Fame

Sam Amidon turns old Irish and Appalachian songs into new ones, keeping the lyrics and melodies intact but adding new chords and rhythms. These songs lean towards Nick Drake sometimes. With minimalistic percussions and orchestral guidance throughout his songs, you think you’ve got something really authentic here. Yet at that point Sam suddenly surprises with an R. Kelly cover completely turned inside out! Thu 15 Sept, 21:15 - 22:00, Paradox

SANTIAGO LASCURAIN (NL) Contemporary composed, Guitar

Santiago Lascurain is a classically trained guitarist who recently graduated from the Conservatory in The Hague. Santiago is also a part of Modelo62, a young ensemble of musicians with a passion for contemporary music. ► Redecorators Thu 15 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00, FAXX Building


More weirdness and more weirdness and many even more weirdness on dj equipment closing the Noise Vault on Friday and Saturday! ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, Koen's Workspace Fri 16 Sept, 23:30 - 00:00, Koen's Workspace Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, Koen's Workspace Sat 17 Sept, 23:30 - 00:00, Koen's Workspace



This crazy German duo performs short and razor sharp songs, in a very jazzy mathrock way with mostly instrumental parts and drum rhythm mayhem. Think Knalpot (Incubate 2009) going insane. Not much can be found about this band, except for the same line popping up everywhere; “Smash the drumbucket-afro kit and play the guitar. 5 days in the boomy room... with my favorite pet.” Sun 18 Sept, 15:30 - 16:00, Sounds

No wonder we invited Shawn Reynaldo and crew from XLR8R to curate the Midi Theater at Incubate 2011! By looking at Shawn’s past recommended artists on the XLR8R blog, artist names from previous Incubate editions such as Raffertie, Schlachthofbronx, Kap Bambino and Munchi pop up. As a DJ, Shawn combines the hottest beats within dubstep, garage and house at the moment. Time to get moving! ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Midi Theater

Noise rock, Math rock

Dubstep, UK garage, House

SHOW IS THE RAINBOW, THE (US) Electronic, Experimental

We won’t have to scrub the dancefloor anymore after The Show Is The Rainbow, as mastermind and only member of the “band” Darren Keen will mostly be positioned lying on the floor during his performance. He is known for performing his songs mostly in the middle of the crowd and everyone may join him! His music style? Something like electronicndiesynthpsychedelicidmhop. Sat 17 Sept, 20:45 - 21:30, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

▲ SCREAMING FEMALES (US) Punk rock, Indie, Garage rock


We’ve booked every man’s nightmare at Incubate 2011; Screaming Females. Yet in this case it means one of New Jersey’s finest punk rock bands at the moment. Don’t expect any screaming either, because frontwoman Melissa ‘s vocals are as catchy as can be! This combined with smoking guitar solos, weighty bass loops and tons of energy forms Screaming Females. Be prepared for a punk rock party, Jersey style! Thu 15 Sept, 23:30 - 00:30, Cul de Sac

SILKIE (UK) Dubstep

According to Boomkat, Silkie is one of those dubstep artists who maintain the original, deep and heavy dubstep sounds while hovering on the edges and never fully integrate in the scene. We couldn’t agree more! His techno synth driven, soulful, deep dubstep basslines eventually brought him to Mala’s (Digital Mystikz) Deep Medi Musik label and of course to Tilburg! ► Global Mashups Sat 17 Sept, 01:00 - 02:00, 013 Stage01



SJ Esau is the project of Sam Wisternoff who was first signed to a label at the age of 10. The output is a mix of pop/folk which sometimes burst out in chaotic noises, being backed by the vocals of Portishead’s Charlotte Nichols. With a dose of humor (like backing vocals by his two cats) and rich influences from UK’s underground hip-hop/trip-hop scene, SJ Esau adds something brand new to modern pop music. Fri 16 Sept, 21:30 - 22:15, Cul de Sac

Two-chords-free-folk-drone-boogie. That’s one description of Spilt Milk’s music. Its repertoire (adaptations of dead American poets like Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams and Wallace Stevens) was played many times in living rooms. Like Haron & Nienke’s, after which their first tape sold out very rapidly. Now Spilt Milk plays at Incubate’s own living room: Buitenbeentje! ► Subroutine Cares Sun 18 Sept, 17:15 - 18:00, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje

Experimental, Electronic, Folk

Lo-fi, Psychedelic, Indie



Shoegaze, Indie, Dream pop

Anarcho punk Sleep Party People - the bedroom project of Brian Batz - is like one of those fairy tale gems that keep radiating magical colors when it’s dark and that actually grow bigger and brighter when nighttime falls. It's something special. An old drum machine, a piano and a guitar, make a dreamlike universe arise. With traces of shoegaze, mystique and idiosyncrasy the result is hard to define. Luckily. Wed 14 Sept, 20:00 - 21:00, Paradox


Formed in Belfast around 1980 and were around until 1987. In 2010 the band reformed to play Steve Ignorant's Belfast gig as part of the Last Supper tour. Stalag 17 play politically inspired punk rock and comprises original members Petesy (lead vocals and guitar) and Mickey (drums) with Joe (bass) who joined a bit later. ► Steve Ignorant in residence Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, V39


Techno, House, Electronic

Classical, Renaissance

Under the moniker of Consort Spectrale, three lute musicians will celebrate one of the most important composers of the renaissance era, Josquin des Prez, who died 490 years ago. The lute-trio consists of Che Chen, Robbie Lee and Jozef van Wissem, also playing violin, recorder and portative organ. Stephan Matieu from ambient project Main (also playing on Sunday) will accompany them on cymbals and authentic virginals! Sun 18 Sept, 15:00 - 15:45, Pauluskerk



Don’t be fooled by the roots of this young Irish producer. Space Dimension Controller is one of those producers who sounds like he’s coming straight from Detroit. Deep, melodic and extremely soulful techno and house also dubbed “Galactic Funk”. No wonder Space Dimension has a solo releases on the legendary R&S label (James Blake). We think he’ll bring some good reasons to party tonight. ► XLR8R in residence Sun 18 Sept, 17:30 - 19:00, Midi Theater



Steve Ignorant curates three days in the V39 venue and has invited artists based on his vision on independent culture in 2011. Steve Ignorant’s punk band Crass was one of the driving forces of the DIY movement, and therefore a major influence on the punk movement. Crass was one of the first artists to arrange their record sales and concerts without interference from the music industry, also known as DIY (do it yourself). Because of their radical views on the meat producing industry, vegetarian ideas were quickly known amongst a wider public.

Steve Rutta performed at a festival in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) for the first time in 1999, while he was still looking like a six year old kid. Yet his rhymes made an amazing impression which eventually even brings him to Tilburg for the first time! He will be joined by X Plastaz, a group from the same country, blending traditional Masaai music and clothing with modern hip-hop. ►Global Mashups Fri 16 Sept, 00:45 - 01:45, 013 Stage01

Fri 16 Sept, V39 20:00 - 20:30 Laatste Halte 21:00 - 21:45 Eve Libertine & Charles Webber 22:00 - 22:45 The Cravats

Dubstep, electro

Punk, Spoken word, DIY

Hip-hop, Masaai

Sat 17 Sept, V39 20:00 - 20:45 Stalag 17 21:00 - 21:45 Liam Noble 22:00 - 22:45 Goldblade Sun 18 Sept, V39 20:00 - 20:45 Steve Ignorant, Carol & Peter 21:00 - 21:45 Andy T

STEVE IGNORANT, CAROL & PETER (UK) Crass, spoken word


Incubate will be perfect for the debut performance of this project of a spoken word/ narrative about ‘Life’ by Steve Ignorant, Carol Hodge and Pete Wilson. Ignorant co-founded the anarcho-punk band Crass with Penny Rimbaud in 1977. Carol Hodge is a singer, pianist and songwriter that has been singing in rock and punk bands since the age of 15. Pete Wilson is a guitarist, bassist and singer from Manchester. ►Steve Ignorant in residence Sun 18 Sept, 16:00 - 16:45, V39

STRANGE FRUIT (NL) Blending UK funky, dubstep and electro, Strange Fruit is one of the Grudgefuck residents. Expect a solid and eclectic set. ► Grudgefuck Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, Midi Bar Area


Subroutine is a label with roots in the independent scene of Groningen and has a deep love for nineties indie bands. Since almost every act on the label played Incubate in the past we asked them to curate a night with their favorite upcoming dutch bands. Sun 18 Sept, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje 16:00 - 16:45 Henke & Melle 17:15 - 18:00 Spilt Milk 18:30 - 19:15 New YX 19:45 - 20:30 Rats On Rafts



Sump is raw, noisy black metal with a punk vibe from the UK. A bit like Darkthrone and with only a drummer, guitarist and primitive rocking black metal music, made to be played in dark basements. That’s how we like it! ► Noise Vault, The Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:30, Koen's Workspace

Talking to Turtles is Florian Sivers and Claudia Göhler, a duo from Leipzig. After recording its debut album ‘Monologue’ in a friend’s living room in Berlin the duo embarked on a tour supporting Angus and Julia Stone. Using nothing more than their voices and guitars live, SIvers and Göhler’s music can be described as warm and emotional acoustic songs, dipped in a melancholic sauce. Sun 18 Sept, 19:30 - 20:15, Weemoed

Indie, Folk

Black metal, Noise

TERRACOTA GATE (DK) Ambient, Synth

Sylvain Chauveau is a well known French contemporary classical artist, known for his diverse solo work as well as soundtracks for Sebastien Betbeder films and his other bands Arca, 0 and On. He is mostly known for his work on the piano but will present a special new set at Incubate with acoustic guitar, laptop and vocals. Don’t miss out on this! Thu 15 Sept, 22:30 - 23:30, Paradox



The T.S. Eliot Appreciation Society is the alias of Tom Gerritsen, a new rising star from Utrecht who plays breathtaking acoustic folk/ alt-country songs. We appreciate! ► Hollandse Nieuwe Tue 13 Sept, 20:15 - 21:00, Cul de Sac

TERZIJ DE HORDE (NL) Experimental, Black metal

I see my metal and I want to paint it black. Terzij de Horde is an amazing black metal addition from our very own Dutch soil! By merging elements from black, post rock, doom and screamo, Terzij de Horde sounds somewhere in between Altar of Plagues (Incubate 2009) and Celeste. It will leave the corpse paint at home, as always, but that does not affect the highly intense and atmospheric performance. Sat 17 Sept, 18:30 - 19:15, 013 Stage01


▲ SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU (FR) Post-classical, Ambient

Jonas Frederiksen, keyboardplayer and manager for Girlseeker, his solo project Terracota Gate is the ultimate soundtrack for your downer parties, blending casio samples, ambient and 80s film muzak in a delayed dimension. ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 16:00 - 16:30, NS16



Fast, furious and short, that’s what sums up This Routine Is Hell! Remember Paint it Black at ZXZW in 2008? Alongside Minor Threat one of the biggest influences on this young band from Utrecht. The combination between these two results in something dangerous. A heavy piece of hardcore punk, which can also be compared with the likes of Ceremony; mean, nasty, short and pile-up friendly! Sat 17 Sept, 16:30 - 17:00, Hall of Fame

Inspired by the likes of Miles Davis and Nina Simone he grew up in Chicago, before moving to Detroit to become one of the pioneers within the techno and house scene. Parrish’ music is not just straight forward. By re-editing old disco, funk and soul records, he adds some serious groove to his records. If you’re a fan deep Detroit techno like Carl Craig, Stacy Pullen and Juan Atkins, come see this legendary DJ. ► XLR8R in residence Sat 17 Sept, 02:00 - 03:00, Midi Theater

THIS FRONTIER NEEDS HEROES (US) Folk, Singer-songwriter


This Frontier Needs Heroes is a brother/sister duo from Brooklyn and we think we’ve found some new folk/singer-songwriter heroes right here! Traditional folky acoustic guitar playing, minimalistic percussions and dual singing with some hints of alt-country, think of Belgian band The Bony King of Nowhere. The ultimate soundtrack to a sunrise in your backyard to wash away a hangover. Fri 16 Sept, 20:30 - 21:15, Pauluskerk


Noise rock, Psychedelic, Post-rock Perhaps you’ve seen this name shining on the bill with last Portishead tour, or maybe you’ve seen them at Cul de Sac before. Or perhaps you didn’t. Either way, Thought Forms combine post rock, shoegaze and psychedelic rock, mostly instrumental but with the rare, yet effective use of vocals from time to time. Think early Mogwai records. Thought Forms are known for improvising at their live performances! Fri 16 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, Cul de Sac

TOUCHY MOB (DE) Folk, Electronic

Strangely enough, Touchy Mob didn’t perform in the Netherlands thus far, but will soon be a well requested performer if you ask us! Berlin’s Ludwig Plath is known for his remixes and covers of acts like Bear in Heaven, Au, Kyst (which he also plays in) and Caribou and his own music sounds like something in between these acts. “Folk techno” as he selfdescribes his music. Diversity is the key here. Sat 17 Sept, 21:15 - 22:00, Weemoed


▲ THEO PARRISH (US) House, Techno, Detroit

TRUE CHAMPIONS RIDE ON SPEED (BE) Instrumental, Math rock

▲ TRIAL (US) Hardcore, Straight edge Grab your markers, mark your X, jump on the back of your friends, jump off the stage and most of all, sing along! That pretty much sums up what a Trial show is all about, nest to the strong political message in the music. Trial followed in the footsteps of Youth of Today and Gorilla Biscuits, in a second wave of straight edge hardcore. Called it quits in 2000 but recently back in action and now for the first time in the Netherlands! Sat 17 Sept, 23:30 - 00:15, Hall of Fame

TRIGGA #21 Dubstep

Fri 16 Sept, Midi Bar Area 21:00 - 22:00 Bots 22:00 - 23:15 DMDN 23:15 - 00:45 Benton 00:45 - 02:15 Dj Madd 02:15 - 03:30 Horst aan de Massive


Trigga is one of the longest running dubstep nights in mainland Europe right now. We are in Tilburg, Holland and have been running a bi-monthly dubstep party since 2005, kicking it off with the first ever show of Kode9 & DMZ outside of the UK and having people like Appleblim, Bare Noize, Cyrus, MRK-One, Bar 9, Slugabed, Reso and Vivek pass through here.

True Champions Ride On Speed is an instrumental trio from Belgium that released their self-titled debut EP last year. Combine weird song structures with dissonant sounds, throw some heavy guitar riffs in the mix and you’ve got True Champions Ride On Speed. Its complex guitar-based experimental style reminds a little bit of Battles, but then heavier. A little bit like Battles who ride on speed, perhaps? Sat 17 Sept, 14:30 - 15:00, Sounds


Noise, Industrial, Soundscapes The guys from Preliminary Saturation will be playing under the alias of True Deep as well, where they will explore the industrial and soundscape side of the noise genre. ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 22:15 - 22:45, Koen's Workspace


Psychedelic, Stoner rock The stoner aficionados will be pleased with this one! Formed by the two Bird brothers (hence the name?), Tweak Bird already toured with Tool and were picked by Melvins for their curated ATP. The last one is clearly the main influence for their psychedelic stoner rock jams, although it has some references to Black Sabbath and King Crimson oldies as well. Tue 13 Sept, 23:30 - 00:30, Cul de Sac


Dubstep, Electronic Even though Untold only released his first record in 2008, his biography is pretty impressive to say at least. No wonder BBC’s Mary Anne Hobbs called him “one to watch” back in 2009. He played all over the world and released records on big labels such as Hotflush and Hessle Audio. While his records contain deep and atmospheric dubstep, don’t look surprised when some cumbia dancefloor beats come along. ► XLR8R in residence Fri 16 Sept, 01:00 - 02:00, Midi Theater

Since 2007 the uiuiui koo ensemble combined several musical and artistic traditions to create its own sound and imagery. With a backdrop by Marielle Verdijk and suits from a fictional era, uiuiui koo creates a somewhat absurd atmosphere. The result sounds like baroque music from a shortwave radio, or as Delia Derbyshire from Radiophonic Workshop BBC said: "looking for Schubert in a forgotten future." ► Redecorators Mon 12 Sept, 19:30 - 20:00, FAXX Building



Ambient, Psychedelic Vakantie from Groningen is giving our biography writers a damn hard time to find (translated, the band name means "Holiday"), but when finally coming across a Soundcloud page, their mix of ambient and psychedelic certainly triggered our curiosity. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Wed 14 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Cul de Sac


Noise, Soundscape

Drone, Avant garde, Noise


Unholy Analog Noisemachine, or UxAxNx is no stranger in the noise scene. The Belgian artist is known for his harsh synth driven sounds with industrial soundscapes and videogame samples. Limited cassettes available through your local cassette dealer. ► Noise Vault, The Fri 16 Sept, 23:00 - 23:30, Koen's Workspace


▲ UIUIUI KOO (NL) Contemporary composed

Seth Kasselman is the man behind this project. He always picks out different musicians to accompany his glamfolk inspired jams, in which pop music and improv are blended like a strong bloody mary. For his live debut in Europe Kesselman is doing it all by himself. With a castrato voice, a free approach to the clarinet and a love for everything droning he breaks all frameworks of contemporary pop. ► Kraak in residence Sat 17 Sept, 20:00 - 20:45, NS16

WILL SAMSON (UK) Ambient, Folk

After a 4-month journey across Asia and the Himalaya, Will Samson returned to his mother land, to begin translating his experiences into music. That became thewellknown album ‘Never Give Up’. Whereas that album has more of a post-rock feel, the new album ‘Hello Friends, Goodbye Friends’ leans more towards mellow, atmospheric driven folk. Any association to Bon Iver’s music goes without saying. ► Morc Presents Fri 16 Sept, 22:30 - 23:15, NS16

▲ WAR ON DRUGS, THE (US) Indie, Folk, Psychedelic Kurt Vile leaving the band after the debut album to pursue his solo career didn’t stop The War on Drugs from growing to be one of the most interesting bands around. They sound like they're influenced by raids in the local second hand record stores for old Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen vinyl, while on the other hand spending long nights listening to Animal Collective, tipsy on red wine. Mon 12 Sept, 21:45 - 22:30, Paradox

WHEELS ON FIRE (US) Garage rock, Indie, Surf


If you’re looking for some no-nonsense garage rock, Wheels on Fire should be right up your alley. The four piece is rocking like it’s the late 60’s again with energetic, organ-driven garage blues rock ‘n roll, mixing The Stooges with Elvis Costello. The dirty dual guitar riffs from last year’s album ‘Liar Liar’ crack through your speakers and make you even forget they don’t have a bass player. Catchy as hell! Sun 18 Sept, 17:15 - 18:00, Cul de Sac

WOODEN SHJIPS (US) Psychedelic, Kraut, Rock

When we made Circle and Black Mountain jam together at Incubate last year, it resulted in Wooden Shjips. Nah, Just kidding! But that would come pretty close to describing their sound. Long psychedelic jams with echoing vocals, stoner bass and warm organ sound, not afraid of adding something extra (a “j” for instance). WIth their psychedelic rock roots from San Francisco and hints of krautrock, Wooden Shjips’ performance with videoartist Wineke Gartz will undoubtedly result in a natural hallucinogenic high! ► Wineke works with Wooden Shjips Sat 17 Sept, 22:00 - 00:00, FAXX Building

XLR8R IN RESIDENCE Electronic, House

Over the course of the Incubate Festival weekend, leading American electronic music publication XLR8R will take over the night. Incubate has invited XLR8R to curate three days of cutting-edge electronic music in the Midi Theater!

After the grindcore beast Insect Warfare played their last shows in 2009, it was time for a new band to fill their shoes. All the way from Singapore, Wormrot is working their way up fast. This three-piece brings a truck load of short, crushing and drumkit bashing grindcore with a huge love for old thrash and punk records. The new record is getting raving reviews from gutters all over the planet. Sat 17 Sept, 00:00 - 00:45, Little Devil

WOUD (NL) Ambient


We can’t deny it, we’re a huge fan of bands coming from the Bonne Aparte/Adept/Eklin camp!Woud is a project by Wouter Venema and Keimpe Koldijk from these bands we just named, but this time making exciting, experimental sinister ambient music. ► Hollandse Nieuwe Wed 14 Sept, 20:15 - 21:00, Cul de Sac

Accelerating Music and Culture. That's the creed that drives the people and content that shape XLR8R (pronounced "accelerator"). With a website, mobile apps, and XLR8R TV webcast, XLR8R focuses on emerging trends in music, style, and technology. XLR8R's editorial is designed to break new artists and challenge cultural paradigms. they constantly strives to challenge its readers and provide a unique and inspiring experience. XLR8R Fri 16 Sept, Midi Main hall 21:00 - 22:00 Holy Other 22:00 - 23:00 Demdike Stare 23:00 - 00:00 Ghosts on Tape 00:00 - 01:00 Boddika 01:00 - 02:00 Untold 02:00 - 03:30 Loefah Sat 17 Sept, Midi Main hall 20:00 - 21:00 Shawn Reynaldo 21:00 - 22:00 Contakt 22:00 - 23:00 Ben UFO 23:00 - 00:00 Brackles 00:00 - 01:00 Oneman 01:00 - 02:00 Girl Unit 02:00 - 03:00 Theo Parrish


▲ WORMROT (SG) Grindcore, Death metal, Metal

Sun 18 Sept, Midi Main hall 16:00 - 17:30 Rem Koolhaus 17:30 - 19:00 Space Dimension Controller 19:00 - 20:00 Motor City Drum Ensemble 20:00 - 21:00 Julio Bashmore 21:00 - 22:00 Jackmaster

* and we can back that up. visit us at the FaXX building on 17 sept. 2011


we make yo u r sound eve n b e t t e r*

▼ YOB (US) Doom, Sludge


We could spend a festival guide full of how awesome YOB was at Roadburn 2010, but we won’t. Don’t be fooled by the fact that YOB only exists of three band members (and letters), if this band won’t blow you off your socks, there’s only one explanation; you’re not there. The long tracks burst with echoing clean vocals soaked in fuzzy drone bass lines towards hypnosis. Don’t forget your earplugs. Don’t. Fri 16 Sept, 02:00 - 03:00, 013 Kleine Zaal

Zuur79 is a live acid/tek improv group. Every show is different, so get your 303 kicks on and get hazed by a shower of old school acid! Sat 17 Sept, 00:00 - 01:00, Midi bar area


:ZOVIET*FRANCE: (UK) Industrial, Dark ambient

:zoviet*france: make awesome dark ambient with slight industrial hints since 1982 and will be support act for Lustmord! Also known as Zoviet : France :, $oviet:France:, :Sophie & Franz, :Zoviet * France:, :Zoviet France:, :Zoviet*France, :zoviet*france:, :ZovietFrance, :zoviet-france:, :Zoviet:France:, Soviet France, Zoviet vs France, zoviet*france and Zoviet-France, in case you’re confused. Sun 18 Sept, 16:30 - 17:30, 013 Dommelsch Zaal



We can’t guarantee a campfire and a bottle of single malt scotch, but we can guarantee a breathtaking show by Zachary Cale. This young artist has been working his way up since 2003 making moody folk songs with hints to country and blues. With shuffling druming, mellow guitar picking and Cale’s beautiful voice that compares to Leonard Cohen, Townes van Zandt, Bob Dylan and every synonym of the word awesome. Fri 16 Sept, 21:00 - 21:45, Kafee 't Buitenbeentje


Folk, Singer-songwriter, Alt-Country


The War On Drugs Thought Forms True Champions Ride On Speed Tweak Bird Wooden Shjips

A Grave With No Name Antilles Austra Battles Capillary Action Codasync Dignan Porch EMA Esben and the Witch Gallops Ganglians Girlseeker Handsome Furs Health Herrek Klaus Beyer Kool Thing Kyst Let's Wrestle Man Man Miracle Fortress Mueran Humanos My Disco Peter J Taylor's Works For Guitars Pinkunoizu Rubik Safari Park Schnaak SJ Esau Sleep Party People Spilt Milk The Fresh & Onlys The Oscillation The Show Is The Rainbow



Alasdair Roberts Alexander Tucker Baby Dee Bird Brasstronaut Flying Horseman Glen Hansard Henk & Melle King Dude Lightning Dust Little Scream Man From The South Megafaun Moon & Sun Norberto Lobo Oliver Cole Peter Broderick Picastro Puzzle Muteson Rivulets Sam Amidon Stephan Mathieu & Jozef van Wissem Talking To Turtles The Doozer The T.S. Eliot Appreciation Society This Frontier Needs Heroes Touchy Mob

Matanza Meneo Motor City Drum Ensemble Munchi Muthoni the Drummer Queen Nosaj Thing Omar Souleyman Oneman Process Rebel Rainbow Arabia Randy Barracuda Rem Koolhaus Ronald Diaz Shawn Reynaldo Silkie Space Dimension Controller Steve Rutta / X Plastaz Strange Fruit Theo Parrish Untold Zuur79

Will Samson Zachary Cale

ELECTRONIC Ben UFO Benton Bert On Beats Bong-Ra Bots Brackles Bubtek Constitu Sound Contakt David Heartbreak Demdike Stare DJ Madd Dj Quien DJ Umb DMDN Dom Perignon Elgato Felix Kubin Fleck Ford & Lopatin GG Skeng Ghosts On Tape Ginger Kid Girl Unit Holy Other Hope Masike Horst aan de Massive Jackmaster Julio Bashmore Limewax



Charles Gayle Chris Corsano Christine Sehnaoui Han Bennink John Edwards Liam Noble Mats Gustafsson Matthew Shipp Mick Flower



Gruppe80 Loud Squirt New YX Rats On Rafts Richie Dagger Screaming Females Stalag 17 Steve Ignorant, Carol & Peter The Chase Club The Fall The Kids The Queers Wheels On Fire

Amagortis Aura Noir Celeste Danava Dark Castle Dead Neanderthals Defeated Sanity Gorgasm Herder Heretic Ketzer Kongh Lecherous Gaze Light Bearer Maruta Monachus Mose Giganticus Obliteration Planks Terzij de Horde Wormrot YOB

DRONE / AMBIENT / NOISE Author & Punisher Beard]+ Cryptic Salve Band Dennis Tyfus Donné et Desirée Floris Vanhoof Gerard Herman Jefre Cantu-Ledesma & Paul Clipson Karina ESP Kevin Drumm & Thomas Ankersmit Kindvriendelijk Le Syndicat Library Tapes Lustmord Main Mater Suspiria Vision Mind Over Mirrors Nadja Natural Snow Buildings



Andy T Anne Frank Zappa Apneu Brother JT Burning Yellows Cravats Eve Libertine & Mark Webber Goldblade

Noise From The Grave Plinth Pollutive Static Preliminary Situation Ruisgenoot Sump Sylvain Chauveau Terracota Gate The Joyous Cosmology True Deep Unholy Analag Noisemachine Vakantie Warm Climate Woud :zoviet*france



Alpinist Anchor Daggers Laatste Halte Gold Kids Kerouac L채rm No Turning Back Oathbreaker Pariso Run With The Hunted This Routine Is Hell Trial

EXTRA HEAVY METAL BOWLING Sold out in less than two days this year. Keep an eye on our social media next year to get a ticket for this bowling and beer drinking and heavy metal party of the year, with Patchman Marco behind the weels of steel. Everyone is welcome at the afterparty in Little Devil from 00:00.


Nieuwlandstraat 33, 18:00h

Our favourite record store has its own program during Incubate with cool bands and an expo of Woody and Paul. We know you still buy vinyl and cd’s, so you don’t wanna pass Sounds by. Opposite of the Ticket and Info center. Check Sounds on Twitter for all dates and times: @Soundstilburg.

EAT-IN An Eat-In is a food party. The idea is to bring home-cooked food with at least one of the ingredients being organic and consume it all together. So bring: Apple-pie with apples from your grandma's garden, salad with vegetables from the nearest organic farmer, herbs from your own garden, organic meat to prepare on the big barbecue... Everything's possible, as long as it's good and honest.


17 SEPT, 13:00- 15:00, HEUVELPLEIN


Willem II-straat 52a, 17:00 – 21:00. De Imme is an organic and vegetarian restaurant located in the city centre. A lot of our dishes can be tailored to vegans, allergies and other dietary needs. Day specials are 12 euros, the week special is only 7,50 euros.

STREET CHALK CONTEST Street chalking still isn’t only for kids! Incubate proves this with the annual street chalking contest.

18 SEPT, KONINGSPLEIN, 13:00 – 16:00 SKATE CONTEST The best moves on a board with four wheels. In association with Kingdom Skateshop, Incubate presents the skate contest again. Both events above are in collaboration with the Tilburg safety day, which has firefighters and the police as a theme. The main prize: a visit to the fire station!


18 SEPT, KONINGSPLEIN, 13:00 – 16:00

Tilburg nominaTed as

besT innerCiTY

of The neTherlands


We are proud! #TilburgbesTebinnensTad

CAMPSITE Incubate has its own campsite for the very first time this year, where you can put up your tent, camper or caravan. The campsite is open from Friday, 16 September at 13:00 until Monday, 19 September at 12:00. The campsite is located at the Beekse Bergen, just outside of Tilburg. It has hot showers, its own small store and lots of other Incubate aficionados. We’ve arranged special shuttle busses to the camping, who which depart from Tilburg Central Station as well as the 013 venue. The (up-to-date) bus schedules can be found at the Ticket & Info Center, as well as on our website / Some of the most important rules are: generators, portable sound systems and open fires are strictly prohibited! Small transistor radios are permitted. You also have your very own power plug so you can recharge your cell phone etcetera. The address for De Beekse Bergen campsite: (located on the N269 between Hilvarenbeek and Tilburg) Beekse Bergen 1 5081 Hilvarenbeek


If you’re not staying there this time, it may be worth considering for next year’s festival!



from the heart





The Wineke Works With Wooden Shjips project was made possible by: Fonds BKVB Materiaalfonds, Janis Aarnoutse C.O.I., Kleurgamma, Hans Vogels Schildersbedrijf



Veemarktstraat 44, 5038 CV, Tilburg

Willem II straat 49, 5038 BD, Tilburg



Ringbaan Oost 2a, 5013 CA, Tilburg

Koningsplein 10, 5038 WG, Tilburg



Spoorlaan 21 i-k, 5038 CB, Tilburg

St. Josephstraat 133, 5017 GG, Tilburg



Esbeekseweg 2, 5081 ED, Hilvarenbeek

Dunantstraat 1, 5017 KC, Tilburg



Louis Bouwmeesterplein 1, 5038 TN, Tilburg

Crossing of Spoorlaan with Heuvelring



Heuvelplein, Tilburg

Sint Ceciliastraat 23, 5038 HA, Tilburg



Heuvel 15a, 5038 CN, Tilburg


Heuvel 48, 5038 CS, Tilburg



Korte Tuinstraat 7, Tilburg

Telegraafstraat 62, 5038 BM, Tilburg



Koningsplein 1, 5038 WG, Tilburg

Heuvelstraat 141, 5038 AD, Tilburg



Noordstraat 105, 5038 EH, Tilburg

Nieuwlandstraat 33, 5038 SM, Tilburg



Stationsstraat 27, 5038 EA, Tilburg

Heuvel 7, 5038 CN, Tilburg

Heuvelring 108, 5038 CL Tilburg


TICKET & INFO CENTER Nieuwlandstraat 34, 5038 SN, Tilburg

NATUURTHEATER Gemullenhoekenweg 147, 5062 SB, Oisterwijk

Veemarktstraat 39, 5038 CT, Tilburg




Heuvel 12, 5038 CN, Tilburg


NS-Plein 16, 5014 DA, Tilburg


Chamber of commerce nr: 18079496 VAT sales tax nr:81485166b01 Staff Vincent Koreman, Artistic Director Joost Heijthuijsen, External Management Frank Kimenai, Finances and Operational Management Artistic team Sonja Augart (dance) Jantien Borsboom (film) Merijn Denkers (art) Peter Meeuwsen (music) Marketing Jelle Agema Erik Luyten Sjuul Stultjens Brent Oostrum Richard Mathijssen Dyon Schlebos Finances and sponsoring Barry Spooren Joep Schmitz Production Tineke de Mug Cees Tomassen Niki van Rooy Steph Byrne Wout Hoste Marcel Verheijen

Project Management Tim van Akkerveeken Veerle Lavoir Maud van Maarseveen Maarten Lammers Art direction Ingo Oszkinat (Tim Schellekens) Contributed to this festival guide: Miriam van Ommeren, the Incubate community, Cover photo: Erik Luyten Board Marijn ten Harmsen van der Beek, Chairman Mike van Gaasbeek, Secretary Arend Hardorff, Treasurer Angelique Spaninks, Member Bente Bollmann, Member Bas van Heur, Member Disclaimer: Although we tried to be good and contacted people, we may have missed on copyright issues. If you spot something of yours that we used without your permission, we’re sorry. Drop us an email and we will either remove it or credit you for the picture. Paradoxically, everything else contained within this guide belongs to everybody. We’ve created it for our community; you can do with it whatever you like. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The times in this guide are as accurate is possible, but with so many artists the program can be subject to changes. That’s why we advise you to use the timetables handed out during the festival as well, or use our mobile website


Stichting Incubate PO Box 327 5000 AH Tilburg The Netherlands




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