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Baking With Brittany Many college students complain about their diets, but few take the time to make healthy changes in their lives. Simple things like cooking at home or not drinking soda can make a substantial difference in health, but even the best of us cannot escape the desires of our sweet tooth. Eating delicious food and satisfying cravings does not have to involve consuming junk food. By swapping out a few ingredients, you can make surprisingly delicious desserts with health benefits! I admit that I am a Pinterest junkie, and I am particularly obsessed with cooking. I am even more obsessed with peanut butter and chocolate combinations. After trying several of the healthy dessert recipes I discovered on the website, I came across this. I now rotate this into my cooking schedule about every week, and a pan rarely lasts more than a couple of days. These things are delicious! And because they do not contain flour, butter or oil like most brownie recipes, I do not feel too terrible about eating them. On top of all that, they’re a breeze to make.

By Brittany Anderson

Skinny Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies Ingredients: -3/4 cup creamy peanut butter -6 oz. low fat vanilla Greek yogurt -1/4 cup skim milkv -1 large egg (or 2 egg whites) -1/4 tsp. salt -1 tsp. baking powder -1 cup sugar (*see note below directions) -1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder -1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

Preheat the oven to 350◦. Spray an 8x8 pan with non-stick spray. Put all ingredients (except the peanut butter) into a blender. It is better to pour liquid ingredients in before dry ingredients so that blending will be easier. Blend until the batter is smooth and the oats are no longer chunky. Pour batter into the8x8 baking dish. Microwave the peanut butter for about 30-45 seconds, until liquefied. Pour peanut butter over the top if the batter in whatever pattern you like. Using a fork or toothpick, swirl the batter to create a marbleized effect. Bake brownies for about 40 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean when you poke the middle. Allow to cool before cutting. Enjoy! ILLUSTRATIONS BY Viktor Villanueva

Note: You can substitute the white sugar for truvia (be careful because this is usually sweeter than normal sugar) , a mix of ½ cup brown sugar and ¼ cup honey, or substitute ½ cup of sugar and ½ cup of dates. Just make sure you taste your batter and make sure that it is sweet enough. For a video demonstration, Click Here

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