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TAKE CHANCES If you don’t take a chance, how will you ever know the outcome? It is far better to know and experience the outcome rather than to wonder, “what if” for the rest of your life. No one is going to hand you that golden ticket of success if you don’t take a risk. If it doesn’t work out at least you can say you tried and took that leap of faith. BUILD SOLID RELATIONSHIPS We need people around us. It’s even better if you have a special person in your life. If your previous relationship didn’t work out, don’t be scared to start a new one. The reason it didn’t work is because something better awaits you. Holding on to someone you don’t love is just selfish. That person could be with someone that can truly love them. To fall in love is a beautiful thing, but to be with someone just because you’re feeling lonely – that’s a story for another day. Don’t do it. CHERISH THE SMALL THINGS IN LIFE To look at the sunset over the horizon, gaze at the stars and to receive an encouraging SMS, all make life worth it. You will often remember how you laughed your butt off with your friend rather than remember that hot guy or girl checking you out. Remember you can’t start the next chapter of your life if keep re-reading your last one, so make the most of this year. Didn’t they say the world was going to end on 21 December 2012? So consider this your second chance, even if you didn’t believe it.

January/ February 2013


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