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It's not just enough to build a site that's loaded with great content (although that certainly does help!). If you want to make a truly profitable website, then you need to make sure it looks good. However, building a beautiful site isn't the easiest task in the world. Back in the day it used to be far more difficult, requiring extensive coding knowledge and a real eye for design. Then Wordpress came along and totally altered the game. With its 'plug n' play' themes anybody could create a great looking site with a few mouse clicks. Sounds fantastic, right? The biggest problem is that heaps of Wordpress themes are actually damn ugly. What's worse, they often don't feature much in terms of search engine optimization or monetization benefits.

AffiloTheme is the latest product in the Affilorama family which will be pre-launched on 13th September and officially launched 18th September. This exciting premium Wordpress template empowers users to create truly elegant websites that are "works of art". AffiloTheme is specifically engineered with the needs of affiliate marketers at heart. Basically, it is a platform for building a highly profitable affiliate website. And yes, you can use it to sell your product though.

Premium WordPress theme with 6 child themes (this basically means 6 different themes in 1)

Full flexibility with layouts, colors and fonts

Built-in header creator tool for stunning header images

Squeeze page and opt-in form creator tool with 4 different form options (Squeeze page, Full-feature opt-in form, feature opt-in form, and sidebar opt-in form) There are dozens of different layouts and color schemes available

Popover and exit pop functionality inbuilt

Powerful affiliate link redirect and cloaking tool to boost conversions

Free 1 month access to the exclusive Affilorama Premium program

1 year free hosting for up to 5 Affilotheme sites

Excellent customer support - wherever and whenever you need it

AffiloTheme comes ready-optimized for great SEO and high search engine rankings too

AffiloTheme is perfect for:  Newbie affiliates who are looking for an easy to configure site building system.  Affiliate marketers who want higher search engine rankings, more sales, and better opt-in rates.  Any webmaster who wants a powerful, flexible Wordpress theme with a great deal of customization options.  Anyone who wants to easily incorporate opt-ins and squeeze pages into their site.

AffiloTheme will pre-launch on 11th September 2012

Mark Your Calendar Now!

During the LAUNCH WEEK you will get 50% discounted price So make sure you will take fast action.

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