International Journal of Science, Second Issue

Page 10

Heidi L. Maston

Interpersonal Communication The recognition of interpersonal communication as the true starting point in the communication process is universal. Communication can be seen as the process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. Interpersonal communication is the occurrence of this process in a closed environment although it can be expanded to include one sender with an audience of two to four individuals. Leon Festinger (1919-1989) was a student under Kurt Lewin and followed his early sociological findings by focusing on the study of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is used in a variety of organization and educational venues. It is the means of communication in meetings, dialogue and professional and personal relationships. It is often highly intimate due to the relationships between the participants and includes its own jargon, social cues, hidden meanings, and nonverbal assignments. To the outsider the exchanges prove to be exclusive in nature and do not invite, without a formal request, participation into the conversation. While these boundaries are easily reinforced face-to- face question remains of what happens when interpersonal communication is taken to the DE forum? Several limiting factors increase in intensity and influence in the realm of DE in an educational situation that employs technology. The inclusion rates in such forums increase with technology implementation. The limiting factors of technology assisted interpersonal communication center around dialogue constructs such as: nuance, subtext, universal jargon, shared meaning, nonverbal cues, and cultural meaning of given words, lingo and situations. Solutions to these limitations are the very social actions that do not generate a positive interaction in the face to face world. They begin with the ability of the outside participant to enter the interpersonal circle of shared meaning environment established on common interest, inquiry, or need. The barriers listed above are easily broached due to the nature of the technology that creates an open dialogue forum where questions, answers, suggestions and requests from outsiders are part of the process. The perceived anonymous nature of the environment decreases the apprehension that is felt by the outside participant. The increased accessibility to these forums combined with the decrease in intrapersonal dialogue provides a venue that accepts the outsider’s inclusion into the forum and creates open communication culture, norms and climate. Small Group Small group communication and dynamics has been examined based of evidentiary research within the context of religious, educational, political, and | International Journal of Science

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